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单词 Lad
1 He is a handsome lad.
2 Things were different when I was a lad.
3 The little lad was playing on the swing.
4 The little lad was a real handful. He was always up to mischief.
5 When I was a lad his age I would laugh at the strangest things.
6 He's a strapping lad — already bigger than his father.
7 The lad was wearing rubber-soled shoes.
8 Nay, lad. It's not that bad.
9 By gum, he's a big lad!
10 He was a young lad, very green, very immature.
11 Things have changed since I was a lad.
12 George is a good lad, too good for you!
13 Come along, lad. Time for you to get home.
14 The lad has undoubted talent.
15 He's quite a lad/a bit of a lad.
16 He's a nice enough lad(), but he doesn't seem to have much gumption.
17 The cute lad did all he could to win the pretty girl's favour.
18 He changed from being a nice lad to being rude and unhelpful.
19 A big strapping lad like you shouldn't have much difficulty lifting that!
20 He's a nice enough lad, but he's not going anywhere.
21 He's a nice lad, but a bit slow on the draw.
22 He was a nice lad — bright and with a sunny disposition.
23 He's a sensitive lad and some of the criticism has stung him.
24 That Chris is a bit of a lad, isn't he?
25 When he was a little lad, I used to sing him lullabies.
26 He's a nice lad.
27 Give the lad a break-it's only his second day on the job.
28 He's a nice lad, and is quick on the draw.
29 The town's changed a lot since I was a lad.
30 You do that once more and you'll get a clip round the ear, my lad.
1 He is a handsome lad.
2 Things were different when I was a lad.
3 The little lad was playing on the swing.
4 The little lad was a real handful. He was always up to mischief.
5 When I was a lad his age I would laugh at the strangest things.
6 He's a strapping lad — already bigger than his father.
7 When he was a little lad, I used to sing him lullabies.
8 He's a nice lad, and is quick on the draw.
9 He's just a lad.
31 He's a nice lad, and is fast on the draw.
32 He's just a lad.
33 He was a young lad of 16 when he first came to the big smoke.
34 The lad gives his spare time freely to help the weak and sick old people.
35 That lad appears to be very proud, but actually he is still as green as grass.
35 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
36 The virus won't go away and the lad is still feeling a bit rough.
37 He was a nice enough lad.
38 He was a beautiful strapping lad.
39 Zeta's Lad set the pace.
40 I never knew the lad.
41 But - poor lad - he suffered.
42 For a young lad, he has surprised me.
43 Oh, you're a nice lad all right.
44 But I could be maligning the lad.
45 Harry, poor lad, must wait his turn.
46 A lad lifted a stone to throw.
47 A nice enough lad ... Matthew.
48 And the little lad was, oh, so welcome!
49 The driver leaned out of the window and shouted at the lad, sounded his horn twice, then drove on.
50 Andy Mutch says every young lad wants to play in the top league and he is looking forward to it.
51 They approached a blank stone wall and the lad touched certain buttons upon the contraption he wore on his wrist.
52 Adam was a cheerful lad and very keen on table tennis.
53 He had been a recruit in his class, a bright young lad.
54 C: No thanks to your snail stuff at top of order, lad.
55 He was a stable lad at Kingsley House, Middleham, at the time.
56 Phil, the square's resident bad egg, retrieved the battered lad from the cop shop.
57 Oh - and lad: pretend you're interested in him - just for a bit, to start with.
58 But Tony Cottee's a good lad and I wish him well.
59 The things we love destroy us every time, lad. Remember that. George R.R. Martin 
60 I played one lad and beat him in three successive frames.
61 He was a lad like any other in his town, Thornton, near Blackpool.
62 Come me little washer lad, come let's away, We're bound down to slavery for fourpence a day.
63 The lad tinkered happily with a multi-pronged screwdriver that couldn't possibly work in real life.
64 He's a brawny Highland lad from one of the nearby villages, one of Andy's drinking partners.
65 They were astonished when they found that he was a lad of no more than seventeen.
65 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
66 Inflation here has been rampant, the charge for admission having increased sixty-fold since I was a lad.
67 They indicate that the big lad from West Birk Hatt is probably one of the finest unsung heroes of the last war.
68 And the master carpenter and the other lad turned back for Shrewsbury.
69 Some one who, for preference, was a big strapping lad but short on brains.
70 Always had, from when he were a lad. Damn near had to get married while he were still apprentice.
71 He changed from being a nice lad into being violent.
72 Turning down two good, last-minute rides at Kempton in order to be a lad.
73 Ghost: Oh, very droll, dear lad - you will go far.
74 And I hope you can do something for this little lad here.
75 He was a thin lad, dressed in dark short trousers and a grey pullover.
76 Now I come to think about it, that pesky Lad was dancing about somewhere outside.
77 Hadn't he actually been elected to the State Senate - old Jack Ryan's youngest lad?
78 C: But in your autobiography, lad, you suggested we should play an overseas star.
79 This is Courier: a red haired lad from Dade City, Florida.
80 My first encounter with a badger, as a lad of 10, was as exciting as I could have wished.
81 But they was lying one on top the other, duck - and the little lad was beneath and upside down.
82 Told I have broken Borough policy by recommending custodial maximum on lad.
83 He's a good head lad, Tremayne trusts him, but I wouldn't stake my life on his loyalty.
84 I had occasion, I fear, to slipper the lad only last week.
85 Walt the Wonder Boy, the little lad who fired the imagination of millions.
86 It was fair play, wasn't it, my lad, absolutely fair play.
87 He, the gangling lad, always head and shoulders above his classmates and always sniffing.
88 Martin was patient with the lad, knowing the cleric would someday succeed him as bishop.
89 I know he mucks about a bit, but he's a good lad really.
90 A bit too ambitious, that lad, he'd like to see me come unstuck.
91 He was driving over to Liverpool to score and had the youngest lad with him.
92 The lad on its back, dolled up as King William, had been crushed to death against the wall.
93 There was scope here for a young lad with ability.
94 Bet the poor lad didn't even know it was there.
95 When I were a lad, we used that sort of grunt in our toasters,(http:///lad.html) for crying out loud.
96 A beggar lad showed us the house in a dank, narrow alleyway where Mistress Hopkins lived.
97 There isn't a moment when the lad isn't twitching or jerking or going into spasm.
98 I remember one lad, Nobby Clark, who could not stand the pace.
99 Instead they convicted Kern, Lester, and Lad one of second-degree manslaughter and assault and acquitted Pirone of all charges.
100 And Jack, her husband, had had some high-flown notion of dedicating the lad to the cause.
101 You're not exactly a young lad any more so you've got to pull your socks up.
102 We see a different connection, because of the knife wounds ... I shall never get any further in this force, lad.
103 This particular day he had a young fireman called Tom Smith, a big strong lad with a fiery temper.
104 The lad was better out of it anyway, his grandfather thought as he bowed, and wished he was away himself.
105 How happy they had been together, he and she and the little lad in the drowsy heat of the meadows.
106 The best rugby, though, was yet to come stemming from a tigerish rally inspired by a local lad.
107 I gave your letter to Corky for his tips section, but the big lad says' Stuff off!
108 Calman walked with a swagger, unusual for a lad of twelve years.
109 As a lad, Cloud and his two brothers were next in line for the Frankish throne.
110 It might also be necessary to employ a good lad from the village to help.
111 Amazingly David Attenborough, the old gorilla whisperer himself, was once a lad like this.
112 An urban lad, such wide open spaces made him feel exposed and uncomfortable.
113 The first day the lad chopped down ten large trees entirely by himself.
114 Clarice would never now marry her lad from Oban, or anyone else.
115 One day a lad called Stanley Wallace created a real stir.
116 Still, make sure that it's mentioned in the next circular, lad.
117 At length the little lad grabs her sleeve and becomes insistent, and she is only just in time with the sick bag.
118 This lad, twenty minutes before, stood in the ranks full of bravery and life.
119 Shorty was also a good guide and mentor for a growing lad, as good a father as any man could want.
120 The lad intrigued him, with his curiously flattened nose, like a cat's, and his extremely coarse straight hair.
121 He carried a heavy lad one day, claiming to be weighted by the problems of the world.
122 Oo ar, Jim me lad, it's cut-and-thrust duelling on board the pirate ship Corky!
123 At least he'd made some one happy, he thought drily, regretting that he'd snarled at the lad in front of him.
124 For a certain period Mr Sammler lad resisted such physical impressions-being wooed almost comically by momentary and fortuitous sweetness.
125 Maybe the lad was at the bottom of the heap, but his spirit had not been broken.
126 He's a young lad who was employed in the house here, living in.
127 Larne lad Fergus Bailie last night swam the fastest 100 metre breaststroke by a 13-year-old in Ulster.
128 He was a strong, healthy lad and as pleased as punch to be working with Dad.
129 They'd there's a little back staircase that goes down to the kitchens - sorry, lad, galley!
130 Then there was Brian, who had frequent fits, poor lad.
131 A young stable lad led out another horse, and stood waiting for the one which the smith had almost finished shoeing.
132 A good lad but as they say, a walk through the ocean of his soul would scarcely get your feet wet.
133 This lad behaved every way as a man would who had happened unawares on murder.
134 It reeked of wet straw and stale horse manure, and the old nag the lad fetched smelled sweaty.
135 I won't ever forget you, lad; not while I live and breathe, I won't.
136 A young lad, a boy; probably still an adolescent and little for his age at that.
137 That he was an individualist and an original meant little to a lad with stirrings in the groin department.
138 In New Zealand public opinion is swinging behind the local lad.
139 I d have thought this is a massive boost for the lad, and thoroughly deserved too.
140 Then I played a second lad and beat him too.
141 He looked definitely iffy to me, but not the sort of bad lad who carries out hits.
142 It was a matter of horror to me and my wife that such a young lad could carry that knife.
143 I was a lad, and there was a farm not far off us.
144 Yet there was a change in his lad since he had last seen him.
145 But somehow, he thought, the lanky, lively lad and the small, dull-looking lass fitted together in friendship.
146 Camilli, 89, was a San Francisco lad who gained fame as a slugging first baseman for the Brooklyn Dodgers.
147 Bates looks like a good-natured lad.
148 B : Opening porthole, lad. Go to sleep.
149 The lad smiled and said: " Applied psychology. "
150 Scowling, the lad slouched over.
151 A rich lad at school has many led captain.
152 Burns is a big lad with a rolling gait.
153 Come to join me crew, lad? Welcome aboard.
154 The lad was alone and friendless.
155 I hope they don't account you chicken-hearted, lad?
155 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
156 The lad gambled and was soon flat broke.
157 James is a very helpful and cooperative lad.
158 He had a casualness about him when he first joined as a young lad which sometimes frustrated you, but he's matured and has a great strength of character.
159 In Chomsky's Innateness Hypothesis, it is held that, in human brain, there is innate Universal Grammar which lies in one part of human brain called language acquisition device (LAD).
160 Can't you let lad go just for this once? He is genuinely remorseful.
161 Aim:to observe the effect of the acute myocardial ischemia model of a swine's LAD that be block up from Ballon occlusion by Extraction of Fistular Onion Stalk.
162 Give the new lad a hand if he needs it; he's as green as grass.
163 H'm, be imaginable, this lad of the of Dou was how to be bring an end to ... from the alley along him!
164 Now therefore, I pray thee, let thy servant abide instead of the lad a bondman to my lord; and let the lad go up with his brethren.
165 Myocardial ischaemia group was divided into the left anterior descending(LAD), the left circumflex coronary artery(LCX) and the right coronary artery(RCA) groups.
166 J . M. Barrie : With those eyes, my bonny lad, I'm afraid you'd never see it.
167 On the other hand, AP could not provid an adequate myocardial protection for the occluded LAD region.
168 The method is evaluated using theoretical analysis, computer simulation and lad experiments.
169 Can't you let the lad go for this once? He is genuinely remorseful.
170 Something my old master-at-arms told me. 'Never go to battle naked, lad, ' he said.
171 All right, you remember that, young feller - me - lad.
172 And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right ?
173 Proximal occlusion in LAD, RCA, LCX was 67 %, 58 % , 78 % respectively.
174 'There,'John would add ,'you can't touch pitch and not be mucked, lad.
175 CFV can be measured in 62.5 % patients by TEE on the left anterior descending coronary artery ( LAD ).
176 He was, indeed , a lad of remarkable disposition: sober, discreet, and pious beyond his age.
177 The lad is strong - willed ; once he starts doing something, he won't leave off until he's finished it.
178 The fifth was a factory hand, a thin, sallow lad of eighteen, in a dressing-gown.
179 That waggery of fate...banished the wild and ascetic heath lad to a trade...
180 I learned to drive the hard way on a car with a crash gearbox—there were no synchromesh or automatic gearboxes when I was a lad.
181 Just hiked into lane son, wore a familiar seeing small women to embrace for the Chou eye lad with big 1st commemoration to skulk ground to rush out.
182 Fellow - townsman lad closes chalaza, the wind that dine together never is defeated.
183 'You know, Trinket, 'he said musingly, 'you could be a good lad if you chose.
184 Ulysses was told about this, so, when he was a tall lad, he crossed the sea and drove in his chariot to the old man's house on Mount Parnassus .
185 The control procedure includes the smooth functional diagram (SFC), trapezoidal chart (LAD), instruction list (STL).
186 He was a very active lad, fair - haired, freckled touch of the Dane or Norwegian about him.
187 We don't want anything near the knuckle, lad. There'll be ladies present.
188 And a brave lad you were, and smart, too, ' answered Silver, shaking hands so heartily that all the barrel shook, 'and a finer figure-head for a gentleman of fortune I never clapped my eyes on.
189 "Skulker has caught a little girl, sir," he replied; "and there's a lad here", he added, making a clutch at me, "who looks an out-and-outer!
189 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
190 OBD:I cannae go any faster, lad, these explosives be delicate.
191 He was a boisterous, pallid, nimble, wide-awake, jeering , lad, with a vivacious but sickly air.
192 One evening, as usual, the lad turned off the lamps in the ladies' room and men's room.
193 The lad fled, on the instant scrambled up the high board fence and disappeared over it.
194 I read his poems and soon forgot them, as if they lad been written in water.
195 An untidy lad let him in and took him into a drawing - room.
196 The design method and realization of measurement scale control system used to match material in chemical production was introduced. The configuration and LAD programming were based on the S7-300 PLC.
197 Mo son mistrust of vision reign the direction of the orotund source see quondam, no and in a short while, then see whence standing of a timid Nuo to lad Qie of white dress.
198 Results Three coronary, the left anterior descending (LAD), the left circumflex (LCX) and the right coronary artery (RCA), segments were analyzed in each patient with regard to image quality.
199 Antonio was a puny lad, and not strong enough to work.
200 These were the flirt, the gossip, fun lover, wallflower , the ice - queen , the playboy, Jack - the - lad and browbeater.
201 'You're a good lad, Jim,'he said;'and you're all in a clove hitch ain't you?
202 Adolescence ─ when a lad forsakes his bosom buddy for a bosomed buddy.
203 He's a mere slip of a lad compared to his brother.
204 I see this house will never do for me - look att'poor lad, he's fair choking!
205 Should you find such Jack - the - lad design over - the - top , you will be offered screwball design instead.
206 And this strapping young lad must be cedric, am I right?




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