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单词 Nucleus
1. DNA is stored in the nucleus of a cell.
2. The nucleus of an atom consists of neutrons, protons and other particles.
3. These books are regarded as the nucleus of the library.
4. Neutrons and protons are bound together in the nucleus of an atom.
5. The fortress was the nucleus of the ancient city.
6. These young people formed the nucleus of the club.
7. the protoplasm of a cell nucleus.
8. These paintings will form the nucleus of a new collection.
9. The nucleus of a deuterium atom contains a proton and a neutron.
10. These three players will form the nucleus of a revised and stronger team.
11. Marantz and Grohl form the nucleus of the Atlanta operation.
12. The Civic Movement could be the nucleus of a centrist party of the future.
13. The nucleus has two protons and two neutrons.
14. Usually this sucked-out cytoplasm will contain the egg nucleus.
15. The cell body contains the nucleus.
16. There they coalesce to form a single nucleus.
17. Leading into the nucleus are one or more dendrites.
18. The HeLa cell nucleus continues to behave as before./nucleus.html
19. Every living cell and every atom has a nucleus.
20. Alexander's new gaol remains the nucleus of Maidstone Prison today.
21. Each U-235 nucleus that decays spontaneously emits two large but unequal fragments, plus several neutrons.
22. The small nucleus of ex-service officers naturally guarded their job closely.
23. One should not, however, think that the nucleus of any cell will support development if transplanted into the egg.
24. The main maser features may have originated from the slowly rotating disk or from the outflow gas near the galactic nucleus.
25. Could the same result be obtained by transplanting a nucleus from well-differentiated cells?
26. In most mammals, apart from the cat, the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus projects exclusively to area 17.
27. Even fraction of a second, the optical density of the nucleus is measured and stored in the computer's memory.
28. The reason is not clear, but must be the result of some subtle change in the genetic information in the nucleus.
29. In 1875 Boston Spa College was purchased, and this became the nucleus of the present School.
30. Each of the two cells now contains a diploid nucleus, containing both maternal and paternal chromosomes.
1. DNA is stored in the nucleus of a cell.
2. The nucleus of an atom consists of neutrons, protons and other particles.
3. These books are regarded as the nucleus of the library.
4. Neutrons and protons are bound together in the nucleus of an atom.
5. These young people formed the nucleus of the club.
31. In fact, little of the gas driven inward need ultimately fall into the nucleus of the Galaxy.
32. The sperm carries just a nucleus cargo, a mitochondrial engine, and a flagellum propeller.
33. Was the nucleus, the heart of the disease, housed within the great church?
34. Calluses grow on the ball of the foot and do not have a nucleus.
35. He saw that if an electron could occupy any orbit round a nucleus then a spiralling collapse was inevitable.
36. Quarks bind together to make up larger particles such as the protons and neutrons found in the atomic nucleus.
37. The question is what will happen to the red blood cell nucleus if it is placed in cancer cell cytoplasm?
38. We may visualise them as wavelengths and orbits about a nucleus - with some similarity to a miniature solar system.
39. The positive charge of the protons generates an electrostatic field,() which binds the negative electrons of the atom to the nucleus.
40. Note that the zygote-the one-celled nucleus-at no stage contains a single nucleus.
41. Once this nucleus of states demonstrated that the surveillance mechanism was practical and usable, a gradual expansion into other states occurred.
42. By distorting them, supernova explosions may lead to the shredding of otherwise stable clouds by the tidal field of the nucleus.
43. This, under the control of the inference engine, forms the system nucleus.
44. A detailed analysis showed that the jets came from eight small, fixed areas on the surface of the comet's nucleus.
45. In common with other modern cloning scientists we do not first remove the nucleus from its own cytoplasm before transferring it.
46. Certainly the lateral geniculate nucleus in rats looks nothing like the lateral geniculate nucleus in monkeys.
47. Such inhibitors also prevent the increase in calmodulin within the nucleus of liver cells following hepatectomy.
48. Outside the nucleus, parts of the cytoplasmic skeleton form themselves into two conical structures,[] like the frames of two wigwams.
49. The nucleus of each village was for the most part made up of the Frelimo guerillas who had fought in the liberation struggle.
50. Instead, both position and velocity would have to be smeared out with some probability distribution around the nucleus.
51. Meadow Mill now forms the nucleus of a small trading estate.
52. Even the propeller and engine are jettisoned when the sperm meets the egg; only the nucleus travels farther.
53. The central nucleus of all these penicillins was the same, but the exact structure was established only after much controversy.
54. In this context, a neutron star is effectively a single atomic nucleus.
55. There is no diploid nucleus, with a complete complement of chromosomes, until we reach the two-cell stage.
56. The guest house for the abbey became the nucleus of a royal residence.
57. Within the nucleus An atomic nucleus is very small; less than 10 -15 metres in diameter.
58. We also have a nucleus of prints by William Klein, donated by Virginia Zabriskie.
59. They match the four pairs of chromosomes, dense bodies in the cell nucleus.
60. Some rocks can also be dated by the microscopic tracks of decay particles ejected from the radioactive nucleus.
61. The nucleus must be taken from cells that are multiplying.
62. Any thermal energy is shared by the whole lattice rather than a single nucleus.
63. Take punk, it was all about a tight nucleus of bands who were all mates.
64. Given time available to train new staff it is not necessary to keep more than a nucleus in that particular expertise.
65. Hickson hopes this will form the nucleus of a self-help group.
66. Glovers, shoemakers, tailors, chandlers, masons and others provided a firm nucleus of skilled trades.
67. Nucleons are either protons or neutrons, locked together into a boiling cauldron that is the nucleus.
68. But there is a dramatic change in the chick red blood cell nucleus.
69. They stayed on in Constantinople and became the nucleus of the Varangian Guard, which lasted for many centuries.
70. The staining frequently obscured the nucleus making assessment of the presence of nuclear staining difficult.
71. How might information systems provide a nucleus for organizational and personal continuity?
72. Then, together, the proteins travel back into the nucleus and shut off the very machinery necessary for making more protein.
73. In the beginning of the chapter he calls the 12 disciples who will form the nucleus of the Church.
74. Impressive though this result is, the transplanted nucleus had come from an early embryonic stage.
75. The task, then, is not to draw out an entire nucleus but to scoop out a bunch of chromosomes.
76. The end product of such processes as these was the primitive nucleus of a continent, which grew as this process continued.
77. According to that picture, the comet's nucleus is a frozen ball of ice and solidified gases, including dust and rocks.
78. From this nucleus, it swiftly spread throughout his head and trunk, leaving only his limbs in an unfeeling limbo.
78. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
79. These titles have formed the nucleus basis of an educational website.
80. But we can also activate the cytoplast at the same time as the donor nucleus is introduced.
81. The tube is too narrow even for the nucleus, which only just squeezes through.
82. In cell division the spiral appears, as well as in the DNA molecule in the cell nucleus.
83. This is a historic town, its nucleus occupying an imposing and consequently strategic position on an eminence commanding the river Emme.
84. The radiation would result in an orbiting electron losing energy and collapsing into the nucleus.
85. As long as a comet nucleus is still active, fresh clouds of dust are emitted at each perihelion passage.
86. Then the nuclei arrange themselves side by side and fuse into a single nucleus carrying the chromosomes of both sperm and ovum.
87. Thus the electrons would either escape from the atom altogether or would spiral into the nucleus.
88. Helium, the next element in the periodic table, contains two electrons encircling a nucleus containing two protons.
89. The nucleus thus formed divides and two cells develop within the outer membrane.
90. Embedded within the cytoplasm is the cell nucleus surrounded by its own special membrane.
91. Was it actually possible to rip the nucleus from one cell and put it into another?
92. Growth proceeds from a small crystal nucleus which develops into a fibril.
93. Top: Model of a two dimensional electron wave orbiting a nucleus of hydrogen.
94. Pilots are based mainly at Guernsey of Jersey, with a small nucleus of four at Alderney.
95. Recent developments in particle physics suggest that every nucleon may itself have a nucleus.
96. That nucleus then becomes the liaison group for communication with Masud.
97. The bile acids are synthesized as excretory products of cholesterol catabolism and are composed of a carbon-24 steroid nucleus.
98. Atomic energy levels depend principally on the nuclear charge, which is determined by the number of protons in the nucleus.
99. Within the nucleus are the chromosomes of the cell, which contain the genes.
100. This is a visible example of the dialogue between nucleus and cytoplasm; and in this instance the cytoplasm takes the lead.
101. Understanding of the atomic nucleus was progressing rapidly and awareness was dawning of the awesome energies latent within.
102. In each guerrilla group you need a nucleus of men who know, understand and trust Masud.
103. With corns, the build-up is cone-shaped, with the pointed end - the nucleus - facing downwards.
104. The creature probably created by the fusion of a human nucleus and a bovine ovum was owed something.
105. The outermost electron is shielded from the nucleus.
106. During the disintegration energy is released from the nucleus.
107. the nucleus of a cell.
108. A nucleus can have only one Y - chromosome.
109. Most direct substitution of groups bound to an aromatic nucleus is limited to diazonium salts.
110. What does develop early is the pleasure-seeking area,[] the nucleus accumbens.
111. Plant biology Lighting up the nucleus . [ comment ] .
112. Objective To evaluate the stability mechanical functions of the anterior spine instrumentation system combing prosthetic disc nucleus with flexible stabilization devices.
113. Conclusion: Auditory cortex receives the neural projection from the ipsilateral amygdaloid nucleus in rats.
114. Objective: To study the effects of corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) neurons in the paraventricular nucleus( PVN) on the stress after scalding in rats.
115. Methods: Rats AD model were induced by D - galactose and lesion of basal Meynert nucleus with IBO.
116. In dandelion ( Taraxacum ), for example, the chromosomes of the megaspore mother cell remain in one cell after the first meiotic division, forming a restitution nucleus.
117. Annulate lamellae(AL) swallowed and spaced cell contents- The loop - shaped and compact nuclei seen in cells were abnormal forms of nucleus.
118. In this process the nucleus breaks up into two intermediate - sized nuclei.
119. During some of the trials, they paired one tone with stimulation of a section of the rats' brains known as the nucleus basalis, which relays commands to the auditory cortex by secreting acetylcholine.
120. The particles can be detected with a condensation nucleus counter.
121. In the central nucleus of inferior colliculus, SPR positive fibers, endings and neurons were also found, but the number of positive neurons was fewer.
122. Because hydrogen atoms have a proton for a nucleus, this leaves the crew exposed to dangerous ionising radiation that breaks chemical bonds and damages DNA.
123. The blank additional right is the nucleus question of blank bill theory, and the Commercial Instrument Law of our country is the simple st to the regulation of blank additional right.
124. They can control precisely where the nanotube penetrates a cell, for example, and een pinpoint smaller cell structures, such as the nucleus or mitochondrion .
125. Objective To compare the distributions of the corticospinal neurons and the corticorubral neurons and study whether the corticospinal neurons project collaterals to the red nucleus exist or not.
126. The residual nucleus will, in general, undergo a radioactive transformation.
127. The present study was to investigate whether globus pallidus (GP) is involved in caudate putamen nucleus (CPu) excitation induced analgesia and acupuncture analgesia.
128. By the development of processor technology ecbolic much nucleus technology drove software process designing change.
129. Oocytes parthenogenetic activation is the key technology of nucleus transplant and effective method investigating mammalian impregnation mechanism and development mechanism.
130. The cause of dust tail striae are not known for sure, but are possibly related to fragmentation of comet's nucleus.
131. The palace city, the political nucleus of the ancient capital, is the starting point of its spatial development and the antitype space after Luoyang was chosen as the capital city.
132. Just as the sun is the central body of the solar system, so the nucleus is the core of the atom...
133. A neutron is simply a neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom.
134. Also some changes were found in vestibulum, inferior olivary nucleus, vagus nerve nucleus, superior colliculus, basal ganglion, pons, Cerebellumand motor area of cortex.
135. The immature neutrophil has a nonsegmented nucleus in shape of a horseshoe.
136. Database is the nucleus of this Web site, which needs to classify and keep commerical information so as to provide support for various kinds of marketing analysis.
137. Practice proves to after eating a jujube, contain jujube nucleus in the mouth, have effect of stimulative saliva excretive .
138. The central and peripheral projections of the nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi(NDV)were studied by fluorescein double labeling technique.
138. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
139. That action stimulates a brain structure called the dorsal raphe nucleus.
140. Electrons in atoms are visualized as diffuse clouds surrounding the nucleus.
141. Nowadays, 4 nucleuses processor also expects in people and double nucleus all-pervading was set foot on in misgive road.
142. Objective To investigate the mechanism and summary the clinical experience of Parkinson's disease (PD) treated with deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the bi-lateral subthalamic nucleus (STN).
143. There was sure nucleo-cytoplasmic heterosis between Ae. squarrosa L. cytoplasm and wheat cell nucleus.
144. Nucleus that projects spinal, vestibular, and reticular information to the cerebellum.
145. Oncogene products are links in signal chains that stretch from the cell surface to cell nucleus.
146. The projection from the hypoglossal nucleus of muscles of tongue in rats was studied with the combined method of HRP tracing and immunocytochemistry.
147. Objective To discuss the types of neurons in hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) excited by peripheral hyperosmotic stimulation.
148. The HVS function, HVS function is inversely Fourier transformed in frequency domain, and the method is realized by calculating some value of the function in spacial domain as convolve nucleus.
149. Development tendency of car body production, the flexible welding and assembling production line is analyzed. Argumentation is made that computer is the nucleus to realize flexible automatic control.
150. VEGF was mainly secreted by hepatocytes, and was also positively expressed in liver sinusoid endothelial cells, fat-storing cells, myofibroblast and monomorphic nucleus cells.
151. Morphology and cytoarchitecture of nucleus nervi trochlearis and nucleus nervi oculomotorii of 7 adult health Keerqin fine-wool sheep were studied using histological method.
152. There were numerous arcuate fibers connecting with the third ventricle ependymal surface and median eminence in arcuate hypothalamic nucleus.
153. Objective:In order to gain anatomical data of lenticular nucleus and thalamus dorsalis and pulvinar, and supply the data to the localization in stereotactic operations of brains.
154. Electrical synapses and field effects may play essential roles in synchronizing neuronal activity within the nucleus.
155. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, having pinwheel-shaped arms of gas, dust, and stars lying in a flattened disc, and extending directly out from a spherical nucleus of stars in the central region.
156. Objective:To investigate the relationship between the Nucleus Raphe Magnus(NRM) and the acupuncture-effect on the stomach.
157. Eukaryote --- A unicellular or multicellular organism in which the cells have a nucleus with a nuclear membrane and other specialized characteristics. See also prokaryote.
158. The results demonstrated: in the trigeminal system, only did lingual and inferior alveolar nerves of trigeminal nerves project to nucleus tractus solitarii.
159. Wang Niansun , who as a set text, phonology, exegesis, textual criticism of the nucleus, natural is the academic representative of this period.
160. The energy equivalent of the mass discrepancy in a nucleus is called binding energy.
161. Some of the apoptotic proteins, distributing in both cytoplasm and nucleus, shuttle between the two compartments by virtue of nucleocytoplasmic transport.
162. Generally speaking , the genes exist in the cell nucleus.
163. In a spherical nucleus, the coupling term implies an interweaving of the quadrupole and dipole motion.
164. The tube nucleus disintegrates as the pollen tube penetrates the nucellus .
165. Objective To study the effects of inducible NOS inhibitor aminoguanidine on the recovery of traumatic facial paralysis in rats and the change in the expression of NOS in the facial nucleus.
166. To understand the relationship of neurotransmitter between the striatum and limbic system such as amygdaloid nucleus and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.
167. Conclusions: OECs promote the growth of the co - cultured rat caudate nucleus neurons.
168. Objective To study the effects of haloperidol ( HAL ) on electric stimulated dopamine ( DA ) release from rat nucleus accumbens ( Acb ).
169. After the sperm penetrated into the egg, its nucleus was transformed into a big male pronucleus.
170. The most probable fate for this high - energy photon is to interact with a nucleus again.
171. Werner Karl Heisenberg proposed that proton and neutron could be seen as two states of a nucleus.
172. The introns are cut out by processing enzymes in the nucleus and the exons ( coding sequences ) ligated together.
173. It was settled by the Spanish in 1510 and formed the nucleus of the viceroyalty of New Granada after 1740.
174. The nucleus possesses a center nucleolus with fibrillar centers, dense fibrillar component and granular component.
175. The zona and nucleus of the bovine oocyte were removed by pronase and bisection method respectively.
176. This superbly detailed view reveals its bright nucleus, grand spiral arms and sweeping cosmic dust lanes with a scale comparable to the Milky Way.
177. Each atomic nucleus with a positively charged with negatively e electroscavenging and.
178. They do not have a nuclear membrane and so no discrete nucleus.
179. Objective To explore the transductive relationship between pineal, central nuclei of suprachiasmatic nucleus and dorsal raphe , and peripheral lymphocyte in terms of circadian rhythm.
180. For example, in contemporary nucleus medicine of clinical demand drive below, isotropy technology received wide application.
181. Through the study on both the internal structure and the nucleus shape in low carbon ductile iron, influencing regularity of the nucleus shape on the graphite spheroidization has been discussed.
182. Objective To investigate the efficacy of percutaneous endoscopic laser-assisted discectomy (PELD) on L5S1 herniated nucleus pulposus by posterior paramedian trans-interlaminar approach (PEILD).
183. Methods:Chymopapain was purified by ion exchange chromatograph and tested its effect on nucleus pulposus in vitro.
184. Crescent or irregular shape of microspore at stage of central nucleus .24.
185. And when we do that we can see this curve, this probability curve, where we have a maximum probability of finding the electron this far away from the nucleus.
186. Aim:To investigate the effects and the possible mechanism of cocaine on the neurons of lateral habenular nucleus(LHb).
187. Objective To investigate the effects of microinjection of pentobarbital sodium into basolateral amygdaloid nucleus on sleep and behavior.
188. phospho-ERK, or phosphorylated activated ERK, may translocate into nucleus to regulate the expression of certain genes through phosphorylation on transcription factors.
188. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
189. Lots of SP-immunoreactive substances were located in the amygdaloid nucleus, and most of them located at the central and medial amygdaloid nucleus.
190. The dimension and shape of the cells were homogeneous, with acidophilic cytoplasm and round nucleus but rare mitotic figures.
191. Pith nucleus and model excise outside classics putamen " a way of escape " operation method is same, but pulling putamen to a side when, nerval of easy instead aggravating former horsetail is injured.




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