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单词 climactic
释义  cli·mac·tic /klaɪˈmæktɪk/ adjective  EXCITEDforming a very exciting or important part of an event or story, especially near the end of it 高潮的,形成高潮的 → climax a climactic moment 高潮时刻Examples from the Corpusclimactic• The identity of the killer is revealed in the movie's climactic ending.• They moved together to the edge of fulfilment - and beyond, crying out as the climactic explosion burst upon them.• More agitation and complexity rear their heads in the second movement, building to a climactic fury.• History was reaching its climactic moment and there were signs and wonders to prove it.• Her body had reached a climactic moment of its cycle, and felt famished and restless.• His climactic moments were of action, not of response.• Now what are the determinants of climactic rhythm?• A climactic scene is a brawl between the wife and husband on a ski-slope about his extra-marital affair.Origin climactic (1800-1900) climaxcli·mac·tic adjectiveChineseSyllable  important or part exciting a forming Corpus very of




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