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单词 Emphasizing
1, Psychological and sociological studies were emphasizing the importance of the family.
2, Logan made a speech emphasizing the need for more volunteers.
3, Discuss pollution with your child, emphasizing how nice a clean street, lawn, or park looks.
4, American Express is emphasizing its 'the customer is first' credo.
5, The ad glamorized life in the army, emphasizing travel and adventure.
6, She says it again, slowly, emphasizing each word.
7, The central government started soft-pedaling coercion, emphasizing education and economic development.
8, I wish the church would begin emphasizing personal responsibility more.
9, But this sculpture remains an isolated example, emphasizing the fact that in its earliest stage Cubism was primarily a pictorial revolution.
10, By 1977 black revolutionary organizations, including those emphasizing black nationalism, had been largely suppressed or had receded in visibility.
11, Rather than emphasizing individual efforts, emphasis may be placed on group effort to create a climate of helpfulness.
12, I remember my teacher dutifully emphasizing that the two were, indeed, married before they consummated their passion.
13, However, it is worth emphasizing here that at least four costs have been proposed for inbreeding, and at least seven for outbreeding.
14, Westphal often was criticized for not emphasizing defense enough,[http:///emphasizing.html] not being demanding enough of his players.
15, By emphasizing every defect in her body, she offers a challenge to polite culture.
16, It is worth emphasizing that there can be significant variations, within this situation, in the productive process itself.
17, Rather they are emphasizing the need to let go of managerial means that get in the way of the performance and change.
18, The allusion to clouds is anything but fortuitous, emphasizing as it does the link between the sound of drums and thunder.
19, As the name implies, this operation involves emphasizing the boundary or edge features on the image so that it looks less blurred.
20, In other words, Melville is again emphasizing the duality of nature.
21, There are different kinds of meetings, some emphasizing discussion of a particular topic, some with speakers.
22, Environmentalists criticized it for emphasizing improved access to energy supplies while failing to ensure adequate environmental safeguards.
23, Bush courted Catholics by emphasizing abortion and family values in 1992, but lost it to Clinton.
24, Roman Catholics, however, emphasizing the role of free will, believe that humans can cooperate in their salvation through actions.
25, The living explain new developments, emphasizing accomplishments, to the dead.
26, We should be focusing on what we have in common rather than emphasizing our differences.
27, The hand is a strong one, and the sentiments, emphasizing the apostolic succession of bishops, are magisterially expressed.
28, After years of concentrating on literature, California public schools are re- emphasizing phonics as a key method for learning to read.
29, Perhaps the most fundamental critique is that provided by theorists emphasizing the global structure of economic and political power.
30, The more extreme designers have turned the jacket into a frock coat, emphasizing the Edwardian feel.
1, Psychological and sociological studies were emphasizing the importance of the family.
31, Soon after I returned, I gave a formal presentation to the president, emphasizing the benefits of the project.
32, Though these goals sometimes had the effect of emphasizing quantity over quality, they resulted in substantial forward movement.
33, What Albers did for Black Mountain as a community emphasizing the visual arts, Olson did for it as a literary community.
34, They begin their pitch by emphasizing how terrible it is to be fat.
35, By not emphasizing the racial issue, the blacks in turn depended on the independents they voted for to protect them.
36, Add variation by visually emphasizing differences between items.
37, The government are emphasizing the importance of the family.
38, Emphasizing communication, learning by rote is not recommended.
39, Mr. Geithner later clarified his remarks, emphasizing his continued fandom of the greenback.
40, Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion.
41, Emphasizing responsibility consciousness is this article a bright and flashy theme.
42, College students emphasizing general knowledge rather than professional or vocational trainning.
43, Under such situation, some important directions of medium and long term research of petroleum processing industry are suggested, emphasizing the probe of certain new concepts.
44, Emphasizing the test result be influenced by the humidity in laboratory.
45, Emphasizing on the increasing returns to scale, spillover effect and accumulation of specialized human capital[sentencedict .com], the endogenous growth theory is a breakthrough in this regard.
46, Analytic philosophy transcends subjective philosophy in a certain extent through emphasizing meaning of proposition and changing Kant's transcendental category in semasiology.
47, This article reviewed the development of fipronil and its metabolites, emphasizing the fate of environment, action of fipronil and toxicology of antimer and metabolites.
48, That means emphasizing fish, poultry, beans, and low - fat or no - fat dairy products.
49, TEDA has been sticking to the developing guideline focusing on industrial projects, FDI absorption and export value while emphasizing the development of high and new technology.
50, Emphasizing vintage authenticity, worn holes continue to garner attention at retail for both women's markets.
51, Dance around your lover, emphasizing your chest, butt, and legs.
52, Eliminating the complex line, emphasizing the spiffy cutting and the ornate detail. keeping emotional design and rational attitude.
53, In her first plyometrics workouts, Deena hit the ground like this big, flat-footed person, but we kept emphasizing, 'Get your feet up fast.Get your feet up fast.
54, Futurism rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion.
55, Rewrite the sentences below, emphasizing as man parts as possible.
56, It introduces the national and foreign situation of software quality management, emphasizing in particular a series of software standard of American DOD.
57, It advocated innovation, pursuing modality, emphasizing individuality and industrial arts.
58, That emphasizing economic benefits excessively, regulating the set up of pediatrics speciality and medical students unwillingly to be occupied in pediatrics is the sticking point.
59, Most poets who write nativity poems are interested in the miracle of the virgin birth, emphasizing the Virgin Mary and the tender mother-son relationship between Mary and Jesus.
60, The importance of electron spin in shaping atomic structure is worth emphasizing.
61, It is better to see once than hear a hundred times. Emphasizing that what one sees by oneself is more convincible and impressive.
62, Neoclassicism---An 18th-century artistic movement, associated with the Enlightenment, drawing on classical models and emphasizing reason, harmony, and restraint.
63, Howson's assured, bold technique has become gradually more formulaic, emphasizing caricature and strength of compositional structure.
64, Futurism. rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion. an early twentieth-century movement in art.
65, The study is also a rhetorical study emphasizing the meaning generation from the perspective of sematic generation.
66, In this section we discuss the traditional waterfall model and the agile software development model emphasizing more on the benefits of the agile process.
67, With the wings of contemporary art, we are doing old cliches, but still emphasizing our properness and purity.
68, I began a crash program in the gym, emphasizing strength and reaction time.
69, The religious doctrines of John Calvin, emphasizing the omnipotence of God and the salvation of the elect by God's grace alone.
70, This paper also discusses with Professor XING Fuyi on his"Inner consistency of onomatopes", emphasizing theoretical self-consistency in linguistic research.
71, "It is a brute-force approach at this stage, emphasizing the quantity of innovation assets more than the quality, " said John Kao, an innovation consultant to governments and corporations.
72, Gabbard echoed Ferri and Clemens in emphasizing that psychodynamic principles were crucial to all aspects of psychiatric practice, including inpatient care and psychopharmacology.
73, A point worth emphasizing is that hydrostatic equilibrium is fulfilled with great accuracy in stellar atmosphere.
74, The thesis aims to analyze Samuel Beckett splays using an existential concept - alienation, emphasizing the me.
75, In noisy as Figure 22 shows , capacitively coupled noise will be differentiated , emphasizing the higher - frequency components.
76, Sandman cautions against emphasizing the circumstances more than the misbehavior or implying that they justify what you did.
77, This versatile grape can be made into a semisweet wine emphasizing the fruity aromas, or, using oak aging, into a dry less fruity wine.
78, With regard to the former, natural-law theories from Grotius to Locke had been emphasizing that Christianity could safeguard moral foundation.
79, In the meantime critics outside the government were also emphasizing the dangers of the all - or - nothing policy.
80, The jurisprudence of emphasizing on procedure is the key of combining form with the content, but unilateral emphasizing on procedure would result in non-value.
81, Emphasizing the building of echelon and opening the volleyball market.
82, Compared with the Legalist School, Confucianism seems emphasizing softness of Yin, for the legalist school purely uphold solidness of Yang.
83, Confucianism focuses on the fields of ethics and politics, emphasizing personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice, traditionalism , and sincerity.
84, In actual morality construction, emphasizing heteronomous morality, autonomous morality, or morality of no - heteronomy - and - autonomy are all worth criticizing.
85, Is emphasizing a few important secondary pages and rewording a few links enough to create a homepage that "sucks"?
86, Working in an all - round way while emphasizing key points.
87, "One of the things that this new work is emphasizing is that one needs to be very careful about defining habitability, " commented Phil Armitage of the University of Colorado, Boulder.
88, Mixed with hardcore, Metal, Indie, Acid, progressive rock and noise, the Cyberne's music is somewhat pioneer but simple, emphasizing original beat and animal brutal instinct.
89, Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditions and tryed to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion.
90, When I talk about further distinctions like static and journal file systems, I'm emphasizing the consistency and, to some extent, security of file system contents.
91, Elpac manufactures external and open frame AC DC power supplies and AC DC adapters, emphasizing switch-mode designs.
92, The lectures were emphasizing on different aspect, extremely meet the need of the exhibitors and spectators, thus received consentaneous reputation.
93, In the form of performance , emphasizing narrative, the plot of.
94, The region re-invented itself emphasizing clean industry—material science, medicine, robotics, nanotechnology, information technology (IT), electro-optics, alternative energy, and financial services.
95, Objective A retrospective survey of 187 patients who underwent canal down mastoidectomy was performed in order to improve the outcome of the operation , emphasizing on otorrhea.
96, Now other people would say,no,no,no Paul just was emphasizing different things when he wrote Colossians because the situation was different.
97, Signs of denervation from acute nerve injury are detected by an electromyogram 18 to 21 days after the injury, emphasizing the importance of obtaining neurologic consultation before this time.
98, Based on the analysis of the character of two kinds of SCCP operations, this paper put forward the method of modularization, emphasizing on the module of routing control.
99, Sticking to the editor's originality and emphasizing the ethics of justice and candidness.
100, The title of the Teller chapter is "Megaton Man, " emphasizing the obsession with hydrogen bombs which made Teller famous. Lightman admits that there were two Tellers.
101, The remaining software flight-test objectives (emphasizing data link functionality) will be performed during Phase 2, which is scheduled to begin at Edwards in April 2010 and run for 10 months.
102, Analyze a single episode of a contemporary situation comedy, emphasizing its visual style, its treatment of character, its strategies of comedy.
103, The coating technology of cathodic deposition for car frame is introduced, emphasizing on coating process and equipment requirement.
104, In noisy systems, as Figure 22 shows, capacitively coupled noise will be differentiated, emphasizing the higher-frequency components.
104, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
105, Government transition refers to the course of that the government is transforming from emphasizing totality and dictation to the modern and all-round one of democracy, nomocracy and responsibility.
106, In her first plyometrics workouts, Deena hit the ground like this big, flat-footed person, but we kept emphasizing, 'Get your feet up fast.
107, Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditio and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion.
108, No matter what category developers are using, it is essential to build any DSL on top of a sound semantic model as the authors keep emphasizing.
109, Under the failing firm working in compliance with Poisson distribution at any time, it is emphasizing analyzed that the critical level of the merger and divestment phase.
110, We are further emphasizing our resolve by 'taking' many leaders of your major governments in order to impress upon them at first hand that certain requests made by us need immediate attending to.
111, Therefore, building the culture of modern legal fideism should start with emphasizing judicial ceremony.
112, This essay is to provide a new way of handling reading materials in English written discourses by emphasizing those non-lexical factors, based on the theoretical framework of cognitive semantics.
113, On the other hand, in Pound's emphasizing or adjusting, some images in Cathay can impress readers with the implied energy and radiant cluster of endocentric relations.
114, In terms of the study horizons, we should conform to international practices in terms of perspectives and methods while emphasizing Sinicism in content.
115, Emphasizing a display element or segment by modifying its visual attributes.
116, While people were emphasizing the food of natural and green corn starch vermicelli , again they expected it to have the better boil-resisting ability and taste.
117, China has begun to embrace new satellite architecture emphasizing common satellite buses.
118, Baldur's Gate's success was a result of emphasizing the action elements in the standard RPG formula.
119, Contemporary aesthetic culture has the following most remarkable characteristics: emphasizing philistinism and revel of sensibility, disdaining elegance and rational depth.
120, Reconstructing new filial duty of pluralistic society and emphasizing that it is possible to open up to Christianity.
121, The embedded system, as the center of the application and emphasizing the reducibleness of the bulk and functions, is the special system which finishes the function of controlling or stakeout.
122, The paper centers on the study of the management mechanism of the police group of the southern, emphasizing it is the cut-in point to establish an effective checking and inspiring system.
123, In computer graphics, emphasizing a given display group by changing the attitudes of all the other display groups in the same display field.
124, He listened in silence as Niccolini rattled on, emphasizing his remarks with one hand and steering with the other.
125, That's the focus of our attention in Genesis, and it's only at the end of the story that the tree of life appears again in the passage that is emphasizing its permanent inaccessibility.
126, Corporate policies emphasizing human relations potential in the recruitment of employees drive many job seekers to visit cosmetic surgery clinics.
127, This paper introduces the causes of the dard disk soft fault and the methods of its elimination , emphasizing the repairment of the information in master boot sector.
128, Seeking enlightenment and equally emphasizing scholar and bureaucrat is a common feature of the scholar-bureaucrat in two Han Dynasties.
129, That doesn't mean the schools should fall all over themselves to raise cash, but a policy emphasizing help for the less affluent, modesty and restraint makes sense.
130, CONCLUSION The infection rate in the hospital is decreased after emphasizing the degermation monitoring and management and taking the combination measures of monitoring and rectification.




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