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单词 Haunt
(1) The area was a popular tourist haunt.
(2) I'll come back to haunt you!
(3) The ghost of Lady Margaret is supposed to haunt this chapel.
(4) A ghostly lady is said to haunt the stairway looking for her children.
(5) The area was a haunt of criminals.
(6) He said he would come back to haunt her.
(7) The pub is a favourite haunt of artists.
(8) This pub is a favourite haunt of artists.
(9) His youthful escapades came back to haunt him.
(10) These visions continued to haunt her for many years.
(11) Was he a spectre returning to haunt her?
(12) The place is the haunt of off-duty policemen.
(13) Fighting in Vietnam was an experience that would haunt him for the rest of his life.
(14) The Channel Islands are a favourite summer haunt for UK and French yachtsmen alike.
(15) His father let him not to haunt with us the bad girls.
(16) That decision came back to haunt him in later life.
(17) The spirits of long-dead warriors seemed to haunt the area.
(18) His ghost is said to haunt some of the rooms(), banging a toy drum.
(19) Those losses are coming back to haunt us now.
(20) Images of death and violence haunt the story.
(21) Naturally a haunt of rugger enthusiasts.
(22) It was, and is, the haunt of fashionable intellectuals.
(23) Was he a spectre returning to haunt Fleury?
(24) Memories of the war still haunt her.
(25) And it will come back to haunt you.
(26) These things have a habit of coming back to haunt you.
(27) The ghost of a hanged poacher is said to haunt the manor house.
(28) This is one of the cafes I used to haunt.
(29) The stigma of being a bankrupt is likely to haunt him for the rest of his life.
(30) The ghost has been laid and will not return to haunt you again.
(1) The area was a popular tourist haunt.
(2) I'll come back to haunt you!
(3) These things have a habit of coming back to haunt you.
(4) A ghostly lady is said to haunt the stairway looking for her children.
(5) The ghost of a hanged poacher is said to haunt the manor house.
(6) The area was a haunt of criminals.
(7) The ghost has been laid and will not return to haunt you again.
(31) The Drummond Hotel A favourite haunt of the literati.
(32) All said the events still haunt them.
(33) His answers would return to haunt him.
(34) All your mistakes will come back to haunt you.
(35) Haunt your local libraries and bookshops.
(36) It's a favourite haunt for many backbenchers.
(37) The empty upstairs became the haunt of druggies and our small children would sometimes carry in their needles.
(38) Early traumas come back to haunt such cats and force them to behave in strange ways.
(39) An airline named Braniff came back to life three times to haunt passengers with lost luggage.
(40) A favourite haunt of telly aristocracy is Ilha de Caras-the Island of Faces-a private isle for celebrities.
(41) This trade imbalance may haunt the United States in the future.
(42) The jewel is connected in the legend with the anthill, a favourite haunt of the Cobra.
(43) Balkan Notes 6: Long after the war,() the memories of the conflict haunt Bosnia's population.
(44) Creeping thistle, haunt of the charming meadow brown butterfly, can become a real pest if it gets a foothold.
(45) A memory came back to haunt him: the cold-blooded murder of a soldier on a bleak snow-covered hillside.
(46) In this passage, as in the Kipling story, food runs out and three ghosts haunt the seamen.
(47) Naturally a haunt of rugger enthusiasts. Good selection of malt whiskies.
(48) I know they will come back to haunt me in my dreams.
(49) All the dealers who habitually haunt Sothebys salerooms have been looking at the furniture and glassware and silver.
(50) Alice knew then that my father would haunt her for years to come.
(51) The Praga became a favoured haunt for upwardly mobile apparatchiks, visiting VIPs and wedding parties.
(52) The responsibility was going to haunt him for years to come.
(53) Magic: it lubricates the gap between what we can see and understand, and what unhappy feelings haunt our dreams.
(54) Memories of blood-red wine and cruelly glinting shards of glass came back to haunt her.
(55) The heat, the insects, and the debilitating claustrophobia of those few terrifying days often returned to haunt him.
(56) Ancient spirits haunt an old Georgetown house and terrify the current inhabitants in this chilling tale of murder and passion.
(57) Had Humphrey and Janet been very wicked too, Lettice wanted to know, and did they too haunt the Lodge?
(58) It is a coastline that can be enjoyed throughout the year and is by no means an exclusively summertime haunt.
(59) Kirkgrim A GHOST thought to haunt churches, where its appearance was an ill omen.
(60) If the politicians flunk change this time, the issue of electoral reform will return to haunt them.
(61) Painted with the intensity of fresco, they haunt the memory, loaded with illusion and nostalgia.
(62) The ghosts of retired colonels haunt some of Torquay's menus.
(63) Apparently, he was beaten to death and, as a result, swore that he would for ever haunt the local area.
(64) The recollection of those whispered words came rushing back to haunt her.
(65) However, some of the problems that were to haunt the postwar aviation industry had already begun to appear.
(66) More often, however, they haunt that person alone and by so doing indicate some terrible tragedy is imminent.
(67) On this route you will be able to visit the Wasdale Head Inn, a once favourite haunt of rock climbers.
(68) They had already out guessed me, by staking out my favourite haunt.
(69) But now she was an avid reader who liked nothing better than to haunt old bookstores.
(70) Its ancestors haunt the mixing bowl, stirred to a gallop by the wooden spoon and libations of flour and milk.
(71) Male speaker Have the faces of the dead ever come back to haunt you?
(72) It isn't about the dead hand of the past, the unsettled guilt-edged accounts of history returning to haunt the present.
(73) The ghost of the tennis ball is coming to haunt the man.
(74) Last summer, with much excitement, we revisited our old haunt.
(75) Fred returns to haunt the nightmares of teenagers and to kill them while they sleep and dream.
(76) Today the pubs are the haunt and meeting place of another type of dealer.
(77) Running parallel to Princes Street, this narrow thoroughfare is a convivial haunt full of pubs of character, boutiques and restaurants.
(78) They say people who die sudden, violent deaths are most likely to become ghosts and haunt the earth.
(79) The theft would haunt him for as long as he remained on Wall Street.
(80) They don't haunt because they want to wring their hands and wail about something that happened hundreds of years ago.
(81) The trouble is his background keeps coming back to haunt him like last night's sushi.
(82) But the phantoms of boards and unplayed moves gradually return to haunt Luzhin, threatening his sanity.
(83) One of the beautiful and cruel truths of politics is that our compromises return with almost grim inevitability to haunt us.
(84) If I read an historical account about a remote haunt, his name appears.
(85) The college library is a favorite haunt.
(86) The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves.
(87) I often haunt about the bar.
(88) People say ghosts haunt that old house.
(89) They say ghosts haunt this house.
(90) As a girl, she used to haunt the local theater.
(91) The Islamist extremism nurtured by a succession of military rulers of Pakistan has now come to haunt its well-intentioned but lamentably weak elected civilian government.
(92) The image of an impending calamity is no doubt odious, but its very odiousness makes it haunt the mind all the more pertinaciously, and it is useless to expel it.
(93) Memories of how Vietnam spiked Lyndon Johnson's dreams of a Great Society haunt party elders.
(94) His presence seemed to shed light over that base and obscene haunt.
(95) But over the centuries, the fate of this now legendary vessel, the so-called Holy Grail, has come to haunt stories ranging from Arthurian legend to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
(96) The image of an impending calamity is no doubt odious, but its very odiousness (we say) makes it haunt the mind all the more pertinaciously, and it is useless to expel it.
(97) The sight of that wally hiding under a brolly at Wembley Stadium will haunt me for years to come.
(98) What anxious visions haunt people who think too mush about the future?
(99) Come forth if you still haunt this place, damned being!
(100) Next time you are about to enjoy deep-fried cuisine, hold that thought for a second because what you've swallowed now might come back to haunt you.
(101) YES! Maos little red book is coming back to haunt the people of China.
(102) The longing to take advantage of his offer began to haunt her insidiously.
(103) As a girl, she used to haunt the local cinema.
(104) The park occupies an area of 500ha. There is a vast grassland and luxuriant trees. The forest is the haunt of wild deer, roe deer, pheasants and wild hares.
(105) He feared the soul of his deceased wife would haunt him.
(106) Kratos: Athena, rid me of the memories that haunt me still.
(107) Significantly, China's incremental recalibration and softening of the "non-interference" principle and hard-line stance on combating the "Three Evils" may come back to haunt Beijing.
(108) Toulouse-Lautrec was particularly drawn to Montmartre, an area of Paris famous for its bohemian lifestyle and for being the haunt of artists, philosophers, and writers.
(109) The preposterous bailouts of this decade will come back to haunt Americans in future decades in preposterously high tax rates.
(110) Her sense of Mrs. Penniman's innocent falsity lain dormant, began to haunt her again.
(111) The Wanglang Preserve in western Sichuan is the haunt of the giant panda.
(112) Marx haunt capital theory basically includes haunt capital is total theory, capitalist credence is talked, fictitious capital is talked, credit system consequence talks 4 big logistic connotation.
(113) The special haunt of the kittens was the old barn.
(114) Visiting here is like spending your vacation in a vintage shop. Old men in dapper Fedora hats and antique Italian shades haunt Harnet Avenue, the palm-studded main drag in Asmara, the capital.
(115) Forman never returned to his homeland, but the image of Soviet tanks rolling into his country continued to haunt him and echoes throughout his work on One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
(116) The marauding rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army no longer haunt this land.
(117) Ironically, some of the problems that plagued vacuum tubes and lead to their near-demise now haunt transistorized products.
(118) This question continues to haunt us, and Moynihan's arguments about black culture still preoccupy and divide academics.
(119) If you don t help me, I ll haunt you after my death.
(120) If you betray my trust, by Heaven, I will haunt you.
(121) Europe has continued to haunt and heckle the American imagination.
(122) This borderline-libelous MTV advert produced for World Aids Day highlights how your partner's past conquests may come back to haunt them, and you.
(123) Her sense of Mrs Penniman's innocent falsity, which had lain dormant, began to haunt her again.
(124) Colourful county has long culture history, there is my late father early in antediluvian period haunt.
(125) A federally protected sand tiger shark and its entourage of cigar minnows haunt the waters near the wreck of the U. S. Coast Guard Cutter Spar, south of Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina.
(126) The ghost of the Balkans may return to haunt the continent.




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