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单词 Under the table
1. The coin rolled under the table.
2. There's something under the table.
3. The cat was under the table.
4. Put a book under the table to keep it stable.
5. The child remained under the table in a temper until his father came home.
6. They bent double crouching under the table.
7. Payments were made under the table to local officials.
8. Their hands met under the table.
9. The dog cowered under the table.
10. The potato rolled under the table.
11. She stretched her legs under the table.
12. He stooped to look under the table.
13. The cat is asleep under the table.
14. He could drink nearly anyone under the table.
15. He dropped down onto the floor and hid under the table.
16. 'He's nice,' said Laura[http://], crossing her fingers under the table.
17. They gazed at each other, their legs entwined under the table.
18. They offered me 500 pounds under the table if I would vote against the government's plans.
19. She kicked Anne under the table to shut her up.
20. They offered him money under the table to change his mind.
21. I saw him huddling himself up under the table when I went into the room.
22. I had to bend double to get under the table.
23. A dog lay under the table, gnawing on a bone.
24. He folded his long legs to fit under the table.
25. He was lying under the table in a drunken stupor.
26. They laughed so hard they slid under the table.
27. Ruth's toes curled under the table.
28. He claims he's a big drinker, but even his daughter could drink him under the table.
29. The farmer's dog has been gnawing away on a bone under the table.
30. Now I like a few beers but Lucy can drink me under the table.
1. The coin rolled under the table.
2. He claims he's a big drinker, but even his daughter could drink him under the table.
3. Put a book under the table to keep it stable.
4. The child remained under the table in a temper until his father came home.
5. The farmer's dog has been gnawing away on a bone under the table.
31. Anna sees something under the table by the tree.
32. Andrea suddenly ducked under the table to avoid Heather.
33. Marvin gave me a smart kick under the table.
34. Under the table his feet jig on their soles.
35. He looks under the table and sees a bare toe rubbing the toe of his sneaker.
36. A perfect end to a perfect day: a chocolate-smeared face peers up from under the table.
36. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
37. I have it at home and can well understand why Carmody passed fifty quid under the table to keep Graham quiet.
38. Jack crawled under the table to pick it up, then wriggled over on to his back, catching sight of something.
39. He was zipping up a small brown suitcase which he placed under the table he was standing at, next to another one.
40. A small dog scampered into the room and dived under the table.
41. They paid him under the table so he wouldn't have to pay taxes.
42. At that I push the chair all the way under the table and we give each other these glowing smiles.
43. For example, he won the Phoenix Thunderbird tournament in 1950 and received $ 300 under the table.
44. He was 24, highly intelligent, could drink Malc under the table and had a dry, lightning wit.
45. Marvin gave me a smart kick under the table, nearly breaking the skin on my shin.
46. It can be hidden from the tax man, laundered to disguise its source and passed under the table in bribes.
47. He thought she looked maddeningly attractive, and emboldened by the fine claret, pressed his knee against hers under the table.
48. She stretched her legs under the table, feeling the same satisfaction that she felt when she woke that morning.
49. He hung up and got the last volume of the bigger directory from the rack under the table.
50. I took stock of the bees in the wisteria and the cat stretching itself under the table.
51. Then as they sipped their coffee(), Griffin gently took her hand under the table and Judy almost died of shock.
52. She kept playing footsie with him under the table.
53. She kept playing footsie with me under the table.
54. At sixteen he could drink me under the table.
55. The waste paper basket can go under the table.
56. Sweep up the crumbs from under the table.
57. There is a soccer ball under the table.
58. My brothers and sisters sit under the table.
59. This clear glass dining table takes up little visual space while its accompanying low-backed benches can be pushed under the table when not in use.
60. He looked at the pictures on the wall, and in the corner of the room, and bent down to look under the table, et cetera.
61. Under the table, a charcoal burner kept our knees warm.
62. It can be obtained by applying directly twist operation under a table and need not input artificial variable. After this, we may find optimal solution under the table as the same as simplex method.
63. In a hurry he snoot out the lamp and hid under the table.
64. The dog cowered under the table when his master raised the whip.
65. Ruth's hand sought Martin's beseechingly under the table, but his blood was up.
66. Just as some women grow up unconsciously drawn to men who remind them of their father, some men fetishize feet because of a former classmate who constantly played footsie under the table.




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