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单词 pestle
释义  Related topics: Utensils, Chemistrypes·tle /ˈpesəl, ˈpestl/ noun [countable]   DFUHCa short stick with a heavy round end, used for crushing things in a mortar (=a special bowl) 〔捣研用的〕杵,捣锤,研磨棒 →5 see picture at 见图 laboratoryExamples from the Corpuspestle• The handle is squared and flattened at the end which could mean that it was used as a pestle for grinding.• To keep the sound of pounding rice with a pestle to a minimum, Grandmother put a quilt under the mortar.• It has been suggested that such small cups and a pebble were an ancient form of mortar and pestle for grinding what?• Brayer a maker or seller of pestles.• Some hours later, out she went again, flying in her mortar and rowing it with the pestle.Origin pestle (1300-1400) Old French Latin pistillum; → PISTILpes·tle nounChineseSyllable   Corpus with a stick round heavy short a




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