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单词 Functionalism
1 These characteristic ideas of functionalism are found running throughout the theories of sociological positivism, evolutionary social theories, and pragmatism.
2 Its functionalism was at least tempered by a grand conception of space.
3 Functionalism in public law views this apparatus of government as serving to promote a distinct set of purposes.
4 As earthbound concrete replaced shimmering glass, so crude functionalism was to supplant soaring aspiration.
5 If functionalism is false, then the success of the cognitive sciences is a massive scientific fluke.
6 As its title suggests, Functionalism tends to reduce a problem, and its solution, to bare essentials.
7 By comparison, functionalism has often been interpreted as a form of ruling class ideology.
8 Where Marxism is seen to advocate radical change, functionalism is seen to justify and legitimate the statusquo.
9 This approach, however, is open to charges of functionalism and presumes a conspiracy between judiciary and government.
10 Formalism and functionalism are distinct research traditions.
11 Its core idea is that functionalism rationalism.
12 Can Formalism and Functionalism Communicate with Each Other?
13 Can anyone think of any more shortcoming of functionalism?
14 Foster indicates how commitment to relative autonomy of the political, ideological and economic generates accounts which look very like traditional functionalism.
15 With its emphasis on order and stability, consensus and integration, functionalism appears to adopt a conservative stance.
16 It is important to note that the above interpretation of the ideological basis of Marxism and functionalism is debatable.
17 He does not, as does, say, Jon Elster, challenge structuralism for its putative functionalism.
18 Nineteenth-century forms and styles held sway until the 1920s when they were replaced by their horrendous antithesis - Functionalism.
19 One of Durkheim's main legacies is the sociological tradition known as functionalism.
20 Even at this moment of patriotic and quasi-mystical emotion, rationalized functionalism is expressed.
21 Mannheim's ideas will now be applied to two of the major theoretical perspectives in sociology: Marxism and functionalism.
22 Unfortunately, much of the drab utilitarianism of urban existence has come to be associated with the design philosophy of functionalism.
23 It was newly furnished in a style guaranteed not to offend, a nice compromise of bureaucratic orthodoxy and modern functionalism.
24 It has often been argued that Marxism is largely based on a utopian ideology, functionalism on a ruling ideology.
25 This will involve a brief discussion of the approach known in contemporary philosophy as functionalism.
26 There is no shortage of objections to both causalism and functionalism.
27 Pugin was the leading figure of the British Gothic Revival movement in the early 19th century. His functionalism theory was regarded as a forerunner of modern architectural theory.
28 The central place that Nietzsche courts to the idea of functional organization suggests that his contemptions could be characterized as a version of functionalism.
29 If valued from the benchmark of artistic theory, the most radical formalism, and the most extreme conceptualism or functionalism have all appeared in Chinese contemporary art.
30 Neither of these strategies is apt to appeal to anyone not antecedently committed to functionalism.
31 Formalism and functionalism are two rival approaches to grammar study.
32 If these manifestos are still true, is the architectural manifesto of functionalism now out of mode?
33 The ultimate essence of the consubstantial trend to the modern communication design is the fulsome functionalism, rationalism.
34 Finally, based on the above analysis and the theory of functionalism, the author provides suggestions for C-E translation of tourist information.
35 American styling and European functionalism are the two leading schools of modern design.
36 Merton criticized the defeats of traditional functionalism, and posed the so - called value - free functional analyzing pattern.
37 Practical writing, a type of standard informative text, possesses the linguistic characteristics of functionalism and stylization.
38 This text mainly comments the functionalism analysis in Durkheim's law - sociology thought.
39 Today,(http:///functionalism.html) I would like to discuss some of the weak points of the theory of functionalism.
40 American styling differs from functionalism for its faddism and styling.
41 The major objection to Malinowski's functionalism is that it cannot readily account for cultural variation.
42 According to the theory of functionalism of Anthropology and legal sociology, we can use Legal pluralism as the solutio.
43 Dualism and physicalism cannot explain why our psychology relates our physiology, and there are some difficult when functionalism solve the problem, but all do not result eliminativism.
44 This thesis analyzes different approaches and strategies adopted in metaphor translation from the perspective of functionalism.
45 Functionalism thus plays a unique role in guiding news translation.
46 In the aspect of modern architecture, "Form follows Function" by Louis Sullivan of American Chicago School triggered the development of modern functionalism.




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