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单词 Electoral
1 Recent electoral shocks have shaken the European political landscape.
2 Who will reform Britain's unfair electoral system?
3 Many students are not on the electoral register.
4 The Social Democrats struck an electoral pact with the Liberals.
5 It is difficult to reach a consensus about electoral reform.
6 There will be no horse-trading and no electoral pacts.
7 The complicated electoral system effectively guarantees the president's re-election.
8 They are accused of medical/financial/electoral malpractice.
9 In the USA the Electoral College elects the president.
10 The government is pushing ahead with its electoral reforms.
11 Our electoral system strongly favours two-party government.
12 The far right made huge electoral gains.
13 They are trying to woo back electoral support.
14 Electoral victory is just a distant mirage.
15 The two parties agreed an electoral pact.
16 The Mongolian Democratic Party is campaigning for electoral reform.
17 The two opposition parties made an electoral pact.
18 They are pushing for electoral reform.
19 Nobody predicted such an electoral landslide.
20 She is putting forward radical proposals for electoral reform.
21 He claims that their electoral system ensures fair representation of all parties.
22 The electoral council announced that all eligible people would get a chance to vote.
23 The electoral fortunes of the Liberal Democratic party may decline.
24 He is not persuaded of the need for electoral reform.
25 Each of the fifty states casts electoral college votes equal to the number of its delegates in Congress.
26 In a last-ditch attempt to save his party from electoral defeat, he resigned from the leadership.
27 It is undemocratic to govern an area without an electoral mandate.
28 The party has been trying to woo the voters with promises of electoral reform.
29 The party will continue to press the case for a new electoral system.
30 The fact that a party can be voted into power by a minority of the electorate calls into question the country's electoral system.
1 Recent electoral shocks have shaken the European political landscape.
2 Who will reform Britain's unfair electoral system?
3 Many students are not on the electoral register.
4 The Social Democrats struck an electoral pact with the Liberals.
5 In a last-ditch attempt to save his party from electoral defeat, he resigned from the leadership.
6 It is undemocratic to govern an area without an electoral mandate.
7 It is difficult to reach a consensus about electoral reform.
8 The party has been trying to woo the voters with promises of electoral reform.
9 The two opposition parties made an electoral pact.
31 The Freedom Party's electoral support surged from just under 10 per cent to nearly 17 per cent.
32 He promised to punish severely any officials found guilty of electoral fraud.
33 The sleaze factor was the major reason for his electoral defeat.
34 The current electoral law is still heavily weighted in favour of the ruling party.
35 The affair seriously compromised the party's prospects of electoral success.
36 Delegates have voted by a narrow majority in favour of considering electoral reform.
37 The hand of the military authorities can be seen in the entire electoral process.
37 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
38 Many people would like the electoral system to be reformed but I don't believe this will ever come to pass.
39 Franklin had won with a plurality in electoral votes of 449 to 82.
40 The party's electoral message may be obscured by the glitz and glamour of its presentation.
41 The party had risen, like a phoenix, from the ashes of electoral disaster.
42 The Liberals wish to bring about changes in the electoral system.
43 There cannot be true democracy without reform of the electoral system.
44 The mayoral election is regarded as the litmus test for the integrity of the electoral process.
45 The party still hopes to revive its flagging electoral fortunes.
46 Electoral systems vary from country to country.
47 Widescale poverty could prove Lukashenko's electoral downfall.
48 It strongly favours reform of the electoral system.
49 Tibbu further complicated electoral contests there.
50 The particular method associated with democracy is electoral competition.
51 Smith's aide-de-camp, Jack Cunningham, is another electoral reformer.
52 This was the first of her many electoral successes.
53 Yesterday, Labour's leader dismissed both electoral reform and pacts.
54 This electoral college system must be scrapped.
55 Support for electoral reform is growing.
56 They might have to tackle constitutional and electoral reform.
57 With this knowledge, electoral behaviour may be related to local area social and economic characterisation.
58 Dini also laid out the accomplishments of his term in the areas of electoral reform and cuts in government spending.
59 To achieve electoral success, pragmatic parties might shift their position or expand the range of viewpoints they encompass.
60 Outdated voting mechanisms, a decentralised, idiosyncratic procedure, and the archaic electoral college have received comment.
61 Congress has ever been niggardly when little or no evidence of electoral sentiment is presented to justify more generous appropriations.
62 Parties adopt or disavow policies not only to win forthcoming elections but also as a response to past electoral outcomes.
63 Yeltsin has entered an electoral contest that may be less bloody but even harder for him to win.
64 He also told them to stop complaining about the electoral system.
65 Smith's campaign manager, Robin Cook, appears confident that his candidate will come round to endorsing electoral reform.
66 The electoral system appeared to form an intrinsic part of a stable polity.
67 He praised the electoral commission for having had the courage to register him.
68 That would deliver almost half of the trade union votes - 40 percent of the electoral college.
69 More broadly, should a complete definition of democracy have more than electoral components?
70 Corrupt insiders should be taken to court, not thrown aside by presidents as electoral bargaining chips.
71 It is in their region, plus California, that Dole and Clinton probably will stage their fiercest battle for electoral votes.
72 A further provision would have the effect of banning electoral alliances and coalitions.
73 As a result, Shas's power base and electoral support have been garnered from the traditional strongholds of the Likud.
74 Translated into electoral votes - there are 538 - that meant Clinton comfortably winning the number needed.
75 Plurality electoral systems tend to produce two identifiable blocs while majority run-off elections tend to produce more fragmented support.
76 But some who crossed the electoral finish line did not have that luxury.
77 Individualism among today's members of congress has also been heightened by electoral considerations.
78 Taken together, different combinations of presidential, electoral, and party systems can have profound effects on democratic performance.
79 The other method for collecting facts about potential purchasers is through published lists - like the telephone directory or the electoral register.
80 If you don't get your name on the electoral register you may be disenfranchised.
81 This rump has been ordered to draft a new electoral law within two months so that new elections can be held.
82 Mack, a solid conservative who opposes abortion, could help Dole in electoral vote-rich Florida.
83 The most obvious example is the electoral college, the phantom body that stands between voters and the final outcome.
84 In January 1877, Congress set up an electoral commission to decide the dispute.
85 It had previously been notorious in some areas for the manipulation of electoral boundaries and for the practice of religious discrimination.
86 Thus, these Watergate reforms failed to make government and the electoral process more accountable, democratic or honest.
87 But his proposals for electoral reform, now moving ahead in fits and starts, contain no such provision.
88 The national executive committee agreed the following day that an electoral conference would be held on July 18.
89 I am disappointed the policy review has adopted such a negative attitude both to a Bill of Rights and electoral reform.
90 Carter suffered the worse electoral defeat of any incumbent President ever, including Herbert Hoover in 1932.
91 On Sunday the national executive committee firmly rejected the proposal to set up a working party to study electoral reform.
92 Members of congress increasingly came to believe that they could insulate themselves against electoral defeat by assiduous attention to constituency casework.
93 Under a Labour government, this committee would become an official inquiry into electoral reform.
94 The winning candidate needs 270 electoral votes to capture the White House.
95 However, the National Electoral Commission retained wide powers to ban potential candidates.
96 Bolstered by his landslide electoral victory in 1972, the President moved to take on the legislature.
97 Considered a must-win state, with its vital 21 electoral votes,() it was too close to call on election eve.
98 The president would no longer be chosen by voters but by an electoral college of supposedly nonpartisan locally elected deputies.
99 This leaves 143 electoral college votes in 14 swing states undecided.
100 But spokesmen said the electoral commission could probably only offer preliminary results Wednesday.
101 Thus, during these years, the overriding concern of the government in office was parliamentary survival and electoral prospects.
102 Is the practice of marking each voting counterfoil with the electors electoral role number to continue in the forthcoming election?
103 Conscientious voters will take advantage of every opportunity to sort the electoral wheat from the chaff.
104 The courts and tribunals were made responsible for ensuring the smooth running of electoral campaigns and equal treatment of candidates.
105 But he said there would have to be a complete overhaul of the electoral system first.
106 Since the trade union votes count for 40 percent of the local electoral college, Mr Davies was declared the nominee.
107 Florida, with 25 votes in the electoral college that formally picks the next president, is pivotal to the outcome.
108 It has leveled the electoral playing field and allowed less well-funded candidates to defeat their better-financed opponents.
109 We will continue to encourage a wide and well-informed public debate on the electoral system.
110 He is both sharply divided from his party opponents and emotionally involved in electoral contests.
111 To this end it announced that the electoral commission was to be reconstituted in order to free it from political influence and manipulation.
112 The exchanges between Bhutto and Ishaq Khan had grown sharper in the few last days of the electoral campaign.
113 Mr Berisha's Democratic party alleged widespread electoral fraud by the government and intimidation of polling station officials by the police.
114 And in an electoral system dominated by money, that often means the short-term interests of their largest campaign contributors.
115 These expectations were nurtured by the adversarial nature of electoral competition and they pressed hard on to government.
116 Even under the electoral college rules, this achievement ought to make Gore the next president.
117 Further, in a currency union no government of a member country can manipulate the money supply growth rate for electoral purposes.
118 The violent street demonstration witnessed by Abercrombie in Beirut had been in protest at these electoral violations.
119 The half-solution created electoral chaos, with some black representatives voting against it.
120 In all more than 1,000 people were arrested during the electoral campaign.
121 Calls for consideration of electoral reform and a new form of black representation are both expected to be defeated.
122 The issue of the republics' future within the Yugoslav federation dominated the electoral campaigns.
123 Discussions took place between the two parties over a possible electoral alliance, but broke down in April.
124 Here I propose to confine my discussion to the contemporary debate surrounding the electoral system as an electoral system.
125 Prescriptions have included decentralization, electoral reform and more radical economic policies.
126 They broadcast a statement reaffirming the army's support for the process of democratization and denouncing the delays in the electoral process.
127 It was the Christian Democratic Party's fourth successive electoral defeat.
127 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
128 Electoral reform is also likely to put some disruptive cats among the New Labour pigeons.
129 Electoral changes and their relationship to the political parties have been the subject of much recent analysis and debate.
130 The poll was organized by an electoral commission under a Kurdish judge, Amir Hawsizi and international monitors.
131 The official media carried no details of the demonstrations, but made announcements about proposed reforms in the electoral code.
132 At least he states his beliefs as they really are, and does not mould them to electoral advantage.
133 The current 57-seat Legco comprised 31 government-appointed members, 14 chosen by functional constituencies and 12 by electoral college.
134 Congress may pass measures of constitutional significance, for example, certain stipulations of electoral law or the War Powers Act.
135 The Republic's ability to absorb the effects of dramatic electoral and governmental shifts was about to be tested.
136 Municipal elections in the province were postponed from November until next May, mainly because of unresolved disputes over electoral boundaries.
137 The advocacy of spending is concentrated in vocal and influential communities and client groups that can affect the electoral chances of politicians.
138 The electoral system would not be changed before the National Assembly elections due in March 1993.
139 Reports of the electoral death of the Conservatives were exaggerated.
140 Sometimes disagreement, in spite of attempts to conceal it, will become so public as to prejudice a party's hopes of electoral success.
141 The candidates' true electoral strategies, however, are closely held secrets.
142 Elite convergence progresses until the subordinate group of elites learns to beat the dominant group through the electoral process.
143 Results were cancelled by the electoral commission in both places, where new elections were expected to be organized during December.
144 For a start, they are likely to face charges of corruption and electoral fraud.
145 Only 0.3 percent. of the advertising budget is spent on electoral registration.
146 Observers had feared that violence would seriously disrupt the electoral process.
147 Dole faces an uphill battle in the state-by-state electoral vote battle.
148 Yeltsin won majorities in more than 80 of the 88 electoral districts.
149 This acceptance of the democratic rules of the game and the eventual sharing of electoral victories leads to democratic consolidation.
150 The two messages are in perpetual tension, and the balance between them requires tuning in accordance with electoral circumstances.
151 Homelessness, overseas aid, prison overcrowding, electoral reform and the maintenance of peace are all on the agenda.
152 Now he claims to have abandoned this principle, apparently for no other reason than the pursuit of electoral palatability.
153 Club members oppose electoral slates as these proved so destructive of the Tribune Group and Campaign Group.
154 Barak's electoral campaign Even though this was an election that Netanyahu lost, it also required Barak to win.
155 If the system had been built on popular votes rather than the electoral college, each would have pursued a different strategy.
156 For purposes other than electoral forecasting such close estimates would be regarded as highly commendable.
157 State electoral districts must be apportioned according to population. 43.
158 Spoiled ballots accounted for 32 %,(http:///electoral.html) indicating the widespread dissatisfaction at the electoral process.
159 It breeds cynicism and fatalism, which some blamed for the failure of a referendum last month to reform the electoral system.
160 They called into question various electoral procedures including the drawing up of electoral lists and the issuing of ballot papers.
161 In the May 1997 election he led the Liberal Democrats to their greatest electoral achievement since 1929.
162 As the rule book insists, 12 weeks will elapse before the electoral college is convened.
163 The rules that used to cover electoral behaviour no longer apply.
164 A boundary extension would require new electoral boundaries and these could not easily be adjusted soas to retain Unionist minority control.
165 The opposition parties had also criticized other aspects of the electoral law.
166 It faced hostility from Labour leaders, and never succeeded in gaining an electoral or industrial base.
167 On Feb. 20 the Volkskammer approved a new electoral law to have immediate effect.
168 Beyond electoral matters, there was growing belief that, for long-term sociological and historical reasons, Labour was in terminal decline.
169 It is enshrined in draft legislation sponsored by Mario Segni, who championed the cause of electoral reform.
170 Such measures, exploited for electoral advantage, were within the capabilities of the government to provide.
171 The attitude of employers is one of annoyance at what they see as government interference for electoral purposes.
172 This register is not identical to the electoral register and includes foreigners resident in this country and others not entitled to vote.
173 Milosevic promised the students he would investigate their allegations and punish any officials found responsible for electoral fraud.
174 But in the electoral college, Kennedy won by a comfortable 303 votes to 219 votes for Nixon.
175 The outcome, in the electoral college, is likely to be quite close.
176 The electoral system, which is heavily slanted towards the ruling party, needs to be changed.
177 Electoral pacts would not work, but an entente cordiale might.
178 Barre was quickly drawn into the electoral arena, although with singular lack of success.
179 There is a pressing need to modernise our electoral system.
180 Similarly, also, in the electoral qualifications in modern parliamentary states.
181 They were looking for suitable ways of maximising their electoral support.
182 They suffered an electoral catastrophe, winning a paltry 3 seats.
183 Over the last few years Japan's socialists have seen their electoral popularity take a roller-coaster ride.




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