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单词 Headlong
(1) He ran headlong for the open door.
(2) I fell headlong into a pool of icy water.
(3) The rhino charged headlong towards us.
(4) She fell headlong into the icy pool.
(5) He fell headlong and landed on his face.
(6) He ran headlong into a police car.
(7) Jim dived headlong into the task.
(8) She fell headlong, with a cry of alarm.
(9) The car skidded and plunged headlong over the cliff.
(10) Mortimer almost ran headlong into a patrol.
(11) Do not leap headlong into decisions.
(12) The car plunged headlong into the river.
(13) He dived headlong into the ditch.
(14) The economy is on a headlong dive to disaster.
(15) People were trampled in the headlong rush.
(16) He ran headlong into an enemy patrol.
(17) Here, morality and good sentiments clash headlong.
(18) Aubrey made a headlong decision.
(19) The plane began a headlong plunge towards the Earth.
(20) He rushed headlong into marriage.
(21) The government is taking care not to rush headlong into another controversy.
(22) They made desperate attempts to halt the headlong rush into war.
(23) In the headlong rush to buy houses[http://], many people got into debt.
(24) She missed her footing and fell headlong down the stairs.
(25) The river takes a headlong plunge into a maelstrom of rocks and boulders.
(26) She ran headlong into a woman.
(27) When they came to the fork of the road, his horse turned left into a bypath as if it were possessed with a demon and began to run headlong down the hill.
(28) The calm water ends there and the river begins a headlong plunge.
(29) If they hit any unseen obstacle they would be pitched headlong into the snow.
(30) road, his horse turned left into a bypath as if it were possessed with a demon and began to run headlong down the hill.
(1) He ran headlong for the open door.
(2) I fell headlong into a pool of icy water.
(3) The rhino charged headlong towards us.
(4) The river takes a headlong plunge into a maelstrom of rocks and boulders.
(5) If they hit any unseen obstacle they would be pitched headlong into the snow.
(6) road, his horse turned left into a bypath as if it were possessed with a demon and began to run headlong down the hill.
(31) One step forwards and he would fall headlong.
(32) Water tumbled headlong down narrow channels into the valley.
(33) McGuire slid headlong into second base.
(34) Now that they had emerged, they did not continue headlong towards the Scouts.
(35) Up went a roar as he plunged headlong into the stew.
(36) None the less, Henry did not rush headlong down the road to schism.
(37) And she was well past the point at which she might have stopped her headlong dive into that dizzying state.
(38) She fell headlong, with a cry of alarm, and lay gasping for breath as the pain shot up her leg.
(39) She crouched back into the shadows and saw Geoffrey run headlong down the stairs.
(40) His unbuckled trousers slid and tripped him headlong into the corridor outside.
(41) Unbalanced, he was forced to plunge his foot back in to stop himself from falling headlong.
(42) But men are more likely than women to actually throw themselves headlong into romance and be swept away.
(43) Stockbrokers should prevent their clients from plunging headlong into trouble.
(44) Cat owners often notice that their pet will suddenly and for no apparent reason make a headlong dash through the house.
(45) In our headlong pursuit to acquire wealth and worldly pleasures, Christians have become virtually indistinguishable from the rest of the world.
(46) If your battle plan is to charge headlong at the enemy and engage him as soon as possible chariots are ideal.
(47) He stood just within the room, looking steadily at the Princess, and went headlong where his genius pointed him.
(48) Madra tripped and fell headlong in the leaf mould, and in an instant their pursuers were upon her.
(48) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(49) The headlong rush by the brewers to switch tenants to long leases is creating misery and hardship.
(50) Instead the company is jumping headlong into the commercial satellite business.
(51) By the shore the driftwood was still travelling upriver, but in midstream it was gathering way headlong in the other direction.
(52) Once she stumbled and nearly fell headlong, but somehow she recovered her balance and tore on.
(53) This did not mean she was prepared to throw herself headlong into a relationship with the first half-decent male who happened by.
(54) Rush headlong to the grave with the most outlandish style possible.
(55) While trying to avoid police officers guarding the building, Howard falls headlong into a cellar.
(56) As it vanished, absorbed in the veils of blackness, Stephen stumbled over a twisted root and fell headlong.
(57) In addition, the company has soured some investors by pouring money into headlong expansion at the expense of earnings.
(58) He ran into the water almost headlong and paddled over fast, leaving an arrow-head ripple on the calm, brown surface.
(59) He fell headlong, his arms flailing, and struck the street hard enough to lose consciousness for a few seconds.
(60) On 26 April the parties to litigation will be thrown headlong into a new landscape.
(61) Settlers rushed headlong across the wilderness to claim the best land.
(62) Here in the open grass he broke into a headlong run, lurching and recovering as the tussocks turned under him.
(63) He tumbled headlong and wigless to the floor.
(64) The runner slid headlong into third base.
(65) An incautious step sent her headlong down the stairs.
(66) He persisted in his headlong stagger, guided on by Herb.
(67) Those who rush headlong into love like crazy are teenagers.
(68) Flinging headlong into busywork itself is another way to seem indispensable.
(69) It hurls itself against him without mercy as he flees headlong from its power.
(70) He taketh the wise in their own and the counsel of froward is carried headlong.
(71) He taketh the wise in their craftiness: and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong.
(72) As to women,[] he had once already been drawn headlong by impetuous folly.
(73) The little boy fell headlong down the flight of stairs.
(74) Hawthorne attempts to dissociate himself from the headlong calamity which he, too, records.
(75) Without a comprehensive plan, we should refrain from rushing headlong into actions.
(76) Me and my girl had a nasty breakup after months of me not just falling, but running headlong into the depths of depression and self-destruction.
(77) And rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong.
(78) The country, they say, will inevitably now plunge headlong into decadence.
(79) People do not fall headlong on stumpe of underwood with impunity.
(80) Back in 1980, I thought I'd plunged headlong into the journalistic Dark Ages.
(81) That world is fragmenting fast, a victim of India's surging population and headlong eagerness to modernize.
(82) Picking out the very biggest apple in the store-room he stole into the kitchen, slipped it into Pelageya's hand, and darted headlong away.
(83) There is a place in Africa where the deep green lazy water of the peaceful Zambezi River plunges headlong 100 meters down into wet granite gorges.
(84) The dog screamed, and wheeling in terror, galloped headlong in a new direction.
(85) Their battle plan is to charge headlong at the enemy.
(86) In headlong retreat after the Battle of El Alamein, Rommel had disobeyed orders of his F ü hrer.




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