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单词 Tied up
(1) The freighter tied up at a small harbor.
(2) Her hair was tied up with a yellow ribbon.
(3) I'm sorry, she's tied up at the moment.
(4) I'm tied up at the moment.
(5) She tied up her things in a parcel.
(6) We tied up at the riverside.
(7) Her hair was tied up with a ribbon.
(8) He tied up the bag and took it outside.
(9) All their money was tied up in long-term investments.
(10) He's tied up with his new book. He's working hard, you know.
(11) Our company has tied up with another firm to support the project.
(12) The little money that was available was tied up in bureaucratic red tape.
(13) Sorry, I'm tied up.
(14) The gang tied up the security guard and put a gag in his mouth.
(15) He left his dog tied up to a tree.
(16) My money's all tied up in the house.
(17) Protesters tied up the traffic for three hours today.
(18) We tied up alongside a barge.
(19) She left the dog tied up to a tree.
(20) Our university is tied up with an American University.
(21) The hostages were tied up and blindfolded.
(22) Most of the capital is tied up in property.
(23) He tied up the present with ribbon.
(24) There was a boat tied up at the jetty.
(25) All my money is tied up in property.
(26) The traffic was tied up by the accident.
(27) The gang tied up a security guard.
(28) The books were tied up in bundles of twenty.
(29) Martin and Jane got tied up in June.
(30) We tied up our ship at Shanghai.
(1) The freighter tied up at a small harbor.
(2) Her hair was tied up with a yellow ribbon.
(3) I'm sorry, she's tied up at the moment.
(4) I'm tied up at the moment.
(5) She tied up her things in a parcel.
(6) We tied up at the riverside.
(7) Her hair was tied up with a ribbon.
(8) He tied up the bag and took it outside.
(9) All their money was tied up in long-term investments.
(10) He's tied up with his new book. He's working hard, you know.
(11) Our company has tied up with another firm to support the project.
(12) The little money that was available was tied up in bureaucratic red tape.
(13) Sorry, I'm tied up.
(14) The gang tied up the security guard and put a gag in his mouth.
(15) Traffic was tied up for three hours because of the parade.
(16) Her money is tied up in securities and is not available to her at present.
(17) The boat was tied up alongside a crumbling limestone jetty.
(18) The package wasn't tied up securely and came apart while in the mail.
(31) The two firms tied up last week.
(32) The guards tied up and gagged the prisoners.
(33) I have tied up the bundle.
(34) He tied up the phone for an hour.
(35) The books were all tied up with tape.
(36) I was tied up, but managed to work free.
(37) Our capital is all tied up in property.
(38) The strike tied up the factory.
(39) We tied up alongside the quay.
(40) He tied up all the old newspapers.
(41) I'm tied up in a meeting until 3 pm.
(42) My money is tied up in a trust fund.
(43) The docker's strike tied up the port.
(44) The strike tied up production for a week.
(45) He's tied up in conference all day.
(46) I'm tied up in a meeting until 3.
(47) I've got a feeling that the death may be tied up with his visit in some way.
(48) Traffic was tied up for three hours because of the parade.
(49) They dismounted, tied up their horses and gave them the grain they had brought.
(50) I got myself tied up in knots when I tried to explain the legal system to them.
(51) At that time, our ship was tied up at this harbor.
(52) At the end of the film all the loose ends are neatly tied up.
(53) I can't see you tomorrow - I'll be tied up all day.
(54) The thieves left the night - watchman tied up and gagged.
(55) The thieves left her tied up with rope but she wriggled free.
(56) The kittens had been tied up in a sack and thrown in the river.
(57) The activity had us tied up for a whole week.
(58) She has tied up her cash in the stock market.
(59) The two companies are closely tied up with each other.
(60) I have about 20 year's magazines tied up in bundles.
(61) The author tied up all the loose ends of the story in the final chapter.
(62) I was tied up, but managed to work myself free.
(63) Mrs Moran is tied up in a meeting at the moment, but I'll ask her to call you later.
(64) Her money is tied up in securities and is not available to her at present.
(65) The shortage of teachers is tied up with the issue of pay.
(66) The accident tied up the traffic for a few hours.
(67) He tied up the printer all morning, printing out his reports.
(68) I'm afraid we can't meet till Wednesday - I'm tied up on Monday and Tuesday.
(69) We've nearly finished, but there are still a few loose ends to be tied up .
(70) I can't go to the cinema now. I'm a bit tied up.
(71) The boat was tied up alongside a crumbling limestone jetty.
(72) She has very few liquid assets as most of her wealth is tied up in stocks and shares.
(73) Her behaviour is tied up with her feelings of guilt.
(74) The package wasn't tied up securely and came apart while in the mail.
(75) Or paper bags tied up tight at the neck.
(76) That measure is now tied up in litigation.
(77) The Great Bane was tied up in the yard.
(78) The launch reached the shore and tied up to a floating pontoon connected by a gangway to the dock.
(79) Some of these are tied up with the conception of crime itself; and will be dealt with in the next section.
(80) Like a little girl or something, all tied up in knots.
(81) After all there were other strands to the case, loose ends which needed to be tied up.
(82) On completion day, the legal ends are tied up[ ], you collect the keys and move into your new home.
(83) The other auction bidders are all tied up with litigation against the Special Forces.
(84) Other horses wandered loose among the gum trees, while still others were muzzled and tied up.
(85) There they were tied up and pushed over a cliff in their burning car.
(86) The Rosses remained tied up over the weekend until discovered by their daily on Monday.
(87) He tied up with the red bandana and went into the big vein.
(88) It was almost twilight when they tied up at the Angle Inlet boatyard.
(89) A girl born with the umbilical cord twisted round her neck may feel that she always gets herself tied up in things.
(90) Love does not involve giving fancy parcels tied up with big red bows.
(91) The union had judged that if our raft was tied up inside the harbour the local fishing boats would have difficulty manoeuvring.
(92) I can't see you tomorrow, I'm tied up all day.
(93) Meanwhile, the men virtually tied up their third successive win in the series in Swansea.
(94) That is the private opportunity cost of the funds tied up in the project.
(95) Got up there and got tied up with one of them Mississippi gals and one year led to two led to five.
(96) Other guaranteed income bonds are paying an average of around 5 percent on £5,000 left tied up for a year.
(97) No more than 10 percent of total investment to be tied up in any one company. 2.
(98) Our mental images of ourselves are tied up in our body image.
(99) Traffic was tied up in most of downtown Washington until early afternoon.
(100) Clara tied up all the books again and put the bundle under the desk.
(101) It is a particularly daring stunt, involving being tied up and suspended in mid-air.
(102) The police were then called to the house and found two people tied up in a back bedroom.
(103) I'm sorry, he's tied up at the moment. Could you call back later?
(104) Christianity in Africa is tied up with its colonial past.
(105) An attacker can be quite literally tied up in an excruciatingly painful arm twist in seconds.
(106) The ponies were tied up in the shade to the branches of a row of gum trees which divided the two pitches.
(107) The others were tied up with sickness, special duties, leave and - a key problem - court attendance.
(108) Patient is strangled POLICE searched a hospital yesterday after an ex-patient was tied up and strangled with a scarf.
(109) For many, aspiration to higher things through promotion was tied up with the idea of a larger wage-packet.
(110) We tied up our beasts, sat on the rocks and ate.
(111) The first two soldiers had now crossed the room and dragged to the floor the men who were tied up.
(112) I got tied up a little longer than anticipated at my agency meeting this morning.
(113) My grandmother used to live in back of the highway and saw her tied up.
(114) She tied up her sticks and wrapped them in the silk again.
(115) We can tell Mr Goodwin to patrol the grounds in case he is dumped, tied up,[http:///tied up.html] or something like that.
(116) Her hair was tied up in a hair net and the hat was removed and placed to the right of her chest.
(117) This is also tied up with the new contract bidding system, about which you may have read in the press.
(118) Her platinum hair, with its dark roots, was tied up in dozens of tiny pigtails.
(119) Our identity is tied up with being some one who never achieves these goals.
(120) All that personal politics stuff had left them tied up in knots.
(121) He pulled on an old army tracksuit and finally tied up his gym shoes.
(122) I can already hear the objections from those clubs who have a few players tied up with the Championship.
(123) They found Googol tied up securely in the Emerald Suite with a leather hood over his head.
(124) Its fixed-interest bond pays 11.50 percent net provided the money is tied up for at least 12 months.. Key move on cards.
(125) The boat was there, tied up and rocking gently to the swirl of the dark water inshore.
(126) Most of this is tied up in grants, salaries and existing programmes, some of them five years long.
(127) Singh had earned his prize with the shot that tied up this championship.
(128) The Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow are destroyed, and the Lion is tied up in your yard.
(129) Mrs Bennett had been tied up and left in the back of the van.
(130) Let us get down to tackling practical matters such as getting those trade negotiations tied up.
(131) She keeps all his old letters, tied up in bundles.
(132) But Berisha, tied up in an election year and basking in Western political support, ignored the warnings.
(133) Colleges and universities are inextricably tied up in the nexus of education and employment.
(134) No point in fixing dates when television's cameras are tied up elsewhere.
(135) When you have a bad spell, the natural temptation is probably to become tied up in excuses.
(136) Newspapers are tied up in bundles, or put into plastic bags.
(137) There they found two boats tied up alongside the wharf, waiting to unload their cargo of dolphin corpses.
(138) But waste in government does not come tied up in neat packages.
(139) That it's unnatural for people to be tied up together in families for years and years.
(140) Their clients go to them to be tied up, whipped or put in a cage.
(141) Apart from that, everyone else is tied up with this extraordinary business at the Savoy.
(142) She seemed harassed and shop-worn,[/tied up.html] her greying hair tied up in a bun with a twisted elastic band.
(143) The trouble is, he's going to be tied up with all this now.
(144) Our very limited resources are all tied up in getting on with the work.
(145) Over at Newport News, the Union tugboat Zouave had completed her morning duties and was tied up at the wharf.
(146) Teams that have substantial capital tied up in computers or telecommunications networks may monitor computer usage or net-work usage.
(147) They tied up to a buoy near some railroad docks.
(148) They successfully tied up the upper house in endless debate.
(149) They dashed and darted about, playing their street games or kicking a ball made of rolled rags tied up.
(150) This project tied up a great deal of manpower.
(151) Back in Chicago, Wyatt interrogates a tied up Bennett.
(152) Bex: Looks like you're still tied up.
(153) The horse is tied up to the manger.
(154) We have a lot tied up in accounts receivable.
(155) Testicles tied up in twine.
(156) Tied up with ropes, magician Harry Houdini is lowered into a glass tank filled with water.
(157) One Sunday our church in Tacloban was greeted by a welcoming committee of three turkeys and a pig, tied up just outside the entrance.
(158) A man certainly cannot see much of the world if he is tied up in a bag, and this was really the shilling's fate.
(159) All my available funds are completely tied up in ready cash.
(160) " Tied up at the office , " he said genially. " There were some accounts I had to straighten. "
(161) He was shot with thirty nails, tied up with electrical wires and extension cords, rolled in an area rug, and bundled up. Toss him into an icy river, and we may as well call him Rasputin.
(162) Capital funds will be tied up for a long time.
(163) Therefore, the sharp increase in research costs and low efficiency of funds tied up in the formation of, loss of market opportunities, cost is also increasing.
(164) Cow ecology a 6 - square - meter area of support stable, and can not be tied up support.
(165) The boy was tied up inside in a knot of apprehension.
(166) The picture shows a wild binturong or bearcat tied up and kept at a pagoda in Kandal Province, Vietnam.
(167) They had a large canvas bag, which tied up at the mouth with strings: into this they slipped the guinea-pig, head first, and then sat upon it.
(168) Ships loaded with food and fuel are tied up at the dock.
(169) Then there's brown paper, which looks stunning tied up with ribbon (recycled from an old present or bouquet of flowers preferably) or raffia.
(170) In the real world, the pacifying agent does not move freely; instead, it becomes tied up in the concrete and is not likely to reach the rebar .
(171) That is because WPAR resource control has tied up the WPAR's processes to logical CPU 1.
(172) In Internet time communication freedom is tied up with right of privacy, right of free expression, right of information, right of property, national security, public power and public interests.
(173) By utilizing the irreversibility of the rotation of the ratchet, the cargo can be tied up.
(174) The morning came, without any warning, when my sisters surrounded me, wrapped me in the scarves, tied up my bootlace, thrust a cap on my head, and stuffed abaked potato in my pocket.
(175) I can't help you any more. Every shilling of my money is tied up.
(176) All the loans would be tied up for between five and ten years in the courts.
(177) A. An investment in the money market fund has tied up the money until the end of the term of the investment.
(178) A lot of flowage is tied up for a long time, and a series of problems such as occupying terra population resource using appear.
(179) In the post-war era, as an important event of Western bloc, the West German Rearmament issue tied up with the West European Defense Integration.
(180) Merchant ships lie at anchor in front of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, Sept. 16, 1946. The ships tied up because of waterfront strikes.
(181) The meager profit in the factory has vanished into thin air, due to long funds tied up.
(182) At Gordium in the kingdom of Phrygia an ox cart was tied up with a knot so cunningly contrived that no ends were visible.
(183) I'm afraid I 'll be tied up tomorrow at ten.
(184) Conway's campaign ran an ad rehashing a long-ago charge that Mr. Paul, in his college days, had tied up a woman and forced her to worship an idol known as Aqua Buddha.
(185) Matthew Shepard is found tied up to a fence, brutally beaten and unconscious.
(186) The president is tied up just now, but could see you later.
(187) Still the loose ends of the war need to be tied up.
(188) In 2010, SIDA will cut support for their projects from an estimated US$21 million to US$11 million, of which US$5.6 million is already tied up in existing projects.
(189) By implementing the control of materials from purchased parts through work in progress to finished goods, manufacturers can reduce the amount of money tied up in materials.




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