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单词 Fish for
1 The sea has fish for every man. 
2 Be careful of what you fish for.
3 We'll have fish for dinner.
4 If you don't want fish for dinner, then you'll just have to go without!
5 He saved all the fish for his children and never tasted any himself.
6 Steam the fish for 10 minutes.
7 Grill the fish for five minutes on each side.
8 I will fish for an idea.
9 You can fish for trout in this stream.
10 They'd gone out to fish for mackerel.
11 We're having fish for dinner tonight.
12 She is steaming fish for supper.
13 I'll keep the fish for supper.
14 We had fish for the main course.
15 I often fish for hours without catching anything.
16 We had fish for dinner.
17 Ask the fishmonger to bone the fish for you.
18 Fish for the restaurant is sourced daily from British ports.
19 I've got us a nice bit of fish for dinner.
20 We had fish for the first course, followed by roast fowl and fresh vegetables.
21 We're having fish for supper.
22 Eat fish for a good cause.
23 The only drawback is the expense if you fish for long sessions and take enough meat to feed continuously.
24 I tussled with the fish for a bit, a strong and lively fellow, and persuaded it to the boat.
25 He used to fish for blue crab in the river and sell them for a nickel apiece.
26 Choosing fish for the aquarium should be a pleasurable experience but needs to be carefully considered.
27 He used to spear fish for grouper at the north end, then cook his catch for tourists.
28 They are ideal non-aggressive community fish for the most part adapting to wide range of water conditions.
29 The hostess suggested plaice, a less common fish for these areas, and not a particular favourite with my palate.
30 The stench and the bloody process we watched put me off tinned fish for many months.
1 We'll have fish for dinner.
2 If you don't want fish for dinner, then you'll just have to go without!
3 He saved all the fish for his children and never tasted any himself.
4 She is steaming fish for supper.
31 When it came to confrontation, what possible match was a fish for a scorpion?
32 The little bit of fish for the landlady's cat was beginning to stink.
33 Who steamed fish for him and soft-boiled his eggs and stirred pudding rice into milk?
34 These companies fish for tuna using methods that do not harm dolphins.
35 However, on the odd occasion that I purchase fish elsewhere, I do quarantine the fish for two weeks.
35 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
36 I watched the fish for several weeks before the unfortunate incident of the Great Grand Union Drought disaster.
37 Kids always get to shoot air guns, draw bows and fire arrows, and catch fish for free.
38 The swordfish, like the sailfish, will follow a school of fish for a considerable distance before it decides to attack.
39 Those who fish for lobster dive longer and deeper, just to make money to buy more cocaine.
40 You don't have to fish for it in your pocket as you see trouble coming.
41 I did catch the occasional pike, and to this day there is no fish for which I have such respect.
42 People mainly fish for trout and salmon but other fish have been known to attract to the artificial flies.
43 Decomposing waste and disease-carrying bacteria compete with the fish for oxygen, limiting the number of fish that can be bred.
44 Local fishermen blame the panes for hoovering up young fish for fish meal.
45 We had not eaten fresh fish for a couple of days, and the three yellowfins would make a splendid meal.
46 Check fish for obvious signs of bacterial disease before you buy them.
47 There is also a golf course five miles away, and if you have your own tackle you can fish for trout.
48 You can also fish for wild brown trout on one of the three hill lochs on the estate.
49 No procurement agency may fish for unlawful interests by offering bribes to the purchaser or by any other unfair means.
50 Pond fish culture yielded 2550 tonnes, or 6 per cent, of freshwater fish for local consumption.
51 Many Filipinos and Malays who traditionally fish for a living have erected hundreds of these homes in the Celebes Sea.
52 You can substitute fish for beef if you don't like red meat.
53 Then we calculated the potential average weight of the adult fish for all species through weighted mean method by the percentage of every species in the total individual and their mean weight.
54 An English fishman wishes to get a foolish fish for a cold dish.
55 One afternoon last summer, Mr Kint went to a fishmonger to buy some fish for supper.
56 Two ways to keep fish for future use are canning and freezing.
57 Canning and freezing are not the only ways to keep fish for future use.
58 Early in the morning on the final day of the ceremony, my group went to the ocean at Dulan Bay to skin dive , spearing fish for the morning's feast.
59 I try to run the fish out by Saturday night if possible and maybe desalinate some salted fish for Sunday if we have it to hand.
60 Least terns are likely to come in direct contact with the slick, because they fish for food along the beach, said Lee Schoen, curator of birds at the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans.
61 Northern Snakehead is one of the economic fish for fishery wetlands in bongnen Plain.
62 There's tuna fish for sandwiches and you'll find coleslaw in the fridge.
63 Lao Wan is a culturist in Daxing District, Beijing. His family of 8 people raises fancy fish for living.
64 Penguins and seals breed on the icy shores and fish for krill in the cool water.
65 In that time Turner hopes to catch thousands of the slippery fish for his smokehouse business in the New York Catskills.
66 When I watched a tiny zebra fish for over three hours through a confocal microscope, waiting for it to feed on paramecium, the patience needed for research became apparent.
67 The following account is from "Mourt's Relation, " mostly written by a Plymouth resident(Sentence dictionary), Edward Winslow: "Squanto went at noon to fish for eels.
68 In this lies, people unscrupulously drink, act boorishly to perhaps fish for fame.
69 Regarding house as the highest aim of life is like that the sauce is better than the fish for human existence in itself.
70 We will also cold smoke or hot smoke your fish for you for $ 4 a pound.
71 Forty-three years after Jane Goodall first set foot in the forests of Africa, Fifi is a mom again, Frodo is the alpha male, and Gremlin is teaching her twins to fish for termites.
72 In Semporna, many Filipinos and Malayu who traditionally fish for a living have erected hundreds of these homes in the Celebes Sea.
73 Oriental sheatfish is one of economic fish for saline - alkali fishery wetlands in Songnen Plain.
74 When preparing your fish for the taxidermist, try not to handle the fish anymore than you have to.
75 Company Norway Pelagic is the No. 1 in pelagic fish for human consumption. We handle more than 550000 mt tons of herring, capelin, mackerel, silver smelt, horse mackerel and blue whiting.
76 Diamondback rattlesnake can inject a tracer to track its dying prey and baby snakes fish for trout with their tongues!




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