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单词 clench
释义  clench /klentʃ/ ●○○ verb [transitive]  1  clench your fists/teeth/jaw etc HOLDto hold your hands, teeth etc together tightly, usually because you feel angry or determined 〔因愤怒或下决心而〕握紧拳头/咬紧牙关等 Jody was pacing the sidelines, her fists clenched. 乔迪在球场的边线上紧握着拳头来回踱步。2  to hold something tightly in your hand or between your teeth 紧握;紧咬 a cigar clenched between his teeth 他叼在嘴里的一支雪茄→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusclench• My apron flapped, my teeth were clenched.• He succeeded in pulling apart my clenched arms and started on my legs.• His buttocks were clenched as he moved towards her.• She clenched her fists, on the verge of tears.• The shock was terrific, he gasped into his oxygen mask, his hands clenching involuntarily.• I clenched out the light and stuck my fingers in my ears.• Her muscles involuntarily clenched, then went limp.Origin clench Old English beclencanclench verbChinese  to together hold etc usually your teeth tightly, Corpus hands,




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