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单词 Mailman
1. The mailman delivered the letters promptly.
2. The mailman propped his bicycle up against the wall and put the mail into the mailbox.
3. The mailman hasn't been round yet.
4. Has the mailman come yet?
5. The mailman always comes at 9 o'clock.
6. The second man was a mailman, he said, and he looked nervous and pale.
7. The mailman left a package for you at our house.
8. Through the kitchen window, I saw the mailman walking up to the house.
9. Mailman Lumpy seems to be really duteous.
10. I'll wait for mailman to bring me theirss reply.
11. The dog gave the mailman a nasty bite.
12. I'll wait for mailman to bring me their reply.
13. The mailman delivers letters and parcels every morning.
14. The dog was trying to bite at the mailman.
15. The mailman brought a small packet.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. The mailman just dropped some mail in our box, Grandpa.
17. It can't be the mailman. It's only seven o '.
18. Through the kitchen window, I saw mailman walking up to the house.
19. The barking dog made the mailman back away in fear.
20. The mailman was greeted with smiles all along the line.
21. It's the mailman, mother. Here's a letter from Uncle George.
22. The mailman would arrive on a motor-scooter, sputtering up the switchbacks of the driveway; the farm plow was horse-drawn.
23. The mailman delivers the mail twice a day in this area.
24. Can you make the dog stop barking at the mailman?
25. Lady wags her tail and stretches the leash toward the mailman.
26. After Primo bends down and scratches her head, she walks over to the mailman and sniffs his foot.
27. On one of his trips down to the van he stopped to watch the mailman fill the boxes.
28. He was perhaps the only dog in the world to actually flee into a distant room when the mailman approached.
29. Never saw the sea-gull I was waiting for, I begged the mailman to take my overdue pay.
30. High poverty rates in the South probably are another factor, said Naa Oyo Kwate, assistant professor of sociomedical sciences at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health.
1. The mailman delivered the letters promptly.
2. The mailman propped his bicycle up against the wall and put the mail into the mailbox.
31. Father: The mailman? What does he have to do with anything?
32. Monica and Rachel, low on funds, make cookies to give instead of cash as holiday tips to the paperboy , the mailman, the superintendent, etc.
33. The mailman needed to look in to see if anyone was home.
34. The mailman looked at the return address on the back of the package.
35. This mailman of thee - mailing world is called mail servers.
36. The dog will have to be punished for biting the mailman.
37. I tell them after the mailman says, Here's your mail.




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