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单词 Tricky
1 It can be tricky at first, but persevere.
2 The tricky question about his finances discomfited the minister.
3 He and I have talked through this whole tricky problem.
4 She showed great tact in dealing with a tricky situation.
5 I'm in a rather tricky position; can you help me out?
6 He's a tricky fellow to do business with.
7 Hanging a door is quite a tricky job.
8 He has a deft touch with tricky painting jobs.
9 Parking can be tricky in the town centre.
10 He avoided this tricky question and talked in generalities.
11 The equipment can be tricky to install.
12 It was a tricky problem but I think we've licked it.
13 Getting it to fit exactly is a tricky business .
14 But the whole question of aid is a tricky political one.
15 The tricky street pedlar cheated the girl into giving him all her money.
16 A restaurant has to tread the tricky path between maintaining quality and keeping prices down.
17 The interviewer cornered the politician with a particularly tricky question.
18 The company's had some tricky problems to negotiate in its first year in business.
19 He's a tricky customer.
20 Those bird models are quite tricky to make,() aren't they?
21 It'sa bit tricky at first till you get the hang of it.
22 I'm in a bit of a tricky situation really - whatever I do I'll offend someone.
23 I found uphill kick turns particularly tricky.
24 But running doubles is a tricky business.
25 It was a tricky little balancing act.
26 That went quickly enough with no tricky questions.
27 The sudden drop in share prices has set the government a tricky problem.
28 I did the donkey work but I hired a professional builder for the tricky bits.
29 I can get you tickets for the show but it'll be tricky.
30 The Director of Studies tied me up in knots by asking tricky questions.
1 It can be tricky at first, but persevere.
2 The tricky question about his finances discomfited the minister.
3 He and I have talked through this whole tricky problem.
4 I'm in a rather tricky position; can you help me out?
5 He's a tricky customer.
31 Vans and estates are particularly tricky to repair.
32 This was far more tricky than it sounds.
33 Finding running shoes that fit properly can be tricky.
34 Tricky flying was to no avail here.
35 Some things are very tricky to explain.
35 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
36 He's a tricky devil, our emir.
37 The tricky part was the mower.
38 Male speaker Motor racing is very tricky.
39 A tricky question is who qualifies as household help.
40 This is a tricky balancing act.
41 Very tricky business being a private shamus.
42 But deciding when to upgrade software is more tricky.
43 The tricky question would be the unit pricing structure.
44 Marketing the lottery has always been a tricky business.
45 This was going to be very tricky.
46 However, the gestation and birth of new settlements is a tricky and often painful business that needs careful management.
47 Reyna used a tricky turnaround move to elude the only defender before firing from 8 yards into the empty goal.
48 The next, you're making speeches to the wind. Tricky customers, ordinary people.
49 So far, so good: but other objects are more tricky.
50 The constitutional questions include the tricky decision as to which councillors could vote on which issues at county council meetings.
51 The tricky thing is to judge at what point to raise a hand in salutation.
52 Its physical manoeuvrability makes it easy to demonstrate syllable structure or to emphasise tricky bits.
53 Sexually explicit material is fine in front of a student crowd, but elsewhere it can be a bit tricky.
54 Although it sounds quite funny picking up children and carrying them can be tricky when you can hardly walk.
55 But making the transition from user to supplier can be tricky.
56 Then there is the tricky question of forward market operations.
57 And also tomorrow, Alison MacDonald will continue her investigation into the tricky relationship between society and young children.
58 Also, and this is more tricky, we want to know what Riddle's financial position is.
59 Unfortunately small animals such as hedgehogs can get entangled in the net, and removing it to pick the fruit can be tricky.
60 This operation was tricky because there was the little matter of taking off my trousers and putting on my shorts.
61 But the tricky part was taking off and putting on the cables.
62 Indeed deliberately making all the tricky names into anagrams may be an easier way to work through the map for non-Gaelic speakers.
63 The Bureau can make legal demands that MI5 would find much more tricky.
64 But as a headache remedy, caffeine can be tricky to manage.
65 It is the subjective nature of ethnicity which can make it tricky to handle as a speaker variable.
66 Kennedy, seeking to deflate the pressure,(http:///tricky.html) resorted to a tricky tactic.
67 Getting my zimmer frame into the boat is a bit tricky!
68 As it's a beta version, it's tricky to give ClarisWorks a star rating.
69 It would be very tricky to try to stabilize the region without the support of other countries.
70 It was a tricky situation that called for a lot of diplomacy.
71 Brilliantly designed, very realistic and, despite being a tad tricky to master at first, incredibly playable.
72 It was tricky work, which Trondur directed, to loop the belts around the raft and then pull them tight.
73 And on your way upstairs, don't forget the bannisters and those tricky areas in between the rails on your staircase.
74 Yet the skill it has shown in the last three weeks suggests it is well equipped for the tricky tasks ahead..
75 Instead, agencies find they must tread a tricky path between the competing claims of state regulation and free enterprise.
76 How had Lisa managed that tricky bit at the end of the first act?
77 And that is why estimating the cost of any action involving lawyers can be tricky.
78 This can be a very tricky area as most people are self.conscious in front of the camera.
79 Teachers often have to deal with tricky situations such as interviews with angry parents.
80 I was on a tricky bend, the road falling away sharply and badly in need of a grader.
81 He lost control of the bike on a turn that is pretty tricky when it's raining.
82 The bill is a key issue, but the congressional situation is tricky.
83 He could chip his golf ball with precision and was an astute reader of tricky greens, especially on long putts.
84 Depending on where your drive ends up you will face a tricky second shot to a long, narrow green.
85 It is not to any degree tricky, subtle, or surreal.
86 Finding out the exact proportions and method of preparation will take some time and be a very tricky operation.
87 The public inscription, like public sculpture, is in a tricky political position today.
88 This is tricky business unless you know what you are doing and are very careful.
89 Money experts now begin the tricky business of divining the fate of the economy.
90 Spying is a tricky business, not a subject suitable for close public scrutiny.
91 Detecting them is a tricky business, especially in unfamiliar cultures and languages.
92 Making technical estimates of risk is widely acknowledged to be extremely tricky, with endless scope for disagreement amongst the experts.
93 Political dilemma Underground work is a tricky issue for all governments.
94 On the fiendishly tricky 10 - 15 foot sets of the final rounds, resident Pipeline specialists began with a huge advantage.
95 A bit tricky under the circumstances(), although I've never actually done it with a raving loony.
96 The Pembrokeshire Coastal Path was opened officially in May, 1970, after many years of tricky negotiations.
97 A captain goes last on to his ship, but a man goes first into a tricky situation.
98 What is a little tricky about Easter is the date, which varies yearly.
99 Finally, the Mirza Nama advises the young gallant on the tricky matter of dress.
100 It is a tricky issue but somewhat irrelevant since almost nobody is that interested in classrooms, least of all television journalists.
101 Alvin was learning how to navigate the tricky waters of dance funding.
102 It has underlined how tricky is the interpretation of the level playing field.
103 The clearer you are about your behavioural rights the better prepared you are to handle tricky situations assertively.
104 In their case, both ran as outsiders, a tricky strategy in a family known for its insider wheeling and dealing.
105 Obtaining food and drink thus became a tricky balancing act.
106 Something about a reverse osmosis filtration system, which is too tricky to explain now.
107 The May Hill Stakes, frequently an early guide to the following year's Classics, is much more tricky to predict.
108 There are tricky issues of national sovereignty and private / public relationships but they are not insoluble.
109 Katmandu airport is notoriously tricky, located in a narrow saucer-shaped valley surrounded by snowy mountains and pine hills.
110 Much more tricky than knowing if you've found a badger sett, is knowing whether or not it is still active.
111 A novel about novel-writing, which handles its tricky subject with a light comic touch.
112 It is a tricky issue that may yet drag on for months.
113 The tricky bit is that twist at the end of the first act.
114 Naturally, the tricky business of welding the Germanies together could still bring nasty surprises.
115 It is a very, very tricky area of the law.
116 Take Scarlatti, for example; there are some very tricky sonatas which should not sound tricky at all.
117 A fine position, constant exposure, and some tricky sections ensure it status as one of the greatest sea cliff classics.
118 Oh, no fault of your own, it's a very tricky role.
119 In fact tying a pollution to its source can be a tricky piece of detective work.
120 There's also an option to practise serving: a tricky task involving quickly guiding a small cross into the service box.
121 It's maintaining the diet for longer and keeping the weight off which is the tricky part.
122 Warsaw wrestles with tricky task of selling share ownership to the workers.
123 He must be very tricky to deal with, she thought darkly.
124 Transfer between hierarchies is a complex procedure, often raising tricky questions concerning the loss or preservation of seniority rights.
125 Being agony aunt was tricky and probably quite beyond her.
126 Getting the two sides of the mobile to balance is tricky.
127 Buying a second-hand car can be very tricky. You really have to have your wits about you.
128 A novel about novel-writing,(http:///tricky.html) which handles its tricky subject with a light touch.
129 The tricky part is tipping the ski at the right angle so all six people drink at the same time without spillage.
130 He also had to answer some tricky questions from the floor of the historic debating chamber.
131 Or try vinegar, which can be tricky to procure, but complements many of the dumplings.
132 Maintaining control over these ties can be tricky, especially from the other side of the world in a different time zone.
133 Getting everyone to use the new technology will be tricky.
134 Finally, the allocation of the overheads raises some tricky questions.
135 Imprinted with cell bars, the first Tricky Envelope was meant to be festooned with the Richard Nixon stamp.
136 The liberal-historians, on the other hand, tend to find themselves in a somewhat more tricky position.
137 Fordwater is flat in top, St Mary's is tricky in third gear, as is Lavant.
138 The only tricky areas are, of course, anything amiss dead centre - or, of course, anything wrong with the brain.
139 Parking at this mall has always been tricky, with two independently owned shopping centers occupying a single busy corner.
140 Refuelling a plane in mid air is a tricky business.
141 Half way through this tricky bit some one knocked over the light.
142 But it's tricky if you're a single parent - isn't that a ghastly expression?
143 Krupp said last week it would close one of its steelworks if the tricky co-operation talks fail.
144 But the chilly economic climate has made a tricky situation desperate, in two respects.
145 Political satire is a tricky thing; it's only as strong as its target.
146 Clearly, a character wearing a mask is going to have a tricky time with some Fel tests.
147 Perception is the most tricky and the most fascinating aspect of the mind.
148 Getting ashore is tricky, with the sea threatening to destroy the boats on the boulders at the edge.
149 It would be a bit tricky for the count to keep her shut away if they were staying with him.
150 Some unnecessarily tricky camera work early on is taxing, as is the film's glacial pace.
151 Since getting off a chairlift without skis is tricky, the gondola is the best way up.
152 It's a tricky situation. Handle with care.
153 It's been a tricky business marketing his new invention.
154 A camisole can be tricky if it has ruffles.
155 Installing a car stereo amplifier can be tricky.
156 Building a successful hyper-luxury limousine is a tricky game.
157 The tricky question about his discomfited the minister.
158 It's a devil of a tricky problem,(http:///tricky.html)isn't it?
159 Learning and understanding agoraphobia facts can be tricky.
160 This is a tricky one to answer.
161 This man is quite tricky and undependable.
162 Computationally, this is a tricky problem.
163 Setting up the camera can be tricky.
164 However, event-driven programming still contains some tricky aspects.
165 Braking without the engine brake is a bit more tricky but we've had many tests now and a driver adapts quickly.
166 Flowers can be tricky, you can easily spend a lot of money on it. if you have flowers in your garden or can handpick them this can be a great gift.
167 At lunch time its tricky to find your own seashell-encrusted or Renaissance painted toilet lid as uni students flock here for meals under $7, such as shabu shabu, curry, pasta and fried chicken.
168 That tricky color between green and yellow is called chartreuse and it has to be one of the most difficult colors to wear for most women.
169 It was tricky, because I could not use a single quote inside the script.
170 It's a very tricky problem, but I think there are a number of things you can do.
171 In the 1880s, Marey turned his attention to the tricky analysis of bird flight, photographing sequences of herons and cockatoos.
172 It might be worth your while to go to court. This is tricky, though, and you'll need expert advice.
173 Every Antarctic start is a cold start. Knowing how many tarpaulins and blankets we needed to keep the engine warm was tricky.
174 My "capriciousness" and "sophistication", instead of being used in dealing with tricky relations, can be spotted in the mediocre tricks i use to camouflage my inner world.
175 De Beers operates in some tricky countries: Angola is unstable and South Africa has politicians who would love to nationalise its mines.
176 If nothing else, this article should have shown you just how tricky good floating-point arithmetic really is.
177 You'll find the job very difficult. You will run up against some very tricky problems.
178 That would be politically tricky, since such limits seem unattractively arbitrary.
179 Without breaking his stride, the tricky winger fizzed a fine ball into the box and Marsh buried a half volley into the roof of the net.
180 Finding the opportunity to express emotion while staying within the boundaries of the rigid hero is tricky, O'Loughlin, 34, admits.
181 Living in the oceans presented the sea snake with a host of tricky adaptive challenges.
182 This is a highly tricky exercise because vortical flow fields act in a complicated (what scientists call nonlinear) manner, making prediction difficult.
183 She is a tricky girl , you should be careful , don't be cheated by her blandishment so that in her purpose.
184 Shopping for a commercial real estate loan can be tricky. Here's what you need to stay balanced.
185 Another tricky aspect of implementing click-and-drag functions or any other multistep GUI operation is that you're implementing handlers that may well be taking the place of other handlers.
186 The old adjective "Romany" or the newer "Romani" can be used as a noun, which is better (and preferred by this newspaper),(http:///tricky.html) but still tricky.
187 You include with the post form a visual test of some sort that's easy for most people but tricky for a robot.
188 Like post hoc, slippery slope can be a tricky fallacy to identify, since sometimes a chain of events really can be predicted to follow from a certain action.
189 Cleaning a shower stall basin can be tricky because the surface is vertical.
190 Contrasty subjects are always tricky to photograph, especially when it involves a subject like faces where you want to capture all the detail.
191 If you know what their voice normally sounds like, and when they answer a tricky question their voice sounds higher than usual, something may be amiss.
192 Complementary color schemes are tricky to use in large doses, but work well when you want something to stand out.
193 The bad news is that forecasting asteroid impacts remains a tricky business.
194 But while cut motor nerves can be counted on to cause paralysis, sensory nerves are tricky.
195 Mr Clegg faces a tricky party - management challenge of his own.
196 Another intangible asset that's important, but tricky to assess during an internal analysis, is corporate reputation.
197 Open to all to take part – tricky one – but say a hotel chain wants to join a GDS and a similar hotel chain is already on there.
198 The mountain pass is tricky, even when it's not raining.
199 It is tricky to judge when this necessary check on undue caution turns incitement to recklessness.
200 She knew how to sign Susan Torr but had always found Carol tricky.
201 An entirely convincing virtual human form is tricky, but close at hand.
202 In past centuries, the river was a challenge and a danger to those who sailed on it with strong and fast currents, rapids and tricky, half submersed rocks.
203 Even if the rest of the world were willing to run the large trade deficits needed to support China's low relative consumption for so long, the math that gets us there is tricky at best.
204 You must be careful since the final exam will be tricky.
205 It was a tricky ending, involving a couple of knights.'.
206 While there are an estimated 99 million tons of lanthanide reserves worldwide, it is tricky and expensive to tap them, and can take up to 15 years to bring to market.
207 So next year could be a tricky one for the awkward duumvirate that will by then be running Russia.
208 Spotting them can be tricky, since many animals display few overt symptoms.
209 An “m”, “n” or “u” settled cosily between the lines; but “a”, with its one flat side, was tricky, and “e” rocked over on its back.
210 File locking is a very tricky issue and race conditions abound.
211 Even implementing the interest - deferral scheme for homeowners has proved inconveniently tricky.
212 Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, has himself fallen foul of these tricky notability criteria.
213 I think when it is wet conditions it is quite tricky to get a good start.
214 Farrell says this type of call can be tricky to manage but is worthwhile.
215 All of the ultra - tricky details of transactions are handled by the underlying database.
216 But the only proven way of getting a new gene into a cat, somatic cell nuclear transfer(sentence dictionary), is tricky.
217 The choppy waves made handling the boats a tricky operation that day.
218 This adaptive-adolescence view, however accurate, can be tricky to come to terms with—the more so for parents dealing with teens in their most trying, contrary, or flat-out scary moments.
219 Prog fans will enjoy the end of "Now I'm Everyone" where the tricky time signature and lush harmonies end up sounding like Yes.
220 KR: Like I said it is a bit more tricky in some areas.
221 Certain parts of a person are particularly tricky to grow symmetrically.
222 The tricky bit can be when we find that clarity (about what we need to do) and it scares the crap out of us.
223 Then there is the cementing of the wellhead, a process which is necessarily tricky.
224 All this shows why setting an offering price for shares in an IPO is so tricky.
225 He'll also need to deal with the unknown and potentially tricky effects of transonic speed (that is, approaching Mach 1) on the human body.
226 This has presented quite a complex macroeconomic policy challenge for the Chinese government, which has been struggling to strike a tricky balance between inflation control and growth stabilisation.
227 The tricky pedlar cheated the girl into giving him all her money.
228 A simple baseball game, netball hands cast various difficulties tricky problem for the ball, it is up to you in a specified time to make the number of home base.
229 By reading in a snapshot dump created by the Java runtime whilst the application is running, Memory Analyzer gives you a way to diagnose tricky problems that debug code might fail to expose.
230 This is another good move to help get down on tricky or steep slopes.
231 Dealing with moochers is tricky even for etiquette experts like Lizzie Post, who keeps an eye on America's "civility barometer" at the Emily Post Institute in Vermont.
232 Users muck around with environments in unpredictable ways, and getting them back time to a stable state is often tricky.
233 Landing in bad weather is a tricky task for any pilot, even the smallest error can lead to disaster.
234 That result makes qualifying for the knock-out phase of the Champions League very tricky indeed, but Rush thinks that the Spaniard should keep his job.
235 It has been suggested that a new Iraqi government could disburse oil bounty to its citizens too, but doing so properly in a country where the poor do not have bank accounts will be tricky.
236 The author has brought off a tricky tour de force.
237 Fighting a war while remembering to take Wolfsbane Potion to avoid the nastier effects of his monthly transformation into a werewolf will be tricky.
238 Finding a good fixer can be very tricky, and we find them in various ways.
239 THE relationship of street art to the commercial art world has always been a tricky one.
240 Shopping for a real estate loan can be tricky . Here's what you need to stay balanced.
241 One reason is that seasonal adjustment is tricky in such countries where the shift from agriculture to industry changes the pattern of seasonality over time, says Mr Kroeber.
242 The difficulties in getting over mix with some tricky navigational choices.
243 In these hair-shirt times(Sentencedict), selling the ultimate statement of automotive luxury is tricky.
244 The tricky part of growing Sarracenia indoors or a greenhouse is how and when to acclimate them to life outdoors.
245 Mr Rogoff, after all, had a point: counter - cyclical policies are tricky.
246 The tricky part comes when we add that third dimension, depth, to picture.
247 Vitamin D has one advantage over calcium: It is fat-soluble and can be stored in the body for later use. But getting enough of it can be tricky.
248 The only tricky thing about this program is the second argument of the put statement.
249 Thus, it may be tricky or unusually time-consuming for the superuser to take the necessary steps to alleviate this low-VM condition.
250 Finding the stuff is damned tricky because dark matter , by definition , cannot be seen.
251 Without true garbage collection, the implementation will be a bit tricky.




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