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单词 Emphasized
1. He emphasized the necessity of taking strong measures.
2. He emphasized how little was known about the disease.
3. He emphasized the need for hard work.
4. The rising tone of her voice emphasized her panic.
5. It should be emphasized that this is only one possible explanation.
6. His speech emphasized the importance of attracting industry to the town.
7. She emphasized that their plan would mean sacrifices and hard work.
8. But it's also been emphasized that no major policy changes can be expected to come out of the meeting.
9. A tan emphasized the fairness of her hair.
10. He emphasized that the government's anti-nuclear position was non-negotiable.
11. He emphasized the need to maintain the status quo.
12. The dark clothes emphasized the leanness of her body.
13. Her scarlet lipstick emphasized the whiteness of her teeth.
14. Caldwell, in his remarks, emphasized the need for cooperation.
15. The rising tone of his voice emphasized his panic.
16. The dress emphasized the shape of her body.
17. He emphasized the necessity for good planning and management.
18. He emphasized that he was speaking as a private citizen, not in any official capacity.
19. The Prime Minister emphasized that there are no plans to raise taxes.
20. The black and white photographs emphasized her fine bone structure.
21. The party's election campaign emphasized its belief in family values.
22. The speaker emphasized that much of South Africa's importance lay in its mineral wealth.
23. He emphasized the importance of careful driving/that careful driving was important.
24. As a politician, he always emphasized the virtues of compromise and conciliation.
25. The Halsey Report emphasized the value of a pre-school education.
26. He emphasized, instead, the role of sensory experience.
27. Nupa emphasized physical fitness and organized discipline.
28. In that same vein, we emphasized the product-process linkage.
28. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
29. The study concentrated on physics, not biology, Adams emphasized.
30. The university de - emphasized inter - collegiate football.
1. He emphasized the necessity of taking strong measures.
2. He emphasized how little was known about the disease.
3. He emphasized the need for hard work.
4. The rising tone of her voice emphasized her panic.
5. It should be emphasized that this is only one possible explanation.
6. His speech emphasized the importance of attracting industry to the town.
7. She emphasized that their plan would mean sacrifices and hard work.
8. But it's also been emphasized that no major policy changes can be expected to come out of the meeting.
31. My teacher always emphasized the importance of studying hard.
32. The dress emphasized her tiny waist.
33. I said that positive things should be emphasized.
34. The need for strong leadership is frequently emphasized.
35. He has emphasized foreign policy in rare stump appearances.
36. Tacitus more astutely emphasized their dependence upon tillage farming.
37. She emphasized the "Ms." when she introduced herself.
38. Has emphasized his experience and longtime ties to agriculture.
39. Handy emphasized that fact in his advertising.
40. The way I emphasized sometime it was hopeless.
41. If teachers were to improve, he emphasized that other groups and institutions in society would have to play their part.
42. Therefore, one must adopt a systematic approach to acid-base diagnosis, as emphasized earlier in this chapter.
43. From an early date the imperial palaces at Constantinople incorporated decorative schemes that emphasized and glorified imperial power and dominion.
44. Both companies consequently emphasized providing leadership, developing subordinates, and maintaining long-term partnerships with clients.
45. Facet analysis underlies the structure, but is not emphasized by facet indicators as in a more conventional faceted classification scheme.
46. Most reds will be emphasized by artificial light; blues and greens tend to be diminished by it.
47. However, it was emphasized that apart from that situation, each quarry would be regarded as a separate unit.
48. Legislation in the field of child protection has emphasized the role of the local authorities.
49. An official orthodoxy based on Neo-Confucian doctrines emphasized the preservation of order and maintenance of social hierarchy.
50. Although the new managers had focused on the privileges that came with formal authority, the superiors emphasized the duties-the accountability.
51. Sander has emphasized that the quiet alert state in a young infant is extremely stable.
52. The Chairman emphasized that VAT is a very serious problem which is being tackled with vigour.
53. Needless loss of life resulted from a policy that emphasized backing away from provocation and discouraging self-defense.
54. Our data were gathered, as we have emphasized elsewhere, during the period immediately before the introduction of the National Curriculum.
55. These and other economic development proposals have emphasized targeting and leveraging to get maximum use of the federal dollars.
56. The importance of collaborating with the patient's general practitioner is emphasized.
57. Clinton emphasized the spirit of community and Watts stressed individual responsibility.
58. In seeking to counteract these forces Dewey especially emphasized the potential importance of the educative role of social institutions.
59. The gift emphasized the fact that the giver was a public man.
60. She emphasized that the government believes the issue should be decided by sports rights holders.
61. What the New Critics emphasized was convergence within the text rather than deviation from an external standard.
62. In particular, the continued growth of owner-occupancy is emphasized here with the comparison of the 1971 and 1981 figures.
63. The initial political socialization research emphasized the overwhelming importance of early socialization, from the family and from early educational experiences.
64. It was only later that the aesthetic dimension of literary study became emphasized, with an accompanying concentration on the fictional genres.
65. But plausibility, as Berger emphasized, is almost always under strain.
66. Framed by the silver fur her face took on a glow that emphasized her high cheekbones.
67. This attitude changed by the 1950s and was emphasized by the development of cybernetics, information theory and operations research.
68. Improvements to public infrastructure were emphasized as a means of making depressed areas more attractive to private industry.
69. The lack of communication is emphasized by the language barrier.
70. Like the new managers, most superiors emphasized that the manager was the one with formal authority and decision-making responsibility.
71. His religious work has been less emphasized, but Christiansen hopes this show will help to correct that.
72. Dan emphasized teamwork from the frontlines straight to the top.
73. This identification was emphasized in 1483 when Gloucester took the precaution of arresting lord Stanley as a prelude to his usurpation.
74. The managers also felt skill should have been emphasized more than development of knowledge.
75. This point is emphasized by social psychologists who stress the rhetorical aspects of attitudes in general.
76. It should be emphasized that they were not serious attempts to take her life but cries for help.
77. Rowntree emphasized that such poverty was not due to idleness.
78. But he emphasized his newer stuff and lead the great New Power Generation through their paces.
79. He and Johnson, however, emphasized the equal importance of volunteers.
80. Her wide mouth, emphasized with her scarlet lipstick, parted in a glowing smile.
81. Their rhetoric has emphasized national unity and social cohesion, as well as the development of skills for the economy.
82. Today, however, the value of care within the normal community wherever possible tends to be emphasized.
83. The legal rights of children are emphasized, as are the prosecution and punishment of negligent or abusive parents.
84. However, because the ultimate responsibility is given to the external auditor, the role of the internal auditor is not emphasized.
85. The logic of business organization developed in the industrial age emphasized the virtues of increasing size.
86. The business trends of the past decade have emphasized the necessity for more timely operations.
87. It should be emphasized that private markets have remained the main source of financing for countries with balance of payments problems.
88. This feature was particularly emphasized in the early history of the Roman rite.
89. The first writing assignment that they passed in emphasized what many of those children were thinking and feeling.
90. The present government's urban policies have emphasized the role of market forces as opposed to any sort of systematic planning.
91. He emphasized that he had chosen ministers on grounds of expertise - only three members of the Cabinet had previous ministerial experience.
92. Need it be emphasized that this exposition claims to be no more than schematic?
93. These are also the characteristics of good citizenship, and they should be emphasized in the teaching of all subjects.
94. At many of these the mission atmosphere was emphasized by cloisters, gardens, and bell-towers complete with bells.
95. What also needs to be emphasized is that civil servants are also heavily involved in making policy.
96. In the introduction to the Macrotext chapter of the Hypertext book, word-based and indexing language approaches are emphasized.
97. In the best traditions of international competition she emphasized the importance of playing the game for its own sake.
98. Cossiga emphasized in a television interview that compromise had been necessary to avoid an early general election.
99. Perhaps the cultural divide was emphasized by being lovers and she quickly found she had nothing to say to him.
100. She has repeatedly emphasized that her novels are linguistically self-conscious explicitly in order to translate the apprehension of the problematic area of language.
101. They emphasized the technical knowledge and skills they had to impart to these people.
102. Dawson emphasized the importance of combining agricultural and urban for building a strong society.
103. Freud emphasized the importance of the latency period for the cultural development of the individual, and hence the society.
104. His father emphasized strenuous effort to achieve goals and total obedience to those in authority, and he ranted about corrupt politicians.
105. Bush emphasized his commitment to repaying gradually, as it comes due, the nation's $ 3.2 trillion publicly held debt.
106. He emphasized the continuity, not the break, between the rural village and the city church.
107. Though the literature on organizational politics has emphasized one-on-one relationship building, my research moves the emphasis to the coalition.
108. Glassheim's campaign theme emphasized change and he frequently criticized Owens.
109. And where the previous emphasis was on realism, the new approach emphasized fantasy and knowing nods to the audience.
110. Four indicators were emphasized - staff student ratios, average class sizes, average student hours and average lecturer hours.
111. The relationship between illness and creativity interested him, and he often emphasized it in his prose writings.
112. What is being emphasized here is the fact that the two terms should not cause the proposal author confusion.
113. Frye emphasized that his suggestions were just a starting point for discussion.
114. A psychiatrist emphasized the importance of preparing for the emotion of loss and recognizing it when it comes.
115. It should be emphasized that all these complications are exceedingly rare in the Western world today.
116. Although experience, ability, and leadership are emphasized for promotion, advancement may be accelerated by this type of special study.
117. In his closing remarks, Pollard emphasized the need for more research.
118. Throughout this book, I have emphasized that we must not think of genes as conscious, purposeful agents.
118. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
119. The important role of consumer demand in determining the types and quantities of goods produced must be emphasized.
120. Huxley as a popularizer of Darwin and as a teacher of biology emphasized rather different aspects of science.
121. They emphasized that: They could give no reassurance for ten years or so.
122. The radical elite theorists emphasized that popular participation is perfectly feasible, but collusion between elite groups prevents it from being established.
123. This aspect was emphasized by the title of his paper on Penicillium.
124. Intransigence and personal suffering highlighted the principle at stake and emphasized the need of fighting for it.
125. Bailey emphasized that officials do not want to rupture any of the 236 uranium fuel rods in the lone remaining assembly.
126. However, Paleolithic and Neolithic art often emphasized the buttocks, sometimes exaggerating them to a suggestion of hills or mountains.
127. In the short run, other goals, such as growth through acquisition or increased market share may be emphasized.
128. P., who emphasized the importance of the berakah in connection with his studies on the Didache.
129. Services have thus frequently emphasized the need for custody, punishment and control rather than for rehabilitation and reintegration.
130. Microsoft executives emphasized that Explorer, when integrated with other company software, can smoothly run large company intranets.
131. I have so far emphasized only the feasibility of deriving energy from novel sources in space.
132. Recent local studies have emphasized how different the fortunes of neighbouring parishes could be.
133. In a post-industrial economy a different kind of service economy is emphasized.
134. Only five feet seven tall, he spoke in a high pitched drawl, a public school accent he often emphasized abroad.
135. It is the domestic courage and creativity of the poor in the most adverse circumstances that is usually emphasized.
136. The unique feature of human adaptability, emphasized by Tinbergen, is the cultural transmission of information between generations.
137. The world-society model emphasized the linkages between vast numbers of international and transnational actors.
138. Defence Minister Gene Louw emphasized that neither was linked to any illegal or criminal activities.
139. Both are sons of prosperous professional fathers, who are devout and emphasized the importance of orthodox religion in the home.
140. Norris emphasized his 29 years of experience and his continued courtroom work prosecuting felony cases.
141. And the group specifically emphasized the pitfalls to be avoided by any firm adopting quality management techniques.
142. Republican rhetoric had consisted of unrestrained hostility to the Soviet Union and emphasized permanent war with Communism.
143. I have emphasized these aspects in order to help people protect themselves.
144. Cooper and Santos emphasized that their job was not to investigate specific incidents but to listen and offer suggestions.
145. The non-party element is emphasized by the fact that not all the chairmen are government supporters.
146. It is emphasized here that there is no rotation in a frame in free fall.
147. The report also emphasized the need for adequate training and supervision of personnel working in this area.
148. But the age difference can be easily emphasized without overt acknowledgement.
149. In some churches the importance of the Laudian altar was further emphasized by the addition of an elaborate new reredos.
150. The slight indecency of nakedness, emphasized by her stockings, four times suspended to an elastic girdle[Sentence dictionary], bothered her.
151. It also emphasized the importance of public education about constitutional and electoral changes.
152. Mercifully, Balestre subsequently retracted the ban on Goodyear, but emphasized that Cosworth and Ilmor would face serious sanctions.
153. Our commanding officer emphasized the need to maintain the utmost secrecy about the operation at all times.
154. Mary Kadlec, who bought Video City in April, also emphasized customer service.
155. However it should be emphasized that nominal responsibility is not necessarily indicative of time devoted to training.
156. Bush emphasized the linkage between economic prosperity and political freedom.
157. He emphasized hey name by repeating it very loudly.
158. The application of mirror symmetry is emphasized.
159. It must be emphasized that these estimates are hypothetical.
160. The pose emphasized her handsome and forbidding face.
161. Great Britain and France also emphasized basic research.
162. In their monographic treatment of linkage, they have emphasized this especially.
163. In this period, the chief object was Faith Education, the focal point was to get over those non-proletarian ideologies, and the party's relations with the masses was highly emphasized.
164. With the extensive use of the artificial sand and shotcrete in engineering, the application of the artificial mixed gravel sand in shotcrete have been emphasized by constructor.
165. Does the applicant have any doctrinal views, which are over - emphasized?
166. As a part of the limited resource of television, VBI(Vertical Blanking Interval)′s potency is emphasized by people gradually.
167. PWM wave producing module closely related chip structure is emphasized in software design section.
168. Saying "Iran looms as an emergent, dangerous challenge," he emphasized the resolve of the international community to "see an end to Iran's effort to weaponize its nuclear program."
169. Historical particularism, which emphasized the uniqueness of all cultures, gave new direction to anthropology.
170. So, internal investment fund should be formed and market signaling must be emphasized at present, besides of market signaling and internal financing.
171. She emphasized that the Japanese should unconditionally release this fishing boat captain.
172. He then met with his ground crew and emphasized their importance in battle.
173. In operation we emphasized in the situation of contracture of gluteal muscles, then cut the contracture tract or extended the tendon.
174. TCM permeation is increasingly emphasized in clinical gynecology, its application is broadening.
175. Moral construction of higher schools must be emphasized the congruity of theory and practice, knowing and doing.
176. With the reinforcement of the international intercommunion, communication function is gradually emphasized.
177. When SEL is not emphasized, warns Weissberg, the price children, their parents, teachers, and society pay can be exorbitantly high.
178. France are not the same, all these years, from President Charles de Gaulle after independence emphasized.
178. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
179. One panellist emphasized the need to ensure respect for debtors' rights, for example, through an independent adjudication process for determining settlement terms.
180. He emphasized political mobilization of the common man, especially the peasantry.
181. Conclusion: Chromosome abnormality is a major genetic factor that causes abortion, amenia and dysgenitalis, and should be highly emphasized by clinicians.
182. The article mainly narrated the signification and approach of document delivery participating in constructing literature resource, emphasized that it was essential to comply copyright law.
183. It is emphasized that the strategy alliance is the inevitable choice to realize the symbiosis economy of Chinas enterprises.
184. Some relative key techniques including the design of 3D data model, database management based on Oracle, the fusion between CAD data and GIS data, sunlight analysis and so on are emphasized.
185. Millennia of Indian philosophical thought had emphasized non - violence, non - materialism and holistic thinking.
186. Thirdly, it is emphasized that the grouting effect must be examined by some methods, such as digging exploratory well, increasing grouting ration, establishing supervision system, and so on.
187. Why Shanghai native bank emphasized credit?How many aspects expressed credit?
188. If a child remembers little else, Dement emphasized, he or she remembers the date 1066.
189. I have emphasized the importance of individual difference so wordily. So I will change my army to the battlefield of the common sense on management.
190. In recent years semantic ideas and methods have been emphasized in many branches of theoretical computer science.
191. Emphasized the treatise the modern information technique with the content, meaning, principle, and path that deaf school language teaching integrates and attain the integrated and essential term.
192. In 1930 Adams was so impressed by the US photographer Paul Strand, whose photographs emphasized beauty of tone and sharp detail, that he adopted Strad's approach, called "straight photography".
193. For public health management, a learning team should be established and further emphasized, not only learning by process but also by other effective capacity building methods.
194. Optimum design of loaded beam which is key part of carrying system, design of stability and reliability control system are emphasized.
195. Conclusion:In order to reduce the incidence of CBP safe coition and reasonable administration of antibiotics should be emphasized.
196. This paper emphasized the analysis of the formative reason for boiler scale and its harm, and presented the precaution measures and solutions.
197. The detail that the monkey is also regarded as a celestial being is emphasized(), which indicates a noticeable clue as to the connection between the original writer and the reviser.
198. Form the outset, Matsushita did not attempt to pioneer new technology but emphasized quality and price.
199. On the 80th anniversary of the founding of Chinese Communist Party Jiang Zemin emphasized on the harm of party corruption and the importance of system innovation for anti-corruption.
200. The stepchild position of G - 2 in our General Staff System was emphasized in many ways.
201. Nowadays, this research field has been emphasized on the dendronized EO materials.
202. With the development of the integrated optics, more and more significance is being emphasized on the research of the second-order optical non-linearity of chalcogenide glasses.
203. The methods of estimation of non-recurring cost and recurring cost of a satellite, analysis of cost present value and application of cost matrix are emphasized.
204. Some anatomical variations were identified and emphasized in this paper.
205. As an organization of social control in grass - root society , tuan'lien has been emphasized by researchers.
206. We emphasized that economic and technical cooperation and capacity building is instrumental to achieve that objective.
207. The developing history of PNP from mononuclear to dinuclear and trinuclear was introduced, and influences of PNP structure on the stability, activity and selectivity of the catalyst were emphasized.
208. For many years,[http:///emphasized.html] philosophical and psychophysical studies emphasized that visual percepts may be of very different origin.
209. The structure of fuzzy pattern recognition system, its design and implementation are emphasized with an example.
210. At last, the role of government on harmonious labor relation should be emphasized.
211. The mechanism of E-du and the approach of like cures like were emphasized, so it enriches the content of theory of Du-xie in Tu-jia medicine.
212. In modern society emphasized in quality education. The PE education in colleges also needs reform to meet the need of body-building, recreation, long-life education, etc.
213. Establishment of the nonofficial system should be emphasized so as to promote the development of recycling economy and build recycling society.
214. Several primary methods of depositing YBCO are emphasized, such as PLD, LPE, CSD and sol - gel.
215. In the part of methods, analysis of accidents, rivalrous game and reality stimulation were emphasized.
216. Psychotherapy must be emphasized in sleep disorder and anxiety catharsis is helpful for sleep.
217. It is emphasized on the affect of aspect ratios and friction factors on the workability , and some valuable curves are given.
218. The introduction emphasized the thoroughly evolutionary nature of modern astrophysics.
219. At last the important actions of intensifying safety management are emphasized for prevention electric fire.
220. From the basic theory of pedagogy and psychology, this paper has emphasized the principle of learning marine engineering English vocabulary hard to learn with flexible memory.
221. The importance of the natural environmental test was emphasized because it' s a basic' standard to verify results of the Lab test.
222. Some senior officials have also emphasized that China's exporters might suffer unacceptably from a yuan appreciation.
223. Opposition to the military - industrial machine civilization, as emphasized in writings of Burroughs , Huncke , Ginsberg, and Kerouac.
224. It's emphasized that the special properties of the cold and hot strength of coke should be considered dialectically.
225. The typic methods of evaluating equipments effectiveness are emphasized. The characteristics of effectiveness evaluations for several kinds of equipments are analyzed based on examples.
226. Some authors (8) hae emphasized that intrauterine olulus is a unique situation in which uteroplacental insufficiency is fetal in origin.
227. Then the research work emphasized on the description of the sliding mode surface, sliding mode condition and chattering is surveyed extensively.
228. In the teaching, the mistake of departmentalism should be avoided and the important function of feeling education and the students' activity should be emphasized.
229. Early diagnosis and plerosis, strictly microsurgical principle, promptly open decompression for osteofascial compartment syndrome should be emphasized during treatment.
230. As the Dean of Kellogg emphasized, building a brand is a long - term and intricate task.
231. In this thesis, first, color spaces and color models are introduced, the Human Visual System (HVS) is explicated and lateral inhibition mechanism is emphasized.
232. The maintenance of higher aortic perfusion pressure intraoperatively must be emphasized to decrease the likelihood of air embolism.
233. Ferri emphasized the crucial importance of one-on-one supervision to help residents cope with feelings of inadequacy in their early efforts at psychotherapy.
234. The thought is notional of one - sided, utility consciousness and right consciousness are emphasized.
235. The court emphasized that Congress was impatient with EPA's slow progress in regulating toxic water pollution.
236. Utilizing biological technique on modification of them was emphasized and the choices of reaction media, water activity and biocatalyst by biological method were introduced.
237. With the boom of cultural industry in China, the industry property of archives has been emphasized. It is inevitable for archives to develop cultural industry.
238. Later, American literature came to Transcendentalism Period which emphasized individualism, self - reliance and rejection of tradition authority.
238. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
239. The production process of sodium chlorate, potassium chlorate and potassium perchlorate is introduced. The introduction of electrolysis technology and crystallization technology is emphasized.
240. The causes of formation on unstability and the solutions are emphasized.
241. On the level of mechanism of city governance, it is emphasized to transform national economic accounting system in to green type, aiming at guarding the sustainable building of Tongling eco-city.
242. It is emphasized that the direct feed-back effect of heavy rain on the jet stream is to increase the isallobaric wind.
243. The hardware structure and designing skill of the graphic display control templet have been emphasized.
244. It is emphasized that under some poor SNR conditions, the"threshold effect"of non-coherent demodulator degrades seriously, even causes the receiver to be out of work.
244. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
245. Conclusion The prevention and surveillance of nosocomial systemic Candida albicans infection must be emphasized.
246. Pollack said the movie emphasized peaceful alternatives to nations killing each other.
247. The speaker emphasized that much of South Africa's importance lays in its mineral wealth.
248. There may be quizzes during the semester covering material that is emphasized in lecture appearsnecessary.
249. Deep purple red. Great typicity and aromatic intensity, cerise and black prune aromas along with some roasted and smoked notes are emphasized.
250. We have emphasized it repeatedly ever since we started drafting this resolution.
251. The design of the interfacing circuit for the intelligent position controller composed of 8031 single chip computer and the usage of single chip computer resource are emphasized.
252. In this article, the features and prospective application are introduced, and the security of untouching CPU card and its function of "one card with multiple usages" are particularly emphasized.
253. Besides, a quasi-gamelan mallet percussion section is formed and emphasized, making the sounds of the Chinese orchestra fresh to audiences ears.
254. The processing technologies of coker gas oil are reviewed. The restricting factors andaprroaches to problem for feeding coker gas oil directly to FCCU or hydrocracking unit are emphasized.




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