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单词 Mastery
1) Man can only be free through mastery of himself. 
2) True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime.
3) It takes years to gain a mastery of Japanese.
4) She showedcomplete mastery in her handling of the discussion.
5) She has mastery of several languages.
6) The orchestra is unrivalled in terms of technical mastery and sheer vitality.
7) Children show gradual mastery of reading in the first years at school.
8) She appealed to his mastery for help in solving her problem.
9) He struggled for mastery over his emotions.
10) The king had absolute mastery over the country.
11) He shows complete mastery of the instrument.
12) He shows complete mastery of his chosen subject.
13) She possesses complete technical mastery of her instrument.
14) Which side will get the mastery?
15) He acquired mastery of four languages.
16) The allied bombers had total mastery of the skies.
17) Only practice can achieve mastery.
18) To gain a complete mastery of English(),[http:///mastery.html] one must study very hard.
19) He doesn't have mastery of the basic rules of grammar.
20) He plays the violin with technical mastery, but no feeling.
21) Mastery, absolute competence, is mandatory for a leader.
22) Mastery passes often for egotism. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
23) She is still trying to regain mastery over it.
24) Supremacy over earth is achieved through mastery of the heavens.
25) Wild knows how to lighten up and he does it with the digital mastery and temperament he has exhibited for many decades.
26) The foundation of lasting self- confidence and self esteem is excellence, mastery of your work. Brian Tracy 
27) In brief, it was a fertile testing ground for those wishing to demonstrate prowess in their mastery of econometric technique.
28) The man who put the flash into kiddy science and engineering was obsessed with mastery and given to showmanship, says Brown.
29) We love the imperfect shapes in nature and in the works of art, look for an intentional error as a sign of the golden key and sincerity found in true mastery. Dejan Stojanovic 
30) Descartes also claimed that the new rationalist methodology would bring human mastery over nature and a new age of human well-being.
1) It takes years to gain a mastery of Japanese.
2) She has mastery of several languages.
3) The orchestra is unrivalled in terms of technical mastery and sheer vitality.
4) Children show gradual mastery of reading in the first years at school.
31) These problems are further discussed in the succeeding chapters in sections on mastery, criteria and feasibility.
32) Occasionally, though, television offers a few glimpses of people who have developed very deep mastery, become real craftsmen.
33) He already had complete mastery of the detail and had planned his line of attack on each of the plaintiffs.
34) Those at risk-overly sensitive, poorly assertive children-have not achieved the emotional mastery necessary to be successfully separate from parents.
35) It was, however, rescued and converted with great taste, mastery and exacting standards into the most comfortable of residences.
36) His own marriage was a disastrous threat to this conceit of mastery.
37) With this insight and acceptance, children begin to develop a sense of mastery of their feelings.
38) PageMaker still commands mastery of its own particular niche even though its sales lead seesaws with that of Ventura.Sentence dictionary
39) In addition, the students should be allowed to choose the way they prefer to achieve mastery of the material of the unit.
40) Tilda had initiated the train of events, as, with her careless mastery of life, she often did.
41) Alphabetic writing requires mastery of several dozen symbols that are needed for phonemic representation.
42) Motor abilities, perceptual skills and increasingly sophisticated forms of cognitive representation are all implicated in the mastery of spoken language.
43) But he began to struggle manfully upwards, gaining mastery over one step before getting a crutch trapped in the lattice.
44) The issue was mastery of western Christendom, over which Charlemagne had been crowned emperor on Christmas Day 800.
45) Her public image is that of a sassy mystic, but she has the showbiz mastery of a Gloria Swanson.
46) Here, his old taste for face-to-face encounters was complemented by his mastery of the new mass medium of television.
47) Grandcourt knows well that he will soon have mastery over a woman who would like to master him.
48) The substratum of this experience is the mastery of a technique.
49) True mastery of design and development in multimedia demands more than an incremental change in existing established skills.
50) Quite simply mastery of colonial languages gave a few people unfettered power.
51) It called for all students to earn a certificate of initial mastery in the core academic subjects by grade 10.
52) After completing the magnificent castle, Hengist began plotting his mastery of the kingdom.
53) I didn't much like them, but I realized he played with some mastery.
54) He then helps them to begin to envisage possible ways of reacting, including mastery of negative feelings.
55) As such it is a perfect primer for those only discovering her ebullient vocal mastery.
56) Kennedy was only briefly in office and even Lyndon Johnson's famed mastery of congress was very short-lived.
57) There was just the experience of mastery of a new element, the glorious sense of power, and the freedom.
58) This lasting antipathy coexisted in his mind with a rare mastery of philosophical debate and classical literature.
59) Materials and teaching practices may consist of commercial letter-of-the-week programs, math worksheets with accompanying workbooks, and mastery assessments.
60) The first part of the poem deals with Sir Walter's attempts to impose his mastery on the natural environment.
61) Laws said the front-runners have similar degrees of technical mastery, but differ greatly on the artistic side.
62) Might not the mastery of a skill quickly mean that an approach to learning through discovery could be more effectively undertaken?
63) Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine. Buddha 
64) They have battled for years for mastery of the region.
65) Man has to go through his personal exploration and final mastery of his inferno.
66) The process enabled students to feel less pressure and to begin to develop a sense of mastery.
67) He explained the theory of Mastery of Learning, about which he'd spoken before.
68) Such mastery of basic drives may cost the ego something, but it also brings rich rewards.
69) The answer may be in the way boys and girls are taught to gain mastery.
70) Mastery of the code of reading is intimately bound up with oral competence in a language.
71) Her mastery of the massive scandal's legal, political and regulatory issues is impressive, her documentation comprehensive.
72) Overprotective parents may bombard their young children with messages that reinforce their lack of mastery.
73) Syllabic writing requires mastery of what may be several hundred or several thousand symbols that are needed for syllabic representation.
74) Smith's technical mastery blossomed in the hushed mystery of the Nocturne but above all in the fireworks of the Tarantella.
75) The Mingus music this reviewer knows offers a richness and sophistication that compares with the exultant mastery of Duke Ellington.
76) But mastery of helium-3 / deuterium fusion may permit other entirely new applications.
77) The main points of comparison involve vocabulary, syntax, and mastery of the writing system.
78) Such mastery requires absolute concentration, the full deployment of oneself.
79) In Chapter 8 we look at methods for analyzing human technological prowess in the mastery of materials for artifacts.
80) A true sense of mastery of the task at hand.
81) The bishops expected the hallowed Authorized Version to maintain its mastery because it was sanctified in everyone's affections and moral sentiments.
82) He had achieved, by the standards of Wall Street, technical mastery of his subject.
83) Only out of sheer mastery of will did I not scream in agony.
84) Perhaps the most significant aspect of the technical and rational mastery of the modern world has been bureaucracy.
85) The illusion of mastery would prove difficult to forfeit, however, and would plague them throughout the first year.
86) Modern ideas of mastery learning arose from Carroll's model of school learning.
87) Those on the path of mastery are willing to take chances, play the fool....
88) It is particularly the case with men that they slowly over time increase their knowledge and mastery over self.
89) Beatrice Webb and Erving Goffman for mastery of skills in descriptive sociology.
90) A child's education may consist largely of the mastery of traditional skills to be done in a traditional way.
91) Chances of finding employment are in turn closely dependent on mastery of modern knowledge.
92) Selection to the team is based on mastery of specified gymnastic skills.
93) In general, Ventura users have mastery over perhaps 40 to 50% of the program.
94) Such explorations enable them to grow in knowledge and to develop a sense of mastery that promotes self-confidence.
95) The mastery of skills is of little use if they can not be applied.
96) His mastery of the French language was proverbial.
97) Does bow expertness requires Maxed Bow mastery?
98) In spite of myself,[http:///mastery.html] the insidious mastery of song.
99) Widely respected as one of the founding fathers of photojournalism and a pioneer in the art of photography, his pictures are admired for their spontaneity and mastery of form.
100) Yet Mr Livingstone a gift for campaigning a mastery of machine politics that his rival lacks.
101) Enhance inspiring and influencing capability through mastery of acting and Body Language Technology ( BLT ).
102) Blood Rune Mastery ( Tier 6 ) has been removed.
103) Mastery of the trial and error method is important for secure and credible design of the chemical equipment.
104) A COMMENTER, Thomas Hopewell, asks "At what point along the trajectory from touristic phrasebook to Safiresque linguistic mastery do you feel comfortable claiming to 'speak' a given language?"
105) Resolving the contradiction will require the mastery of words of Leo Tolstoy, author of the epic novel War and Peace about the run-up to the unsuccessful invasion of Russia by Napoleon.
106) If they touch upon one another, one's mastery is sacrificed.
107) Colour matching not only influences the effect of clothing entirety, but also represents the cultural mastery of one who wears the clothe.
108) Self Mastery is embodied in periods of planned detachment. It is that period in which impeccability is crystallized.
109) Mastery of detail:Following one from the first attribute "knowledge of oneself and of one's occupation", Hill advises us that a great leader is able to master the details required in any situation.
110) The CFA Program is an educational program that tests your mastery of a body of knowledge through a series of exams.
111) Kids who have this well-earned sense of mastery are more optimistic and decisive; they've learned that they're capable of overcoming adversity and achieving goals.
112) Mesopotamia was probably the first region of the world where humans gained mastery over major rivers.
113) Siphon Life will now properly gain a benefit from Shadow Mastery.
114) Gating Mastery Gating ability becomes more potent, bringing 30 % more reinforcements than normal.
115) Mastery over the senses is brought about through concentrated meditation upon their nature, peculiar attributes, egoism, pervasiveness and useful purpose.
116) Indeed, true mastery requires a muscle sense, a motor image, as it were, in the brain's motion-planning areas of the movement in question.
117) We have dealt with the images of the cross and fire separately from the technology of cyclical movement because, with the creation of fire, a new symbolic dimension is added to the mastery of time.
118) The scholars deem that some of the Shang elite and craftsmen may have fled to the New World and that that is the reason of the Olmec's sudden mastery of their skills.
119) According to this attribute, privacy is defined to be the eminent and mastery on individual domain and private existence information unrelated to the public interest.
120) Conscious mastery of price circulation law is the guideline policy of government control macroscopic price fluctuation.
121) A mastery of the two cultures concerned in translating is necessary for the success of the language transformation as every language is embedded in a specific culture.
122) Real mastery of transfiguration will come at a much later time in Mila and Oa's ascent.
123) Stylistically, he defies definition. His technical mastery baffles and intrigues.
124) A mastery of idioms is often equated with successful language learning.
125) Hussein's mastery of this challenge stamped him as a formidable personality.
126) A mastery of the International Phonetic Alphabet is the basis for learning English.
127) Or does Google plan to extend its digital mastery into the automotive industry as a supplier, partner, or original equipment manufacturer?
128) The goal of training accounting majors is to cultivate highly qualified accountants with both solid theoretical knowledge and a perfect mastery of operational techniques.
129) Conclusion:Mastery the up to date research progress of Saponikovia cata(Turcz. )Schishk. and afford useful inference of its exploitation and application.
130) It was this painstaking apprenticeship that gave Van Gogh mastery of painting.
131) Fortune's wheel of everyone is mastery on himself,[http:///mastery.html] decide the end on himself too!
132) With his mastery of the magic of fire, and the power of the Keys, his spells burn his foes, and then burn their own magic, combining to create a deadly conflagration.
133) They lead, also, to the mastery of FEAR, DISCOURAGEMENT, INDIFFERENCE.
134) In other words, you have to provide (or innovate) tangible value without disclosing the specifics of the mastery.
135) Gain sentence building and communicating power through mastery of Movie Making Technology (MMT).
136) Through discussion one will understand more clearly the purposes of versification being used in order to have better mastery of it in appreciation and translation of an original poetry.
137) It'shows mankind's subjectivist wish to subjugate robots to his mastery.
138) And knowing this is not only quite construcive to deep understanding of such subordinate clause but also instrumental to the mastery of translating techniques.
139) A good mastery of the sematic features and syntaxic reverse functions of the sentimental verb is very beneficial to our English study.
140) Recipe: Major Dreamless Sleep Potion is needed to complete the Potion Mastery Quest.
141) He was always making diagrams of verbs and their inflections , and he looked for opportunities to show off his mastery of the pluperfect and future perfect tenses, his two favorites.
142) The paper tries to achieve mastery of strategic annalistic and theory through the study on a realistic c ase.
143) There is an ease , a sureness , a lightness of touch , that comes from mastery.
144) On the same day, the Academy of American Poets awarded him the $100,000 Wallace Stevens Award for "outstanding and proven mastery in the art of poetry."
145) Help them internalize what developmental psychologists call an incremental theory of intelligence—a perspective that associates the road to mastery with effort and overcoming adversity.
146) Mastery companies predecessor company to Guangzhou Olympic Alliance, the people of Hangzhou for broken glass and broken glass cleaningequipment.
147) There is an ease , a sureness , a lightness of touch, that comes from the mastery.
148) She seemed stilled, almost alarmed, at what had occurred, while the novelty, unpremeditation, mastery of circumstance disquieted him - palpitating, contemplative being that he was.
149) Gene therapy and gene-based drugs are two ways we could benefit from our growing mastery of genetic science. But there will be others as well.
150) Results To observe the effect of clear and bright electrophoresis strip, we made the student mastery of this technical ability of regular rapid pick-up and gelose electrophoresis appraisal of DNA.
151) High mastery - low performance goal orientation leaded to the best academic achievement.
152) Good talent, solid mastery of basic and consummate skill are essential condition for Fang - rongxiang's artistic success.
153) It seems likely that resilience is based on past experience of mastery, of positive outcomes from transitions and from reinterpreting past events.
154) Students must mastery not only episteme and ability, which didactical outline stipulates, but also ways and means mathematic thinking, that can develop their thinking.
155) From Spitzbergen through the Arctic, and across Canada and the Barrens , he had held his own with all manner of dogs and achieved to mastery over them.
156) He has a good grasp [ mastery ] of English grammar.
157) Michael Palmer is the 2006 recipient of the Wallace Stevens Award from the Academy of American Poets; this prize recognizes outstanding and proven mastery in the art of poetry.
158) Mastery is the short and inexpensive way because one actually becomes whatever he intended be it a keyboardist, singer, poet, artist, actor, composer, arranger, producer,[] etc.
159) Nixon with his mastery of intangibles knew how to strike the right note.
160) Only through the study on computer graphics and mastery of basic knowledge of three-dimensional cartoon, the lucubration of visualized simulation is possible.
161) The first is to diversify suppliers and reduce the force's reliance on one company, the second is to give the gendarmerie mastery of the operating system and the third is cost, he said.
162) The teaching approach of "mastery learning" was used as experiment in gymnastics teaching of long horse, parallel bars, and horizontal bar.
163) Vladimir Nabokov, the acclaimed author of Ada, Pnin, Pale Fire and that transgressive bestseller Lolita, is a writer whose imaginative mastery continues to torment successive generations.
164) And we tell you Dear Ones, crystallization, through impeccability is a necessary phase of Self- Mastery. It is a calibrational juncture in the multidimensional sojourn.
165) Holland once competed with England for the mastery of the high seas.
166) Develop confidence and persistence through mastery of Personal Management Technology ( PMT ).
167) Sweep , a mastery of detail, was the virtue most valued in campaign oratory.
168) Elemental Mastery and Nature's Swiftness can all be dispelled using purge.
169) Mastery: Symbiosis (Revamped) - Increases the potency of your healing spells by 10% on targets already affected by one of your heal over time spells.
170) "The novelist's subtle mastery enriches the work...A matter-of-fact, plainspoken narrative that has a profound impact. " –Kirkus, starred review.
171) The proficiency in classification and selection of Sol-fa and the mastery over training methods and steps of intonation are fundamental prerequisites for learning solfeggio.
172) The average students' mastery level of non-existent appositive clauses in Chinese was 35%.
173) Those in Group Mastery are only guided in a manner that leads to an internal state of knowingness .
174) In his left hand he confidently wields a writhing two-headed serpent, which represents his eventual mastery of the deadly two-sided lightsaber.
175) To cross the threshold is not difficult, but mastery is another question.
176) At this point, the NSEC acted as the very mirror, from which reflected college students' insatiable craving to have an overall mastery of the English language.
177) Science and poem were integrated by Shelley with mastery skills.
178) Those who have attained self - mastery be seen and contacted through focusing the light in the head.
179) Please remember that mastery and automaticity are your goals - not just comprehension.
180) Mastery of the theory of two - bin replenishment models, and re - order point models.
181) Many of you are in your advanced stage of Mastery, and have attended the Mystery Schools of Earth far more times than you may realize. And now is the time of completion.
182) After above all, we will mastery the collectivity situation and disquisition about the piano checking – grade.
183) This photo realistic work is a fine example of Dal í's mastery over yet another artistic style.
184) Two game cocks were fiercely fighting for the mastery of the farmyard.
185) He was master of any horse, and he carried himself with a well-tempered air of mastery.
186) Ternion Attack, the skill of "Spirit Mastery" will not take advantage of the "projectile speed bouns" witch Arcane Lore offered.
187) Never before had Rudolf played with such mastery – or with such an accompanist.
188) Mastery of the trial and error method is important and credible design of the chemical equipment.




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