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单词 Varying
1. Racism still exists to varying degrees.
2. New techniques were introduced with varying degrees of success.
3. Food was provided in varying amounts.
4. Different writers will prepare to varying degrees.
5. Politicians have used television with varying degrees of success.
6. A wide range of accounts are available, with varying terms and conditions.
7. Archaeologists found 40 bodies of varying antiquity in the area.
8. Tap water also contains varying amounts of rust and grit.
9. She has tried different diets with varying degrees of success.
10. In any faith community there are varying levels of commitment.
11. Experts hold varying opinions as to the causes of the disease.
12. And each, to varying degrees, is a stereotype.
13. They can be of varying sizes.
14. Numerous reasons possessing varying degrees of persuasiveness are advanced.
15. Subjects were given varying amounts of contextual information.
16. Teachers can keep students' interest by varying their classes.
17. Different tasks require varying lengths of time to complete.
18. Poor Law administrators in practice operated with considerably varying degrees of harshness or generosity.
19. Neither does varying the task necessarily affect the group success rate in the same way that it affects individual performance.
20. The different local councils coordinate their activities with varying regularity and a number of national meetings have taken place.
21. The most developed of these, Meade's scheme for varying social insurance contributions, was given special prominence.
22. Instead, we commit these and other offenders to varying terms of imprisonment.
23. Melanin is the dark brown pigment of the hair, skin and eyes which is present in varying amounts in every human being.
24. We all tried to find out about the bus service, with varying degrees of success.
25. The party leaders were all found to be corrupt in varying degrees.
26. Most urban water supplies in the United States now contain fluoride in varying amounts.
27. Human ecology includes a vast complexity of social elements, themselves functioning in relation to modes of economic exploitation in varying regional ecologies.
28. Antihistamines, diuretics, and low-salt dietary regimens have all been used with varying degrees of success.
29. This method produces the following colour differentiation in carbonate minerals: Calcite Varying through very pale pink to red.
30. It allows organisms to protect their essential dynamical properties in the face of environmental changes by varying less essential dynamical properties.
1. Racism still exists to varying degrees.
2. New techniques were introduced with varying degrees of success.
3. Melanin is the dark brown pigment of the hair, skin and eyes which is present in varying amounts in every human being.
31. Everyone knows that there are various formats and varying degrees of emphasis on management and work force.
32. Many large cities are built on slopes at seaside with varying elevations.
33. Two Royal Navy Lynx helicopters made repeated flybys at varying heights, from different directions and at different speeds.
34. A source of silver much exploited in early times was lead sulphide, most notably galena,[http:///varying.html] containing varying proportions of silver.
35. They do this by coating a metal electrode with the polymer and then varying the voltage applied to the metal.
36. Now play some music and observe the l.e.d. - it should be seen to be varying in brightness gently with the music.
37. These all suffered damage, in the Second World War, varying from partial to almost total destruction.
38. Within his earshot there were scores of tins in different states of fullness and with varying resonance.
39. All creatures contain, within themselves, their own individual characteristics of mind and being, determining their varying levels of intelligence.
40. They penetrate south to varying degrees, blue and minke whales often appearing well south of the pack ice edge.
41. It is a gradual, continuously varying effect on how far you can walk, and how fast.
42. Varying quantities of these colours can be blended to produce very high quality colour output.
43. Both reports constitute posthoc analyses of data on several thousand patients followed up for varying periods at regional hypertension clinics.
44. We can expect such systems to show varying degrees of ability to acclimatize.
45. Transportation, communications, and electric and other utilities are illustrations of industries which are regulated in varying degrees.
46. The majestic castle walls, with their varying bands of stone, were modelled on the walls of Constantinople.
47. Beats varying by social class might mean a different perception.
48. Whatever the varying demands on her time, Laura was determined not to delegate print research.
49. All four were talented musicians and difficult people, in varying degrees.
50. Some hotels programme their canned music in twenty-four hour cycles, varying by location and the hour.
51. There are beaches of rounded grey basalt pebbles of varying sizes elsewhere around the island.
52. Moreover, students in colleges encompass a wide age range and exhibit very varying academic abilities and communication skills.
53. The first is, yes, to show appreciation and respect - which various people require in varying degrees.
54. In the womenswear industry, designers can offer panache without absurdity through color, varying hemlines, adornment and more.
55. Radio ownership regulations are also eased by the bill, with varying limits depending on market size.
56. To achieve any measure of integration requires a confidence and a breadth of understanding which teachers possess in varying degrees.
57. Both the above quotations refer to severe learning difficulties but of course severe is a term open to varying interpretations.
58. It was also where criminals could be questioned, with varying degree, away from the more public places.
59. Spawning takes place with varying frequency throughout the breeding season.
60. Consumers, investors and workers have all threatened corporate profit in different ways, with varying degrees of success.
61. The actual vegetation may not be identical owing to varying local conditions but there is sufficient affinity to make correlations reasonably certain.
62. In Suffolk it was customary until recent years to plough a field in stetches or lands of varying widths.
63. But all we see are pillow lavas, varying minutely with fewer or more buds, perhaps larger or smaller lobes.
64. Many other companies supply products to this market place with varying degrees of compatibility.
65. In 1890 all foreign ministries had been, to varying extents[Sentence dictionary], tradition-bound and backward-looking.
66. In any case, hospital admission depends locally on waiting lists and varying medical policy.
67. It is an opportunity of which they have availed themselves to varying degrees.
68. The gait may be histrionic with the degree of dysfunction varying in different situations.
69. And all heard single pure sounds, of varying pitch, that swiftly sank below the level of hearing.
70. There are many designs of tripod varying from interlocking A-frames to simple uprights made from the tips of larch or spruce trees.
71. As a rule it contains varying proportions of base or less precious metals.
72. Only eight and 12 children respectively received nutritional treatment for varying intervals during years one and two.
73. The resources include energy, enthusiasm and varying amounts of talent, but the magic ingredient is rubbish.
74. In varying degrees, they incorporate into their own attitudes and actions the dysfunctional beliefs their organizations seem to be advocating.
75. Rather than using analogue voltages the servos operate with digital pulses of varying width to form a pulse width locked loop.
76. All have varying fat contents, so check before buying if you are following a low fat diet.
77. Therefore, in many areas, Front cadres operated with varying degrees of freedom at night.
78. The steep, shingled roof shone in varying shades of grey, and there was the terrace in front.
79. The Internet has a wealth of information for gardeners, but in widely varying degrees of usefulness.
80. Social disorder is not new but throughout history, it has had varying degrees of prominence as a problem.
81. Giddens in particular has pointed to the very varying ways in which Freud used the words id, ego and superego.
82. Most new jobs in the West require varying degrees of computer skills.
83. The differences are small, varying between 32,000 jobs a year being the lowest estimate, to 38,000 being the highest estimate.
84. The project will try to explain varying levels of motivation to work in new technology industries.
85. For the next seven years life was uneven for the Melville family as they received varying degrees of support from relatives.
86. Light curves may show varying brightness due to two in-dependent factors: local variations in reflectivity and departures from spherical shape.
87. Furthermore, a monograph of any large tropical group will show varying degrees of recognition of the ecological requirements of different species.
88. The anchors are usually linked by sundry cords and tapes of varying age and wear.
89. By the end of the show, the contestants are perched on piles of pillows of varying heights.
90. Exercise Experiment with varying positions and different amounts of weight on the back foot when you head into the wind.
91. The Koran is a book divided into 114 suras of varying length, from a few lines to several pages.
92. Gay people lead many different kinds of lives in many different ways, with varying degrees of happiness and success.
93. Adults grow to varying sizes, depending on food available, and lay eggs in late summer.
94. They had all reached the market with varying degrees of success.
95. Washes look different when applied to papers of varying surface texture.
96. An interesting study, this[ ], of the varying techniques with which different men approached the moment of truth.
97. Formally, this could mean that there is continuous change, the music varying just as the words do.
98. The organic matter in soil consists of plant and animal debris or waste in varying stages of decay.
99. Some of the major new features include TrueType(), which can create type of varying sizes without any jagged edges.
100. In other jurisdictions community treatment orders have been introduced with varying degrees of success.
101. Across the country, parents and civil rights groups have unearthed varying degrees of segregation within integrated districts.
102. These boards and commissions had varying amounts of autonomy from city departments and the public officials who appointed them.
103. The therapy delivers hundreds of high-energy X-ray bursts of varying intensity, determined by a firing pattern calculated to disintegrate the tumor.
104. This consisted of drawing on graph paper ten figures of slightly varying geometric size, made up of squares.
105. None the less the Bristol computer managed to simulate different effects of varying wrist torques.
106. Over the years a mix of tree species of varying ages has been established creating valuable wildlife habitats.
107. The principle of multilateralism has been pursued with varying degrees of success and sincerity in the post-war world.
108. Thirty-six different species of birds were recorded - a reflection of the varying habitats offered by the course.
109. The current position, of varying regional support, represents the worst of all worlds.
110. The varying degrees of purity of native gold involved different melting-points.
111. The assignments will include typing of varying difficulty from printed and manuscript copy.
112. This is a tubular ring with five or more adjustable jets which can provide varying spray patterns.
113. The same is true of the other hardware manufacturers, with varying degrees of modification.
114. How sensitive are the answers to varying assumptions about how families pool resources?
115. One of these, designated B9, was expressed sparsely in terminal placenta and with varying levels in most other tissues.
116. This also applies to an application for any order which would have the effect of varying or discharging an existing order.
117. Mellow orange pantiles seemingly cascade at many angles, surmounting buildings of varying heights, covering lower and higher ground.
118. True, they had widely varying degrees of independence and security.
119. She actively watches the lines made by her arms and legs as they form varying shapes.
120. In Mrs Castle's Diaries I am referred to with varying degrees of approval and disapproval.
121. There are positive implications for the providers of well organized clubs offering guidance and instruction at varying levels.
122. The use of rollers of varying size, colour and shape might be spontaneously sorted into trays provided.
123. For a few to emerge as outstandingly successful the majority must fail - to varying degrees.
124. All have been tried before to varying degrees - we now favour the fixed price tender again.
125. All these twists given to human character by the conditions of camp life were noticeable in varying degrees throughout the years.
126. Most of these studies, however, comprised patient populations treated by varying surgical techniques,[http:///varying.html] in the period before our study.
127. The problems and criticism that arose from this decision, however, reflected the varying sizes of the administrative units.
128. This hierarchy provides the framework upon which textual units are dynamically aggregated to satisfy varying user requirements.
129. Direct comparisons between studies are problematic for the usual problems of varying methodologies.
130. There were peaches, and bunches of grapes, entwined with leaves of varying shades and textures.
131. But even recurrent sense relations are of varying general significance.
132. To varying extents, this guidance was built into the structure of many of the sites that I visited.
133. Far from reflecting continuously varying values, digital information is based on just two distinct states.
134. It contains a fluorescent tube and can be set at different angles and at varying distances from the working surface.
135. Whatever their differences, they were able to forge alliances across their somewhat varying but broadly similar positions.
136. Authorities have had varying degrees of success consulting with black and minority ethnic groups over care plans.
137. It is important to appreciate that all a neurone can do is to transmit impulses at varying frequencies.
138. Aurorae appear as streamers or curtains, varying in colour from whitish-green to deep red, often changing minute by minute.
139. There is a long history of stations in Earth orbit that have met with varying degrees of success.
140. It is important to work through several scenarios to determine who the players would be under varying circumstances.
141. Chemical control of sweet potato pests has had varying degrees of success, with many chemicals being too expensive.
142. A wide selection of cars are available, and all manufacturers try to include a range to suit varying disabilities.
143. Arthur runs evening classes in Bristol and Swindon two nights a week where eager amateurs labour diligently with varying degrees of success.
144. Meanwhile, Hutcheson observed that in 1995 all the chip forecasters had varying degrees of egg on their face.
145. The foundry supplied some 42 spans of varying sizes which enabled the natives to travel from Benares to Calcutta by through train.
146. Electronic equipment is also built to varying degrees of power.
147. I am more interested in the varying symbolic functions they fulfil.
148. There have been numerous examples of varying degrees of seriousness over the years.
149. Now, with varying degrees of enthusiasm, all these councils have begun preparations to draft or update their plans.
150. How to build a fire First make sure you've got enough dry timber of varying sizes to keep your fire going.
151. The supervisor must then refer the matter to the court which may make an order cancelling or varying the treatment requirement.
152. Each bag held about 1 pound of marijuana of varying quality.
153. They looked towards the bedroom door behind which varying sounds could be heard.
154. Each of us sat rather self-consciously chatting with our partners,[] who displayed varying degrees of rotundity.
155. Test flights of the Redstone and Atlas rockets carrying unmanned Mercury capsules were taking place with varying degrees of success.
156. In terms of radio propagation, varying electrical conductance in the ionosphere influences either the absorbency or reluctance of radio emissions.
157. All of these strikes were eventually settled, by varying combinations of concessions, punishments, and threats.
158. Keeping the principle of coterminous boundaries meant 90 health authorities, varying widely in population size.
159. Grayling has now tried a number of different shapes of dining table, including circular and triangular in varying sizes.
160. Bush and Gore answered them, with varying degrees of competence and eloquence.
161. Indeed, Clark inked her deal as a wave of Simpson-related titles began saturating the market, with varying success.
162. It is also possible to record vibrational spectra of solid samples under high and varying pressure.
163. These writers are not only giving varying assessments of the likely impact of the Reform Act.
164. This goal of the interstate highway system had been frustrated by varying drinking ages among the States.
165. Its flowers come in several forms varying in colour from white to deep pinky-purple.
166. Arguments may continue at varying levels about what completing the internal market does or should mean.
167. During different attacks there may be varying degrees of severity.
168. Different lengths of pipe can be chosen to suit varying lengths of cane.
169. A minimum size of holding was necessary for this, varying with circumstances.
170. With varying degrees of vigour, officials tried to stamp it out.
171. The police earned their keep with arrests 20 percent up at 5,006, but figures highlighted a varying police approach.
172. Recall that, although workers in the sector possess identical skills, they have varying levels of commitment to the union.
173. All of these folks, to varying degrees, have contributed to the new album as well.
174. All around, the general pattern was probably one of hamlets, some larger, some small, in varying densities.
175. Forms of government intervention in other societies are seen by Marxists as reflecting varying degrees of class forces.
176. Impulses pass in one direction only, at rates varying from 10 to 120 meters per second.
177. An important issue when examining urban employment structures is that of the varying performances of different sectors of employment.
178. We have, in fact, as well as polluting our environment chemically also polluted it with radio waves of varying frequencies.
179. Requests from group spokesmen illustrated varying degrees of preparation and political acumen.
180. These, plus a host of varying expectations, require vast amounts of communication.
181. If you're bored with the trip to work, try varying your route.
182. Because of the need for both liquidity and profitability, banks tend to hold bills and bonds of varying maturities and yields.
183. The socio-economic survey will examine how land varying conservation value fits into farm operations.
184. It is not that varying degrees of procedural protection should not exist: the range of licences demands this diversity.
185. These charts show the average weights for individuals of varying heights,[] with separate charts available for males and females.
186. This is an excellent set-up that allows for varying levels of dexterity in the users.
187. They expect to be net importers of a variety of items - varying from computers to television programming.
188. These form a group of double silicates made up of varying pairs of minerals grading into each other without necessarily showing sharp boundaries.
189. Every one of us has prejudices of some kind in varying degrees.
190. In other words, people hold a whole portfolio of assets of varying degrees of liquidity - from cash to central heating.
191. This paradox has prompted research on the potential contribution of varying infant care practices to the prevention of deaths from this syndrome.
192. Like grapes, the quality and character of the beans is affected by climate and varying soil types in which they grow.
193. On the part-time farms 18% of the wives had off-farm jobs, varying from 18 hours per week to full-time employment.
194. Music groups and choirs are usually drawn to differing styles of music and varying degrees of formality.
195. They are square in plan and rise sheer to varying heights without ornament, abutment and with few openings.
196. There are problems related to the complex and varying manner in which symptoms of soil erosion appear through time.
197. Long grain rice is the name generally applied to rice of varying quality and sold as an all-purpose grain.
198. This analysis shows how sensitive these measures are to varying assumptions about unemployment and female labour for Participation.
199. Typically, the Breakers on the ocean has four-and seven-night packages, with rates varying by the season.
200. The many hours on the road give cyclists the opportunity to employ tactics varying from the subtle to the murderous.
201. There is a wide variety of possible schemes, ordered below by their varying degrees of generosity to the less well off.
202. It was a changing group of opinionated, articulate people possessed of varying degrees of talent and of variable character.
203. Others were with the resource specialist working on literacy materials geared specifically to their varying reading levels.
204. The nucleation time of model biles was also markedly affected by varying the added phospholipid species.
205. Lund's paper assumes a house with an internal temperature varying on an annual basis between 170C and 270C.
206. Shock occurs to varying degrees in all surgical patients, due to alterations in the normal control mechanisms of the body.
207. Perhaps local politics needs to be seen as a series of shifting alliances, varying over time and from issue to issue.
208. Following intensive language study during their training period, the Volunteers are cast abroad with varying degrees of proficiency.
209. Intervention can be either negative for certain classes of asset holder or supportive by providing subsidies of varying magnitude.
210. They could contain schools with different age groups and varying styles and ways of organizing.
211. Mr Takizaki prefers to poach from other firms, saying that people of varying backgrounds help his company to be creative.
212. Thus financial institutions like to hold a range of assets with varying degrees of liquidity and profitability.
213. It's also good for families with varying interests, though the dinghies do sail from a beach about 1200 metres away.
214. Their needs are met to varying degrees by the home, parish or deanery.
215. Ferroan calcite Varying through mauve, purple to royal blue with increasing Fe content.
216. This produces structures of different detail at varying levels of abstraction.
217. There was a concatenation of ladies that he squired around for varying lengths of time.
218. However, the slats are of varying lengths and the barrel is leaking.
219. H antigen was expressed to a varying degree in all biopsy specimens but was weaker in the distal colon.
220. Credit and debit cards provide varying degrees of protection against fraud.
221. Ingenuity in varying tactics depends on mother wit.
222. Blunt injury to the skull may be of varying severity.
223. The time - varying correlation matrix derived by the Clayton copula captures the correlation of extreme events.
224. Temperature drifts and time varying drifts are primary factors of error of electronic analytical balance.
225. One approach consists of varying only the total flow thereby maintaining the same thrust chamber hardware.
226. A finite segment model has been negative shear lag in box girder with varying depth.
227. As we try to keep up with these varying references , inhibitions build upon themselves and multiply.
228. Varying degree of serofibrinous inflammation are occasionally encountered involving the pleura and peritoneum.
229. The total payment is a varying combination of both interest and repayment ( amortization ) of principal.
230. Some female dogs may develop varying degrees of urinary incontinence after ovariohysterectomy.
231. The disease causes varying degrees of destruction of the chlorophyll.
232. Hypertension has been reported with widely varying incidence in embryonal nephroma.
233. A method of parameter identification of the time - varying bilinear systems via shifted Legendre polynomials is presented.
234. The Ford vv carburetor has other system to meet varying operating condition.
235. Wounds of varying severity comprise the most common lip lesions seen in small animals.
236. While on antrum, inflammatory cells infiltrated into the entire layer of mucosa to varying degrees.
237. They are saying, with varying degrees of absolutism, that animals should not be exploited at all.
238. Declension means varying the forms of nouns, pronouns and adjectives in a sentence.
239. The generation of electromotive force in a closed circuit by a varying flux through the circuit.
240. 'What ,'said Mr. Cruncher, varying his apostrophe after missing his mark --'what are you , up to, Aggerawayter?'




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