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单词 Sperm
1, The male sperm fertilizes the female egg.
2, The egg and sperm fuse together as one cell.
3, He has a low sperm count .
4, Only one sperm fertilizes an egg.
5, He has a low/high sperm count.
6, Only one sperm fertilises an egg.
7, The sperm fertilizes the egg.
8, The sperm sample is produced by masturbation.
9, It only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg.
10, Conception occurs when a single sperm fuses with an egg.
11, Doctor believed that his low sperm count was the problem.
12, Once an egg is fertilized by the sperm, it becomes an embryo.
13, A donor egg fertilised by her husband's sperm will be implanted in her womb.
14, The sperm sample is checked under the microscope before insemination is carried out.
15, The sperm fuses with the egg to begin the process of fertilization.
16, Modern Western men are producing less sperm than formerly.
17, A whale is killed-a great sperm whale.
18, The test measures levels of ubiquitin in individual sperm.
19, The chief donors to sperm banks were medical students.
20, The sperm cell has no muscles.
21, Ishmael ponders the brow of the sperm whale.
22, Sperm quantity has also declined,[http:///sperm.html] by about 25 percent.
23, Probably about ten billion sperm in one go.
24, All were then fertilised with sperm from her husband.
25, A school of sperm whales is sighted.
26, Unlike sperm, eggs are produced very sparingly.
27, Any disease which undermines a man's general health will interfere with his sperm production.
28, In human reproduction, one female egg is usually fertilized by one sperm.
29, Each male ejaculation will contain up to 300 million sperm.
30, Genes determine how we develop from the moment the sperm fuses with the egg.
1, Any disease which undermines a man's general health will interfere with his sperm production.
2, Only one sperm fertilises an egg.
3, In human reproduction, one female egg is usually fertilized by one sperm.
31, The nobler of the two is the sperm whale.
32, The sperm is stored and frozen until the second negative test result is confirmed.
33, Every time she seduces a fresh peacock, she wins a little extra sperm that she probably does not need.
34, Taking yet another example, compare the visual fields of man, rabbits and the sperm whale.
35, The fly therefore produces half as much sperm as normal.
36, Most of them simply release their eggs and sperm and rely on the surrounding water to bring them together.
37, Presumably also sperm in a sperm-bank and human organs for transplant can be stolen.
38, As it turned out, his sperm count appeared normal but his wife continued to fail to conceive.
39, The few remaining hermaphroditic mice are at a premium because only they can produce the sperm that the all-female mice still need.
40, Corals, like the majority of marine invertebrates can also reproduce sexually by releasing eggs and sperm.
41, Carol had told him a thousand kids a year came from sperm banks in the early eighties.
42, We chose linear regression for describing the overall changes in mean sperm concentrations, but other statistical models have also been tested.
43, The number of offspring a male can produce depends on his ability to produce sperm and inseminate females.
44, In animals the sperm is given a sort of strip search as it enters the egg to remove all the organelles.
45, The ship, it is said, is filled to capacity with sperm oil.
46, Such behaviour may make the female deposit a drop of fluid which sometimes contains sperm from previous matings.
47, Following mating, the sperm are stored in special tiny tubules in the female's reproductive tract.
48, There he found the skeleton of a whale, a sperm whale, which had become a shrine for the natives.
49, Once it is penetrated by the single sperm, the egg becomes impervious.
50, A father may choose to be totally unknown to both mother and child by supplying his semen to a sperm bank.
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51, The great herds of sperm whales such as the Pequod encounters are known as schools.
52, Fourth, Ishmael makes it clear that an enraged sperm whale will charge and sink a large sailing vessel like the Pequod.
53, And one has to remember that sperm counts also show a natural seasonal variation.
54, His sperm ducts empty into this pouch so that the eggs are quickly and efficiently fertilised.
55, The region is one of the chief feeding grounds of the sperm, baleen and minke whales.
56, Iodine in salt may be the reason for low sperm counts, according to New Scientist magazine.
57, His sperm then covers the eggs as they are laid and fertilisation occurs within 10 to 15 minutes.
58, High exposure to dioxins has been associated with cancer, low sperm counts, behavioural problems and diabetes.
59, The sperm carries just a nucleus cargo, a mitochondrial engine, and a flagellum propeller.
60, The coming together of sperm and egg represents a moment of surrender to forces outside our control.
61, Well, he explains, he once dissected a baby sperm whale brought aboard ship.
62, The Ligurian Sea, where the explosion occurred, is an important area for sperm whales.
63, The eggs were removed and injected with sperm, and the fertilized eggs were implanted in her uterus.
64, The sperm whales have been stranded in Scapa Flow for several weeks.
65, It is a well-documented fact that guys will not ask for directions. This is a biological thing. This is why it takes several million sperm cells... to locate a female egg, despite the fact that the egg is, relative to them, the size of Wisconsin. Dave Barry 
66, Or Hecht could stay with the first and only method she has tried, having the doctor introduce sperm into her uterus.
67, The 56-year-old Northamptonshire woman received fertility treatment using donor eggs and her husband's sperm.
68, The female's sperm storage tubules are sausage-shaped and sperm lie at the bottom of the tube.
69, In person, however, they have matured about as much as a sperm in a deep frozen sperm bank.
70, Up to this point Ishmael has told us a good deal about the great sperm whale.
71, In most mammals sperm are viable in the female's reproductive tract for a matter of hours.
72, But where had his Glover genes come from if his father was in a sperm bank?
73, When its eggs are fertilized(), sometimes more than one sperm penetrates the egg.
74, Just how the sperm triggers the explosive release of calcium in the egg is still something of a mystery.
75, Although that may seem like plenty, low sperm counts often are warnings of problems with sperm function.
76, Many of his sperm do not even try to fertilize her eggs but instead either attack other sperm or block their passage.
77, Since sperm only constitute a tiny proportion of the seminal fluid this is not even noticeable.
78, For the male it means a vasectomy - the cutting or tying of the male's sperm ducts.
79, The only thing Rob could think up as a possible Hank Camden failure was the likelihood of a low sperm count.
80, The touch of the sperm on the oocyte's outer membrane stimulates the second meiosis to move to completion.
81, The spermicide didn't stay hostile to sperm for more than a few hours.
82, Only one sperm fertilizes an egg, but it evidently requires the backup of many millions of others.
83, Strictly speaking, there is as yet no definitive evidence for declining sperm counts.
84, She was an automaton, carrying out the simple instructions of her neural program: If whit fly occupied, withhold sperm.
85, Even the propeller and engine are jettisoned when the sperm meets the egg; only the nucleus travels farther.
86, Men are still able to father children into their seventies, though their sperm count is lower than in their youth.
87, This basic asymmetry between the genders goes right back to the difference in size of a sperm and an egg.
88, For the vast majority of men, the reason for a low sperm count can not be explained.
89, The sperm whale dives to a mile and more and can stay under for two hours.
90, Males have evolved other kinds of counter-adaptations to prevent sperm competition.
91, The eggs are implanted in the recipient and fertilised by her partner's sperm.
92, A University of Pennsylvania study shows that more women are seeking to be artificially inseminated with sperm from men who have died.
93, The average sperm whale is 72 feet long and about 90 tons in weight.
94, Jelly fish reproduce by releasing eggs and sperm into the sea.
95, It is only the second time this century that a school of sperm whales has been seen in the waters around Orkney.
96, The journey of the sperm to the Fallopian tube is of necessity longer.
97, He whose sperm flows while he is sleeping shall do penance for three days.
98, The cell cycle at conception and in young embryos A new life begins with the fusion of sperm and egg.
99, It makes an interesting contrast with another related health issue: falling sperm counts.
100, Fertility clinics and sperm banks in the United States often are privately run and are subject to few government restrictions.
101, As the sperm penetrates the egg it obviously adds more genetic material, which of course is the whole point.
102, She said the chances of siblings marrying are minuscule if the number of sperm donations are kept low.
103, Several studies have demonstrated that sperm exposed to caffeine swim faster and more energetically than normal.
104, The sperm present will surround it, battering against its surface and each one weakening the outside layer.
105, A donor egg fertilised by her 51-year-old husband's sperm was implanted in her womb.
106, The sperm is about microns long from end to end.
107, Animals are preserved as frozen embryos or as sperm freeze-dried to a powder and brought back to life.
108, A long debate determines who will be unlucky and bear the cost of eggs rather than sperm.
109, Where the new institute will get its sperm remains undecided.
110, The sperm, as it cools, tends to crystallize into lumps.
110, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
111, Technicians can identify only obvious problems, such as malformed sperm heads or tails.
112, For a pregnancy to occur, one of those sperm must penetrate and fertilize the egg.
113, When you make an egg or a sperm, you pick one from each pair to give a total of twenty-three chromosomes.
114, A man, by contrast, is seeking a mate who will use his sperm and his money to produce babies.
115, Then the nuclei arrange themselves side by side and fuse into a single nucleus carrying the chromosomes of both sperm and ovum.
116, This makes the sperm, like all rapidly developing cells, especially vulnerable to damage from chemicals or radiation.
117, The answer lies in those muttering organelles left behind at the gate when the sperm entered the egg.
118, The truly transgenic animals are produced in the next generation-from the genetically transformed eggs or sperm of the chimeras.
119, Conventional sperm screening involves looking at semen samples using a light microscope.
120, Death is in the sperm like the ancient mariner With his horrible tale.
121, It is these cells which will later give rise, by further cell division, to eggs or sperm.
122, In practice, fertilisation requires tight coordination between the sperm and the oocyte.
123, One of each of the 23 pairs has gone to one of the resulting sperm or ova and one to the other.
124, The difference in size between egg and sperm is counterbalanced by the numbers in which they are produced.
125, And because sperm now can be extracted after death, doctors must address the ethical questions raised by the lack of permission.
126, The sperm whale at Tranque, Ishmael says, was about right for a large-sized whale of this type.
127, A male is defined as the gender that produces sperm or pollen: small, mobile, multitudinous gametes.
128, Another method of birth control must be used for a few months until two consecutive tests show there are no sperm left.
129, Sperm, on the other hand, was life and the early Church laid down penances for those who wasted it.
130, When the creature matures, the parasitic sperm cells eat out its gonads and replace them with themselves.
131, Rarely seen, giant squid are prey to sperm whales.
132, The sperm teratogenicity test was negative.
133, The motivation of sperm donors varies.
134, My husband had a very low sperm count.
135, At the center is a minute opening, called a micropyle, through which the sperm enters the egg.
136, In a sperm cell, a specialized set of tiny support proteins (protamines) pack the DNA down to about one-sixth the volume of a mitotic chromosome.
137, The scientists conducted photo surveys and performed skin biopsies on blue, fin and sperm whales from the Gulf of California.
138, Methods: Radioimmunoassay (RIA) and Wright Giemsa stain were used to detect serum sexual hormone and sperm cytology in 45 aspermia patients.
139, Conclusion: Seminal carnitine concentration may be an appropriate marker of sperm and epididymal function.
140, Numerous sperm trying to to fertilise a human egg. They are trying to find their way through the zona pellucida,[http:///sperm.html] the membrane that surrounds and protects the egg.
141, Recent progresses of study on sperm ultrastructure of Bivalve, Gasteropod and Cephalopoda were introduced.
142, Mouse spermatogonium chromosomal aberration test and sperm malformation test were used to assess reproductive toxicity.
143, The vitamin E, there is function of regulate the sex gland function and the extension sperm life span.
144, In IVF, a sperm and an egg are joined together outside a woman's body.
145, The study, published in the journal Human Reproduction, found 41 million fewer sperm per millilitre of semen after just one portion every two days.
146, The bulls producing donor sperm are screened first for disease and bloodlines.
147, They found that about 20% of the cells produced early-stage sperm cells or spermatagonia and, after further culture, they could see a number of cells continue to split and divide.
148, In most cases, donor sperm is obtained from a sperm bank.
149, These genes come from the ffromher's sperm and then the mother's egg; which are produced by the minge and feminge reproductive systems.
150, A tablespoon of human semen contains enough sperm to fertilize every woman in North America.
151, Zeaxanthin is a natural carotenoid existing in corn embryo sperm.
152, The combinable fatliquor SC, phosphate fatliquor, sulfited sperm oil EJB can increase the tensile strength of chrome leather.
153, Egg donors undergo the same medical and genetic screening as sperm donors, although it is not currently possible to freeze and quarantine eggs like sperm.
154, The sperm whale is believe to dive deeper than any other cetacean.
155, Biopsy on both sides of the testes for evaluation and testicular incision for extracting spermatozoon might be necessary in the patients who intend to breed by intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
156, By Day 42 after treatment, changes in litter size, sperm numbers and the structure of seminiferous tubules in these animals diminished.
157, Vasectomy is connected the epididymis pipe and tube ejaculation, mature sperm eduction channel, around each one, each about 40-50 cm long, wall thicker, muscularis is quite developed, and small lumen.
158, Patients whose partners did not become pregnant had significantly higher serum concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone. Total sperm count and normal sperm forms were significantly lower.
159, At Harvard, Dr.David Clapham, a neurobiologist, discovered that sperm tails contain calcium ion channels, with electrically charged atoms "turbo-charging the sperm" to reach eggs, he said.
160, Spermiogenesis of sperm head in soft-shelled turtle, Trionyx sinensis, was examined by transmission electron-microscopy.
161, Objective:To study the effect of abstinence on human acrosin activity, sperm density, sperm number.
162, Conclusion The results indicate that MR of human sperm plays an important role in sperm - oocyte fusion.
163, Seventy-one percent of the adult offspring of these single mothers agree that: "My sperm donor is half of who I am, " and 78% wonder "what my sperm donor's family is like."
164, But then no one really thought the donor mattered once he had given his sperm.
165, A posterior extension on each of the pelvic fins of male elasmobranch fishes that aids in the transmission of sperm during copulation.
166, This makes sense because a wet dream is when semen (the fluid containing sperm) is discharged from the penis during ejaculation while a guy's asleep.
167, "It takes only one motile sperm to initiate a pregnancy," she said.
168, Francis then go for a medical check - up and the result is sperm count too low.
169, Method Test sterility patients'anti sperm antibody in the serum with ELISA method.
170, Meanwhile, The fluorescence color were appeared in perforatorium and trail of sperm become more and more obviously with the prolong of treatment time of sperm capacitation.
171, Objective:To investigate whether sperm immotility was caused by degeneration in the epididymis.
172, A human sperm cell contains just one copy each of 23 chromosomes.
173, Female spiders can do this because they store sperm for a period of days or weeks before they use it to fertilise their eggs.
174, The embryo and sperm cell nuclei are stained purple while sperm tails are green.
175, Sperm is derived from the Greek word sperma meaning "seed."
176, IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a procedure in which sperm is injected into the oocyte (egg) cytoplasm.
177, Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that men who consumed the most soy (half a serving per day) had 41 million sperm per millilitre less than men who did not eat soy at all.
178, He said, look, he said, this doesn't put a barrier between sperm and egg. All it does is artificially create a safe period.
179, Objective To study the change of sperm acrosin activity (SAA) before and after high ligation of spermatic vein for patients with varicocele.
180, Objective: To discuss the value of pre-operative semen analysis of patients with varicocele as a predictive restore index of sperm motility and fertilizing capacity after varicocelectomy.
181, After the sperm penetrated into the egg, its nucleus was transformed into a big male pronucleus.
182, Male great tits with brighter breasts have stronger sperm, according to the first study to find a link between flashiness and sperm strength.
183, Django Djournal (which Mama K recently made a private blog) is not the only site that praises Raul's sperm and the "curly-haired, bright-eyed" babies it produces.
184, Photo Gallery: Whales Sperm whales'heads are filled with a mysterious substance called spermaceti.
185, Objective To study the changes of sperm quality in mice treated with manganous chloride.
186, I said, "Oh, the males have this substance inside them, and it's like a co-ingredient, called sperm. They sprinkle, or squirt it on the eggs.
187, For years, scientists have suspected that sperm whales are likely to accumulate fat-soluble pollutants because the whales are massive -- weighing up to 50 tons -- and can live up to 70 years.
188, According to ancient ideas,inside the body of every man are not just little sperm swimming around, but each of those little things is a homunculus, a little person,a little,teeny,tiny person.
189, Infection of exoteric microbe could disturb transportation of sperm and affect male eugenesis .
190, By analyzing the on-off settings of switches on every bit of sperm DNA, they found that 16 had been altered, turned on when the normal position was off, or off when the normal position was on.
190, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
191, The mixture of sperm and accessory fluids is called semen.
192, The vaccine works by blocking male sperm cell from joining female egg cell.
193, A hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces both sperm and eggs, found in certain gastropods.
194, The female stores the sperm until she is ready to lay eggs.
195, The normal expression of proto-oncogenes plays an important role in the regulation of spermatogonial mitosis , spermatocyte meiosis as well as spermiogenesis and sperm maturation.
196, The results of the phenotype correlation coefficient of sperm midpiece length with average daily gain, feed efficiency and lean percentage was 0.31, -0.29, -0.24 resp. in Landrace boars.




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