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单词 Exposition
1. John gave a very exposition of the facts.
2. It purports to be an exposition of Catholic social teaching.
3. His pictures were shown at the Paris exposition of 1878.
4. The fullest exposition of Coleridge's thought can be found in the States-man's Manual.
5. The theology of the Exposition was anything but subtle.
6. For ease of exposition[sentence dictionary], let us suppose n 4.
7. Valerian, Tiburtius and Maximum in separate reliquaries for exposition.
8. Here was clear exposition of the biology involved.
9. A detailed exposition and defence would require considerably more ingenuity and effort.
10. For the sake of exposition the duty will be analysed here in four parts.
11. The book was reissued in 1890 with an exposition of his celebrated method and observations on the Doria collection.
12. Much of the book was devoted to exposition of the Lutheran doctrine of justification by faith.
13. Need it be emphasized that this exposition claims to be no more than schematic?
14. When the Exposition closed Chicago was already in the grip of a serious economic downturn.
15. Here particular qualities of soil and exposition impart a fabulous, spicy, flowery bouquet to the wines, especially the Rieslings.
16. For a start, no prime minister's exposition of Cabinet government is consistent.
17. But after the hoopla, the exposition slumped, admissions at first numbering only fifteen or twenty thousand per day.
18. It seems almost needless to say nowadays that exposition repeats are faithfully observed.
19. But he was 175 disappointed with the exposition and wrote to Holtz that it was poorly organized, boring and provincial.
20. The publishers claim that the book constitutes 'the first sequential exposition of events and thus of the history of the revolution'.
21. The full implications of this will become clearer as the exposition proceeds.
22. Masur does incidentally, even in this live performance, observe the exposition repeat in the first movement.
23. To what extent, therefore, should be continue to seek coherence of theme or form within the exhibition mode of exposition?
24. An art critic also needs a gift for persuasion, perhaps rather more than a head for exposition and argument.
25. And by 1895, the city was ready to strut its stuff when it hosted the Cotton States International Exposition.
26. The judge commended not only his elegant and thorough analysis but also his lucid exposition of the work.
27. Instead he voiced the heartfelt hope that Congress would appropriate the money to keep the Exposition open for another year.
28. An unique feature of our Parish life is perpetual exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
29. He patented the telephone in February 1876 and exhibited his new invention at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia that same year.
30. Mr Prager has been appointed one of the commissioners to the Paris Exposition.
1. John gave a very exposition of the facts.
2. His pictures were shown at the Paris exposition of 1878.
31. In attempting its exposition I face the problem of a generation gap.
32. The change of attitude towards alternating current was certainly helped by the Westinghouse exhibit at the Columbian Exposition that year.
33. First, if the foregoing appears to ignore questions of democracy within the enterprise that is only because of the order of exposition.
34. The exposition was a hit and so were the elaborate plaster ornamentation, wrought-iron grills and tile roofs.
35. Some additional topics, a degree of reorganisation and a tighter mode of exposition enhance the value of this excellent book.
36. Viewers are excused the demanding task of following the logic of a Horizon exposition; the important thing is to marvel.
37. The draft rules make explicit the clear exposition of the criteria against which cases are assessed.
38. Meanwhile, all available characters have been called upon to repeat bits of exposition over and over.
39. a clear and detailed exposition of their legal position.
40. He had great powers of lucid exposition.
41. They are going to hold an international exposition.
42. His main concern was with clear dialectical exposition.
43. De Wiest criticized Jacob's derivation and exposition.
44. Hannover Exposition 2000: " Mankind, nature, technology "
45. It is beyond peradventure that the 2010 World Exposition will bring Shanghai many good opportunities, which will stimulate Shanghai's economy to greater development.
46. This paper has made exposition to the design process of the motor drive electric control circuit and the fluid drive PLC control system in the machine processing control system based on PLC.
47. An exposition is made of the "predicted"number of fillers and the way to select the main element.
48. The Julia, Erato, and upper Poydras wharves were developed as the site of the 1984 Louisiana World Exposition.
49. A car exposition is being held in the public square behind the Church.
50. The transsphincteric approach possesses the advantage of a direct operative field and a good exposition.
51. "Borrowing Shadows and Representing Afresh" Video Channel Exposition" is a theme exposition in co-coordinating with the Opening Ceremony of the Second China International Gallery Exposition.
52. This "Xi'an International Horticulture Best Wishes Commemorative Silver Bar (50g)" is manufactured under the authorization of the Organizing Committee of Xi'an International Horticultural Exposition.
53. Sarah Bernhardt, who had played Hamlet a number of times in her long career, filmed the duel scene for the Paris Exposition of 1900.
54. As noted above, it may also contain policy details used by the ESB Gateway to enable centralized configuration of policies concerning the service exposition.
55. William McKinley had gone to Buffalo to speak at the Pan American Exposition on September 6, 1901.
56. Choose finance the net present value method, based on net cash flows in accordance with the various sources of the project, identified as risk variables, and a detailed exposition and analysis.
57. The exposition will unfurl 2008 Olympic Landscape Sculpture Designs Contest Selected Artworks Exhibition.
58. It was invented at the world's fair there, the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, supposedly when a vendor of ice cream ran out of cups and had edible ones made by a pastry shop next door.
59. His message was a hackneyed and grasping exposition of those fears.
60. World Horticulture Exposition garden: hosted the International Horticultural Exposition in 2006.
61. After that it was non - stop , to the site of the International Horticultural Exposition of 1999!
62. Of Geomancy (19 pages) The classic and definitive exposition of this divinatory art, covering both its practice and interpretation.
63. He received the first Grand Prix de Rome for medals in 1887 and a bronze medal at the Exposition Universelle 1889.
64. On the international valve exposition that kicked off yesterday nevertheless, exhibited a butterfly form valve that exceeds a sousaphone ,[] we go seeing it after all have how old.
65. During this decade the Louisiana Purchase Exposition opened in St. Louis and people flocked to see it.
66. Publicizing such exposition on all media and organizing customers for sales talk, exchange and visit.
67. Applicable for:hotel, bar, fast food restaurant, chain store, studio for wedding photo, interior decoration, corporate sign, exposition of gift, show of shopwindow, exhibition, etc.
68. With page after page of painful exposition, Newcomb attempts to translate his pornographic fantasies into credible plot devices.
69. He gave a more lucid exposition of the party's strategy than Bush has managed in months of obfuscation.
70. In 1901 Lincoln was in Buffalo at the Pan-American Exposition, where 25th President William McKinley was assassinated.
71. Celia: Darn, I was kinda hoping for a mistrial, not a bunch of background exposition...
72. This "Xi'an International Horticulture Expo Fortune Commemorative Silver Bar (80g)" is manufactured under the authorization of the Organizing Committee of Xi'an International Horticultural Exposition.
73. Below you see a small exposition of Tesla Coil spark pictures.
74. Build up systematic exposition to J2EE system at first, then analyzed the method that J2EE enterprise layer develops and target-oriented modeling technology.
75. This is a clear exposition of the theory of evolution.
76. This paper make a guidance exposition for the concrete operation sequence for changing mining license.
77. Thirty percent of planners also cited that they would be looking for event planning software suppliers at this year's exposition.
78. Secondly, makes a systematic exposition to fundamental connotation and inherent logic of culture, the constitutive integrant of culture, cultural difficulty and globalization.
79. Grassmann's exposition was almost inextricably bound up with geometrical ideas.
80. The preacher should still do an exegetical study of the passages before preaching, and include an exposition of the texts in his sermon.
81. A brief exposition is given in this subsection and the next.
82. In the subway system-oriented design principles combined with a chapter on the theoretical support of the existing functionality for a more comprehensive exposition.
83. Marxian critique of traditional metaphysics roots in the exposition of the earthborn basis of metaphysics.
84. Exposition by Marxist authors of classics on urban community economy hay laid a theoretic foundation for the development of Chinese urban community economy.
85. In the statistics circles, there are a few uncertain points in the exposition on the concept of average norm, mathematical statistics as well as its applied analysis.
86. A systematic exposition of the durability of concrete is made, i. e. carbonizationizatio n, corrosion of reinforcing bar, freeze-thaw and alkali-aggregate reaction.
87. And Soren Kierkegaard , Nietzsche's description compared to Wang Guowei's exposition is a typical Chinese style is poetic cohesion, is absorbed in the spirit.
88. Through a comprehensive exposition of connectionism, this paper systematically shows the advantages and disadvantages of connectionism in the explanation of second language acquisition.
89. The technical program will be finalised and distributed to the membership at the 2003 Annual Meeting and Exposition.
90. In the exposition of fearnaught technology, the relaxation of fiber, fiber-mixed and the choice of auxiliary reagent is elaborated.
91. This paper presents a general and comparative exposition of insider trading.
92. China's major telecom firms, including China Mobile, China Union, Zhongxing Telecommunication Equipment, Huawei and Datang Telecom, will show their updated technologies at the 5-day exposition.
93. His speech was an exposition of the genesis of the conflict.
94. It's beyond peradventure that the 2010 World Exposition will bring Shanghai lots of opportunities,[http:///exposition.html] stimulating Shanghai 's economy to greater development.
95. Aristotle was valued because of his clear exposition of rational thought.
96. In this paper, the influence of SO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants on the World Exposition Area is analyzed by the Gaussian model. The results are ...
97. This "Xi'an International Horticulture Expo Fortune Commemorative Silver Bar (50g)" is manufactured under the authorization of the Organizing Committee of Xi'an International Horticultural Exposition.
98. Kantian used fully the Aristotelian logic within the metaphysics to demonstrate his views; at the same time, the demonstration and exposition supply condition to Hegelian new theory in form.
99. They invited the world to participate in at international exposition.
100. This book offers a graduate - level exposition of selected topics in modern approximation theory.
101. In " 2006 Guangzhou collect exposition " exhibiting cultural relic curiosa , collect lover to be able to be admired not only, have opportunity general more in its income bursa.
102. Outside the full exposition the semicircular canals outline and the anvil nest, maintains the osseous external auditory meatus behind completeness.
103. Thirdly, according to analysis and exposition as above, the thesis puts forward relating coordinate scheme and suggestion from macro aspects and micro aspects.
104. I have never listened to a more illuminating exposition of the subject.
105. A simple method is introduced to prove the third law of thermodynamics and the statistical exposition has been given for it.
106. This thesis makes an exposition of the mathematics logicism thought of Russell (), the great mathematician and logician in phytogeny of logic.
107. His Studies in the Sermon on the Mount impacted pastors who had never read anything like this kind of exposition.
108. A short exposition of this problem can be found in references.
109. The tonic-dominant tonal area in the exposition of sonata form shows an influence of ritornelle.
110. View of the Evening Star - Court of Honor at Golden Gate International Exposition, 1939.
111. After much experimentation, the first telephone was exhibited at the Centennial Exposition of 1876 in Philadelphia.
112. He should begin by incorporating information from his exegetical study of the sermon text into the exposition portions of the sermon.
113. Rabies'vaccine prevention, before may divide into the exposition, the prevention and the post - exposure prophylaxis.
114. This exposition gives an account of the outline of doctrine from which our summary statement and articles are drawn.
115. In about 15 minutes, the 41st World Exposition will open in Shanghai.
116. Her grandson is so attentive to exposition , that Rosa is shyer than ever - and prettier.
117. His second term came to a tragic end in September 1901 when he as shot by an anarchist while standing in a receiving line at the Buffalo Pan-American Exposition.
118. In the epilogue we reviewed the development process of the East African Community and the future development of a summary exposition.
119. The paper makes detailed exposition on the assessment processes and institutions, procedures, methods and standards of the scenic byway assessment system of the United States.
120. Taylor's exposition based on what we would call finite differences.




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