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单词 Graffiti
1 The walls had been daubed with graffiti.
2 Graffiti was scribbled all over the walls.
3 The buildings were covered with racist graffiti.
4 The walls are daubed with graffiti.
5 Vandals had sprayed graffiti on the walls.
6 Someone had scrawled graffiti across the wall.
7 The graffiti on the wall said 'Liverpool rules OK'.
8 Someone had scrawled graffiti all over the school walls.
9 The subway was covered in graffiti.
10 They all bonded while writing graffiti together.
11 The subway walls are covered in graffiti.
12 Vandals had sprayed graffiti on the wall.
13 I've painted over the graffiti twice, but it still shows through.
14 The desk was covered with graffiti and burn marks .
15 There's no vandalism, no graffiti, no rubbish left lying about.
16 Graffiti adorned the walls.
17 I caught my neighbour's son writing graffiti on our wall, the little squirt.
18 Some graffiti had been scratched on the back of the door.
19 The trouble began with abusive graffiti and physical attacks.
20 With built-in video surveillance, even graffiti would be deterred.
21 The cowherds have covered the walls with graffiti.
22 He covered her body with colourful graffiti.
23 Several office buildings were defaced by graffiti.
24 And spare me his pledge to eliminate graffiti.
25 The place is covered with graffiti.
26 The economic consequences of graffiti vandalism are enormous.
27 The other was the target of threatening racial graffiti.
28 It took three applications of paint to cover the graffiti.
29 "Is this your handiwork?" he asked, pointing at the graffiti on the wall.
30 She found herself tracing with her finger a pale, silvery track where graffiti had been erased from the wall.
1 The walls had been daubed with graffiti.
2 Graffiti was scribbled all over the walls.
31 The other students were all Cro-Magnons, Heavy Metal fans who scrawled graffiti on their course binders.
32 Graffiti, no matter how well painted, is vandalism by definition.
33 The abstract graffiti of Aaron Siskind was done first by Weston.
34 Every available wall space was covered with graffiti and fervent slogans, or the accumulated remnants of countless religious posters.
35 Since then, he claims, he's been repeatedly threatened, and now his garden shed has been daubed with graffiti.
36 The special paint is meant to be a deterrent to graffiti artists.
37 The local police are hopeful of catching those responsible for the graffiti.
38 When a black freshman is threatened with racist graffiti, she is the first to spring into action.
39 The only vaguely reassuring sign is that the right seems to be losing the graffiti war.
40 Three students were excluded for scrawling graffiti on a school wall.
41 The cities and even rural areas have been divided between these well-armed rival factions,(http://) who mark their territories with graffiti.
42 The wall can be cleaned of graffiti and masked by vegetation.
43 The corridors are very dirty, and the walls are covered with graffiti.
44 They saw graffiti on important public memorials and they saw running battles with the police.
45 We let off steam in graffiti, vandalism and football hooliganism.
46 Students leafleted public gatherings, covered walls with anti-government graffiti and distributed phony news articles written by CIA operatives.
47 A wall of corrugated iron lay before them, its length daubed with graffiti.
48 When the camera crew arrived three days later, the shelter was covered in graffiti and all its glass had been shattered.
49 We did use black paper, but it looked terrible and attracted graffiti, so then we thought of fine art.
50 There was one chair and a narrow desk riddled with graffiti and burn marks.
51 The absence of Hebrew graffiti at Abu Simbel is perhaps not sufficient to throw doubt upon Aristeas.
52 Reminds me of a piece of graffiti outside Saint Martin-in the-Fields.
53 This cut down on graffiti, Rascon said, because graffiti writers prefer well-lit areas so they can admire their handiwork.
54 Schools are often the target for petty acts of vandalism and urban schools in particular sometimes suffer from graffiti attacks.
55 The squatters daubed graffiti on the walls, smashed fittings and stole some furniture.
56 Other racial graffiti has been found on campus as well.
57 Public School 45 is closed, the windows boarded up, the walls defaced with graffiti.
58 His carefully chosen materials created an air of menace even without the denunciatory graffiti.
59 The half-erased graffiti on the silver train she did notice, without being able to identify it as man-made.
60 Numerous assaults, cases of window smashing and the dissemination of graffiti continued unabated.
61 C., anti-Semitic graffiti were spray-painted on the main gate and on a residence hall.
62 From graffiti to fanzines to indie-pop, that is the glue which fuels most real youth enterprise.
63 More than 100 companies sell restroom advertising space, and many mainstream advertisers are selling their goods where graffiti once prevailed.
64 Harriet Vane returns to her college for the occasion and finds herself in a maelstrom of obscene graffiti and poison pen letters.
65 For a moment, she looked at the tomato ketchup on the walls and thought of Gazzer's graffiti.
66 Graffiti, steak knives, coffee cups Cox arranged and approved dozens of loans for Bay Area homeowners over the years.
67 They stamp out graffiti, quash drug deals, bust carjacking rings, rescue drug overdose victims, even prevent suicides.
68 Graffiti covered the arch at the base of Fifth Avenue.
69 Two Civic Patrol officers will work with the community to combat litter and graffiti.
70 Do you think of yourself as a latent graffiti artist?
71 Graffiti was scrawled on some of the planks.
71 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
72 V-neck sporty vest with a graffiti graphic print.
73 Police accused him on several counts of graffiti charges.
74 Equally obtrusive was the graffiti.
75 Pompeii's graffiti includes insults, love declarations, and political satire.
76 Buildings old and new are thickly covered with graffiti.
77 The graffiti are a kind of vulgarization of civilization.
78 This colorful style of writing is also called graffiti.
79 Graffiti is now an art form in Nor-thampton.
80 The synagogue was covered with anti - Semitic graffiti.
81 A lot of people always try to intellectualize what is graffiti or not. I think it's all about love and energy that writers put into it.
82 Such desert sites are too remote to be damaged by graffiti, though wars involving the local Tuareg have resulted in some being shot up or smashed apart for sale to foreign collectors.
83 Hola Amigos, this is a great graffiti movie from Barcelona.
84 Gone as well is an embrace of hip-hop's four elements: graffiti writing, the dance element (or what some call break-dancing), DJing and MCing.
85 Sections of the Wall are also prone to graffiti and vandalism.
86 B : Hey , I'm a graffiti artist so it's cool.
87 Works by the guerilla graffiti artist Banksy are to go under the hammer at Sotheby's.
88 This site was badly vandalized, but several years ago the Bureau of Land Management hired a conservator to remove the graffiti and preserve the images.
89 Works by the guerilla graffiti artist Banksy are to go under the at Sotheby's.
90 Mohammed Ali (Graffiti Artist): You can't go to school and they'll show you how to use a spray can.
91 Graffiti , with traitorous and acute character, affect the urban environmental color when they have communication.
92 Graffiti is either "writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place". Or!
93 Almost ten years later, he would co-star in George Lucas' 1973 graduation night comedy American Graffiti and subsequently joined Lucas in a galaxy far, far away in the 1977 blockbuster Star Wars.
94 Tourists to the ancient city of Ephesus, in Greece, will be shown ancient graffiti advertising prostitution.
95 "Graffiti is a way for people to express themselves when they don't feel they can do so publicly, " says Joe Austin, a professor of popular culture at Bowling Green State University.
96 ABS: I only use spray-paint for graffiti on the wall, for skate board and other medium, I use marker pen.
97 The entrance halls, the stairs, and the doors, are all covered with graffiti.
98 Recently, there has been a trend towards writing graffiti on freight trains.
99 The authorities have been swift to sweep up the street damage, tow away burnt-out cars, sandblast graffiti and board up or replace broken bank and shop windows.
100 There are more paintings by Edvard Munch here than there are graffiti, and Saturday night in town can seem about as frenetic as a bank holiday in Sunningdale.
101 I guess we just disagree on the value of graffiti.
102 El _ crawler Art í culos con la historia del graffiti , influencias ,() galer í a de im á genes y colecci ? ? n de entrevistas.
103 A youth skateboards among the graffiti-festooned grounds of the Singapore Youth Park, the only place in the straight-laced city where graffiti can legally be painted.
104 The chalkboards are covered with graffiti left by the Nigerien soldiers—French profanities and cartoons depicting Tuareg having sex with animals.
105 This multi- interpretable have-it-your-way graffiti however is the new kind of cool game.
106 After Graffiti you were going to direct Apocalypse Now. Why did you do Star Wars instead?
107 But the graffiti also raises a question: Why, nearly 114 years after it was completed, and decades after it ceased to be the world's tallest structure, is la Tour Eiffel still so popular?
108 A combination of cartoon, graffiti , and performance art in a minimalist, unsophisticated style late 20 th century.
109 Tell us about your graffiti background, when did you start.
110 But these graffiti were just the prelude to an even bigger find.
111 And there is a triangle, five-pointed star, heart-shaped baby seal provides free graffiti, paint your baby's interest and foster a wide range of intellectual curiosity.
112 Unlike THX, Graffiti really had an effect on people's lives.
113 He was a sanitation specialist by training, and he couldn't help but notice Milan's abundant graffiti and overstuffed trash bins.
114 The maintenance programme will additionally seek to keep the sites free of graffiti.




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