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单词 evangelize
释义  Related topics: Christianitye·van·ge·lize (also evangelise British English) /ɪˈvændʒəlaɪz/ verb [intransitive, transitive]  RRCto try to persuade people to become Christians 劝(人)信奉基督教,(向…)传播福音 an attempt to evangelize the whole nation 向全国民众传播福音的尝试→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusevangelize• Still, we are not slow to evangelize.• And then we all have doubts and lay off evangelizing, and Grandpa off and joins the Pentecostals.• In 1985, the darkest days of Macintosh, the evangelizing began to pay dividends.• Further, to hear what one approves serves the evangelizing instinct.• Mr Heseltine had evangelized Whitehall on behalf of his cause like a latter-day John the Baptist.e·van·ge·lize verbChineseSyllable  become to Corpus to people try to persuade




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