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单词 Unjust
1. Punishment is justice for the unjust
2. Prefer loss to unjust gain.
3. The attack on Charles was deeply unjust.
4. Your suspicions are unjust.
5. It is unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate wealth.
6. How odd life was, how unfathomable, how profoundly unjust.
7. Finally they rose against the unjust treatment.
8. An unjust war is foredoomed to failure.
9. An unjust cause finds little support.
10. The system is corrupt and unjust.
11. It was unjust of them not to hear my side.
12. The people rose(), casting off the chains of unjust rule.
13. He raved about the unjust punishment made by the manager regarding his fault.
14. They regained their freedom after ten years of unjust imprisonment.
15. The unjust peace agreement set the scene for another war.
16. It is unjust and unlawful to discriminate against people of other races.
17. He spent 25 years campaigning against racist and unjust immigration laws.
18. The current health care system is inequitable and unjust, with huge disparities between rich and poor.
19. Corcoran called the accusations unjust and one-sided.
20. Crime is the natural offspring of an unjust society.sentence dictionary
21. Effective action is always unjust. Maya Angelou 
22. They believed the student demands to be unjust.
23. An unjust delay becomes another rationale for injustice.
24. Gregory liked to portray tax as unwarranted and unjust.
25. It brought back all the resentment at unjust accusations of 11 months before.
26. Of course, nature being unjust as ever, I have no biological clock of my own.
27. Life is unjust and this is what makes it so beautiful. Every day is a gift. Be brave and take hold of it. Garrison Keillor 
28. I have come to the realization that life is unjust in many ways.
29. They didn't mind breaking the law because they believed the law was unjust.
30. But to ignore the evidence of differences in performance between gender or ethnic groups can lead to unjust treatment of individuals.
1. The attack on Charles was deeply unjust.
2. Your suspicions are unjust.
3. It is unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate wealth.
4. It is unjust and unlawful to discriminate against people of other races.
31. He believed that, because we can recognize justice, we know, for example, that an unjust wage is theft.
32. It was unjust and degrading to be hustled away like this, Sabine thought.
33. We are heaping the sins of a violent and unjust society on the poor and sending them out into the wilderness.
34. The liberal press was said to be unjust, unfair and unpatriotic and deserved to be closed down.
35. A docudrama can remedy unhappy or unjust conclusions by packaging them in palatable forms.
36. Life will contain its afflictions and troubles without unjust institutions adding to its lot.
37. Wherever freedom is denied to anyone for unfair or unjust reasons, capitalism can not thrive.
38. Getting it right Editor, - Helen Zeitlin is wrong in claiming that my article about her reinstatement was unjust and incorrect.
39. The party was no longer trying to overthrow a system it considered unjust; it was running a system it had constructed.
40. Smearing and bigotry, as well as unfair and unjust pronouncements are constitutionally protected in America. Dr T.P.Chia 
41. False testimony in support of a just cause was moral; for an unjust cause it was immoral.
42. In the present case, the concept of unjust enrichment suggests that the plaintiffs should have a remedy.
43. He fails to persuade Hindus to repudiate the divisive and unjust social caste system.
44. It would be unjust if we did not mention other specialists and their particular techniques.
45. A judge deciding McLoughlin might think it unjust to require compensation for any emotional injury.
46. The play attacks the corruption and depravity of the nobility as well as unjust laws and edicts.
47. The focus upon the offender's unjust enrichment is also questionable for two reasons.
48. Until now, most judges had been reluctant to enforce the harsh and unjust laws directed against the Nonconformists.
49. The deck will be stacked against meaningful community participation, and the unjust distribution of city resources will continue.
50. Once again,[http:///unjust.html] the redistribution is completely arbitrary and hence potentially unjust.
51. But capital punishment is not for me in that category: it is not self-evidently harmful, not self-evidently unjust.
52. Is civic assertiveness now so strong that citizens would actually be prepared to break laws which they considered to be unjust?
53. In all debates, let truth be thy aim, not victory, or an unjust interest. William Penn 
54. Remember that sometimes immoral or unjust laws may be authoritatively binding, at least on some people.
55. But this is unjust to what has been a most important influence on modern design.
56. In my judgment, this is the paradigm of a case of unjust enrichment.
57. The story Unjust Desserts on April 13 describes a Croydon family in which three members died from arsenic poisoning.
58. In Los dos amigos the parents feelings are proved reprehensible and unjust and the virtuous characters' attitudes praiseworthy.
59. But it would be naive in the extreme to believe that the system is always unjust.
60. Neither abstinence from drugs nor blind adherence to unjust laws are necessarily consistent with those values.
61. In doing so I did not of course mean to deny that sometimes immoral or unjust laws are not authoritatively binding.
62. Equally, you may have a right of redress if you are dismissed for failure to comply with an unjust order.
63. Suppose a regulation were being considered by your local government that you considered unjust or harmful.
64. And another young man suspect of a thing far out of his scope, who must not die a similarly unjust death.
65. The legal aid charity has helped overturn some notoriously unjust verdicts.
66. We seem to be interested in judicious use when we call rewards and punishments just or unjust and fair or unfair.
67. Whatever theoretical justification there might be for a dual market it would appear increasingly unjust.
68. My father thought the sentence unjust because he had only agreed to buy a few bottles of bootleg whisky.
69. People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
70. Can it be that governments have in such circumstances authority to pass immoral and unjust laws?
71. As both emphasize, moral education can not proceed effectively in an economically unjust society.
72. There followed a number of very unjust laws passed against them.
73. But in what sense can the conditions in prisons be said to be unjust?
74. More and more are going into politics with the specific intention of working to change the present unjust system.
75. To be wealthy and honored in an unjust society is a disgrace. Confucius 
76. Charges of selfishness and even unjust charges of collaboration were sometimes made against members of the permanent staff.
77. There were few things more calculated to endear a prince to his subjects than a display of stern retribution on unjust officials.
78. But feelings can't be ignored, no matter how unjust or ungrateful they seem. Anne Frank 
79. We may consider aspects of these people's cultures to be flawed by our standards, and sometimes unjust.
80. Most small landowners like Bhushan have been threatened into leasing their land at an unjust rent.
81. Both non-cooperation and civil disobedience imply some form of resistance to unjust laws,[] and could result in imprisonment for those involved.
82. Even more important is the statement that nothing can be done to aid the unjust and impure after death.
83. The unjust Stamp Act must be annulled.
84. Of course students will writhe under such unjust treatment.
85. The unjust Stamp Act must be abolished.
86. Contradictory attriButes of unjust justice and loving vindictiveness.
87. So the master commended the unjust steward because he had dealt shrewdly.
88. Both the Philippine and Taiwan governments turn a blind eye to these unjust practices.
89. It'seemed to relieve him of any unjust implication of sentiment.
90. As to unjust enrichment and negotiorum gestio, the Code grants the parties the freedom to agree on the applicable law.
91. Especially, when a case is retried again and again, and proved unjust finally, it will be a fatal impact on law authority as well as nomocracy.
92. Some say that forgiveness is unjust because the wrongdoer should not be let off the hook.
93. Whereas in Germany, the value of personal indicia have been put into the rang of personal rights and protected by the right of claim (the damages, unjust right and the illegal management).
94. The people need a strong leader to help them to throw down their unjust rulers.
95. I would agree with Saint Augustine that " An unjust law is no law at all. "
96. What we can remove a judge completely in walk project with electronic instrument is unjust.
97. If Chris Leggett did break Mauritanian law, then it was an unjust law that he broke.
98. To put it in the terms of Saint Thomas Aquinas, an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal and natural law.
99. When citizens feel the actions of gov't are unjust, unethical, undemocratic, or does not support what the gov't is supposed to stand for, civil disobedience occurs.
100. And seizing a citizen's assets without proving him guilty of anything is nakedly unjust.
101. Miss Su's condemnation of Fang Hung - chien for being shameless was actually unjust.
102. Suspicion is far more apt to be wrong than right, oftener unjust than just.
103. Little by little and day by day, they were learning to stand up bravely against a cruel and unjust tradition, which could be observed from their attitude toward the Ku Klux Klan.
104. The reasons are many-sided, but it mainly lies inthe unjust distribution of social income, it also is directly related to the government's behavior.
105. Xinhua News: According to Libyan television reported 22, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in Tripoli that night told supporters in the capital of Libya have suffered unjust invasion.
106. On the one hand, it imprudently categorizes laws as just and unjust. On the other hand, what it advises people to do is ineffective and will breed a horrible consequence.
107. For the legal relief of the usurpation, there is an introduction to the theories of unjust enrichment and constructive trust.
108. His unjust unkindness, that in all reason should have quenched her love.
109. Many hoped that Alexander II would continue with his reforms and abolish some of the unjust policies of Tsarist Russia.
110. September 25, 2009: Bin Laden calls on European nations to withdraw their troops from Afghanistan in an audio tape[/unjust.html], saying they were sacrificing men and money in an unjust US-led war.
111. The workers cried to the labour union to prevent them from unjust.
112. November 9, 1989, is the date most potently associated with the end of the unjust oppression of half of Europe.
113. She burst into tears, knowing that what she said was unjust, but feeling notwithstanding extremely ill-used.
114. Milton actually wrote that it was the duty, not just the right but the duty, of a nation to rise up and dethrone through execution an unjust, though legitimate, king.
115. Proponents of limited government often focus both thought and rhetoric on the ways in which we are unfree, on the unjust or unwise restrictions governments impose.
116. An unjust cause finds meagre [ little ] support .
117. The law, in its present form, is unjust; it needs modification.
118. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.
119. In addition to action in the courts, statesaround the country are also voicing their opposition toward this unjust, unconstitutional usurpation of power through legislation.
120. However, those gent, trustee people often handle unjust, even somebody battles situation infestation, jobbery.
121. How abominably unjust to persecute a man for such an airy trifle as that!
122. Like currency revaluation, reforming the unjust and outdated hukou system is not a panacea.
123. On whichever side, the Anglo-French or the German, the war that has just broken out is an unjust, predatory and imperialist war.
124. Unjust enrichment system began in Roman law. The remodeling and consolidation of Civil Law and modern civil become an important area of the law of obligation.
125. It were well, he said, to be there early, and anticipate certain indistinct but wholly unjust claims on the score of ground rent and fuel.
126. When the assignment is invalid, obligor has the right to restitute from assignee those obligor gives to the assignee and in theory the right is the claim of property right or unjust enrichment.
127. Dumping is an unjust trade practice, of which antidumping constitutes rectification.
128. The unjust peace treaty merely set the stage for another war.
129. He accepted every unjust rebuke and snub as part of the day's routine.
130. The moment he began to bully her and to be unjust, she began to draw away.
131. Under the common counts the pleader need allege only that he is suing for unjust enrichment,() for labor performed or for goods sold and delivered or services rendered but not paid for.
132. The socialist market economy encourages and protects the normal competition, while it objects and forbids the unjust competitive act.
133. Damages can include both the actual loss caused by misappropriation and the unjust enrichment caused by misappropriation that is not taken into account in computing actual loss.
134. Relent, do not be unjust ; reconsider, for my integrity is at stake.
135. Mr. Pang has denied any wrongdoing and is contesting the seizure of his firm as unjust.
136. Any law that violates the indefeasible rights of man is essentially unjust and tyrannical.
137. I hope I'm not being uncharitable but he really is a bore; unjust and uncharitable criticism.
138. It's unjust to judge the students by the examination , cause they are under great pressure , or they can't do it well after a white night .
139. Unjust enrichment in civil-law system originated from Roman law, but what is designated in modem sense did not exist in ancient Rome.
140. A securities company may not canvass any securities underwriting business by any unjust competition means.
141. Yet,[Sentence dictionary] it is beyond any doubt that the book presents a biased and even unjust feature of the feminine .
142. And we regard as unjust, the exclusion of black boys the military and naval training schools.
143. God never puts blame on people's fatuity, but people put blame on God of unjust.
144. John Calvin's attitude towards the issue whether it is lawful to rebel the civil authority, especially those unjust kings or magistrates when Protestants are persecuted is very complicated.
145. Be unjust to no man and show all meekness to all men.
146. There is nothing just or unjust but what is commanded and forbidden by positive law.
147. An unjust law is a mode that is out of harmony with the moral law.
148. China seems to be offering an alternative to the unjust American system, but theyre not. What theyre offering is far, far worse. A Republicans wet dream of slave labor and absolute control.
149. Because these acts are intrinsically unjust, laws permitting abortion or euthanasia can neither be licitly obeyed nor supported or voted for.
150. Colonies, as Smith and Bentham argued, are not cost-effective – and, as Kant and de Condorcet believed, they are also unjust.
151. Still have netizen analysis: The person with normal any, the video with unapt so grossly unjust transmission, the behind the curtain directs certain somebody.




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