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单词 Reckoning
1) A fool always comes short of his reckoning
2) After dinner comes the reckoning.
3) Even reckoning makes long friends.
4) By my reckoning, we have 12,000 clients.
5) The day of reckoning is coming for the water company directors.
6) The shoplifter's day of reckoning came when he was charged with 30 cases of theft.
7) By my reckoning, this short cut will save us five miles.
8) In the final reckoning truth is rewarded.
9) There'll be a heavy reckoning to pay!
10) I am reckoning on your help.
11) I'm reckoning on your continued support.
12) By my reckoning you still owe me £4.
13) The waiter gave me the reckoning.
14) We're reckoning on moving house in May.
15) He was reckoning without her mother's interference.
16) There were thirty students present,(http:///reckoning.html)reckoning without the girlstudents.
17) He wasn't reckoning to pay so much.
18) By my reckoning, we should arrive in ten minutes.
19) We were reckoning on a profit of about half a million a year.
20) I could see him reckoning the cost as I spoke.
21) Pat was reckoning up the cost of everything in her mind.
22) By my reckoning we were seven or eight kilometres from Borj Mechaab.
23) Tomorrow is the day of reckoning; the accountant will tell me what my profits were and how much tax I'll have to pay.
24) In the final reckoning , the president failed to achieve his major goals.
25) To sensible men, every day is a day of reckoning
26) We know that you will not forget their crimes when their day of reckoning comes.
27) They are typical of couples who plan a family without reckoning on the small fortune it will cost.
28) Phelan is fit again and could come into the reckoning.
29) He had a knee injury, which put him out of the reckoning.
30) Officials concerned with environmental policy predict that a day of reckoning will come.
1) By my reckoning, we have 12,000 clients.
2) The day of reckoning is coming for the water company directors.
3) The shoplifter's day of reckoning came when he was charged with 30 cases of theft.
4) Tomorrow is the day of reckoning; the accountant will tell me what my profits were and how much tax I'll have to pay.
31) You're enjoying yourself now, but a day of reckoning will come.
32) I was reckoning on getting at least 60% of the votes.
33) Their day of reckoning had come.
34) In the final reckoning, truth is restored.
35) This reckoning sometimes takes bitter forms.
36) This last trip was a final reckoning.
37) The day of reckoning has come.
38) In fact there is no direct link between the status of women and the reckoning of descent in one line or another.
39) Tom Watson came into the reckoning after also carding a 66 in the third round.
40) But for Britain it is reckoning on just 0.4 percent growth this year and 0.9 percent in 1993.
41) On any reckoning James of St George's achievement in the field of medieval military architecture was outstanding.
42) The smoke and sound told her the day of reckoning had begun.
43) She had refused flatly to consider him as her groom, but the time of reckoning was at hand.
43) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
44) But on the day of reckoning a divided Kurdistan could be a fatally weakened one.
45) The final reckoning is that Nixon and Kissinger failed to reach their major foreign policy goals.
46) What surfaces is the inevitable reckoning with what lies ahead.
47) Yet year by year, the day of reckoning grows closer, and nothing is being done.
48) The more you fear financial loss, the blinder you become to solutions. 1993 is a year of reckoning.
49) Most of our navigation was pure pilotage and dead reckoning over unfamiliar, sometimes hostile territory and some very bad weather.
50) On a conservative reckoning she would have to live at least another fifty years in this bland and dreary universe.
51) Officials concerned with environmental policy predict that a day of reckoning will come when the issue has to be faced again.
52) Upon a wilderness of ocean the human psyche makes a reckoning with its own essential loneliness.
53) If they do that they will merely be putting off the day of reckoning.
54) This man was old, old, by Adam's reckoning five and sixty years.
55) Our reckoning is that we should cut that by half.
56) Scientists and engineers have buttoned their lip, and crossed their fingers that the reckoning wouldn't come in their own day.
57) Yet, while Foinavon was indisputably lucky, bravery and skill also came into the reckoning.
58) The initial responses from the government suggest that there may indeed be a reckoning ahead.
59) A man-made clock would certainly prove a useful accessory to astronomical reckoning but could never stand in its stead.
60) I would suggest that this level of support given by child benefit would price many jobs into a claimant's reckoning.
61) Tommaso's gaze flickered over her, appraisingly, and he had made no such reckoning of Caterina, as Davide grasped.
62) To Orcs and Goblins size is power and by any reckoning Grom was looking to be very powerful indeed.
63) The island, for such it now showed itself to be, was a strange enough place by any reckoning.
64) By Silva's reckoning, property owners in the city could save $91,000 in bills.
65) In the 1990s we are in the midst of a reckoning on the record of this third and most convulsive of modernisations.
66) When the day of reckoning finally arrived, the truth was found to lie well in the middle ground between these extremes.
67) He had dressed that morning in his civilian clothes, reckoning that military uniform was unsuitable for the work of the day.
68) A castle garrison was sometimes glad to see their town reduced to ashes, reckoning that it simplified the task of defence.
69) But, of course, this only postpones the final reckoning and leads to more intense withdrawal symptoms later on.
70) By anybody's reckoning, she still had another week in which to go through agonies about it.
71) It was not until well into 1917 that the reckoning came.
72) What happens if there's an assault on me to be taken into the reckoning?
73) By that reckoning the provos must be on a par with the boy scouts or the girl guides!
74) The idea of training hard for the jump was soon shelved and the day of reckoning drew nearer.
75) The captain used a system called "dead reckoning".
76) But that only delayed the day of reckoning.
77) Act Two: Day of Reckoning.
78) The day of reckoning is here(), Ah yeah!
79) I correctly recollect Rebecca MacGregor's reckoning.
80) To sensible men, every day is day of reckoning.
81) Doppler - sonar is a dead - reckoning system.
82) The day of reckoning was set for Thursday.
83) Fambul Tok director, John Caulker, believes that Sierra Leone needs a reconciliation model that relies on community dialogue and collective reckoning.
84) The shoplifter's day of reckoning came when he was changed with 22 cases of theft.
85) Has he saved the company or merely postponed its day of reckoning?
86) The day of reckoning will come when the high economic growth rate finally falters.
87) To meet the scalability and message filtering requirements of data distribution management (DDM) in distributed interactive simulation (DIS), a fuzzy dead reckoning (DR) algorithm was proposed.
88) By this reckoning, a flexible body learns to acclimatize to stresses.
89) By setting up kinematics model of mining vehicle on uneven terrain and measuring dynamic parameter by compass, we can use the model for dead reckoning and get correct orientation of mining vehicle.
90) How could he not feel under pressure throughout college to prepare for this day of reckoning?
91) GPS reckoning taken by a user's phone is sent to the Marmota server, which creates an AR layer that is sent back to be unpacked and overlaid.
92) Selection of matching road as a part of map matching algorithm is studied. A map matching algorithm based on dead reckoning (D S) evidence reasoning is proposed.
93) Source:Data of this table were dead reckoning ones from 2002 Nonnatives Dynamic Control Data of Beijing.
94) A GPS reckoning taken by a user's phone is sent to the Marmota server, which creates an AR layer that is sent back to be unpacked and overlaid.
95) The second is to reckon the closest points by use of gliding window technique so as to reduce the computation cost in reckoning the closest points in each time of converging to local minimums.
96) It has several tools to alter its cashflow, but these measures can only last about eight weeks or so, pushing backthe day of reckoning to mid-July at the latest.
97) Proprioception is dead reckoning, where the robot measures a signal originating within itself.
98) Model UNIFAC is one of the most widely used model in reckoning the component activity coefficient in nonelectrolyte solution. It is also used in engineering designing calculation.
99) If a ship was sailing in the middle of the ocean, a navigator could make mistakes using dead reckoning and no harm would be done.
100) The Anno Domini system of reckoning years was originally based on setting year 1 as the first full year of Jesus' life.
101) All pointed to a day of reckoning in the future.
102) The way of reckoning for power supply now, makes the linerate undulate greatly at different period.
103) The synchronization mechanism covers the inherent network latency and ensures the excellent interactivity by making use of the method of client prediction and dead reckoning.
103) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
104) Dead reckoning (DR)plotting can be done directly on a pilot chart or on a plotting sheet . Of the various types of navigation , dead reckoning alone is always available in some form .
105) A dead reckoning algorithm was presented which is suitable for first - person shooting games.
106) Dead reckoning is a technique to re duce latency and communication costs in distributed interactive simulation systems.
107) It is rapidly approaching day of reckoning when it will totally exhaust its nuclear energy supply.
108) For many big American companies, the day of reckoning came two months ago when the deepening financial crisis brought about the abrupt closure of the overnight commercial-paper market.
109) Through combining dead reckoning, GPS positioning information and Map-Matching algorithm, this paper represents an algorithm to correct sensors parameters in In-Vehicle Navigation System.
110) Then the thesis provide a method for reckoning the mucosity capacity of the block.
111) Taking into account the complex working environment: uneven physiognomy of deep-sea, wheel's skid, low surrounding visibility and so on, I bring forward the dead reckoning based on the driven wheel.
112) She knew their truce would not last. There would be a reckoning. There would be another fight.
113) Methods In the army hospital accounting reckoning system, database trigger mechanism was used to intelligently control expenditure over budget.
114) However, when a ship was near land, dead reckoning became extremely dangerous.
115) By all reckoning , the bumblebee is aerodynamically unsound and shouldn't be able to fly.
116) According to Columbus's own reckoning he was near the Indies , so he called the Island people los Indios.
117) Archimonde : Hear me night elves! The time for reckoning has come!
118) The azimuth error is one of the main error sources of dead reckoning. The method is very effective that make use of landmark to improve the accuracy of azimuth alignment.
119) Besides, it proposes the principles and methods to adjust the compensation movement reckoning in "dynamic error" and "rigid error".
120) The reckoning with his wife at the end of an escapade was something he counted on.
121) By a simple data filtration mechanism and classified data distribution method, and considering the Dead Reckoning algorithm, the real-time performance and the reliability were improved.
122) Driven from their homeland by a force beyond reckoning, the norn have regrouped among the dwarven ruins of the Shiverpeaks.
123) It was cloudy; and the captain had to calculate our position by dead reckoning.
124) There will be a day of reckoning for what you have done to me!
125) In dead reckoning for vehicles, the magnetic sens or is better than gyroscope in performance and price ratio.
126) SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: When bad weather prevented navigators from seeing the sun, moon or stars, they had to use a method called "dead reckoning" to find the ship's position.
127) Using dead reckoning near the southern most area of South America called for an expert.
128) Interpolation between satellite positions was initially carried out by dead - reckoning procedures.
129) Police officers on the case are reckoning to charge someone very shortly.
130) Experiment results show that the position extrapolation algorithm can reduce state update packets and deviation of reckoning trace in first-person shooting game.
131) Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) by most reckoning is the best English-language satirist ever, and one of the world's greatest as well.
132) Archellomonde: Hear me, night elves! The time for reckoning has come!
133) Commercial real estate faces its own reckoning. When the housing market began to fade at the end of 2005, it kicked off a boom in nonresidential construction.
134) The day of reckoning was fast approaching, and none of us are ready yet!
135) For those manufacturers and importers who still refuse to modernize, the day of economic reckoning is fast approaching.
136) The analysis and design of the public room management and automatics cost reckoning system are introduced.
137) Dead Reckoning(DR)algorithm is an important technique which is widely used in distributed interactive simulation.
138) This paper addressed an approach of low cost pedestrian dead reckoning by using different idea from traditional dead reckoning.
139) The reckoning up of revenue and expenditure shows a small surplus.
140) China's final day of reckoning is probably 10 years away.
141) The reckoning of descent in the female line and the matriarchal law of inheritance were thereby overthrown,(http:///reckoning.html) and the male line of descent and the paternal law of inheritance were substituted for them.
142) The reckoning diagram of coke yield for domestic coal resource is obtained on basis of first-hand date of thermal test and analysis fo r20 coke ovens by almost ten years' work.
143) I came to the bar, and paid my reckoning, telling my landlady I had gotten my passage by sea in a wherry.
144) Even if it does, this just postpones the day of reckoning.
145) It is a very important link for autonomous navigation of mobile robot to have an ability in accurate and reliable dead reckoning.
146) Integrating the two position methods: global positioning system and dead reckoning, the data fusion method is set up for Vehicle GPS/DR Integrated Navigation System.
147) Sometimes the reckoning takes longer, after the parades are over, flags furled and cased, subjects quietly changed.




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