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单词 Get abroad
1. We didn't get abroad for our holiday as usual,we couldn't afford this year.
2. The news of the disaster soon got abroad.
3. The happy tidings soon got abroad.
4. PCI bus has get abroad application at present.
5. We didn't get abroad for our holiday as usual; we couldn't afford it this year.
6. Just delay and see. I wont let you get abroad with that.
7. We get abroad for our holiday as usual,(/get abroad.html) we couldn't afford this year.
8. You'll see that our offer analyzes agreeably with the quotations you can get abroad.
9. Why can't I lie by for a week or so, and, forcing blunt from Fagin, get abroad to France?
10. Soon this method using silk satin to embroidery the flower was get abroad from palace to aristocrat and then more and more became the special ribbon embroidery.
11. The Mid - Autumn Festival eats the custom of moon cake then to get abroad in the folks.
1. We didn't get abroad for our holiday as usual,we couldn't afford this year.




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