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单词 Paralysed
1. A stroke paralysed half his face.
2. He was partially paralysed by the fall.
3. The accident left him permanently paralysed.
4. He was paralysed in both legs.
5. Her legs were partly paralysed in the crash.
6. Her married sister had been paralysed in a road accident.
7. The accident left her paralysed.
8. She stood there, paralysed with fear.
9. The disease left him with a paralysed right arm.
10. Motor traffic was paralysed in much of the city.
11. She is paralysed in both legs.
12. The strike has virtually paralysed the island.
13. A sudden snowstorm paralysed the city.
14. His left arm is paralysed.
15. The airport is still paralysed by the strike.
16. The government seems paralysed by/with indecision.
17. The country was paralysed by a series of strikes.
18. Lota was paralysed from the waist down.
19. They were paralysed with fright.
20. The stroke left him paralysed down his right side.
20. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. She was paralysed from the waist down .
22. The strike paralysed the port.
23. The accident left her paralysed from the waist down.
24. He was absolutely paralysed with shock.
25. She was paralysed with fear.
26. The stroke left him partly paralysed.
27. He is paralysed down his left side as a result of polio.
28. The accident left him paralysed from the waist down .
29. He spent the last ten years of his life in a wheelchair after a fall which left him paralysed from the waist down.
30. He knew he should pull the trigger, but he was suddenly paralysed by fear.
1. A stroke paralysed half his face.
2. He was partially paralysed by the fall.
3. The accident left him permanently paralysed.
4. Her legs were partly paralysed in the crash.
5. Her married sister had been paralysed in a road accident.
6. He spent the last ten years of his life in a wheelchair after a fall which left him paralysed from the waist down.
7. The country was paralysed by a series of strikes.
31. He had a minor stroke in 1987, which left him partly paralysed.
32. A crowd three deep seemed paralysed by the images on these monitors.
33. He is partially paralysed.
34. He stood paralysed for a moment, and then ran away.
35. The stroke left him paralysed on one side of his body.
36. For weeks now the government has been paralysed by indecision.
37. In recent months its government has been paralysed by political squabbling.
38. A car crash in 1997 left him completely paralysed.
39. Boris is mentally paralysed by the situation, however.
40. He struggled against the nightmare grip that paralysed him.
41. Terror had dried and paralysed his vocal chords.
42. I became paralysed, unable to go down or up.
43. Strike action has paralysed the region's public transport system.
44. The consequential shock he suffered all but paralysed him.
45. Mrs Burrows had been paralysed by a stroke.
46. Paralysed from the waist down, he was lucky to get out alive.
47. She confided that a paralysed patient was suing her for malpractice.
48. Then he had been brought home, paralysed from the waist down, embittered and resentful.
49. The United States faces years of indecisive government, with Washington paralysed by score-settling and legislative gridlock.
50. On suddenly realising he is dreaming,[] he may try to wake up only to find that his body seems paralysed.
51. I was paralysed with fear at the very thought of making eye contact with them, let alone playing the teacher.
52. Raids on farms were also reported and public transport was paralysed in the capital, Lima, as bus operators withdrew services.
53. He's twice suffered strokes and is paralysed down one side of his body.
54. I was at a point of crisis, lost, paralysed in the midst of a dense fog.
55. By now I was virtually paralysed from head to toe.
56. The faith, shown by the friends of the paralysed man who carried the stretcher, is an active faith.
57. Legs, eighty percent gone, left arm fifty percent paralysed, right arm, pretty well useless.
58. She was paralysed, couldn't focus, knew that Gran couldn't hurry herself getting dressed and needed help.
59. Yet how many of us are paralysed by our fears?
60. For a year or more Menelik had lain in the palace, a living corpse, paralysed and speechless.
61. Then one voice grew louder, piercing into his brain as his body became paralysed with shock and disbelief.
62. He was paralysed with the pain of the wound which pulsed in time to his heartbeat.
63. Governments were paralysed, hoping the storm would blow itself out without affecting their friends and families and favourite projects.
64. In 1896 and again in 1897 almost the entire textile industry of St Petersburg was briefly paralysed.
65. By the next day the railways were paralysed and Paris bus stations, metro lines and post offices had been occupied.
66. Sensory loss frequently occurs with motor loss; the patient is paralysed and it compounds the problem of maintaining a safe environment.
67. Ammophila, the caterpillar-hunting wasp, has to keep a close guard over her paralysed prey.
68. Since 1980, education has been severely affected by the war, at times almost paralysed by it.
69. Often, we seem to be spoiled for choice and hampered, even paralysed, by our fear of the unknown.
70. Half-way through his night shift, coppersmith Norman was paralysed by a rare disease.
71. Six years ago Stephen Dent was paralysed in a freak accident.
72. For humanitarian reasons, all paralysed infants should receive opiate analgesia.
73. The authorities, hoping to contain the situation, appeared almost paralysed by the students' actions.
74. The surgeon was forced to admit that this operation would leave Dawn paralysed and wheelchair-bound for the rest of her life.
75. The cat suffered appalling injuries during the attack ... its legs are partly paralysed.
76. But many of the boys took a long time to get over their paralysed state.
77. Their father was paralysed by a stroke in the early 1790s, following which some part of his business failed.
78. For a moment, the children stood paralysed, Emmie with horror, Oliver with a fearful joy.
79. This female mallard was brought into Slimbridge yesterday totally paralysed and she's already showing signs of recovery.
80. Paralysed from the neck down, Bundini could only move his eyes.
80. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
81. A few examples: Berlusconi courted the Catholic vote by claiming to have miraculously cured a paralysed young man.
82. His father had been paralysed by a fall from a white stallion.
83. Not a penny: a judge rejects a paralysed woman's claim for damages.
84. Breathing and blood were stopped; her mind emptied, muscles went paralysed and even her heart skipped, missing a beat.
85. And if they could ... Here Rosa's brain became paralysed as she tried to imagine the process of blackmail itself.
86. They'd been caught up in gunfire at home in Beirut, which left them paralysed.
87. Of the previous four victims, three have been killed and one left paralysed.
88. She stood paralysed for several moments on Giles Carnaby's doorstep.
89. Mrs Burrows had been paralysed by a stroke, and could not move or speak.
90. There was a grave risk that the operation would leave him partly paralysed.
91. He then fell into the water, paralysed from the waist down.
92. Those paralysed by panic, or who tried insanely to drag out the guns, were drowned.
93. Paralysed as he was, his elder brother Edwin could never father a child.
94. Moonlight lay on the glass roof of the sun-lounge, blue sheets of it, like lightning paralysed.
95. Paralysed Spinster Rosemarie, 52, had been paralysed down her right side since birth.
96. Still partially paralysed by the brain disease Guillain-Barre syndrome, he can only speak with the aid of an artificial voice box.
97. Still deeply in love with her, he was paralysed by his fear of intimacy.
98. The Londoner was paralysed and is confined to a wheelchair.
99. I was completely paralysed by the realization of what I had done.
100. He was suddenly paralysed by fear.
101. Commerce is paralysed in consequence of a severe earthquake.
102. It was Burgess's turn to be paralysed.
103. She contacted the television and the French doctors who put her in touch with a professional in Ghent specialising in computer aids for the paralysed.
104. She wanted to scream, but her vocal cords seemed paralysed.
105. For a few seconds Winston was too paralysed to move.
106. Dr Goffer says that his aim is to enable paralysed people to lead a normal life.
107. This auto manufacturing center of the United States was paralysed in a matter of days.
108. Japanese researchers said Wednesday they had used stem cells to restore partial mobility in a small monkey that had been paralysed from the neck down by a spinal injury.
109. Now I am afflicted with illness, and used-up. My body curled up by 85%, and couldn't say a word since several years ago, and I have paralysed in bed for 15 years. Now I doubt that I can live longer.
110. Even those well-intentioned enough to want to do their bit, can quickly find themselves feeling powerless and paralysed in the face of an issue of this scale.
111. When we have a stroke, our brain is starved of oxygen, causing the catastrophic death of those nerve cells and leaving us paralysed and unable to speak.
112. Because of announcing sexual love, video frequency about the Germany network be paralysed daughter model!
113. But another refugee case, involving a paralysed Sikh, is beginning to test their patience.
114. He was in any event severely crippled, even for a time paralysed and incontinent.
115. Two Newfoundlanders paralysed in collisions filed a class-action suit in January claiming the government was not doing enough to protect drivers.
116. On a more practical level, it would help disabled and paralysed people use computers, artificial limbs, motorised wheelchairs or robots.
117. Fear paralysed his mind.
118. Middleton was paralysed in 1949, aged 23, and doctors gave her a slim chance of survival. However, she holds the world record for the longest time spent in an iron lung.
119. But six months later, unable to move, speak or signal any kind of understanding, the second-year engineering student was written off as a vegetable, paralysed, brain-dead, awake but not aware.
120. Things changed when their forearm and hand were paralysed by a restriction of blood flow and anaesthetized by injection.
121. Sixty-nine children in Nigeria have been partially paralysed after weakened viruses from polio vaccines were inadvertently transmitted to people in unvaccinated regions in the north of the country.
122. Years ago, while working in what was then called a subnormality hospital, I heard of a patient who was blind, deaf, unable to speak, paralysed and hydrocephalic.
123. In 1997 Dr Goffer, an Israeli engineer, suffered an accident that left him partially paralysed.




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