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单词 Downturn
1. There was a downturn in interest rates this week.
2. The building industry is experiencing a severe downturn in its workload.
3. The latest downturn in sales shows just what a fickle business this is.
4. Trading has been adversely affected by the downturn in consumer spending.
5. The downturn in business has resulted in many retrenchments.
6. They predicted a severe economic downturn.
7. America's current economic downturn is markedly different from previous recessions.
8. The company has been hammered by the downturn in the construction and motor industries.
9. There is evidence of a downturn in the housing market.
10. Most analysts are forecasting a further downturn in the market.
11. The 1990 s witnessed a sharp downturn in the party's fortunes.
12. Many economists believe the worst of the economic downturn is past.
13. The economic downturn has meant 10 000 redundancies in the North-East.
14. This was blamed in a general downturn in the market.
15. But then he took a sudden downturn and slipped into a coma.
16. Why has there been a downturn in river water quality under the Government which has reversed the trend since the mid-1950s?
17. In assessing a recent downturn, they refuse to resort to the dissembling language of corporate reports and quarterly statements.
18. The company blames the recession and a downturn in orders.
19. Investors are skittish about the impact of an economic downturn.
20. Inpart, the fading lustre of famous names can be blamed on the economic downturn of the 1990s.
21. In this way, landowners can protect themselves from any downturn in the farming economy, says Mr Sanders.
22. That massive government spending has helped the construction industry survive the downturn.
23. Large ranches are often owned by corporations or wealthy individuals who have the cash to survive a downturn.
24. A few years hence, the nation experiences a severe economic downturn.
25. There were long lines at the gas pumps, a permanent downturn in the economy, Carly Simon on the radio.
26. Song said that the number of people moving to Hong Kong is actually increasing while the number emigrating is on the downturn.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. The 1990 appraisal at the lower figure reflected the sharp downturn of the Phoenix real-estate market.
28. In 1974 his property and investment group also faced problems brought on by a credit squeeze and downturn in the building market.
29. In this age group, the long-term rising trend in casualties to infants both as pedestrians and passengers shows no significant downturn.
30. Monetary policy was eased in order to avoid a downturn or recession.
1. There was a downturn in interest rates this week.
2. The building industry is experiencing a severe downturn in its workload.
3. The latest downturn in sales shows just what a fickle business this is.
4. Trading has been adversely affected by the downturn in consumer spending.
31. The downturn in the North Sea meant there was too little work to keep all three of Trafalgar's facilities operational.
32. The economic downturn that began in 1929 was enough on its own to cause an initial increase in failures.
33. Another new phenomenon was the downturn in dealers offering works fresh out of the salerooms.
34. When the Exposition closed Chicago was already in the grip of a serious economic downturn.
35. The decline partly reflects a broader downturn in global stock markets.
36. Cattle farmers, slaughterhouses, butchers and restaurants braced for a sharp downturn in sales.
37. The key role played by intensification is indicated by the sharp increase in manufacturing productivity achieved during the downturn.
38. It was the beginning of a frustrating period for Hunt and his mood swings were on the downturn.
39. The new resource represented welcome revenue for a local government feeling a financial pinch owing to a temporary local economic downturn.
40. Yesterday's trade figures showed clearly that export volumes were at record levels even in a worldwide economic downturn.
41. This return to a leaner structure is a direct result of the downturn in sales in key areas such as Impressionist paintings.
42. This group, they argue, still feels insecure and worries about its fate in the face of another economic downturn.
43. There is no loophole to grant budget flexibility in case of an economic downturn.
44. Frankfurt dropped by 3.3%, thanks to fears of higher interest rates and a downturn in the bond market.
45. The model correctly predicts a downturn in fertility around 1964.
46. The world's economic downturn has triggered a rash of defaults in commercial paper and long-term debt(), particularly by unrated issuers.
47. The timing also is bad for many people who were already feeling less wealthy because of the downturn in the stock market.
48. By historical standards, companies and consumers look badly over-borrowed and ill-prepared for a downturn.
49. With self-investment however, a downturn in the company's fortunes can cause problems for the pension fund.
50. But cost controls have helped offset the worst effects of the downturn, says chairman Sir Roy Watts.
51. The downturn in the energy industry dragged on so long that workers drifted away and oil field equipment became outdated.
52. A downturn in one part of the world has always been partly offset by growth elsewhere.
53. He said first he had to deal with the provincial government's financial woes and an economic downturn.
54. And it is fertile soil for a severe economic downturn in the post-cold war world economy.
55. It blamed the cuts on the downturn in the aerospace market.
56. A market downturn in rig moves was more than compensated for by a significant increase in supporting offshore construction projects.
57. What starts as a mild downturn becomes a severe recession through the reaction of risk-averse, highly leveraged businesses.
58. Analysts fear the downturn will drag on into next year.
59. If there is a downturn in the economy, sudden pressure can be placed on sales to reduce this uncertainty.
60. They could be assured that their assets would stay ahead of inflation without risking a downturn.
61. This decline marches in step with a downturn in interest.
62. But the semiconductor sector, thought to be most vulnerable to an economic downturn, fell back from several rally attempts.
63. Analysts are confident the downturn in share prices will not last long.
64. Nursed the fledgling Business through an economic downturn.
65. Yet in China, too, the present downturn jangling nerves.
66. This downturn is costing thousands of workers their jobs.
67. Is tanker market downturn far from over?
68. Of course, with the economic downturn, you should be glad that Idid cut your wage lower.
69. After the collapse of Lehman Brothers, economies around the world a near - synchronised downturn in activity.
70. AA.N) said on Monday it will slash its dividend, issue stock and convertible notes worth about $1.1 billion and trim its 2010 spending to help weather the steep downturn in aluminum demand.
71. Cushioning America's downturn will demand fiscal boldness, but that does not mean eschewing simple, speedy solutions.
72. But the economic downturn and its disastrous impact on the job market may force them to sharpen their focus earlier than they would otherwise have liked. After all, even Generation Y has to eat.
73. It is found that after an unabiding downturn, optoelectronic technology begins to resume and increase in the near future.
74. The average historical decline in equity prices is 55.9 percent, with the downturn phase of the cycle lasting 3.4 years.
75. But the jobs data suggests any recovery is likely to be tempered by sluggish domestic demand, even as the country's export industries start to recover from a sharp downturn in the global economy.
76. In Asia it was a bit of both. [The region] is enjoying buoyant secular growth and has not been hit so hard by cyclical downturn.
77. Likewise, if faster productivity growth pushes up a country's trend rate of growth, as it has in America since the mid-1990s, an economic downturn is less likely to cause an absolute drop in output.
78. In short, whatever the economy shed in terms of output during the downturn it is now making back in double-quick time.
79. The main reason for the growth of underemployment has been the economic downturn of the past few years.
80. Yields have plunged to some of the lowest levels since the 1940s as investors, fearful of a sustained global economic downturn and potential deflation, have rushed to purchase government-issued debt.
81. The sample household survey released recently by the Housing Board shows a downturn in neighbourliness among Singaporeans.
82. The test results will include a capital recovery plan for banks that regulators determine would be short of capital if the economy's downturn gathered steam and unemployment shot unexpectedly higher.
83. The downturn has not had a big effect on loan repayments either. The current repayment rate is 97%.
84. The unstable region shows the potential of the economic downturn to inflame simmering tensions.
85. The economy has entered a sharp downturn, and unemployment and insolvencies can be expected to increase.
86. James Glassman, an economist at JPMorgan in New York,[ ] agrees with Yun that the downturn in the housing sector appears to be nearing a bottom.
87. With price cutting moving up the agenda after years of rising prices and more recently growing unemployment and job insecurity since the economic downturn, Price defended Waitrose's higher prices.
88. As the world tips into recession, China's economic decisions could affect how other countries fare in the downturn.
89. All this means that Fluor is ideally positioned to take advantage of an improving U.S. economy, where industries such as the utility sector have huge backlogs of work they put off in the downturn.
90. Though some sub-sectors might remain strong, the overall nonresidential market looks poised for a downturn as substantially tighter credit condition and slowing overall activity weigh on the sector.
91. With the economic downturn, there's been a fresh boom across the country in volunteer cadres of citizens taking on some of the routine duties of short-staffed police departments.
92. The sharp downturn in global trade delayed action on those ideas.
93. As its exports stumble, Asia faces a nasty cyclical downturn.
94. F.N) is preparing to fire U.S. salaried employees over the next two months due to the sudden downturn in auto sales, a drastic step it has so far avoided during its 2-1/2-year restructuring.
95. But Red Cross spokesman Jonathan Aiken doesn't blame the economic downturn for the charity's empty pocketbook.
96. The Depression began, to a large extent, as a garden-variety downturn.
97. Becoming an entrepreneur seems to be in vogue in this downturn.
98. However, due to the significant downturn in oil prices in the second half of last year, is willing to buy aircraft fuel prices much higher than the market price, causing the company huge losses.
99. It means that protectionist pressures are likely to rise as the social costs the downturn intensify.
100. In her latest book, "Plenitude, " she describes how the economic downturn has made more people open to the idea of swapping.
101. These problems were exacerbated by the downturn in the world economy after 1979.
102. It was the same during the downturn of the early 1990 s.
103. But the decline in salience of health and education precedes the downturn: It'started in 2002.
104. The sharp downturn in global trade has delayed action on those ideas.
105. The world economy appears to be undergoing an unusually sharp and synchronised downturn.
106. If we vanquish credit as the villain behind our downturn, the victory may be Pyrrhic.
107. Wheatley speculated that if stimulus money is channeled toward larger state-owned enterprises, as seems likely, smaller private enterprises will struggle to survive the economic downturn.
108. However, as the current downturn makes painfully clear, balanced financial accounts provide no shield against an over-reliance on external conditions or undiversified specialization patterns.
109. This year, the annual meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women has a new focus: the global economic downturn.
110. According to analyst Jeff Currie and his team believe that a typical cyclical downturn in the short term pressure on oil prices is likely to be extended to long-term oil contracts.
111. A company co-founder said the need for such a service had collapsed amid the economic downturn.
112. Although it is starting off as a cyclical downturn, the bigger story is that the law of economic gravity is catching up with China, too.
113. By last week, the steel market downturn in demand clinch a deal the lower expectations, screw, hot wire coil as a representative of the steel prices plunged appeared obviously.
114. It asked 155 council chief executives about the impact of the economic downturn on voluntary organisations that receive funding from the municipal budget.
115. Due to the costs, many are seen opting to share networks adding to competitive pressure among telecoms gear suppliers already feeling the pinch from the economic downturn.
116. Global investment market downturn, but also makes the area of pooling funds to the PE.
117. Sales of romance novels have increased substantially in the US despite a sluggish market resulting from the economic downturn, according to US media.
118. Although Corus was undergoing the pain of a wrenching cyclical downturn in demand for steel, Mr Varin felt he could leave with honour.
119. The downturn has created a nation of cost, and hair- cutters. To help pare their budgets, more Americans are bypassing the salon and opting to lop off their own locks.
120. CHICAGO — In the Illinois towns of Joliet and Palos Park, the economic downturn has pushed the public libraries into the grocery business, of sorts.
121. It’s a perfect storm for food gardening, ” Butterfield said, noting the downturn coincided with growing interest nationwide in eating locally produced food.
122. Port St. Lucie, 45 miles north of downtown West Palm Beach, has become increasingly affordable in recent years with the real estate downturn.
123. Investors may focus on the cyclical downturn in the chip industry, he wrote.
124. Spiraling inflation is a symptom of a downturn in the business cycle.
125. The downturn has forced Pioneer to restructure to cut costs.
126. At the same time, the cyclical downturn in the U.S. economy has exacerbated advertising declines.
127. Manufacturing is highly cyclical, falling first and fast in a downturn.
128. Given the extreme fragility of the private sector, that could cause another economic downturn.
129. Feraci said that if prolonged , the economic downturn will lead a retraction in U.S. biofuel production.
130. Energy - guzzling heavy industries, as steel and cement, bore the brunt of China's downturn late last year.
131. American policymakers also have tools to cushion — if not forestall — the downturn.
132. From the perspective of the international balance of payments, China has a huge fiscal deficit, if China let the economy develop freely, which violates economic laws and may lead to economic downturn.
133. Another advantage was a floating exchange rate: the Polish zloty plunged during the downturn, helping exporters and the tourism industry.
134. Unless China, Japan and the oil exporting countries act, the Anglo-Saxon economies could contract excessively, which would deepen the trade downturn, causing pain for everyone.
135. Even amid widespread views of a cyclical downturn for the container- and bulk-shipping industries, analysts are finding stocks to watch, like CIMC.
136. In an economic downturn or even recession, the market and interest rate policy, the liquidity - related.
137. They are not due solely to a cyclical downturn in growth but to long-term commitments such as pensions, Social Security and health care.
138. This isn't the first time library attendance has spiked in a downturn.
139. Entrepreneurs need friends and maybe family to get them through this cyclical downturn in order to jump start their companies.
140. The downturn brings with it increased unemployment or fewer hours of employment, and may indicate more available time to drink and fewer competing activities with drinking.
141. China avoided a hard landing during the global credit crunch but faces a downturn after 2013 as it will struggle to keep increasing fixed investments, Roubini said.
142. The greatest challenge of a negative feedback loop in an economic downturn is demand destruction.
143. There are signs that transaction prices of tinplate and TMBP are headed for a pronounced downturn in Asia even though they are relatively stable so far despite a certain fall.
144. In a downturn the need for proven ROI becomes even greater.
145. Some airline experts view the downturn in energy prices as little more than a respite from the punishingly high costs. So it's hard to know how airlines will react.
146. The downturn is the longest since a recession that began in nineteen eighty-one and lasted sixteen months.
147. When the economy hit its recent downturn,[/downturn.html] she was laid off from her job as the Director of Business development for an architectural firm in Washington D.C.
148. The pullback from consumers spooked by an economic downturn spurred an even sharper withdrawal by businesses.
149. Federal Reserve policy, the monetary rigidity of the gold standard, and overproduction are offered as possible factors in turning a cyclical downturn into a worldwide depression.
150. The downturn has its roots in the real estate frenzy that turned lonely Nevada ranches into suburban ranch homes and swampland in Florida into condominiums.
151. Garuda was the only Indonesian airline to fly to Europe but it ceased in 2004 because of a downturn in tourist numbers.
152. Many others hadn't recovered from the downturn in the coal industry.
153. Bosses bemoaned the downturn and demanded free radio spectrum to stimulate the industry.
154. In most people's view, this recession was caused by the speculative greed of bankers – an entirely different kind of downturn that fits the plot of a morality play.
154. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
155. Others say undergraduates wait out the economic downturn in graduate school.
156. Many Japanese manufacturers have already made swingeing job cuts as they adjust to the downturn.
157. The government's nonfarm payrolls report on Friday was the latest of the week's data to suggest the economy may not be headed for another severe downturn, as many investors have feared.
158. The downturn has not had a big effect loan repayments either.
159. The mortgage market disruption "could extend the housing downturn", the IMF found. In turn, that could "weaken consumption, and financial conditions could tighten".
160. Asia Aluminum has been struggling amid a downturn in aluminum demand.
161. One investor is dubious not only about the U.S. dollar but all currencies in general because central banks are churning out massive amounts of new cash to fight the downturn.
162. Demand downturn is steel price drop contrarian PPK the main reason, but the cost is high to high corporate profits for even a loss, this downturn steel price provide larger support.
163. China's economy – and its drive to industrialise – slowed last year in the wake of the global downturn but picked up strongly at the beginning of this year.
164. Undoubtedly, Zheng State was the most typical and special state changeable in the international situation, which had experiences of high reputation and downturn.
165. The mainland is largely insulated from the global downturn by its mostly closed economy and strong domestic demand.
166. Yanking Polish and Slovakian tax rates up to western European levels would almost certainly reduce investment in central and eastern Europe, and result in a fresh economic downturn in that region.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 16:13:45