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单词 Propaganda
1. They have mounted a propaganda campaign against Western governments.
2. At school we were fed communist/right-wing propaganda.
3. Art may be used as a vehicle for propaganda.
4. The government keeps pumping out the same old propaganda.
5. The pirate radio station broadcast anti-government propaganda.
6. There has been so much propaganda against smoking that many people have given it up.
7. The official propaganda machine went into overdrive when war broke out.
8. The government produced much political propaganda.
9. The news reports were being discounted as propaganda.
10. They confiscated weapons, ammunition and propaganda material.
11. The papers were full of political propaganda about nationalization.
12. The film was made in 1938 for propaganda purposes.
13. How can we nullify the enemy's propaganda?
14. The people want information from the government,[/propaganda.html] not propaganda.
15. He served up some powerful propaganda.
16. They muted the propaganda campaign later.
17. A lot of propaganda has painted him as bad.
18. The Republican's propaganda machine moved into high gear .
19. The play is sheer political propaganda.
20. These reports clearly contain elements of propaganda.
21. The propaganda of both sides relies heavily on historical myth.
22. It's now up to the government's propaganda machine to restore the prime minister's image.
23. The Olympics were of great propaganda value to the regime.
24. Her ideas have been shamelessly perverted to serve the president's propaganda campaign.
25. I wish they would stop grinding out the same old propaganda.
26. He owed his popular support to the potency of his propaganda machine.
27. The 1936 Olympics were used as a vehicle for Nazi propaganda.
28. Newspapers vary in the degree to which they emphasize propaganda rather than information.
29. They even set up their own news agency to peddle anti-isolationist propaganda.
30. Politicians want a lap-dog press which will uncritically report their propaganda.
1. They have mounted a propaganda campaign against Western governments.
2. At school we were fed communist/right-wing propaganda.
3. The government keeps pumping out the same old propaganda.
4. The pirate radio station broadcast anti-government propaganda.
5. The official propaganda machine went into overdrive when war broke out.
6. Her ideas have been shamelessly perverted to serve the president's propaganda campaign.
7. I wish they would stop grinding out the same old propaganda.
8. The government produced much political propaganda.
9. He served up some powerful propaganda.
10. A lot of propaganda has painted him as bad.
11. They disseminated anti-French propaganda.
31. We mustn't give these groups a platform for their propaganda.
32. During the 1930s and 40s, the Nazis used racist propaganda in an attempt to demonize the Jews.
33. One official dismissed the ceasefire as a mere propaganda exercise.
34. They disseminated anti-French propaganda.
35. We are bombarded daily with propaganda about what we should eat.
36. Propaganda has turned the former president into a heroic myth.
37. The Front adopted an aggressive propaganda campaign against its rivals.
38. He was brought up on a diet of political propaganda from birth.
39. Propaganda is a tool of war.
40. That's what free love is free of - propaganda.
41. Meanwhile, state propaganda grows increasingly powerful.
42. They can even become unknowing agents of propaganda.
43. We pride ourselves on having won the propaganda war.
44. It is hard to disentangle propaganda from fantasy.
44. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
45. Berlusconi's television empire pumps out nothing but self-serving propaganda.
46. But such propaganda may not be welcomed.
47. Violence, insults, and superheated propaganda obstruct this end.
48. Its collection of Communist propaganda is now being dismantled.
49. The propaganda of Josef Goebbels is old hat.
50. Perceptions of prosperity were buttressed by the propaganda barrage during the 1996 presidential campaign.
51. Conservation propaganda has made fashionable women genuinely ashamed to be seen wearing a leopard-skin coat.
52. The printing press was still quite new, and Foxe understood the propaganda value of books in an age hungry for print.
53. Such a confirmation was to be of great propaganda value to the papacy in addition to its immediate political and financial value.
54. This is a clear indication of the effectiveness of the cynical propaganda used by political and military leaders.
55. This must surely be one of the most beautiful forms of propaganda.
56. Very little material was ever screened, other than poorly made Soviet documentaries designed for propaganda.
57. Books which present a fair account of corruption have a defence denied to glossy propaganda.
58. Do you suppose he has to carry on a campaign of propaganda to get his people into fighting spirit?
59. Keep your rough diamonds, your kaleidoscope, your mission, your connectors and your propaganda peddler-routing revolution.
60. Western propaganda continued to embarrass the Communists by loudly proclaiming that the flow of refugees proved the superiority of capitalism.
61. Coevolution can be seen as two parties snared in the web of mutual propaganda.
62. He was due to stand trial for spreading Kurdish propaganda.
63. Anyway, there was always the suspicion that they were exaggerated by Stalin's propaganda machine.
64. But the caution of other princes may not have blinded their followers to the possible propaganda value of the Laudes.
65. It was a lesson in propaganda he did not forget.
66. There was less interest in programmes on political subjects and an actual dislike of political propaganda programmes such as Nation and Humanism.
67. Instead they were treated to a live on-air, across the networks propaganda war, with Al Gore firing the first salvos.
68. In some instances, I believe, spurious cases were cobbled together for propaganda purposes.
69. The propaganda served only to solidify opinion, not to change minds.
70. But propaganda that all old-growth forests are being hacked down willy-nilly is nonsense.
71. Their purpose was to affirm Soviet propaganda about the evils of capitalism.
72. These images were precisely the same as those invoked by Tory propaganda.
73. These charming ideas were almost certainly propaganda or pure fantasy, but it was not safe to discount any of them.
74. The chancery was used as a propaganda machine perhaps as never before.
74. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
75. Manipulation, propaganda, prejudice and political intrigue are often their province.
76. Were all the sendings of messengers, offers and counter-offers, a propaganda exercise, a charade?
77. And on that occasion print propaganda appears to have played only a minor part.
78. It was thus necessary to reanimate local antislavery societies, renew the propaganda war, and once more undertake large-scale petitioning.
79. We are the last nation to acknowledge the Communist propaganda of 47 years ago.
80. The general aim was to counter Axis influences and propaganda.
81. That is, he or she is viewed as a passive and helpless victim of ruling class, media and state propaganda.
82. At home we listened to the official news, which we knew was full of propaganda.
83. This can be traced in the working-class response to birth-control propaganda, which was often extremely hostile.
84. Than Tun stepped up the propaganda campaign to end military government.
85. There was also a belief in the antislavery movement that images were a particularly striking form of propaganda.
86. The Government must discontinue their stupid propaganda about empty properties and do something about them.
87. He swallowed the Communist propaganda about Mihailovich being inactive and treating with the enemy.
88. It is inconceivable that Edward would, for propaganda purposes, have falsely implicated one of his own household knights in treason.
89. Governments interested in publicity and propaganda have published much under the impulse of the urge to justify themselves and vilify their opponents.
90. The newsletters issued by licensed dealers, whether written in house, or anonymously by stockbrokers, tend towards propaganda.
91. The Bolshevik Party was therefore especially eager to win over minds by means of cultural and ideological propaganda and education.
92. Newspapers served largely as partisan promotional vehicles for political factions, and personal propaganda outlets for political figures.
93. Propaganda could be effective - this was what Eliot was getting at - only by ceasing to be mere propaganda.
94. In Najaf, Khomeini had begun a propaganda campaign against the Shah and his regime by circulating audio cassettes containing his pronouncements.
95. At the same same they are using propaganda and terror to boost their position in the countryside.
96. Beginning in the 1970s, petrodollars financed the propaganda that encouraged submission and repudiated reflection.
97. The malai propaganda machine had always lied about the scale of casualties in our earlier Civil War.
98. Not withstanding the propaganda of many generations of tight-assed hypocritical grown-ups: Hell no.
99. More than 1.5 million readers love our dedication to proper news rather than propaganda.
100. The propaganda Leary circulated soon attracted a great deal of publicity.
101. Again, this story may serve only as propaganda, or it may indicate an earlier culture in which women held power.
102. Indeed that may be a more subtle form of propaganda than a constant barrage of criticism.
103. The propaganda was being poured as thickly as the overpriced highway concrete.
104. The desk was covered with copies of his propaganda news-sheet,[] and several colourfully produced pamphlets.
105. Although the Soviets planned the mission as a showcase of their scientific superiority, it was widely dismissed as propaganda.
106. The railway industry had a propaganda purpose in the streamlining of outlines and in the new doctrine of modernism in these years.
107. A place where there are no foreign journalists, no chance to use him for propaganda.
108. In a separate directive, the government banned the broadcasting of rebel propaganda, comments, and interviews.
109. This provided a lifeline for those who could receive it(), and an immaculate standard of reporting to measure reality against propaganda.
110. Tens of thousands of people have been deported or displaced and radio stations blare out vitriolic propaganda against one another.
111. We have to find a way to utilise our fifty thousand members as an educational and propaganda machine.
112. Pictures of fleeing refugees were used as an effective propaganda tool against the Communists.
113. In ways such as these coinage was used for contemporary propaganda.
114. And they stuck to subject matter in their classes, eschewing propaganda.
115. There exists today widespread propaganda which asserts that socialism is dead.
116. Was it more important than, say, anticlerical propaganda or urbanization?
117. But union propaganda about unsafe workplaces bears scant relation to the real world.
118. Any threat to this monastic system would clearly be material for damaging propaganda.
119. Mr Pejic has consistently refused to broadcast propaganda for any one ethnic group.
120. But to subject a patient to political propaganda within the context of a consulting-room discussion about treatment is both unprofessional and cruel.
121. They also responded to the king's skilful use of propaganda to generate support for the war.
122. A left-wing group, the Marxist-Leninist Armed Propaganda Union, also claimed responsibility.
123. Cardinal Barnabo of Propaganda had said as much to Corrigan that final day in Rome.
124. Biased interpretations have now and again been put forward as propaganda to promote a country or political or religious ideologies.
125. The coming of war in 1914 quickly gave new impetus to the hitherto rather limited and amateurish propaganda efforts of governments.
126. For the strong propaganda machinery it was almost too easy to transform what had once been marginal into the nearly official.
127. Richard Body has made a brave attempt to shed the mythology and propaganda, and to expose farming objectives to public debate.
128. The best that propaganda could do was to emphasise the courage of Leonidas and his rearguard.
129. It would be a mistake, however, to ascribe this sensitivity purely to the propaganda and machinations of the Communists.
130. The suggestion for a moratorium on nuclear testing, with its overtones of propaganda, was old and unexciting.
131. But its propaganda value should not be allowed to deflect the urgent need for reform.
132. So under Law the language of the boardroom became commonplace on the platforms and in the propaganda of the party.
133. Externally, a range of print media is available for the insertion of company propaganda, should the occasion arise.
134. The Wine and Food Society's propaganda in favour of homemade potted meats and fish was premature.
135. In fact, the opposition movements, whatever cause they espouse[sentence dictionary], use them widely to push their propaganda.
136. Even Saddam's propaganda machine failed to bring that lie to life.
137. Franco was assisted in the orchestration of this propaganda exercise by a convenient coincidence of the calendar.
138. I do not mean to suggest that Tillyard or Olivier simply undertook their tasks as part of some officially orchestrated propaganda.
139. Propaganda and demonstrations against the integrity of the state were prohibited.
140. Part of this problem stems from all the propaganda they bombard you with when you buy a four-wheel-drive vehicle.
141. At first they devoted themselves to self-education, fierce polemics against the populists, and propaganda among circles of selected workers.
142. Even the mobile telephone has become a weapon in the propaganda war.
143. The aim of the Unity Campaign was propaganda within the Labour movement.
144. But in recent weeks it has cranked an impressive propaganda machine into action.
145. Their other function was to gather information, again to be employed for propaganda.
146. They provide a wholly convincing study of the way white Rhodesians were weakened by their own propaganda.
147. Labour said it would raise taxes and was subject to the most sustained derision, as well as black propaganda.
148. Mr Barak has not just lost his majority; he has lost the propaganda war, too.
149. Priests and laymen of all three religions organized educational institutions and missionary propaganda.
150. Radio Marti is still there, spewing its US propaganda across the waters toward Cuba.
151. Propaganda buys direct from London and sells clothes and shoes for club-ing for both sexes.
152. Vigour and tenacity, however, were softened by a talent for propaganda and persuasion.
153. They are part of the propaganda exercise of doubt itself.
154. They've also been plastered on walls usually reserved for political propaganda.
155. The object of this sort of propaganda was to produce a Pavlovian state of dumb obedience.
156. And they are not above using some sharp contemporary propaganda.
157. She had damn all in the way of information, let alone the illusion of town hall propaganda.
158. For decades viewers were force-fed insipid official propaganda and newspeak.
159. We could see right through your crafty but loose Propaganda.
160. The representatives of the media should see the meeting as a constructive activity and not just a propaganda exercise.
161. The newspapers have taken this propaganda at face value, without questioning it.
162. Stress and tension are implicated in causing illness, and I believe that much modern health propaganda simply adds to that problem.
163. In other words, at these points, Dawkins depends on propaganda and rhetoric.
164. The USSR scored valuable propaganda points against its Western aggressors.
165. They offer little protection against heavily financed,[Sentencedict] one-sided campaigns and special-interest propaganda efforts.
166. Biased rubbish, distortions, Tory propaganda, consumer pap, trivia, silly stories - they hadn't changed.
167. In Najaf, Khomeini had begun a propaganda campaign against the Shah.
168. His name is known around the world-its prestige would be great propaganda against our enemies.
169. Or is it just that Health comes under the national budget but religion is considered to be propaganda? How ironic.
170. A propaganda poster of ARA in Russia.
171. You are charged with propaganda.
172. He was accused of spreading antigovernment propaganda.
173. Deliberately broadcasting enemy propaganda to our troops is treason.
174. ID is hokum, pseudoscience, non-testable(), and pure propaganda.
175. The minister of propaganda delivered his usual harangue.
176. Today, both Communist propaganda and commercial advertising offer a one-size-fits-all solution to people's fantasies, said Shi Qijia of the Wuhan Mental Health Center.
177. The Long March is a manifesto, a propaganda force, a seeding machine.
178. The modes of propaganda are opportunistic and the polemics can be vicious.
179. But a leaked directive from theCentral Propaganda Bureau revealed a more salacious side to his misconduct:"All media are not to report or hype the news that Liu Zhijun had 18mistresses."
180. Qadhafi's powerful propaganda machine has an overwhelming effect on people.
181. The mark function of the guidance, the propaganda and the beautifier should be perfected to meet the patients' need as far as possible.
182. The propaganda on network, including QQ and BBS was also used.
183. Some argue that a ban would play into the hands of those who spread hardline propaganda.
184. Tilak used the annual festival of the god Ganesa (Ganapati) for nationalist propaganda.
185. In Iran the same mischievous propaganda is at work to befool the rather ignorant—or less knowledgeable—public that it poses a threat and is a fanatic, terrorist country.
186. Some have involved defacing Estonian websites, replacing the pages with Russian propaganda or bogus apologies.
187. Be worth check. pair of a few data in conduct propaganda, want what whether vigilance has digital game to disrelish .
188. Since 1939 has served as district, county and other leadership, a former propaganda minister, deputy secretary, secretary of the county and independent groups, political commissar of the detachment.
189. This first defeat, however, only spurred leaders to redouble their propaganda and seek new allies.
190. Goebbels and his assistants avidly studied the foreign press to exploit weak spots in their propaganda.
191. There is much misinformation and propaganda that the government puts out.
192. And now, be protective selva all the time and the Charles that the whole world runs is princely, the environmental protection film that should be him undertakes conduct propaganda.
193. "It doesn't explain enough that this was Nazi propaganda, and this makes me vomit... As it stands, we're looking at revisionist history," Girard told Reuters on Monday.
194. It remains to be Seen if that is a genuine , substantial shift,[] or merely Aeon propaganda.
195. The long-term propaganda becomes a kind of news writing mode:always subconsciously burying the important facts, news details, and the news characters.
196. Strengthens the related health propaganda, guides lithiasis baby to receive a medical examination promptly.
197. Li Changchun, a party boss, described the Confucius Institutes as "an important part of China's overseas propaganda set-up".
198. The net that clean out treasure is the false and inferior commodity such as anonym card to advertise on the webpage conduct propaganda, all did not examine obligation to what answer.
199. Will immediately talk out of a meeting, session, lecture, performance or film showing if he hears a speaker tell lies, or purvey ideological nonsense or shameless propaganda.
200. Also, his government dominates the media, which saturate the country with his propaganda.
201. If private persons undertook propaganda they would do it at their own risk and be amenable to the laws of the country in which they acted.
202. Excerpt from a speech made for the preliminary model propaganda team competition in the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army.
203. This was not the only instance in which the group was flouting a state ban on fundraising or the sale of jihadi propaganda.
204. Keeping the promotion of Chinese language low key would be more effective than high-keyed propaganda.
205. These advertisements propaganda strange the Aladdin cave treasure house is more dazzling than Arabian Nights in.
206. Johnston is the implementation of network news, the first charge British propaganda and industry group.
207. For decades official propaganda had lambasted capitalism as akin to cannibalism.
208. Their early films tried to convey revolutionary propaganda through grotesque and fantastic imagery.
209. His father learnt many of his skills running state propaganda, one of the most important jobs.
210. "Whether we like it or not, it was extremely effective propaganda," said Timothy Ball, an environmental consultant and former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg.
211. Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels had announced Operation Werewolf, a plan for guerrilla commandos to operate behind enemy lines as the Allies advanced across Germany.
212. Their propaganda was peremptorily switched to an anti - Western line.
213. The fine arts activities of the Red Region are very extensive, and the fine arts propaganda work is very brisk.
214. Since 2001 he has become the voice of al-Qaida, sending dozens of propaganda messages by video, audiotape and written text, spouting fiery rhetoric against his enemies.
215. So, the timing signal should be set cautiously with the aid of other measures such as adjusting the interval duration, propaganda of traffic safety and rules.
216. Legal Consideration of Relation between " False Advertisement " and " False Propaganda "
217. There was a heated propaganda war between the Entente Countries and the Ally Countries during WWI.
218. One of these was the evolution of the hammer and sickle symbol from its agrarian roots into a space-age propaganda object, as seen above.
219. The head of our propaganda committee was Chou Yi - chung.
220. These "human specimens", and "living museums" served both colonialist propaganda and scientific theories of so-called racial hierarchies.
221. A poignant exhibition in the parliament building shows the mass murder, deportations, collectivisation, forced atheism and unrelenting propaganda inflicted on Lithuania under Soviet rule.
222. However, in modern propaganda, bandwagon has taken a new twist.
223. Detente does not necessarily mean an end to ideological propaganda against the different social system.
224. This theory is fuscous on the true liberty of speech and corrected the focusing on propaganda of some journals[http:///propaganda.html], and it is very meaningful for the study of journals.
225. Sports department plans to recruit 20 new members. They will be divided into four groups which are proposal group, propaganda group, Record group and contact group.
226. The article analyzes the reason why the Entente Countries won the war of propaganda.
227. This essay comprehensively analyzes characteristic and adoptable strategy of It, attempts to seek the way to enhance the enterprise propaganda effect of It.
228. Adjuration prohibits the false conduct propaganda of afore - mentioned products.
229. In passing I would like to mention our propaganda and educational work.
230. Televised documentary derives from movies, the early homiletic works became a tool for framer to realize their propaganda purpose.
231. North Korea's pint-sized dictator is a master of propaganda and social manipulation, but he also apparently suffers from insecurity, delusion, and severe OCD.
232. Corollary of delivering fierce speeches that instill violence and propaganda of wheeler-dealer and paranoid mass media to spread such loath-laden print and telecast materials adds fuel to the fire.
233. Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels was the master of the "big lie."
234. Kuhn warned that the propaganda war is not always won on the merits of the science.
235. North Korea's state television newscaster announced such propaganda will not be tolerated.
236. I am not trying to convert you, to proselytize you or to do propaganda against any particular religion.
237. In order to maintain stability and unity, comrades working in the fields of propaganda, education, theoretical studies and literature and art must join in a common effort.
238. They perturbed good social order with their lies and propaganda.
239. Only then will I feel it's right . To hell with that piddling propaganda job!
240. "Israel is planning to broaden its propaganda into Indonesia, " Dr Ma'ruf Amin, deputy chairman of MUI, told IOL.
241. Pyongyang's eight cinemas are said to be frequently closed due to lack of power; when open, they screen domestic propaganda movies with inspiring titles such as The Fate of a Self-Defence Corps Man.
242. The Baiheliang record history of for the rule of defensive warfare defense. The Inscription of Mongolian was a propaganda of vox populi for Mongolian dynastic changes.
243. For your goods to increase the propaganda, and ultimately an increase in trading volume.
244. But they met their masters in propaganda in Moscow's press.
245. A Georgian aspect's official said that Russia's indictment is KGB's - like stupid propaganda.
246. The Kobe Bryant-to-the-Bulls saga, which seems finally over with John Paxson's declarations Thursday, is like an NBA/media version of the Big Lie, a World War II propaganda technique.
247. For many people there was no fine partition between art and propaganda.
248. Deric very treasures this love. In order to protect this love, he is very low-pitched. " I think a man should not be too wordy. I need not to indulge in unbridled propaganda about our things."
249. Our comrades in propaganda work have the task of disseminating Marxism.




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