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单词 Worked
1. They worked in perfect harmony.
2. She holds a certificate that she worked here.
3. During the summer she worked as a lifeguard.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. We worked round the clock to finish the job.
5. He worked as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital.
6. The storm worked great mischief.
7. Things worked out well for Jeanne in the end.
8. They've worked night and day to publicise their campaign.
9. She worked as a librarian before switching to journalism.
10. She sang whilst she worked.
11. We worked on the farm in summer.
12. I tried losing weight, but nothing worked.
13. They worked on the building all through the winter.
14. She worked hard and was soon promoted.
15. Joe had worked on the farm all his life.
16. He worked in the Middle East for ten years.
17. He was paid for the overtime he worked.
18. He worked hard and was soon promoted.
19. We worked for hours without respite.
20. The situation worked out quite well.
21. Don't get worked up over nothing.
22. My predecessor worked in this job for twelve years.
23. Annette worked in Italy for two years.
24. He explained how the two mechanisms worked.
25. I've worked here for nearly two years.
26. They've worked for about two weeks without a paycheck.
27. About 45 000 people worked in electronics in Scotland.
28. Having worked for a whole day,the secretary looked harassed.
29. Most people worked an eight-hour day twenty years ago.
30. Real knowledge, like everything else of value, is not to be obtained easily, it must be worked for, studied for, thought for, and more than all, must be prayed for. 
1. She holds a certificate that she worked here.
2. During the summer she worked as a lifeguard.
3. We worked round the clock to finish the job.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. He worked as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital.
5. Things worked out well for Jeanne in the end.
6. They've worked night and day to publicise their campaign.
7. She worked as a librarian before switching to journalism.
8. We worked on the farm in summer.
9. They worked on the building all through the winter.
10. Joe had worked on the farm all his life.
11. He worked in the Middle East for ten years.
12. He was paid for the overtime he worked.
13. He worked hard and was soon promoted.
14. We worked for hours without respite.
15. The situation worked out quite well.
16. Don't get worked up over nothing.
17. My predecessor worked in this job for twelve years.
18. Annette worked in Italy for two years.
19. He explained how the two mechanisms worked.
20. I've worked here for nearly two years.
21. They've worked for about two weeks without a paycheck.
22. About 45 000 people worked in electronics in Scotland.
23. Having worked for a whole day,the secretary looked harassed.
24. Most people worked an eight-hour day twenty years ago.
25. You swanned around doing nothing when I worked.
26. He liked to sing hymns as he worked.
27. He worked in a travel agent's.
28. She worked hard all morning, without distraction.
29. Nationalist speeches worked the crowd up into a frenzy.
30. Many history stories have been worked over for television.
31. You swanned around doing nothing when I worked.
32. Rescuers worked in relays to save the trapped miners.
33. He liked to sing hymns as he worked.
34. His story worked with them.
35. Don't get so worked up.
36. He worked in a travel agent's.
37. She worked hard all morning(), without distraction.
38. Nationalist speeches worked the crowd up into a frenzy.
39. Many history stories have been worked over for television.
40. He worked late into the night.
41. He worked in a garage as a mechanic.
42. I worked at the Grand Theatre.
43. The speaker worked the crowd up into a frenzy.
44. For that article he has worked over some 30 volumes of Chinese history.
45. Rescue teams worked desperately to restore utilities in the area shattered by the hurricane.
46. She is now a senior executive having worked her way up through the company.
47. They worked hard, but tended to stay aloof from the local inhabitants.
48. The child-care bill is to be tacked on to the budget plan now being worked out in the Senate.
49. She worked herself up into a bit of a state.
50. The European Union has proposed new regulations to control the hours worked by its employees.
51. The senator worked hard, always talking to his constituents and hearing their problems.
52. He worked his way through the batch of letters on his desk.
53. We used to be friendly with some people who worked at the Swedish Embassy.
54. He worked as a door-to-door salesman peddling cloths and brushes.
55. She had worked as a call centre operator making cold calls for time-share holidays.
56. He worked so hard that eventually he made himself ill.
57. The details of the plan are still being worked out.
58. I worked for two weeks, and fifty pounds was all I had to show for it.
59. When I was your age, I have worked on the farm.
60. The lonely old man worked his life away like a work horse.
31. He worked late into the night.
32. He worked in a garage as a mechanic.
33. I worked at the Grand Theatre.
34. For that article he has worked over some 30 volumes of Chinese history.
35. She is now a senior executive having worked her way up through the company.
36. They worked hard, but tended to stay aloof from the local inhabitants.
37. The child-care bill is to be tacked on to the budget plan now being worked out in the Senate.
38. She worked herself up into a bit of a state.
39. The European Union has proposed new regulations to control the hours worked by its employees.
40. The senator worked hard, always talking to his constituents and hearing their problems.
41. He worked his way through the batch of letters on his desk.
42. We used to be friendly with some people who worked at the Swedish Embassy.
43. He worked as a door-to-door salesman peddling cloths and brushes.
44. She had worked as a call centre operator making cold calls for time-share holidays.
45. He worked so hard that eventually he made himself ill.
46. The details of the plan are still being worked out.
47. I worked for two weeks, and fifty pounds was all I had to show for it.
48. When I was your age, I have worked on the farm.
49. The lonely old man worked his life away like a work horse.
50. They had worked for peace during the long era of conflict.
51. When we top out, there will be souvenirs for everyone who has worked on the site.
52. He is believed to have worked unrecognised as a doorman at East End clubs.
53. The women who worked in these mills had begun to agitate for better conditions.
54. Archaeologists have worked for years to piece together the huge mosaic.
55. The President says she is optimistic that an agreement can be worked out soon.
56. We'd worked together for years and developed a close/good rapport.
57. Doctors and nurses worked round the clock to help those injured in the train crash.
58. The director worked on in the office until ten o'clock last night.
59. The drafting committee worked through the night in a vain attempt to finish on schedule.
60. By a logical progression of thought, she worked out why the remark had caused offence.
61. They had worked for peace during the long era of conflict.
62. When we top out, there will be souvenirs for everyone who has worked on the site.
63. He is believed to have worked unrecognised as a doorman at East End clubs.http:///worked.html
64. The women who worked in these mills had begun to agitate for better conditions.
65. Archaeologists have worked for years to piece together the huge mosaic.
66. The President says she is optimistic that an agreement can be worked out soon.
67. We'd worked together for years and developed a close/good rapport.
68. We've worked hard today.
69. She worked in a bank for a while before studying law.
70. Doctors and nurses worked round the clock to help those injured in the train crash.
71. The director worked on in the office until ten o'clock last night.
72. The drafting committee worked through the night in a vain attempt to finish on schedule.
73. By a logical progression of thought, she worked out why the remark had caused offence.
74. I worked with him over a span of six years.
75. But what has brought the company to such a pitiful condition since I last worked for it?
76. The doctor worked busily beneath the blinding lights of the delivery room.
77. Opportunities are not offered. They must be wrested and worked for. And this calls for perseverance and courage.
78. He worked the bus terminal for a few days until they chased him.
79. Everything worked out well.
80. We worked up a real appetite climbing in the mountains.
81. He worked in the key and opened the door of the office.
82. By the time Alan called, Jody had worked herself into a lather.
83. I worked in a small beachside restaurant during the college vacation.
84. He had worked on the factory floor for 16 years.
85. The agendas for the next two meetings have yet to be worked out.
86. He was declared ineligible for the competition because he worked for the company that ran it.
87. The old table has become worked down over the years.
88. I worked as a companion to an old princess.
89. The three leaders had worked out a peace plan.
90. You shouldn't get so worked up about it.
61. I worked with him over a span of six years.
62. But what has brought the company to such a pitiful condition since I last worked for it?
63. The doctor worked busily beneath the blinding lights of the delivery room.
64. He worked the bus terminal for a few days until they chased him.
65. We worked up a real appetite climbing in the mountains.
66. He worked in the key and opened the door of the office.
67. By the time Alan called, Jody had worked herself into a lather.
68. I worked in a small beachside restaurant during the college vacation.
69. He had worked on the factory floor for 16 years.
70. The agendas for the next two meetings have yet to be worked out.
71. He was declared ineligible for the competition because he worked for the company that ran it.
91. I worked all morning without interruption.
92. Officials worked furiously to repair the centre court.
93. The doctors worked at the Health Center./worked.html
94. We worked steadily away all morning.
95. The dialogue was worked out by actors in rehearsal.
96. A screw had worked loose from the door handle.
97. Reed worked so well that they doubled his wages.
98. An agreement with the employers was finally worked out.
99. She worked as a cleaner at the hospital.
100. We worked all day without refreshment.
101. She worked like a demon all through rehearsals.
102. He found that the method worked.
103. It is a formula that worked very well indeed.
104. The team worked feverishly to the November deadline.
105. We've worked together for years but never mixed socially.
106. We worked like billy-o to get it finished.
107. He worked for the rights of black people.
108. She worked in a bookstore during college.
109. I worked stocking shelves in a grocery store.
110. That method hasn't worked, so let's try your way.
111. We haven't yet worked out the travel details.
112. The last firm he worked for caved in.
113. He has worked tirelessly for peace.
114. Rain has worked in through the roof.
115. Their ideas sound fine in principle but they haven't worked out the economics behind the policies.
116. Don't worry; you'll do quite well once you've worked yourself into your work.
117. We worked from dawn to dusk, seven days a week.
118. He has lived and worked in France almost continuously since 1961.
119. They worked hard to give their children a good start in life.
120. I had the ideal man all worked out in my mind.
121. For your information, I've worked as a journalist for six years.
122. She worked hard but she had to support a shiftless husband.
123. He worked fast, cutting and slicing the turf neatly, heaving the sod to one side.
123. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
124. We repaired the machine and it worked well ever after.
125. I checked the records but nobody of that name had worked here.
126. The young man worked hard in emulation of his famous father.
127. He had worked off many letters before he left this city.
128. Nora was deflowered by a man who worked in a soda-water factory.
129. He worked as a volunteer, delivering hot meals to shut-ins.
130. They couldn't fire him, he reasoned. He was the only one who knew how the system worked.
131. She worked hard for her place in the Olympic team.
132. I've worked out the price, but I need to check the arithmetic.
133. We worked hard for three months on the deal only to see it fall at the final hurdle.
134. They have worked out at the cost of this program.
135. Through hard work and perseverance, he worked his way up from being a teacher in a village school to the headmaster of a large comprehensive.
136. She was a talented teacher who endeared herself to all who worked with her.
137. He was so angry that he worked himself into a frenzy.
138. He had been lifting electrical goods from the store where he worked.
139. Had the plan worked it would have proved highly lucrative.
140. He worked himself up into a frenzy before his graduation exams.
141. Having worked hard for many years, he at last wound up the first prize.
142. I don't see the point in tampering with a system that's worked fine so far.
143. After 10 years, she had worked her way to the top of the pay scale.
144. I had interminable problems with my last computer; it never worked well.
145. The singer worked hard on the clear articulation of every note.
146. I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they always worked for me. Hunter S. Thompson 
147. Disappointment means that things haven't worked out the way you wanted! And now what to do? Very simple: Stand up and walk! Cut the tragedy because our limited time must always be used for the forward movements! Mehmet Murat ildan 
148. A lot of TV is put together by teams, by writing staffs and several different directors. It's a great, very smart way to make television. It's worked for however long TV's been around. Louis C.K. 
149. More than the awards, I cherish the opportunity of working with the best people. I have worked with the legends of Hindi cinema with the result that even today people like my performances and ask me about my next release. Asrani 
150. I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious. Vince Lombardi 
151. It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it. John Steinbeck 
152. I worked in a pet store and people would ask how big I would get. Rodney Dangerfield 
153. If I told you I’ve worked hard to get where I’m at, I’d be lying, because I have no idea where I am right now. Jarod Kintz 




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