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单词 Cheering
1) The audience began clapping and cheering.
2) Sounds of cheering filtered in through the closed window.
3) The audience showed its approval by cheering loudly.
4) She shouted herself hoarse, cheering on the team.
5) Thereupon the whole audience began cheering.
6) The winning team was greeted by cheering crowds.
7) Thanks for cheering me up.
8) The onlookers were shouting, cheering, and waving banners.
9) Fans gained more enjoyment barracking him than cheering on the team.
10) The waves of cheering broke over him.
11) Cheering crowds greeted their arrival.
12) The crowd rose to their feet,cheering wildly.
13) People were shouting and cheering with abandon.
14) The army went forth amid great cheering and applause.
15) The cheering could be heard half a mile away.
16) Fans were jumping up and down and cheering.
17) There was cheering from the Opposition benches.
18) You both need cheering up, I think.
19) The audience thereupon rose cheering to their feet.
20) There were cheering crowds all along Pennsylvania Avenue.
21) At a pre-arranged signal, everyone started cheering.
22) There was cheering from the Labour benches.
23) He came on stage amid clapping and cheering.
24) Give Mary a call; she needs cheering up.
25) The results of the test were very cheering.
26) The cheering swelled through the hall.
27) The audience was shouting and cheering.
28) The sound of the cheering faded in the distance.
29) There was cheering from the Conservative benches.
30) He was cheering for the other side.
1) The audience began clapping and cheering.
2) Sounds of cheering filtered in through the closed window.
3) The audience showed its approval by cheering loudly.
4) She shouted herself hoarse, cheering on the team.
5) Thereupon the whole audience began cheering.
6) The winning team was greeted by cheering crowds.
7) Thanks for cheering me up.
8) The onlookers were shouting, cheering, and waving banners.
9) Fans gained more enjoyment barracking him than cheering on the team.
10) People were shouting and cheering with abandon.
11) The army went forth amid great cheering and applause.
12) The army went forth amid great cheering.
13) At the end of his speech, the crowd caught alight and began cheering wildly.
14) The young singer was pleasantly surprised when waves of cheering broke over her at the end of her first performance.
31) The fans poured out of the stadium cheering wildly.
32) Most will probably be cheering on their favourite players.
33) The audience were stamping and cheering.
34) The army went forth amid great cheering.
35) Crowds lined the route, waving flags and cheering.
36) We received some cheering news.
37) They lead the crowd in cheering for the school's team.
38) At the end of his speech, the crowd caught alight and began cheering wildly.
39) The crowd burst forth into loud cheering at the singer.
40) I have every expectation of cheering the team on to victory in the final.
41) The young singer was pleasantly surprised when waves of cheering broke over her at the end of her first performance.
42) Most of the crowd were cheering for the underdog to win just this one time.
43) The entire team took a victory lap in front of their cheering fans.
44) The President's arrival was the signal for an outburst of cheering.
45) The crowd was cheering and urging her on all through the race.
46) The people in the stands at Candlestick Park are standing and cheering with all their might.
47) The crowd were cheering their favourite on, willing her to win.
48) As Keith approached the finishing line, the crowd rose to their feet as one man, cheering him on.
49) They won 4-0 in front of over 40 000 cheering spectators.
50) I saw many students on the stands shouting and cheering.
51) I hear the crowd cheering us.
52) Audience members rose to their feet, cheering and clapping.
53) The audience were now on their feet, cheering wildly.
54) Cheering crowds lined the route.
55) The audience suddenly began shouting and cheering.
56) Tom stood on the sidelines , cheering his teammates.
57) After all, sick people need cheering up,(http:///cheering.html) right?
58) A crowd of thousands of cheering local residents.
59) She was in very great need of cheering up.
60) There is great shouting and cheering over there.
61) Professor Ito has solved the puzzle and everyone is cheering.
62) After some cheering words to them, Weir went back to his billet and lay down.
63) They had only joked about my going back to Bhuj because they thought I needed cheering up.
64) I prompted, and he found my name and checked it off, turning to me with a cheering little smile.
65) I lost the race and finished up trying to row half a dinghy with the crew cheering in the distance.
66) Given the circumstances of a cheese dip, it was cheering.
67) A till was hurled out into the cheering crowd, followed by burgers, potato chips and furniture.
68) The Oxford fans were still cheering their goal when Liam 0 Brien all but broke the net.
69) I spent my time, for as long as I stayed, cheering for the bulls.
70) It was time for more cappuccino and a cheering change of topic.
71) With everybody cheering, his bond issue went through easily, and work was beginning.
72) At Dover they were greeted on the quayside by cheering crowds welcoming their heroes home.
73) It certainly comes as a surprise or shock to hear some scholars cheering the decline in government and foundation money for research.
74) Cheering was the thought of other trips to other wild places still awaiting to be rediscovered!
75) At the end, the whole audience stood up clapping and cheering.
76) Looking out over the cheering audience, Alvin found himself near tears.
77) When the cheering had died down he took the microphone and began his speech.
78) Fife Symington, leading his cheering section, were in single digits.
79) They serenaded the rape victim inside, cheering a brother on as if it were a football game.
80) The cheering went on for ages as the victorious athletes ran around the track.
81) Kay McGovern rose to his feet(), cheering appreciatively when the performance ended.
82) Now imagine receiving the news that you have been unsuccessful ... and everyone around you standing and cheering wildly.
83) They were welcomed by schoolchildren bearing flowers, by government officials, wolf people, reporters and ordinary citizens cheering their appearance.
84) President Kennedy was welcomed in the summer of 1962 by a cheering crowd estimated at more than 1 million.
85) As they marched from the railroad stations, they were escorted by crowds cheering vociferously.
86) He made some measure of pass at me. Given the circumstances of a cheese dip, it was cheering.
87) Cheering and flourishing their battle flags, the Federals in both quarters surged forward.
87) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
88) As he well knew, the people were cheering the symbol rather than the man.
89) When the cheering rose again, Eddie Peace and his companions once more registered their anger and disappointment.
90) Along the route they were greeted by cheering crowds and doused with rose water.
91) So we ought to be cheering as the big round numbers go by, leaving us healthy and whole.
92) Girlfriend Shirley, a Bangor fan, will be cheering for the Seasiders.
93) And they will be cheering you on-as we all do to those more adventurous people we know.
94) Then he urged the cheering crowd to go out and prove the naysayers wrong and bring their friends to revivals.
95) Hundreds of people lined the street, cheering the runners as they went up the hill.
96) The crowd is cheering us on and it certainly flows down to the field.
97) In Loreauville, Louisiana, twenty Republicans, mostly blacks, entered the city cheering and shouting profanities at the amassed Democrats.
98) At their side, cheering them on, was the new journalistic team of Joseph and Stewart Alsop.
99) Men poured from both and raced through the cheering crowd, up the steps, to hammer at the door.
100) Despite Yvonne's cheering words, I wasn't totally convinced that everybody liked dogs!
101) There was no cheering on the part of the men, but a stubborn determination to obey orders and do their duty.
102) Whoever blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City deserves to be drawn and quartered as cheering throngs watch.
103) Your cheering was a real tonic for our team.
104) There was Dad with the camera, cheering like crazy.
105) There was cheering when Trisha and Gail agreed.
106) They noticed a crowd of people shouting and cheering.
107) On the square there was a wildly cheering throng.
108) Bells were pealing and crowds were cheering.
109) The darkest thinkers may paradoxically be the most cheering.
110) Bearded and looking tired, a clearly emotional Lewis crossed the Greenwich Meridian line at the Royal Observatory by carrying his boat with the help of supporters and cheering well-wishers.
111) So, for goodness' sakes, no cheering in the press box.
112) One of the most cheering pieces of news recently is that Britain and Germany are working together on a European plan to put the squeeze on Monaco, whither so many plutocratic tax-dodgers scuttle.
113) Helping the helpless, cheering fainting, Seeking the wandering sinner to find.
114) On agonistic field, player strive to be the first , cheering squad Populars feeling ran high.
115) We are ought to hold applause also alike when cheering for victor give give ground person.
116) The Best Stage Effect Award and the Best Cheering Team Award went to Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School and Belilios Public School respectively.
117) When my sons are with their mother I like to imagine that they think I'm reading Jack Kerouac, cheering on Arsenal and listening to Kings of Leon (in reality it's Nicola Roberts).
117) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
118) At least 300,000 such volunteers will make up China's Olympic cheering squads. And 3,000 of those have been trained by Zhang Jinling, a professional enthusiast with a fixed rictus grin of joy.
119) The President of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, has addressed a cheering crowd of supporters in the capital Sanaa, telling him he welcomes power transfer proposals by the Gulf Cooperation Council.
120) The cheering got even louder when Waller awarded that girl a half - dollar prize.
121) According to the experience abroad, it is necessary to establish professional cheering squads to professionalize and industrialize cheering performance.
122) With mumble, sobbing, cheering , prayerful , tender or doting voice.
123) And so, after eight concerts, 32 sonatas and 101 movements, we came to the conclusion of this extraordinary cycle, with 3, 000 people on their feet cheering the begetter of it all.
124) The assembly hall was filled with the sound of excited cheering.
125) Pattinson, 23, was proudly cheering from the audience when his American girlfriend, 19, was named as the winner of the Bafta Rising Star accolade at the star-studded ceremony at the Royal Opera House.
126) Compared with our passional cheering squad and high-moraled players, the rivals looked quite alone.
127) When you are cheering for your favourite team on the bleacher , do you understand the difficulties the players have been through ?
128) Cheer Up, Arie KokWhen you have the blues and are eager to learn how to feel better, use one or more of these four tips for cheering up and feeling good.
129) It is cheering to see that customers are to benefit from a rebate on their electricity bills.
130) In this community of 3,000 on the Arkansas River, where everyone is cheering on the Hillbillies, the high school football team that made it to the state playoffs, turkey is an industry.
131) Ross drove aimlessly through the outer suburbs, sharing the wide, wet road with the occasional noctambulant alley cat, a carload of cheering carousers, and electric mini-van delivering milk.
132) For seventy years nobody other than Lin Yutang has depicted the past and future of China in such a leisured, interesting and cheering way.
133) On April 14 Gagarin was flown to Moscow, where he was greeted by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev and driven into town on a highway lined with cheering Russians.
134) When we heard the great mews, we couldn ' t help cheering and dancing.
135) Rocket sex appeal cheering squad MM force dunk shot moment!
136) My reception was always the same: cheering crowds, squealing children and happy stray dogs.
137) All along the way, from the Capitol building to the White House, were huge crowds of cheering people. Hour after hour, the soldiers passed.
138) Thousands of people gathered to witness Hazare breaking his fast, cheering as the 74-year-old sipped coconut water.
139) In 1948 Sexologist Alfred Kinsey published figures that homosexuals found cheering.
140) Happiness from China to Peru when the cheering news came.
141) Indeed, events at Ewood Park led to the strange scenario of actually cheering an El Hadji Diouf goal.
142) Her cream Rolls-Royce limousine(3) drove from her waterfront mansion across the iconic Sydney Harbor Bridge, through streets lined with cheering fans.
143) As the cheering faded , Igel introduced each faery, the jumble of names clanged against my ears.
144) Happiness was from China to Peru when the cheering news came .
145) Doran stuck his head out of the window to acknowledge the cheering.
146) Greatest Comforter, thank you for cheering me with your deep thoughts and sweet singing.
147) When he woke next morning, he heard cheering sounds from the kitchen.
147) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
148) Then he lunges backwards , landing right-side-up, and the villagers erupt in cheering and chanting.
149) The habit of encouraging people, even strangers, is deeply engrained in American culture. All the cheering you hear at sporting events is really just a form of encouragement.
150) There is no doubt I will be cheering Cardiff on because he is my first cousin.
151) Yet, the reason I most remember Carter's performance was that I broke one of sportswriting's cardinal rules: No cheering in the press box.
152) The election results were announced to the accompaniment of loud cheering.
153) She's feeling a bit down in the dumps and needs cheering up.
154) Its figure looks like a cheering gesture, also stretching arms preparing for a zealous inarm even more.
155) As the cheering faded, Igel introduced each faery, but the jumble of names clanged against my ears.
156) One exuberant Chinese rooter kept leaping to his feet and cheering loudly every time a Chinese player hit the ball, even if it was only a pop fly.
157) They were clapping and jumping up and down, cheering me in greeting.
158) Fans of all ages sit in bleacher seats and grandstands watching, snacking on hot dogs and peanuts, wearing their team's colors and cheering for their boys to be victorious.
159) Many critics thought De Niro would have favoured Drive, a violent road movie that had critics cheering during its goriest parts.




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