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单词 climb
释义  Related topics: Other sportsclimb1 /klaɪm/ ●●● W2 verb  1  move up/down 向上/下移动 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive]CLIMB to move up, down, or across something using your feet and hands, especially when this is difficult to do 〔手脚并用地〕攀登,爬 Harry climbed the stairs. 哈里爬上楼梯。 Boys were climbing trees along the river bank. 男孩们在河边爬树。climb up/down/along etc The wall is too high to climb over. 这墙太高,爬不过去。 They climbed up into the loft of the old barn. 他们爬进了旧谷仓的阁楼里。2  temperature/prices etc 气温/价格等 [intransitive]INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNT to increase in number, amount, or level 〔数字、数量或水平〕升高,攀升 SYN go up The temperature has climbed steadily since this morning. 今晨起气温持续升高。 Inflation climbed 2% last month. 上个月的通胀率上升了2%。climb to The divorce rate had climbed to almost 30% of all marriages. 离婚率已经上升到了婚姻总数的近 30%。3  with difficulty 艰难地 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]SLOW to move into, out of, or through something slowly and awkwardly 吃力地移动 The bus pulled in, and we climbed aboard. 公共汽车进站了,我们费劲地挤了上去。climb through/over/into etc John climbed through the window into the kitchen. 约翰从窗户爬进了厨房。 I turned the TV on and climbed into bed. 我打开电视机后爬上了床。4  path/sun/plane 小路/太阳/飞机 [intransitive]UP to move gradually to a higher position 徐徐上升;爬升 The roller coaster climbs 91 feet and reaches speeds of 45 miles an hour. 过山车爬到91英尺高,时速达到45英里。climb into/up etc The path climbs high into the hills. 小路沿山而上。 The plane climbed to 11,600 feet to try to get above the clouds. 飞机爬升到11,600英尺的高度,试图飞越云层。5  sport 体育运动 [intransitive, transitive]DSOCLIMB to climb mountains or rocks as a sport 爬(山),登(山)5Sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb Mount Qomolangma.埃德蒙•希拉里爵士是第一个登上珠穆朗玛峰的人。n Hillary and Tenzing were the first men to climb Mount Everest. She loves to hike and climb. 她喜欢远足和爬山。 → climbing6  plant 植物 [intransitive]UP to grow up a wall or other structure 攀缘而上climbing rose/plant 攀缘蔷薇/植物7  in a list 在名单上 [intransitive, transitive]SUCCESSFUL to move higher in a list of teams, records etc as you become more popular or successful 排名升高,跃居 SYN riseclimb to The song climbed to number two in the US charts. 这首歌曲在美国流行歌曲排行榜攀升到了第二位。8  in your life/job 在生活/工作中 [intransitive, transitive]SUCCESSFUL to move to a better position in your social or professional life 〔社会地位〕上升;〔职位〕晋升;提高(地位) Steve climbed rapidly in the sales division. 史蒂夫在销售部晋升得很快。 men who climbed the career ladder in the 1980s 20世纪80年代攀登事业阶梯的人们9  be climbing the walls spokenNERVOUS to become extremely anxious, annoyed, or impatient 极度忧虑,十分烦恼 If I don’t get a drink soon, I’ll be climbing the walls. 如果不马上喝一杯,我要急得跳墙了。10.climb down phrasal verb British English ADMITto admit that you were wrong, especially after being certain that you were right 认错;退让,让步 → climb-downn THESAURUSclimb to move up, down, or across something using your hands and feetMost kids love climbing trees.Several fans climbed onto the roof of the arena to get a better view.She climbed down the ladder.ascend formal to climb up somethingHe began to ascend the narrow winding staircase.the first man to ascend Mount Everestgo up to climb up something such as a slope or stairsHe went up the steps to the platform.Sonia was quiet as they went up the hill.scale formal to climb to the top of something such as a high wall or fenceSomehow the men had scaled the twenty-foot wall without setting off the alarm.Protestors scaled the walls of the building and hung banners.Rescuers had to scale a one-thousand-foot cliff before they could reach the injured climber.clamber to climb somewhere with difficulty, using your hands to help youAt last we saw the two girls clambering down the slope to safety.Everyone clambered onto the back of the truck.scramble to climb somewhere quickly and with difficulty, using your hands to help you, especially when you are walkingThey scrambled up the steep rocky bank.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusclimb• Sales have climbed 11% this quarter.• Trying not to look down, Alan began to climb.• Burglars climbed a chain-link fence to gain access to the building.• Woolworth Corp. climbed as much as 7 / 8 to 10 3 / 4.• Now drop left to avoid the guard, while climbing back up left and collecting a crate.• The burglar escaped by climbing down a drainpipe.• We saw a group of people climbing El Capitan in Yosemite.• The geese climbed high above us and set off on their long journey south.• The path climbs high into the hills above the village of Glenridding.• There were roses bedded out, climbing in flower beds, in pots and cut.• We climbed into the cockpit to face the morning sun.• As the plane began to climb Karen started to feel ill.• We don't climb Munros because we are not climbers.• Several fans climbed onto the roof of the arena to get a better view.• The road climbs steadily, reaching 6,000 feet after 18 miles.• Demand for goods grew and imports climbed steadily.• Towards the end of the season Benfica suddenly climbed the league table and finished third.• The original estimate of $500 million has now climbed to a staggering $1300 million.• Jinju stayed awhile longer before climbing to her feet.• Jennifer Lopez's new single has climbed to number two in the US charts.• Temperatures are expected to climb to record levels this weekend.• Instead, the Dow Jones industrial average climbed to still another record high.• The kids love climbing trees.• Most kids love climbing trees.• Ivy climbed up the front of the building.• One of the boys lost his footing as he was climbing up the steepest part of the cliff.climb up/down/along etc• My room is on top of a cloth-shop and I have to climb up a flight of dark stairs to get to it.• Now all Madame Butterfly had to do was climb down a piece of wood twice her height and fly free.• We can not fly, that is certain; neither can we climb down into this great ditch.• Before that, Donahue climbed down the iron rungs sticking out the sides of the manhole.• A hedgehog tries to climb up the net and when it hears you approach it promptly rolls up into a ball.• Mike and Jen climbed up the side of this hill and kept bending over, looking at rocks.• We would have been satisfied with the climb up the Wellenkuppe but it was so early, the sky so clear.• Republicans think Fazio is climbing up the wrong broadcasting tower.climb to• U2's new album has climbed to number two in the record charts.• Dreyer's climb to power in city government has been astonishing.• Stock prices climbed to record levels on Friday.climb through/over/into etc• Outside, he climbed into a new minibus.• Go to the bathroom every fifteen minutes, climbing over him, explaining each time that you have a prostate problem.• Phillis began to climb over him.• After great difficulty, she brought the boat close enough so that the young man could climb into it.• Something else, something as he passed the door of the Volvo to climb into the boot.• Without glancing back at the house, he climbed into the cab of the Land Rover.• Ahab fears his own feelings and thus, he climbs into the mast head himself in order to watch for the whales.• He climbed over the refrigerators and dropped into the straw beside her.climb into/up etc• He climbed into bed and lay on his side, not moving and scarcely breathing.• They can often be seen climbing up creosoted telegraph-poles in a vain search for food.• We climb up granite bluffs overlooking vast beds of mussel and seaweed, from which we search the horizon for unknown islands.• Emmie had climbed into her hiding place on the roof of the old summer-house, to smoke.• He watched her intently as she per-formed this habitual act-then climbed into her lap and let her hold him.• Without glancing back at the house, he climbed into the cab of the Land Rover.• They climbed into the car and she took off at maximum golf cart speed.• Below us the narrow road twisted upon itself as it began to climb up through the steep foothills.climbing rose/plant• The gold-winning Country Living entry celebrated her work with a nostalgic cottage-garden full of lupins, irises and climbing roses.• The house is softened by sprawls of climbing roses.• It was covered with climbing plants, and clearly had not been used for years.• It has been replaced with trellis which is planted with variegated euonymus, five clematis, a climbing rose and evergreen honeysuckles.• The patio was flanked by ancient brick walls covered in climbing plants and variegated ivy.• Pyracanthas have three seasons of interest but here they are augmented by a climbing rose in a suitably harmonious shade.• The skeletons of climbing roses, not yet in bud, trailed in a regimented way against a wall.• Trellis supports a climbing rose up a wall and hanging baskets also take the eye upwards.climbed the ... ladder• He climbed the ladder and studied his face for half an hour in the silver disc that was his halo.• Born in a small mining village near Glenrothes, he has climbed the ladder by learning his craft.• He climbed the ladder, testing each rung carefully.• I washed up and climbed the ladder to the attic.Related topics: Other sportsclimb2 ●●○ noun  1  movement upwards 向上的运动CLIMB [countable usually singular] a process in which you move up towards a place, especially while using a lot of effort 攀登 a long steady climb to the top 向顶峰漫长而平稳的攀登2  increase 增加INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNT [countable usually singular] an increase in value or amount 增值;上升 The dollar continued its climb against the yen. 美元对日元的汇率继续攀升。climb in a steady climb in house prices 房价的持续攀升3  improvement 提高SUCCESSFUL [countable usually singular] the process of improving something, especially your professional or social position 〔尤指职位或社会地位的〕提高,晋升 a slow climb out of the recession 经济衰退后的缓慢回升climb to the Labour Party’s climb to power 工党的掌权之路4  list/competition 名次表/竞争UP [singular] a process in which someone or something reaches a higher position in a list or in a competition because of being popular or successful 〔名次的〕攀升 the Giants’ climb from twelfth to fifth in the league 巨人队在联赛中从第十二名攀升到第五名 the song’s steady climb up the charts 这首歌在排行榜上的稳步攀升5  rock/mountain 石/山DSO [countable] a steep rock, cliff, or mountain that you climb up 〔登山或攀缘运动中要爬的〕山,岩,崖 one of the hardest rock climbs in the world 世界上最难攀登的山岩之一Examples from the Corpusclimb• It is logical to narrate a climb from the valley upwards.• Hartzell claim improved take-off and climb performance, reduced noise and vibration, and better ground clearance.• Routes here provide some of the best climbs at their standard in Britain.• He twisted a leg around the rope to rest his hands, then continued his climb.• The dollar continued its climb against the Japanese yen.• Soon another major climb will begin.• Atlanta's climb from the bottom of the league to first place has increased ticket sales.• The track downhill was worse than the climb.• P and Nasdaq resumed their climbs after the July 19 drop -- but money flow into both kept declining.• Mount Rainier is a tough climb.• It's a steep uphill climb all the way to the top.climb in• There has been a steady climb in house prices.Origin climb1 Old English climbanclimb1 verb →n THESAURUS1climb2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  to across Corpus or using up, move down, something




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