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单词 Blamed
1) Truth may be blamed, but shall never be shamed. 
2) Success is never blamed.
3) A dropped cigarette is being blamed for the fire.
4) He blamed Fiona for a lousy weekend.
5) Both sides must be blamed.
6) They blamed the failure on John.
7) They blamed him for the accident.
8) The shortage of teachers was blamed on government cutbacks.
9) Both of them should be blamed.
10) Foul drinking water was blamed for the epidemic.
11) People who circulate false news are to be blamed.
12) The press has been blamed for intruding into people's personal lives in an unacceptable way.
13) A disgruntled former employee is being blamed for the explosion.
14) Like many in Russia,[](http:///blamed.html) she blamed the country'sfailings on futile attempts to catch up with the West.
15) Wind and ice were blamed for the collision involving up to 12 vehicles.
16) February's figures cannot plausibly be blamed on flukes or special factors.
17) She blamed him for the failure of their marriage/blamed the failure of their marriage on him.
18) Both sides blamed each other for the breakdown of talks.
19) In a fit of hysteria, Silvia blamed me for causing her father's death.
20) Better be blamed by our kith and kin, than be kissed by the enemy.
21) He is not to be blamed.
22) They blamed the failure on George.
23) The report blamed police incompetence for the tragedy.
24) He blamed his brother for breaking the window.
25) Careless campers were blamed for starting the forest fires.
26) To a man, the surveyors blamed the government.
27) He unfairly blamed Frances for the failure.
28) A council official blamed a mix-up between departments.
29) The crash was blamed on pilot error.
30) Everyone blamed me as per usual.
1) A dropped cigarette is being blamed for the fire.
2) He blamed Fiona for a lousy weekend.
3) Both sides must be blamed.
4) They blamed the failure on John.
5) They blamed him for the accident.
6) The shortage of teachers was blamed on government cutbacks.
7) Both of them should be blamed.
8) Foul drinking water was blamed for the epidemic.
9) The press has been blamed for intruding into people's personal lives in an unacceptable way.
10) A disgruntled former employee is being blamed for the explosion.
11) Like many in Russia, she blamed the country'sfailings on futile attempts to catch up with the West.
12) Wind and ice were blamed for the collision involving up to 12 vehicles.
13) February's figures cannot plausibly be blamed on flukes or special factors.
14) Both sides blamed each other for the breakdown of talks.
15) In a fit of hysteria, Silvia blamed me for causing her father's death.
16) Better be blamed by our kith and kin, than be kissed by the enemy.
17) The conductor is blamed for the accident.
18) She blamed the crimes on the local jobless teenagers.'The devil makes work for idle hands,'she would say.
31) The violence was blamed on thugs exploiting the situation.
32) The conductor is blamed for the accident.
33) He ought to be blamed.
34) He blamed the press for forcing his hand.
35) The government has been widely blamed for the crisis.
36) The police blamed senseless drivers who went too fast.
37) They blamed the failure of the action on George.
38) They blamed the accident on him.
39) Human error has been blamed for the air crash.
40) The hospital blamed the mix-up on a clerical error.
41) Loyalist paramilitaries were blamed for the shooting.
42) He blamed his parents. Mostly he blamed his dad.
43) She blamed the crimes on the local jobless teenagers.'The devil makes work for idle hands(http://),'she would say.
44) She blamed me for practically every mistake in the report.
45) You know perfectly well I can't be blamed for the failure of that mission.
46) The team blamed injuries and lack of preparation for their failure to win.
47) A spokeswoman blamed the confusion on miscommunication between the company and its customers.
48) He blamed injudicious comments by bankers for last week's devaluation.
49) The continued bleakness of the American job market was blamed.
50) She clearly blamed me personally for the difficulties she'd been having.
51) He has already been blamed for his party's lackluster performance during the election campaign.
52) He blamed the lack of liaison between the various government departments.
53) He's being blamed for dropping a massive political clanger .
54) After news of this new court case Ford broke down again, though he blamed the breakdown on his work.
55) The government has blamed the protests on a handful of evildoers.
56) The headteacher is caught in a double bind because whether she expels the boy or lets him off, she still gets blamed.
57) The company blamed its disappointing performance on a misguided business plan.
58) All too often it's the mother who gets blamed for her children's behaviour.
59) The decision to increase interest rates was widely blamed for the crisis.
60) The acceleration in the decline of manufacturing industry is being blamed on the high value of sterling.
61) They blamed their defeat on the media's one-sided reporting of the election campaign.
62) To save his own skin, he lied and blamed the accident on his friend.
63) He blamed lack of parental control for the young tearaways' behaviour.
64) The customers are kicking at paying such high prices, and they can hardly be blamed.
65) He's no angel but he can't be blamed for everything that has happened.
66) Government penny-pinching is blamed for the decline in food standards.
67) They blamed high taxes for the growth of a black market in cigarettes.
68) They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan.
69) Peres is to be blamed for nothing.
70) The home-improvement chain blamed weaker-than-expected Christmas sales.
71) We were blamed, and rightly so(/blamed.html), for this mess.
72) The job losses are blamed on the recession.
73) For many years I blamed myself for her death.
74) Experts also blamed Sri Lanka's cutthroat, winner-take-all political culture.
75) Mrs Meiers blamed me because I laughed.
76) Investigators blamed a crack in the propeller.
77) Investigations into both crashes had blamed pilot errors.
78) Shall love be blamed for want of faith? Alfred Tennyson 
79) Dougan blamed the economy for weak Christmas sales.
80) The company have blamed the recession.
81) He has blamed the losses on computer errors.
82) Hartnell blamed his financial difficulties on the worldwide depression.
83) An ambulance service spokesman blamed the icy driving conditions.
84) Daley blamed Humphrey for his defeat in Illinois.
85) He blamed me for setting too fast a pace.
86) The company blamed lower order levels for the decline.
87) The Marcoses are widely blamed for Ninoy's death.
88) Apple blamed weaker-than-expected demand and pricing pressures.
89) But they were later blamed on human error.
90) The accident was blamed on pilot error.
91) The company's failure was blamed on sloppy management.
92) The victims could be blamed and punished with impunity.
93) Each side blamed the other for starting the shooting.
94) They blamed not the Internal Revenue Service but the tax code.
95) Nobody could have blamed him for trying it on, could they?
96) He blamed an October snowstorm in Denver for losing a $ 500 bet on the Broncos.
97) The conventional wisdom of the late 1970s blamed Britain's high unemployment on the trade unions, which priced workers out of jobs.
98) Mr Mugabe and senior ministers have been blamed for encouraging the new invasions and inciting violence.
99) If the player tampers with those, he is blamed for hitting a sour note, not praised for a daring interpretation.
100) He blamed his shyness and gauche manner on his upbringing, as the only child of elderly parents.
101) Businesses accounted for 469 of those false alarms, residences were blamed for 223 and 11 came from governmental locations.
102) Residents are being urged to boycott the supermarket blamed for most of the problems.
103) Shilton could not be blamed for the 2-0 defeat and made one superb tackle, denying Angell 15 yards outside his box.
104) Some New York securities traders blamed the survey, released Tuesday, for the afternoon decline of stock and bond markets.
105) This was blamed in a general downturn in the market.
106) Inpart, the fading lustre of famous names can be blamed on the economic downturn of the 1990s.
107) The angry Texan blamed his dance partner for tripping him.
108) Women entering the workforce, poor childcare facilities, marrying too late, all are blamed.
109) The government blamed the unrest on the activities of several small left-wing groups intent on creating general instability.
110) Polly looked away, her stomach churning with a nausea that couldn't be blamed solely on hunger or seasickness.
111) In an opening speech for the defence the devastation of their herd was blamed on a mountain of debt and overfeeding.
112) Many ailments which are blamed on old age could be avoided if everyone ate a healthy diet.
113) He has blamed the police for causing the May Day riot, siding with the Front.
114) He blamed the collapse of confidence on hysteria heaped upon the public by the opposition political parties.
115) All the Kashmiri guerrilla groups denied any involvement in the assassination, and many blamed the government security forces.
116) They blamed the republic's nationalistic coalition government for the slide into civil strife.
117) Mr Souster said directors blamed poor financial performance on high investment and problems with one of Cartesia's main suppliers.
118) The far left is also being blamed for taking advantage of grievances.
119) Police blamed the crash on drivers going too fast and too close in freezing fog.
120) Having been cleared of theft, she is now being blamed for the museum's low attendances.
121) Television is often blamed for all kinds of social ills!
122) The authorities had become very protective, and one hardly blamed them.
123) Read in studio Art critics are being blamed for vandalising cast iron sculptures which have been likened to ice-cream cones or seashells.
124) He should count himself lucky not to have been blamed for the whole fiasco.
125) The bombing is being blamed on a previously unknown group of terrorists.
125) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
126) We took one wrong turning - Vanessa firmly blamed me - but it was soon corrected.
127) They have blamed high taxes for the growth of a black market in cigarettes.
128) Too often minority students themselves are blamed for their failure.
129) The storm has been blamed for at least 20 deaths on the East Coast, according to various media reports.
130) He blamed you for everything, even the accident, accusing you of awful, nasty things.
131) She, too, blamed herself for failing to respond to Niagara.
132) The job isn't done until you've blamed someone for the parts that went wrong. Scott Adams 
133) Even testosterone, so often blamed for aggressive behavior in men, is getting better press.
134) Shearson yesterday blamed the continued slowdown in market activity and excess capacity for the redundancies.
135) It blamed the rise in fuel prices on the threefold increase in fuel consumption in the first half of the year.
136) The figure, double that of the previous year, is blamed on the vast increase in the use of the internet.
137) Her attorney, Jon Wu, said she was being wrongfully blamed for alleged misconduct by subordinates.
138) Low inflation that keeps house prices from appreciating and high interest rates were blamed.
139) We blamed the lawyers for a weak presentation of the case.
140) Some people blamed the soft camp for a 1-3 start this season.
141) Can the problems of urban poverty be blamed on individual pathology?
142) The Schaumburg, Illinois, company blamed the earnings decline on lower prices and slower sales.
143) Later 43 people were arrested while distributing leaflets which blamed the management of the state-run Coal Enterprise mining company for negligence.
144) He blamed what he called the painful kick-back of recent economic problems for the latest spate of job losses.
145) If the manager or city council said no, he blamed them.
146) From there they go to Madrid and Barcelona, where they are already being blamed for an increase in street crime.
147) Motorola blamed lagging sales and lower prices for wireless phones for an unexpected drop in fourth-quarter earnings.
148) They blamed the job losses on automation of the timber industry and increasing exports of raw, unprocessed logs.
149) The Montreal-based company blamed acquisitions and system upgrades for missing the target and said it will cut 150 jobs.
150) Chronic worry that comes from perceived vulnerability has also been blamed for susceptibility to infections and impaired memory.
151) Central Office complains that the government is blamed for recession but gets no credit for recovery.
152) Management blamed its problems largely on drastically reduced power prices and the amount utilities are willing to pay for new facilities.
153) Last winter, NordicTrack blamed disappointing sales on balmy weather, which encouraged al fresco jogging in January.
154) The sharp decline was blamed on fears over the falling yen and over-valued stock prices on the Tokyo stock exchange.
155) I wouldn't have blamed him if he'd walked away and I told him so.
155) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
156) The investigator dispatched to probe the incident blamed the Tonghaks for the trouble.
157) The governor of Leyte island blamed the government for failing to impose a total logging ban.
158) But anomalies like these should not be blamed on linguistics, higher mathematics or the new history.
159) Mr Hanley also partly blamed a lack of support among the employers of part-timers for the drop in their numbers.
160) Dornan blamed his defeat on alleged irregularities, including voting by non-citizens and felons.
161) You blamed Gran-gran for being selfish, but what about you?
162) Can his death really be blamed on a cricket ball?
163) No injuries or accidents have been blamed on the fasteners.
164) It blamed lower holiday sales, crimped gross margin, stormy weather and higher costs.
165) Lack of respect for the law and unemployment were blamed by 76 percent for poorer standards of youthful behaviour.
166) Unable to free the bridge by himself he blamed his wife and cleared off down a dirt track.
167) And who could have blamed the world for its incredulity?
168) High levels of pollution from the Ilo refinery have been blamed on outdated equipment.
169) The snag was blamed on a shuttle bolt that protruded into the reel mechanism but was overlooked in the pre-flight engineering analysis.
170) The poor, however, are often blamed for their own poverty, accused of budgeting badly or living beyond their means.
171) The report blamed the difficulty in obtaining proof for the many offenders who have gone free.
172) Perhaps it hadn't turned out well, and he'd been blamed.
173) Some of the women blamed their husbands' violence on drinking.
174) The company blamed intense price-cutting in depressed markets which further eroded petrochemical margins.
175) The government was blamed and its tariff and trade policies came under fierce attack.
176) A feeling of malaise which had beset him earlier, and which he had blamed on the news from Oxford, persisted.
177) Deterioration of market conditions and higher fixed costs were blamed for the decline.
178) Northumberland County Council has vowed to investigate the problem, which is blamed on the county's peripheral position in the country.
179) He even blamed them for his inability to make friends or establish ongoing relationships.
180) The recent epidemic of car thefts has been blamed on bored teenagers.
181) President Vinicio Cerezo has blamed the killings on right-wing extremists trying to destabilise his government.
182) Members of the ruling Labour group have blamed the Government for the circumstances which led to the closure plan.
183) It blamed increasing competition and the costs of its redundancy programme.
184) Read in studio An airshow accident in which a Spitfire crashed in flames has been blamed on pilot error.
185) The difficulty is that it is usually a mixture of both - in which case it all gets blamed on external causes.
186) Economists blamed the shortages on prices which gave little incentive to production.
187) A mass demonstration on the Means Test had petered out in confusion and each party blamed the other for its failure.
188) The expense of earthquake insurance and the high cost of deductibles are blamed for the low numbers of people carrying quake insurance.
189) The case ended in a deadlocked jury and a mistrial after King denied any personal knowledge of the scheme and blamed co-workers.
190) Exasperated police blamed drivers for going too fast and ignoring fog warning signs.
191) The stalemate is blamed on a three-way split among panel members about how to save Social Security.
192) Corrosion Caused Cloudburst Corrosion in pipework has been blamed for a gas escape which triggered the operation cloudburst emergency plan in February.
193) Ian Westwood, head of the federation's Manchester branch, blamed the demise of the traditional bobby on the beat.
194) Barr Thomson blamed the Government's pit closure announcement for its failure.
195) He blamed the NCOs, who blamed the officers; they swore at the staff officers who blamed the generals.
196) She blamed it on the after-effects of the trial and the feta cheese in the salad.
197) Proponents blamed internecine warfare among term-limits supporters for the setback.
198) Layoff decisions were blamed on the refusal of the unions to accept pay cuts.
199) And he blamed another girl for getting him into the drugs scene.
200) She never spoke of his unfaithfulness, never blamed him for his misconduct.
201) Day, who blamed the Niagara Falls mistake on his staff, failed to make inroads in Ontario.
202) Yet he chose to keep it secret and blamed officers of the prison service for what happened.
203) Analysts also blamed diminished turnout on the relatively healthy economy.
204) If a single economic statistic can be blamed for the recent slide towards panic it is the balance of payments figures.
205) The government is concerned that most of the disappearances are blamed on the security forces.
206) At least 43 deaths were blamed on the storm, which shut down virtually all travel except rail.
207) Namely, whatever action the company took, it would be blamed for the ensuing conflict.
208) You can't be blamed for the actions of your parents.
209) The rebels blamed the massacre on the government troops and the government blamed it on the rebels.
210) A volcano has even been blamed for speeding up the onset of the last Ice Age.
211) Even the time of the month can not be blamed for women's tendency to depression.
212) He blamed me for not submitting to my husband and said that my husband would change because he had asked for forgiveness.
213) Noades blamed unprofessionalism, a slipshod approach and complacency for the club's disappointing start to the season.
214) The poor girl gets blamed for everything that goes wrong.
215) He blamed Hutu insurgents from Gisenyi for some of the violence.
216) He even blamed his parents for his inability to make friends.
217) Club attack: Glue-sniffing vandals are being blamed for attacks on the bowling pavilion in Hartlepool's Grayfields recreation ground.
218) The company blamed weak December sales as well as inventory reductions.
219) It blamed the cuts on the downturn in the aerospace market.
220) The more tired she became the more bitterly she blamed James.
221) The reproduction failure is blamed on a shortage of adult birds to defend colonies against predators.
222) Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole drew criticism Thursday,(http:///blamed.html) when he blamed the welfare system for increases in domestic violence.
223) John Barons, chief executive of the owners, Century Newspapers, blamed economic difficulties.
224) Glow-of-Television Connections Television often gets blamed for contributing to the decline of family life.
225) Nissan's £75 million loss between March and September is blamed on the world recession.
226) Read in studio Michael Heseltine is being blamed for thousands of people losing their holidays when a travel firm went bust.
227) The firm blamed the Sterling devaluation for the price rise.
228) Second Set, whose disappointing fourth in the race last year was blamed on soft ground, could also be pulled out.
229) When he took the stand, King admitted the rider to the contract was phony but denied responsibility and blamed co-workers.
230) Mr Taylor blamed bad publicity for his defeat by Mr Jones.
231) Though state health officials blamed salmonella in the death, they had not yet determined the source of the bacteria.
232) This is commonly blamed on a prolonged drought during the amelioration of climate following the last glaciation.
233) Democrats have blamed Republicans for the failure to reach an agreement.
234) However, the alcohol and tobacco industries have persistently blamed their consumers as a shield against corporate responsibility.
235) Like the rest of us, you probably blamed both thoughts on gas or the onset of the flu.
236) Coffee has been blamed for increasing the pulse rate and for interfering with the efficiency of the digestive process.
237) He's always blamed his parents for turning him into a social misfit.
238) The company blamed weak sales and falling chip prices for its microprocessors.
239) I blamed Hilda for it, I felt she had taken away the gamble, the risk that made it worth while.
240) Ford blamed the rises on the fall in the pound since the Government pulled out of the exchange rate mechanism in September.
241) It breeds cynicism and fatalism, which some blamed for the failure of a referendum last month to reform the electoral system.
242) Or should they be blamed on inadequate medical care, poor diet or other environmental factors?
243) Officials blamed the fall on a collapse in the stock market, lower industrial production and falling domestic investment.
244) Olga and Boyd Stych are going to be blamed, because everyone will think they were agreeable to its publication.
245) Instead he hit the bottle and blamed her for it.
246) Many have blamed what they termed an inability to win on an inability to hit more than one shape of shot.
247) And they blamed the finance Ministry's favouritism towards industry for the plight - and the restiveness - of the peasantry.
248) Environmental protection Overpopulation in the Majority World has often been blamed for ecological catastrophe.
249) The riots have been blamed on the breakdown of the peace process./blamed.html
250) Public opinion polls showed the public blamed Congress, not Clinton, for the debacle.
251) Read in studio A faulty electricity meter is being blamed for starting a house fire which left six people in hospital.
252) The Third Republic had survived the Great War of 1914-18 but its institutions were blamed by many for the humiliation of 1940.
253) Some leaders have blamed television for the decline in standards of morality.
254) Mr Delors has been widely blamed for causing the latest crisis.
255) Boeing blamed late aircraft deliveries, snarled assembly lines and shortages of parts and skilled labor for the loss.
256) An exhaust leak from an O-ring seal in a right booster motor was blamed for the fatal 1986 Challenger accident.
257) This had obviously been there since manufacture and had caused the blockages I had blamed on sand.
258) Many, therefore, blamed Callaghan for the explosion in union wage claims that followed in the early seventies.
259) The build-up of pollutants in the sea has also been blamed.
260) Emily paced around the book-lined study and blamed her father for his hostile attitude to Craig.
261) He can count himself lucky not to have been blamed for the bounce by his political masters.
262) The office for national statistics blamed the drop on the foot and mouth outbreak.
263) The organization blamed delaying tactics by Prime Minister John Major for its decision to end the cease-fire.
264) The figure was blamed on warm weather, increased competition and the recession.
265) He bitterly blamed his parents for turning him into a social misfit.
266) The hydrogen sulfide is often blamed for the corrosion.
267) I have a pain in every blamed joint.
268) The recession is largely blamed for the disappointing response to the appeal.




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更新时间:2024/7/6 2:16:13