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单词 Interacting
(1) They feel they are interacting productively with elderly patients.
(2) He enjoyed interacting with all manner of different people.
(3) Millions of people want new, simplified ways of interacting with a computer.
(4) Interacting in terms of their respective roles, teacher and student know what to do and how to do it.
(5) Action is one of several interacting determinants of cognitive development.
(6) Thus comparable networks of interacting factors may have evolved in Drosophila and vertebrates.
(7) New employees join an organization of interacting players, whose perceptions and expectations establish norms of required behaviour.
(8) There are four interacting systems within the organism's black box that enable it to function effectively.
(9) For the skills of interacting with the physical world the procedure summarised in Table 2.6 is appropriate.
(10) Why not love everyone instead of interacting from the opposite stance?
(11) Ideals are not formed in an aseptic vacuum(), but in the chemical brew of interacting personal lives and events.
(12) Depictions of dynamic processes can show change visually over time as well as multiple factors interacting with one another.
(13) We think it is roughly correct to say that the orthodox account sees the different factors interacting as in Figure 1.1.
(14) This more complex account of the process of levels of social formation interacting is reminiscent of Althusser's theory of overdetermination.
(15) In general, the longer the chain, the less stable the interacting web to environmental disruption.
(16) A group is more enduring and supportive than two people interacting socially but is looser or less structured than an organization.
(17) The two developments have emerged in parallel, developing separately, but inevitably influencing and interacting with each other.
(18) We also need to make assumptions about the knowledge of the people with whom we are interacting.
(19) Rather, it resides in the people and is articulated through a variety of mechanisms interacting with each other.
(20) It is impossible to take a complex problem and rationally unravel the mess into logical interacting pieces.
(21) Discourse, indeed, might be defined as the totality of all these elements interacting.
(22) The process of sense selection is, of course, extremely complex, with many interacting factors.
(23) Teacher-pupil interaction Teachers spent a very high proportion of their time in class interacting with pupils.
(24) If it is rooted in a view of man interacting with his environment, what is the character of those interactions?
(25) This indicates that region 1-110 of RAP30 contains a minimum sequence essential for interacting with RAP74 in vivo.
(26) Males, in particular, are quickly inhibited from approaching a female if she is already interacting with a male partner.
(27) Her supervisor said she lacked sensitivity to business issues and was incapable of interacting with other employees, the suit said.
(28) It almost goes without saying that social knowledge can not be constructed without interacting with others.
(29) Mr Centerman thinks all that is changing, thanks to new ways of interacting with customers, particularly via the Internet.
(30) She said she believed in letting her children learn from life experiences such a interacting with local shopkeepers.
(31) NSAIDs cause direct cellular damage during drug absorption by several interacting actions on intermediary metabolism.
(32) The interacting surfaces were lubricated with a mineral oil.
(33) Skill at interacting with friendly NPCs. 4% Modifier to effective standing from friendly NPC Corporations and Factions per level. Not cumulative with Diplomacy or Criminal Connections.
(34) The distorted shape and faint tidal tail suggest that NGC 3628 is interacting gravitationally with the other spiral galaxies in the Leo triplet, M66 and M65.
(35) The second part discusses the interacting relationship of government reform and non - profit organization development.
(36) In the interacting process of religions and society, a basic approach for religions to adapt to the development of modern society is to secularize themselves.
(37) Studying QCD vacuum properties and non-perturbative QCD is a very important issue for strongly interacting processes.
(38) EJB container, Transaction service, Timer Service, Orb, Session Replication Module and other components in GlassFish application server use Shoal for accessing and interacting with cluster members.
(39) Participating of students, interacting between teacher and student, enhancing particular scenario impressibility, activating knowledge, and stirring up student interest in study.
(40) The warning said TV keeps young kids and their parents from interacting — a keyway children develop the working vocabulary they'll need in school.
(41) The chemical engineering has developed into such a stage that it is integrating with basic disciplines and interacting and crossing with its vicinal branches of science.
(42) As a result , these detergents are all amphipathic, capable of interacting with both water and lipid.
(43) Proteins which have two separate but interacting sites are called allosteric proteins.
(44) Homing and individualisation therefore focus on two interacting factors: social togetherness and personal well-being.
(45) Personality disorders are characterized by long-standing maladaptive ways of interacting with the world, and they are notoriously difficult to treat.
(46) These interacting signals damage the quality of calls by call missing, low call completing rate, which affects the quality of the whole network, hence to damage the reputation of the service provider.
(47) Previously, primates had exhibited right-hand preferences in captivity but no handedness in the wild, leading scientists to speculate that they became lateralized through interacting with humans.
(48) Instead, a specific trait may be the result of the interplay of hundreds of different genes interacting with an infinitude of environmental factors.
(49) A particle theory called "supersymmetry" predicts the existence of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which could be the particles of dark matter.
(50) Another aspect of executive presence is comportment—your way of conducting yourself in interacting with others.
(51) It realizes the global optimal computation via the local interacting a- gents with abilities of local perceptivity, competition and evolvement, self-learning etc.
(52) In addition, a flexible language framework is provided for interacting with the common language runtime (CLR) to write high-performance programs.
(53) Finally, you have enjoyed the inherent interoperability from interacting RESTfully by implementing consumers in different programming languages that consume the same RESTful service.
(54) We briefly review current research on strongly interacting ultracold atomic polarized Fermi gases.
(55) Protect Master: Aura effect interacting with the handler. Effects are listed below.
(56) High frequency with strong level induced by interacting shock wave to cavity wall was expressed in calculation.
(57) This method can be used to describe the resonant multi-photon processes that the pulse train from the mode locked laser interacting with atoms.
(58) The interacting light waves, sometimes doubled up by mirror systems, form a tiny three-dimensional array of shimmering energy fields.
(59) The scenario involves an end user, in this case Jane Doe, interacting with an MDM client application, a call center for example.
(60) Within a syconium, pollinators and non-pollinators are interacting with each other in high-density populations.
(61) Heat Shock Proteins may contribute to cell cycle regulation by interacting with proto-oncogene products or tumor suppressor gene products.
(62) CM2007 was a place with full of energy, interacting with different cultures, and unmeasurable combinations and possibilities.
(63) "The Aboriginal culture across the top end of the Northern Territory was much more versatile and used to interacting with other people than previously thought, " Tacon said.
(64) For a large part, interacting with software ( especially business software ) is a pragmatic exercise.
(65) In this case, the interacting variables of protein level, amino acid composition, digestibility, and absorption of the amino acids all contribute to determine biological value.
(66) The entanglement degrees of two coupling-atoms interacting with a single-mode vacuum field in the Tavis-Cummings model were investigated by using quantum relative entropy.
(67) The sequence starts when a user requests a command (an application function) to be executed by interacting with a user interface object, in this case the main form of the application.
(68) The XC 70 model shares the same sophisticated network of interacting safety systems all - new Volvo S 80.
(69) Because protons and neutrons in light nuclei fill the same shell,(http:///interacting.html) it is necessary to introduce isospin when the light nuclei are described by the interacting boson model(IBM).
(70) The cavity field spectrum of an atom interacting with two-mode field through non-degenerate Raman coupling with the presence of AC-Stark shift in an ideal cavity is investigated.
(71) A momentum transfer of a moving three level atom interacting slantingly with a standing wave laser field is analysed.
(72) Pauli paramagnetism of an weakly interacting Fermi gas is studied. The expression of susceptibility is derived analytically .
(73) Omega's 3 D mouse gives users force feedback while interacting with on - screen objects.
(74) Describes the framework for interacting with the visual property editing system.
(75) QTR Company has been interacting with the local authorities to transfer the needed materials at the first time.
(76) It is found that the more the phonon dispersion, the larger is the effective mass, and the smaller the screening radius of electron-hole effective interacting potential.
(77) If true, the signal might be explainable by hydrogen flowing out from the Sun and interacting with oxygen in the lunar soil.
(78) An algorithm based on variable structure interacting multiple model is presented to track range gate pull off (RGPO) target in airborne fire control radar.
(79) But this provides a framework for interacting with the SPEs and shows the basics of how the API works.
(80) But at this Namibian waterhole he found them interacting with each other as well as other species, including lions and elephants.
(81) Methanol, as part of cracking feed, interacting with n-octane was investigated under fluidized catalytic cracking(FCC)conditions in a laboratory-scale fixed-fluidized bed reactor.
(82) Also known as Keenan's system (for its discoverer) and Arp 104, the interacting galaxy pair is some 17 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major.
(83) And a sigma bond forms any time you have two orbitals coming together and interacting on that internuclear axis.
(84) Published in the journal Science last week, it was led by Bahador Bahrami of the Interacting Mind Project (University College London and Aarhus University in Denmark).
(85) London has the biggest reach of all the regional world cities in this zone, interacting with Europe, the Middle East and Africa. But not with Francophone Africa, which is the sole domain of Paris.
(86) The simple fact that they both use the same global name is enough; just place the two portlets on a page, and they will start interacting.
(87) Social constructionism suggests that discursive practices take part in the construction of society in the course of interacting with other social practices.
(88) The outcome of the marine accident analysis can not only be described as one or more chains of interacting causes, but also as a set of barriers that have failed.
(89) An effective Hamiltonian of surface polaron interacting with the deformation potential in polar crystals was derived by using improved linear combination operator method.
(90) This montage of Chandra images shows a pair of interacting galaxies known as The Antennae.
(91) The obvious response is to get rid of the badly interacting feature, by inviting another friend along — reification.
(92) To gain some insights we investigate a system of one - dimensional strongly interacting polarized Fermi gases.
(93) The social security funds have 3 interacting relations with money market funds.
(94) Skill at interacting with Concord. 5% Bonus to effective security rating increase.
(95) A Tache of The interacting ritual: Eastern Miscellany in May Fourth...
(96) The biopsychosocial model of illness was truly visionary in its formulation of interacting systems at cellular, tissue, organismic, interpersonal and environmental levels.
(97) Chinese head of household might have a legion of wives and concubines, but they were crouching and hidden, not interacting with guests or out partying.
(98) Considering effect of gravity and cutting forces, the static deformation of the beam is obtained after calculating the interacting forces between the guide and the slide block by ADAMS.
(99) Proteins which have two separate but interacting kinding sites are called allosteric proteins.
(100) A microscopic approach for studying rhe collective states of odd-mass nuclei is proposed from the viewpoint of interacting boson-fermion model.
(101) The formal definition of coevolution runs something like this: "Coevolution is reciprocal evolutionary change in interacting species," says John Thompson in Interaction and Coevolution.
(102) Keep antibacterial for werehing your hands, especially despite interacting with a sick coworker.
(103) Typical computers today have two main components interacting with each other dynamically in order to process data: the central processing unit and the memory core.
(104) What drugs alter prothrombin time by interacting with warfarin levels ( pharmacokinetics )?
(105) The rule system is scalable from attribute grammar to lexicalized grammar and can eliminate the problems of rule interacting in a linear rule base.
(106) Lethal generosity is more than a bill board or promotional campaign To achieve tangible business results,(http:///interacting.html) it requires interacting and building relationships with an engaged community.
(107) Different populations living together and interacting. Populations can interact as competitors, predator and prey, or symbiotically.
(108) In fact, the practice is common in the universe and illustrated by this striking pair of interacting galaxies from the banks of the southern constellation Eridanus (The River).
(109) object-oriented programming created new challenges for interacting with data storage systems.
(110) The ultrastructural features of wheat interacting with stripe rust fungus were studied by using typical wheat cultivars of high-temperature resistance to rust as experimental material.
(111) The primary use of virtual mode, however, is to optimize performance when interacting with large amounts of data.
(112) Displaying performance data with PDI has many features for interacting with the displayed data, switching between chart and table views, data customization, and more.




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