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单词 Pursued
1. The policemen pursued the bank robbers.
2. He pursued a career in medicine.
3. The police pursued the stolen vehicle along the motorway.
4. The car was pursued by helicopters.
5. He has been pursued by misfortune.
6. He was speeding down the motorway as if pursued by a demon.
7. The children pursued their studies, undisturbed by the many visitors.
8. The enemy were pursued for two miles.
9. He pursued his studies after leaving school.
10. The photographers pursued their quarry through the streets.
11. She pursued the study of English for five years.
12. The country has always pursued a policy of peace.
13. She burst through the door pursued by two men.
14. He was hotly pursued after by his dog.
15. They pursued elephants here, there and everywhere.
16. Malefactors will be pursued and punished.
16. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
17. Police pursued the car at high speed.
18. The dogs pursued their quarry into an empty warehouse.
19. She left the theatre, hotly pursued by the press.
20. She pursued a successful career in medicine.
21. He ran past, hotly pursued by two policemen.
22. The press has pursued this story relentlessly.
23. He fled as if pursued by demons.
24. The police pursued the criminal remorselessly.
25. He pursued her relentlessly, refusing to take'no'for an answer.
26. The travellers were pursued by panhandlers.
27. Mr. Menendez has aggressively pursued new business.
28. The defence pursued the question of Dr Carrington's state of mind.
29. He'd snuck out of America hotly pursued by the CIA.
30. The disgraced minister walked swiftly from the car to his house pursued by a whole posse of reporters.
1. The policemen pursued the bank robbers.
2. He pursued a career in medicine.
3. The car was pursued by helicopters.
4. He has been pursued by misfortune.
5. He was speeding down the motorway as if pursued by a demon.
6. The children pursued their studies, undisturbed by the many visitors.
7. The disgraced minister walked swiftly from the car to his house pursued by a whole posse of reporters.
8. He was hotly pursued after by his dog.
9. He pursued her relentlessly, refusing to take'no'for an answer.
10. Journalists caught a whiff of scandal and pursued the actress relentlessly.
11. For years he pursued a vendetta against the Morris family.
31. Daphne was pursued by Apollo and was at last changed into a laurel tree.
32. Gardiner has pursued relentlessly high standards in performing classical music.
33. The man ran out of the store, hotly pursued by security guards.
34. She said that she was tired of being pursued by ravening journalists.
35. The bus stopped and started , picked people up, let them down, and pursued its interminable course again unhurriedly.
36. The government pursued every diplomatic/official channel to free the hostages.
37. Similar policies were pursued in the 1970s, particularly in relation to health services.
38. With his usual pertinacity, he pursued this new line of inquiry.
39. The government gave assurances that the enquiry would be pursued with vigour.
40. Journalists caught a whiff of scandal and pursued the actress relentlessly.
41. He was killed by the driver of a stolen car who was being hotly pursued by the police.
42. She pursued the man who had stolen a woman's bag.
43. I was pleased, but somewhat embarrassed, when she pursued me.
44. The pop group raced for their car, pursued by fans in full cry.
45. The country has pursued an effectively independent line on military issues.
46. The pickpocket ran off ,[http:///pursued.html] hotly pursued by the police.
47. He has now been held up to be pursued killing.
48. There is a broad consensus of opinion about the policies which should be pursued.
49. She ran out of the shop, hotly pursued by the store detective.
50. Ben must have been more than a little interested in the possibility to have pursued it so far.
51. Until we'd built up sufficient forces to drive the invaders back, we pursued a policy of containment.
52. Bad luck pursued us.
53. For years he pursued a vendetta against the Morris family.
54. Bad luck pursued her.
55. He pursued his own interests, cynically exploiting his privileged position as trustee.
56. No one has yet been arrested but the police have assured us that all possible lines of enquiry are being pursued.
57. He was a strong and greedy monarch who pursued a course of military aggrandizement from the beginning of his reign.
58. He ran down the street, hotly pursued by two police officers.
59. She pursued an acting career after four years of modelling.
60. Besides women he was pursued by financial scandals.
61. After a while, it forked and pursued parallel courses.
62. In 1498, Vasco da Gama pursued and pillaged them.
63. These are the questions pursued by complexity science.
64. No one other than herself pursued or accosted Ruth.
65. He prudently pursued his plan.
66. Simultaneously he pursued an interest in archaeology.
67. Police pursued the gunman into an abandoned building.
68. The two political parties pursued uncompromising ideological agendas.
69. You should have pursued a career in medicine.
70. Each State, in fact, pursued its own selfish ends.
71. The ship was being pursued by enemy submarines.
72. They were pursued by cannon fire.
73. Prior to Theology, he may have pursued an Arts course when he was a young man.
74. Between 1868 and 1874 Gladstone pursued a courageous and energetic campaign which reformed the State.
75. Izanagi fled back to the earth's surface, pursued by an army of thunder gods and headless warriors.
76. Financial policy, which deviated increasingly from monetarist orthodoxy, also pursued a more distinct course with Nigel Lawson as Chancellor.
77. In addition, art thefts are likely to be pursued by their rightful owners for well over twenty years.
78. Some Guardians pursued the new policy more vigorously than others.
79. Instead, fear of death pursued him as he sought to escape the threats from Jezebel.
80. In a well-run company there will be no question of simply rubber-stamping management decisions when a grievance or appeal is pursued.
81. It pointed towards the possibility of achievements that have not yet been actively pursued.
82. When Sabin developed his attenuated strains of polio he energetically pursued his goal of making them widely accepted as vaccine strains.
83. Lastly, trench warfare is a policy Mr Yeltsin has pursued with some success for much of the past 12 months.
84. When pursued in detail, such procedures can become quite complicated.
85. The gender perspective is one that could fruitfully be pursued further in anthropological studies on values in connection with social behaviour.
86. Accordingly, curriculum development involves specifying educational goals and selecting appropriate learning contexts in which those goals can be pursued.
87. The matter was not further pursued, and was not raised before us by Mr. Beloff.
88. At other times, it has pursued a policy of letting the pound float.
89. All of them had pursued careers and then, thankfully, relinquished them.
90. The attempt to do just this, pursued with inappropriate insistence, ultimately vitiated the Leavisite campaign.
91. Exploitation was pursued without shame in the rich and soon conquered provinces of Bengal, Behar and Orissa.
92. They pursued the little-known fact, the lost letter, the lucky fissure in language that invites one more special reading.
93. Nor could labour interests be effectively pursued through the ballot box.
94. If reparation were more consistently pursued we should have a much more civilized and morally acceptable penal system than the present one.
95. I remember running like hell, knowing I was being pursued and looking back for Sarah, who didn't join me.
96. Detective Chief Inspector Kenneth Harris, in a radio interview, announced that another line of enquiry was being pursued.
97. But that theory was never pursued by prosecutors during the trial.
98. A brief moment of the winter which pursued her sent a scampering chill through the warm place.
99. Isabelle Pech pursued Richard Burley to Britain after he suddenly broke off their summer romance and disappeared.
100. Police pursued the suspect for 20 minutes along Highway 5.
101. The majority concede that a complaint which is not supported by evidence of injury is unlikely to be pursued by the police.
102. The helicopters then attacked the camps and pursued the fighters into the jungle.
103. Actually, once the fund has footed a bill, it has in the past successfully pursued a polluter through the courts.
104. It planed on the wind, and he pursued it with agility, captured it in a clump of coyote brush.
105. The rift between the two was never really healed, and from the 1930s onwards they pursued their separate paths.
106. In other words, one alternative to anti-perfectionism is restrictions on the choice of means through which perfectionist ideals are pursued.
107. White tigers have been known since 1834 and were once much pursued by hunters.
108. Undistracted by the lusts and passions of organic life, he had pursued that goal with absolute single-mindedness of purpose.
109. Yet he had pursued her with a single-minded intent that was unnerving.
110. I expect to see the trend continue if sensible policies continue to be pursued.
111. Thermoluminescence dating and environmental radiation monitoring is also pursued within the nuclear physics group.
112. Both Piaget and Vygotsky were concerned about intellectual development, but each pursued different problems and questions.
113. It is a pity more serious issues are not being pursued by our political representatives.
114. Till now Oufkir had controlled the secret police and pursued the kings enemies ruthlessly.
115. However, occasions will arise where contributions are justified and this should be actively pursued with the insurer concerned.
116. It also meant allowing money supply to contract, or grow less rapidly, when deflationary fiscal policies were pursued.
117. He continued to work there while he pursued a degree in business administration from Philadelphia University.
118. It was strongly influenced by the contemporary art movement known as Constructivism, which was being energetically pursued.
119. By contrast, the Reagan administration pursued privatism as a strategy of urban disinvestment.
120. User education for schoolchildren in public libraries may therefore become increasingly out of step if this policy is pursued more widely.
121. Research in both branches is pursued actively at Edinburgh University.
122. The alligator, though pursued for its hide and much reduced in numbers, is not in present danger of extinction.
123. They must naturally be pursued, but always giving counsellees the opportunity to move on to other, more crucial issues.
124. He describes how the Digital Equipment Corporation at Ayr have pursued quality and flexibility by introducing high performance, self-managing work teams.
125. There was some variation in this regard as different colonial powers pursued different expansionist policies.
126. Countries that have pursued gender equality over the past three to four decades have grown faster and become more equal societies.
127. Like Jefferson, he pursued the dream of producing sound table wine from Eastern soil at affordable prices for the masses.
128. The Government have pursued policies which have added to and certainly not loosened women's shackles.
129. The Body Shop as a group joined Friends of the Earth and pursued such policies as using recycled paper for packaging.
130. The big surge in investment has been possible only because of the liberalisation policies pursued by the Government.
131. It wasn't exactly fun being pursued round the potion lab and shoved into jars.
132. Corinne delegated the details of the nursery to Aggie as she pursued her varied interests in town.
133. And they have led them under the false belief that a negotiated solution was seriously pursued.
134. The redistribution of wealth, erratically pursued by successive governments since 1945, was markedly reversed in the 1980s.
135. The Council considers this to be an important issue which should be pursued with vigour.
136. Similarly, the United Front policy had been pursued despite its damaging effect on the Party.
137. The obvious solution - to move into more capital-intensive highly skilled work - is being energetically pursued.
138. And whenever experience is pursued without hindrance it is called philosophy.
139. Consequently, the subsequent discussion will focus on different analyses which may be pursued before or after the initial investment.
140. The First Coalition pursued two lines in the search for peace.
141. I've pursued him down the disappearing paths of my own psyche.
142. They were relatively non-partisan and pursued policies which would least disturb the social fabric.
143. Such Day Charges are due to be settled when they are incurred and their collection is pursued vigorously.
144. Then the role play can be pursued as in any of 1 to 3 above.
145. First, however, it is necessary to consider the second line of research on creativity pursued in academic psychology.
146. On the one hand military action must be pursued with maximum efficiency, defined by military criteria.
147. This kind of splitting is a mechanism which is actively pursued by the primitive ego.
148. They pursued the fugitives for about nine miles and then lit bonfires on the hill-tops to alert the local peasantry.
149. A neat little chip by Putt was pursued by Kieran Campbell, and the winger just won the race for the touchdown.
150. What really marked the end of Webster fortunes was the policy pursued by the fourth and fifth baronets, both Godfreys.
151. Meanwhile, far from the hilltop haunts of astronomers, craftsmen and clockmakers pursued an alternate path to a longitude solution.
152. This claim has been pursued through all agreed procedures with the Banks' Staff Relations Committee.
153. Since assuming the helm at Samsung in 1987, Lee has relentlessly pursued growth through exports and foreign investments and partnerships.
154. Apart from thyroid cancer it has not seemed that any illnesses could be detected and so the matter has not been pursued.
155. Brihtric pursued him with eighty vessels, which were driven ashore by a storm, and then burnt by Wulfnoth.
156. Mr Ridley said the action would be pursued with the utmost vigour.
157. There was still no news of Alex Household though police investigations were being vigorously pursued.
158. We will explore in due course whether these objectives are pursued to any significant extent in practice.
159. Foreign travel is restricted by the government, which has pursued an isolationist course for a generation.
160. It indicates rather a degree of hesitation in the leadership of the party as to the correct cultural policy to be pursued.
161. This is, of course, a point of contention which will not be pursued here but is useful to bear in mind.
162. The private developers have pursued the investment route with regard to the shopping centre, and to smaller sector shopping centres on particular estates.
163. Mr Nellist is being pursued by Mr Ken Cure, the former engineering union official.
164. Some new enterprises have been created, infrastructural investment pursued and inner-city housing boosted.
165. The principle of multilateralism has been pursued with varying degrees of success and sincerity in the post-war world.
166. After the war he pursued both arts with equal fervour.
166. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
167. Depending upon the personal inclinations and training of the various individuals involved, all three courses were more or less pursued simultaneously.
168. She was hotly Pursued and by one stronger if not swifter than she.
169. Although these reforms have been pursued, their implementation has been hampered by economic problems and the war.
170. Various parties pursued conflicting objectives, often making tenuous alliances with each other for the sole purpose of expediency.
171. Amber, nevertheless, defied conventions, behaved outrageously, and pursued her man in a manner quite unusual for the 19405.
172. No zealous advocate of good citizenship would argue that political participation ought to be pursued to the neglect of all other obligations.
173. Morris neither confirmed nor denied the story, which had been pursued by the Star, a supermarket tabloid.
174. This is now widely accepted, but Mr.X, strangely, never pursued it further with reference to the anatomy of the individual golfer.
175. A physicist by training, Davis never pursued a career in science.
176. Histological proof may be difficult to obtain but should be vigorously pursued.
177. Again, the academic establishment in criminal law has pursued subjectivism with evangelical zeal.
178. A new deadline for deciding if the plan will be pursued has been set for July.
179. The only job he has actively pursued was at his alma mater, Wisconsin.
180. Important lines of inquiry, he realized, had not been pursued.
181. The conclusion of the policy being pursued at present is that eventually everybody will be subsidising nearly everybody's housing.
182. It is only to be regretted that the Committee has not pursued this policy with sufficient boldness and consistency.
183. In the phases of large-scale antislavery mobilisation within Britain these two purposes were pursued simultaneously, though sometimes using different printed materials.
184. The fighters quickly pursued them and eventually shot down every one in a running battle.
185. But in the final instance, these short-run goals are pursued with a green glinted eye focused on long-run profitability.
186. The path pursued particularly matched the clergy's vision of the profanity of towns and sacrality of rural life.
187. Strategies that ensure the modernisation of manufacturing, distribution and the minimisation of overhead costs will continue to be pursued vigorously.
188. Although the government has pursued hazards reduction research for decades, it has been taken more seriously in the last few years.
189. It was confirmed last night that the idea of privately-run detention centres was being pursued within the Home Office.
190. The theme of decentralisation is one that is pursued further in the Next Steps Initiative.
191. In the first London stage production, Sweeney pursued Doris with a razor, and her screams were heard offstage.
192. She is pursued by Mr Lillyvick, whom she marries, but soon deserts him for a retired naval captain.
193. These changes, appropriately pursued, could also bring large long-term reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide and other environmental impacts.
194. Both the top and bottom doors were flung back and the great war horse had apparently galloped away pursued by grooms.
195. Entering the University of Dundee, he graduated with first-class honours in history in 1975, and then pursued postgraduate study.
196. As the demonstrators retreated, they were pursued by fire tenders which doused everything in sight.
197. This would help ensure the poorer countries did not repeat the environmental mistakes of the northern hemisphere as they pursued economic development.
198. The president himself ordered studies of the feasibility of tougher policies than had been been pursued under Truman against the Soviet bloc.
199. Azapo also rejected the suggestion of an all-party conference, and denied having pursued any contacts with the government.
200. The craft of writing, the business of publishing, the great mystery of literary success remained to be pursued.
201. None the less, sales promotion was, in the early years of shortages, pursued in a restrained way.
202. The government also pursued policies designed to encourage a commercial ethos in the remaining public enterprises.
203. Many councils have investigated, and some have actually pursued, such policies of privatisation, or contracting out.
204. Pursued there and besieged, they fled by night to raise a loyal army, but found it pitiful in numbers.
205. One of its objectives was the reform of the London College, which it pursued in a generally persuasive and constructive way.
206. The desire for advertising revenue, if pursued too vigorously, might well put those aims at risk.
207. Rank was a businessman who pursued a grander vision than Isidore Ostrer or John Maxwell had ever done.
208. They had pursued it through the maze of backstreets until unaccountably losing it in a cul-de-sac.
209. In the South, the church hierarchy pursued the path of full cultural control.
210. A young girl with a carrier bag pushes her way through the crowd as if she was being pursued.
211. He was last seen staggering out of the house into the street possiblity still being pursued by his assailants.
212. Attractive as that proposition has seemed in recent years, the form in which it has been pursued is fraught with difficulties.
213. The Governors urged that the purchase of the land should be pursued vigorously.
214. This was more or less true, for the simple reason that I have always preferred to be the one pursued.
215. The BMW was hotly pursued by an unmarked police car.
216. That is the policy which we have pursued consistently, with the result that direct taxation has come down substantially.
217. Nymphs, when pursued by satyrs, have saved themselves by turning into trees.
218. When I was younger, I had recurring dreams in which I was constantly pursued by soldiers.
219. But due to other commitments and the very constricted nature of the passage, it was not pursued at the time.
220. It served to prevent the industrial and military expansion pursued during those years from becoming excessively inflationary.
221. Even as Bush talked arms limitations with Gorbachev, he pursued a hard line on defense.
222. Dan Rostenkowski and others who have been pursued by the agency he once worked for.
223. But the form as a whole should be recognized as inimical to protestants, especially when pursued in the arena of politics.
224. The survivors scrambled back to the sepoy lines pursued by a vengeful squadron of Sikh cavalry.
225. He was a strong and greedy monarch who pursued a course of military aggrandisement from the very beginning of his reign.
226. The task of establishing and encouraging national cultural activities was pursued with some vigour by the new ministry.
227. He then pursued a successful career in industry as a personnel director,[] and built up valuable connections in trade union circles.
228. My Department has vigorously pursued reported delays with the authorities concerned.
229. Laurence Hurst has pursued an obscure hint of a gender-altering parasite among human beings.
230. But the question is not pursued with the same tenacity and intensity as when a child dies in tragic circumstances.
231. Neighborhood leaders remembered other times the white business community pursued its dreams without regard for the people who lived nearby.
232. The essence of cyclic structure is similarly straight forward though it is pursued in a distinctly roundabout manner.
233. He was pursued, as described in the rhyme, until caught at Grassgill End where he was burned at the stake.
234. If the system had been built on popular votes rather than the electoral college, each would have pursued a different strategy.
235. Sometimes they individually pursued selfish national interests that strained the tolerance of allies.
236. These and other themes are also pursued through detailed case studies from several contrasting regions of the world.
237. But it pursued accommodating policies at first and did not deflate until 1964.
238. Expansion and application of some of those ideas will be pursued in the following chapters.
239. She was being pursued over £2,000 in a suspected social security fraud.
240. He was never tried for murder, but was always pursued by an assumption that he was a poisoner.
241. If the applications are pursued, it would embarrass the Government.
242. The structural explanation of social problems is pursued more thoroughly than in a developmental model.
243. Meanwhile the Commission also pursued its efforts to force the return of illicit state payments to industries.
244. Boxer hadn't pursued his question, so he must know that, too.
245. A girl screamed, and a masked man ran through the bar, pursued by two cops in turn-of-the-century uniforms.
246. During that time, he has pursued his own path, favouring lyrical abstraction at the expense of changing fashion.
247. Cutting has only two suggestions for how hemisphere imbalance might arise, neither of which are pursued in his book.
248. Subjects not studied at school can be taken up and pursued to an advanced level.
249. He subsequently pursued a similar career to his father's, but in the service of the Cavendish rather than the Willoughby family.
250. He pursued a military career and attained the rank of Brigadier.
251. Quinn pursued the idea for a few moments but then abandoned it.
252. Patients allocated to normal care were given outpatient appointments to see a psychiatrist or social worker, but non-attenders were not pursued.
253. The completion of multilateral negotiations on the abolition of chemical weapons will be pursued.
254. This was not pursued when it was realised that quite small countries like Ireland could become significant contributors.
255. The improved brain made this possible by careful observation of the animals they pursued.
256. Both have pursued strategies to prevent the domination of their respective continents by any state that could threaten their security.
256. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
257. He pursued her, showering her with gifts, jewels and precious cloths.
258. She wanted only me, pursued me, in fact, with an ardor that I at first found embarrassing.
259. The policy of artistic worthiness which had been pursued since Tubular Bells, three years before, had produced progressively diminishing returns.
260. Ways of guaranteeing a quality service to clients have also been pursued in specific fields of work.
261. Fowler was a man of great energy and enthusiasm and pursued his wide interests in many fields of engineering with great vigour.
262. For some reason, Sophie was plainly being pursued by a number of young men.
263. Court politics were pursued within a context of competition between rival patronage groups.
264. This is a policy we have pursued consistently.
265. He pursued an active ecclesiastical policy.
266. People pursued more material products and neglected the ecosystem performance of forestry.
267. Exactness is the soul of legislative language and one of legislative principles pursued by the law-maker.
268. Great Renaissance of Chinese Nation is the aim and ideality pursued by Chinese people.
269. Greek mythology a giant Boeotian hunter who pursued the Pleiades and was eventually slain by Artemis; was then placed in the sky as a constellation.
270. This is the tale of two economists who lived parallel lives, and then pursued two different and contrary goals. One was devoted to liberty and one was devoted to the state.
271. This search is pursued by Woolf through extremes of exuberance and disgust.
272. "Cheap digital photography tailored to microscope applications, and transmission of images via cellphone or the internet should indeed be pursued and made more accessible, " he says.
273. Sometimes a phase IV (post-approval) trial is also pursued(), where the long-term effects of the drug are monitored on those receiving prescriptions.
274. The motor scooter chase alone , in which Audrey and Peck are pursued by the police through the center of town , was a miracle of logistics .
275. These creatures are being pursued by a high-tech wrangler who has traded a horse for a helicopter.
276. A doting grandmother harnessed a donkey , pursued the boy and rode to guerrilla headquarters.
277. When pursued, he made his escape with a flash of speed.
278. Shakespeare, who went up to London from Stratford-on-Avon as an actor, pursued his two careers with immense success. He became one of the partners who owned the Chamberlain's Men, a company of actors.
279. The main principle that we pursued in the self-tuning design of DM4 network subsystem and I/O subsystem is the concept of an online feedback control loop.
280. Carrot-munching Bugs Bunny was always being pursued by his human nemesis, hunter Elmer Fudd; yet, time and time again, Bugs would narrowly escape, outwitting the hapless Fudd.
281. He was not unlike a hurried animal, deftly pursued by hunter and hound.
281. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
282. In its external relations Indonesia has for a long time pursued a non - aligned foreign policy.
283. He pursued earthliness but refused ogling snobishness and kept aloof from literary event on his own.
284. He took no heed of the course he pursued, so long as that course led him through the swale bottom.
285. Poland and Czechoslovakia have vigorously pursued admission to the European Community.
286. Poland and Czechoslovakia have vigorously pursued the admission to the European community.
287. One night his ship, the Stork; pursued and rammed a U - boat in the darkness.
288. In France, it was expressed in historical painting and genre painting, with Gericault and Delacroix who pursued freedom and democratic thoughts as its representative.
289. With unwearied diligence, his eyes pursued the object till it gradually disappeared.
290. Anti-war movement for peace, which has a long history, is a kind of formation of the social movement taking opposing wars and defending peace as its pursued value .
291. Laudably, Mr Baucus has pursued a moderate course, rejecting a proposal for a government-run insurance scheme.




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