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单词 War economy
1 They have had to adapt themselves to a war economy.
2 We're in a war economy.
3 We have war spending without a "war economy" e.g.
4 Dismantling the war economy may help businesses flourish.
5 Big Boss found a war economy a necessity in human nature.
6 By 1863 the Northern war economy was rumbling along in high gear.
7 Big Boss' war economy on the other hand was very transparent and decentralized.
8 Once again my efforts to organize an effective war economy had been ruined by Hitler's vacillation.
9 The introduction of conscription was not only crucial to obtain the manpower resources necessary but also to plan a total war economy.
10 It was originally set up by Churchill,[] who wanted better statistics to manage the war economy.
11 The end of the depression in the US is associated with the onset of the war economy of World War II, beginning around 1939.




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