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单词 Nesting
1. Swallows are nesting in the garage.
2. The swallows are nesting in the woodshed.
3. Its unusual nesting habits differentiate this bird from others.
4. Thousands of seabirds are nesting on the cliffs.
5. I bought a set of nesting dolls in Moscow.
6. The nesting instinct is proper to birds.
7. We've got some swallows nesting in our roof at the moment.
8. Stone farm buildings are ideal nesting sites for barn owls.
9. The forest's dense growth provides nesting places for a wide variety of birds.
10. There were two swallows nesting above our front door.
11. Do not disturb nesting birds or other wildlife.
12. Earlier last year a nesting pair of great horned owls were killed by heat from a shuttle launch.
13. A law protecting the nesting birds was passed in 1621 which, to judge from its results, was unavailing.
14. Not a waterside bird, frequenting dry country and nesting on rocky cliffs and stream banks, sometimes on ruined buildings.
15. The only limit placed on the depth of nesting is the room available for the stack.
16. It was not the falcon's nesting site, John wisely keeps all such eyries a closely guarded secret.
17. In the summer, the cliffs provide nesting ledges for millions of kittiwakes, little auks and Brunwich's guillemots.
18. The nesting platform would be littered with pellets and bones from decayed pellets.
19. I was more interested in the kittiwakes nesting on the window ledges, and spent some time photographing them.
20. The bird has its nesting place, but Imy young are dispersed.
21. The snags offer safe nesting sites for birds, as thousands of young trees and plants sprout up on the surrounding riverbank.
22. In software engineering, the degree of complication of a system or system component, determined by such factors as the number and intricacy of interfaces, the number and intricacy of conditional branches, the degree of nesting, the types of data structures, and other system characteristics.
23. Nightingales appreciate an open tree canopy with plenty of dense undergrowth and thicket below to provide nesting sites and shelter.
24. The raptors live on top of the bridge(http://), so construction would have to be timed to avoid crucial nesting periods.
25. As migratory fowl, the egrets are protected by federal law during the April to September nesting season.
26. Rusting wire-netting lined its upper surface, presumably to prevent birds from nesting there.
27. A marked increase in the survival rate for many nesting birds.
28. Land managers are being encouraged to manage woodlands in ways which will favour the dormouse, including introducing nesting boxes.
29. On their arrival at the breeding grounds, male pied flycatchers find a suitable nesting site.
30. If you approach a pond where these birds are nesting, they will all come swimming up to the bank nearest to you.
31. In 1951, some nesting burrows, occupied, were found on islets near Castle Roads.
32. High and usually remote rocky mountains, nesting on rock ledges.
33. Golden orioles in their nesting sites are elusive, impossible to see in the shimmering canopy of green-gold sunlit leaves.
34. The nesting trunk in the aviary is carefully screened to avoid disturbance.
35. Deserts, semi-deserts, and other dry stony ground, nesting on ground.
36. At its nadir in 1983, the Alameda colony had only 3 nesting pairs.
37. Teal are very inconspicuous when nesting, and no census has been attempted.
38. Stick to the paths, and make sure you keep your distance from nesting birds.
39. We used to have a family of martins nesting directly over our front porch, just under my bedroom window.
40. As she got out he burrowed into her like some nesting beast.
41. In particular there are close associations between nesting density on islands or islets, foraging habits, breeding ecology, and behaviour.
42. There were many rocky outcrops higher up, and here we found two more tern species nesting.
43. House Martins have been recorded nesting on the cliffs occasionally.
44. Wild bird cover: Spring plants for nesting, beg maize, millet, sunflowers, kale.
45. Birds, nesting in the ivy, squeaked as she disrupted them.
46. Its dense growth provides nesting places for a range of bird life as well as warm cover in winter or roosting small birds.
47. A nesting cormorant glared at us with green eyes, its black feathers glossed with a purple sheen.
48. Early last year, the city cut away some of the brush in the nesting area to try to disperse the birds.
49. The rectory was a dour red brick house with ivy-clad walls where birds would soon be nesting.
50. And how to shoot the rooks nesting high up in the trees with a rifle.
51. DMPL/SQL supports subroutine nesting, exception handling and other characters.
52. seabirds nesting on rocky ledges.
53. Markup indented based on nesting level.
54. This is called nesting or cocooning.
55. Figure 1 illustrates Geronimo's onion-like container nesting.
56. Rewrite the definition to reduce the nesting level.
57. The markets now resemble those nesting chicks that chirrup constantly for their parents to feed them. They gorge on a daily diet of supposedly important economic data.
58. SOX uses indentation to indicate the level of nesting of XML elements.
59. A string processing language including nesting feature and macro feature.
60. Transmitters were attached to nesting females using a backpack - like harness made of nylon webbing.
61. The algorithm resolved effectively the problem of losing steps or interrupt nesting in the process of screw cutting, and the processing precision can be guaranteed.
62. The terms cocooning and nesting became popular more than twenty years ago. They describe people buying their first homes and filling them with many things. These people then had children.
63. However, by compiling time static analysis, nesting type can be partly determined and this information can be passed to other compiling phases to guide later translation and optimizations.
64. If defined, it will determine the initial maximal possible include file nesting depth supported.
65. The density of Manchurian linden and the tree - crown - nesting birds shows the conspicuous negative correlation.
66. Europa Island is a nature reserve and host to migratory seabirds. It is one of the world's largest nesting sites for green turtles (Chelonia mydas).
67. It is also the natural nesting place of the whooping crane.
68. Effects of a habitat - altering invader on nesting sparrows: An ecological trap?
69. The survey, led by the University of Exeter with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), counted nests and nesting females during three nesting seasons between 2002 and 2007.
70. The habitat suitability selection models were established for nesting of Grey heron(Ardea cinerea)in Zhalong National Nature Reserve.
71. Gunnison Island in the Great Salt Lake has an important colony of American White Pelicans(), with several thousand nesting here each spring.
72. This new nesting avoids the Sales region and Country levels from being split by the Product line level.
73. This also means that you can refer to a savepoint only in the same execution of a procedure, but not from another execution of the same or other procedures irrespective of the nesting level.
74. The small hole or holes in a pigeon loft for nesting.
75. So, the arbitrarily chosen length of 256 for the binary string allows for 64 nesting levels, which can be trivially expanded.
76. All of this data enabled the researchers to use the size of mature loggerhead turtle mothers - measured at several well-studied nesting sites - to estimate their ages.
77. Direct search method combined with parallel-intersecting and one-step algorithm is developed into an exact algorithm for single part nesting.
78. Adelie and emperor penguins nesting on the Ross Island are now forced to walk long distances over the icebergs to obtain food for their chicks, born during the November-December breeding season.
79. They are the only seabirds whose nesting habitat is in old growth or mature trees.
80. The OSLC-CM 1.0 service discovery model offers the flexibility that you need for various change management providers by using a nesting structure for service provider catalogs.
81. Without clear information on nesting, it has been hard to estimate the population of marbled murrelets.
82. In mechanical communities, or ecosystems , some machines are more likely to associate with certain other machines, just as red-winged blackbirds favor nesting in cattail swamps.
83. The microcontroller 8031 is used in hardware and dual interrupt nesting mode in software.
84. Particularly relevant are activity A1 that uses one coordination point during its execution and A2 that shows a nesting of activities within its execution.
85. This paper introduced the concepts based on real-time capability, the principle of interrupt nesting and task scheduling ,(http:///nesting.html) and presented design and realization methods to improve real-time capability.
86. It is possible to nest dollar-quoted string constants by choosing different tags at each nesting level. This is most commonly used in writing function definitions. For example.
87. It was a great opportunity to capture artistic images with high-key sky backgrounds as I did in this photo of a male passing nesting material to his mate.
88. A method on of multilevel interrupt priority level and realizing more interrupt nesting for AT89C51 single chip Micro-computer with software is studied , Analysis of the systems real-time.
89. Birds nesting on sheer cliffs, the Arctic fox waiting below to devour the birds that fall short when they try to make the long glide off those cliffs to the safety of the water.
90. Some people enjoy spending a lot of time in their homes to make them nice places to live. This is called nesting or cocooning.
91. It is very useful to help to speed up the recognition of interrupt nesting principle and capability of applying interrupt nesting technology for students.
92. The documentary took Seymour into Venezuela's treetops for 21 weeks to follow a nesting harpy eagle.
93. Avoid wildlife during sensitive times: mating, nesting , raising young, or winter.
94. At the bottom of this structure we embed constants into operators which terminate the nesting process.
95. To further excavate the nesting loop parallelism and the data access-time locality, a linearity cyclic transformation functional module is used to improve the algorithm.
96. XForms makes it easy to iterate over nested sets like this through the nesting of the corresponding repeats.
97. The bird flew from its nesting place to find food.
98. Matilda Yoosen and Jos Gubbels, a married couple from Holland, were among a tourist group that came upon an olive ridley turtle nesting in the sand.
99. It's a joint project with the University of Ghana to collect data on nesting and population trends.
100. You can add a mushroom bird and glue a bit of raffia to its beak so it looks as if it's using it for nesting material.
101. A well-formed nesting of cyclic and branching process fragments is a good approach to reduce the possibility of modeling errors.
102. Among lingcod, Bishop explained, the male not only chooses the nesting area—which he uses to help attract a mate—but also guards the nest after the female deposits her eggs there.
103. Visual user agents generally indent nested lists with respect to the current level of nesting.
104. Hawksbills are endangered because their beachfront nesting grounds and coral reef feeding grounds are shrinking. Humans also target the turtles for food and shell products.
105. Watch and learn how to hang a shelf on a wall that would be a great nesting place for pictures in this free interior design video on techniques and tips for hanging pictures.
106. Building a Nest in the Sand: A stretch of sand strewn with litter and miscellaneous objects is the plover 's preferred nesting place.
107. It then calls the method and saves the result, then finishes by printing the method name and return value indented to the current nesting level.
108. BeginTrans returns a value of type Integer, indicating the nesting level of the new transaction.
109. Based on the feature analysis of right angle shear, one new nesting algorithm is presented in this paper, practice shows the method can solve that kind of problems effectively.
110. Even the dissimilar nesting of folder - inside - drawer - inside - cabinet rarely exceeds two levels of nesting.
111. Structures such as the global variable c have a deeper level of nesting than arrays do, and their values can be explored in a similar manner.
112. And later translation and optimization phases can bind this global information with local information inside the procedure to determine the nesting types at compiling time.
113. The nesting level of a stored procedure, function, or view exceeds 32.
114. It's easy to change the Listing 5 code to show the nesting of child signatures with indenting, and the file download has the code with this change.
115. Based on subjective logic, four basic group constraint patterns and their nesting to compose a group were proposed at the point of view of trust's subjectivity and supports group trust relation.
116. The Green turtle nesting season has run from June to October in the past but numbers returning have dropped to perilously low levels in recent years.
117. The default value depends on the level of nesting of the current list.
118. The language with compound types of parameters includes sequential and nesting rules, and processes process mode description capability.
119. Based on analysis of area dividing and bend nesting of curve by the furthest visibility condition, a new generalization method of contour lines is proposed firstly.
120. The lack of a good nesting spot can cause some females to withhold egg laying , with dangerous consequences.
121. So as discretionary income trends toward family-focused or "nesting"-related investments, the need for technology professionals to assist in such projects is increasing.
122. The park's creamy sand and sparkling water shelter nesting birds, turtles, and fish.
123. Component complexity metrics (attributes, methods, statements, nesting level, and V(g), the cyclomatic complexity number) measure the complexity of the control flow of the source code.
124. The terms cocooning and nesting became popular more than twenty years ago.
125. A caricatured lady might have heart - shaped eyes and Cupid's bow lips, or a dove nesting in an outlandish hat.
125. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
126. If nested triggers are allowed and a trigger in the chain starts an infinite loop, the nesting level is exceeded and the trigger terminates.
127. Spraying an iprodione fungicide on the nests after they're taken out of the nesting boards "reduced chalkbrood levels by up to 50 percent—with no measurable loss of young," she reports.
128. A multilevel model was used that took account of the nesting structure of articles within journals.
129. Conservationists are also worried about the survival of the next generation of loggerhead turtles, which are about to climb up on to badly oiled shorelines to begin their nesting season.
130. Some birds are roving to find an adequate nesting place.
131. Here, the advice code (the traceLong() method) starts off by printing the method name and argument value indented to the current nesting level.
132. Delphi is a powerful windows application - developing tool, using Delphi 7 the nesting algorithm is realized.
133. Impact of nesting strategies in dynamical downscaling of reanalysis data.
134. To see how this works, think of XML documents as tree structures, where the nesting of elements define branches of the tree.
135. The leader organizes troop activities like eating, nesting in leaves, and moving about the group's 0.75-to-16-square-mile (2-to-40-square-kilometer) home range.
136. A leatherback turtle emerges from the surf in search of a nesting site on Trinidad's Matura Beach.




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