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单词 Discouraging
1. It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit. 
2. Her criticisms had the effect of discouraging him completely.
3. Today's report is rather more discouraging for the economy.
4. It's discouraging that so many students have failed.
5. After a discouraging start(/discouraging.html), the young priest had begun to win the confidence of the villagers.
6. The results were discouraging.
7. My father's discouraging words still ring in my ears.
8. The dim arctic twilight added to the discouraging atmosphere.
9. Our imagination can be either helpful or discouraging when it begins to anticipate a course of action.
10. If that was its method of discouraging tourists in their search for quaint old London pubs, it was highly successful.
11. It's very discouraging to find out that your own team members have been lying to you.
12. These discouraging factors combine to compel a search for cheaper and environmentally safer energy sources.
13. My father made a few discouraging remarks about my academic abilities that have stayed with me to this day.
14. Spraying with water is particularly effective for discouraging red spider mite , which flourishes in dry conditions.
15. Still, it was discouraging that no one had ventured even a wild guess.
16. The cost would be passed on to speculators, discouraging one-way bets.
17. It is deeply discouraging that the government can struggle with the nation's budget for nearly a year and still fail to achieve anything.
18. Sexual discrimination is seen to be an important factor in discouraging women from careers in engineering.
19. Many hospitals deliberately tried to avoid challenging or openly discouraging the parents' hopes and expectations for a perfect or near-perfect recovery.
20. Needless loss of life resulted from a policy that emphasized backing away from provocation and discouraging self-defense.
21. But it also fulfils a wider social purpose in setting standards for the markets and in discouraging aberrant behaviour.
22. He took hard knocks at two board meetings in June and August, and carried the discouraging words home to his father.
23. The implications of the National Curriculum on our determination to enliven the learning process are not wholly discouraging.
24. The fact that, though they had been pared, no fewer than 13 charges still awaited Mr Nadir is discouraging.
25. The meme for blind faith secures its own perpetuation by the simple unconscious expedient of discouraging rational inquiry.
26. My slight personal acquaintance with the subject of all this discouraging impersonal solemnity seemed slightly ridiculous.
27. Together the two confiscated property provisions are aimed at discouraging foreign investors from purchasing such property from the cash-strapped Castro government.
28. Life is something worth fighting for, no matter how desperate or discouraging our present circumstances.
29. Fourth, the fund may lack the accounting systems and performance measurement techniques to incorporate futures, so discouraging their use.
30. There is a separate question of whether free flows of long-term capital can be encouraged while discouraging some short-term capital movements.
1. Her criticisms had the effect of discouraging him completely.
31. Four minutes past two ... I open the lid and reveal a discouraging mass of loose papers.
32. The real estate market in the fire zone is slow, and the ultimate sales prices are discouraging.
33. It also includes discouraging cultural traits that have outlived their usefulness and may be otherwise harmful to society.
34. In which case it would make more sense to elect proven adulterers instead of discouraging them from public life.
35. After a gloomy summer of discouraging news, we all needed a boost.
35. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
36. Apart from discouraging investment abroad this also effectively reduced companies' access to international capital markets.
37. The ground mist clung closely to the hedgerows, discouraging the birds and damping down all sound.
38. Unlike Fleming, Florey found the atmosphere of a London teaching hospital uncongenial and the conflicts between clinicians and research workers discouraging.
39. Despite discouraging viewing figures for their movie "For the Boys", Paramount decided to try to make another similar film.
40. The aim of this is to avoid discouraging new investment, although the 10% share still represents an open-ended liability.
41. But the harm caused by a political culture that makes huge material demands while discouraging economic initiative is incalculable.
42. Wittgenstein did nothing to soften the difficulties, even discouraging his own students from attending Waismann's lectures.
43. He had written it under the supervision of James Blackadder, which had been a discouraging experience.
44. Crime is seen as only identifiable by the discouraging response it evokes.
45. However, it will not necessarily change what happens in the classroom, which girls can find so discouraging.
46. And leaders of both parties have been discouraging their rank-and-file from mounting other efforts to challenge the committee recommendation.
47. Watching others leave, even those much improved, could have been discouraging in another way.
48. Clinton also faced the challenge of discouraging future actions by the exile group Brothers to the Rescue, whose planes were attacked.
49. It was a film in a series called Vanishing Peoples, which was discouraging.
50. Behavior is a discouraging field because we are in such close contact with it.
51. It already is discouraging participation in vital genetic research that could lead to effective new preventive medical strategies and cures.
52. He says he will cut interest rates on short-term investments to below inflation, thereby discouraging speculation.
53. It was awfully discouraging, Aleck!
54. It's very discouraging to be sneered at all time.
55. The official statistics are mildly discouraging.
56. Professor Benton said a low GL breakfast helped curb obesity by discouraging snacking.
57. It could be exhilarating, intimidating, sometimes even discouraging, but always challenging.
58. One is by discouraging foreign direct investment ( FDI ).
59. One of the best features of America's system is "experience rating": employers that frequently lay workers off must pay higher payroll taxes, thereby discouraging such lay-offs.
60. After all, it be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade.
61. EXAMPLE: A hypercritical boss is always quick to discover his employees' faults, and this is often quite discouraging to them.
62. Discouraging words for those who believe that a college's job is to educate, not coddle.
63. Most discouraging of all, the audit found that elected officials at the village level pocketed a huge chunk of the funds—dashing hopes that decentralization would ensure better oversight.
64. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.
65. Hardship, frustrating and discouraging, is the God of the destiny that changing unpredictably all the time.
66. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!
67. Discouraging, because it suggests that no amount of success ever really makes deep-rooted insecurities go away.
67. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
68. Rather than ensconce the discouraging news in falsely hopeful language, the doctor imparted the diagnosis in a clear, straightforward manner.
69. An audio tape of your presentation will tell you if you're discouraging laughter by resuming your talk too soon.
70. Reducing STD risk factors multiple partners may be more effective than discouraging oral or anal sex.
71. Derek's punishment for discouraging dreaming, and for stealing the money left by the "tooth fairy" under his girlfriend's daughter's pillow in order to play poker, is to serve as the tooth fairy.
72. Mr Berlusconi's hair's-breadth survival has created a discouraging situation for the rest of the euro zone.
73. To curb an economy that's in danger of overheating, the Chinese government is discouraging its state banks from extending new loans to ventures in overbuilt industries —such as cement.
74. When the trend turns up, it will be weak, with continued high unemployment discouraging consumers from spending and businesses balking at major purchases until they ve cleared their books of debt.
75. Research for improvement of chestnut has been discouraging and encouraging.
76. That was pretty discouraging and disheartening to see that happening, and it happened repeatedly.
77. The plant closing, one of many we had endured over the last two years, dealt a body blow to the economy of Poinsett County and had a discouraging impact on the whole state.
78. But the Judge had a most discouraging way of fluctuating.
79. Cracking down, or at least discouraging, heretical beliefs is part of his job.
80. Let the government take steps by encouraging virtues, not discouraging vices.
81. Govermental tax policies in many countries are discouraging automobile ownership.




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