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单词 Rings
1 Fatigue brought on dark rings under her eyes.
2 The game involved throwing metal rings over a stick.
3 Scientists may have solved the riddle of Saturn's rings.
4 If the phone rings, don't answer it.
5 The forest can be dated by studying tree rings.
6 In graphite sheets, carbon atoms bond together in rings.
7 Gold rings adorned his fingers.
8 Astronomers used to ask why only Saturn has rings.
9 Most domestic hobs have four gas or electric rings.
10 I taught myself to blow smoke rings.
11 The phone rings for the thousandth time.
12 She wears a pair of pretty ear rings.
13 Young girls were ensnared in prostitution rings.
14 They melted down the gold rings and bracelets.
15 His name rings a bell; perhaps we've met somewhere.
16 I'm sure you can run rings round him.
17 Rings like these are ten a penny.
18 He had dark rings around his eyes.
19 The herdsman rings his cattle every morning.
20 Will you answer the telephone if it rings?
21 She had large rings on both hands.
22 Gone are the support suspenders and gaudy steel rings that strangled the tower for much of the last decade.
23 Our girls' hockey team have run rings round all their opponents this year.
24 It may seem a strange story but it rings true to me.
25 If the phone rings say you'll call back after dinner.
26 All the students run out of the classrooms as soon as the bell rings.
27 You haven't slept well, have you? Your eyes are haloed with black rings.
28 She is ready to pounce at the phone when it rings because she is worried about her husband's where about.
29 The description of one of the lads is definitely familiar. It rings a bell.
30 I used to beat my son at chess but now he runs rings around me.
1 Fatigue brought on dark rings under her eyes.
2 The game involved throwing metal rings over a stick.
3 Scientists may have solved the riddle of Saturn's rings.
4 All the students run out of the classrooms as soon as the bell rings.
5 You haven't slept well, have you? Your eyes are haloed with black rings.
6 Almost as a reflex action, I grab my pen as the phone rings.
31 He gave a couple of loud rings on the doorbell.
32 The voice of the singer still rings in my ears.
33 His name rings a bell but I can't think where we met.
34 After at least eight rings, an ancient-sounding maid answered the phone.
35 Her name rings a bell but I can't remember her face.
36 Some musicians don't like to wear rings when they're playing.
37 At intervals a bell rings and workers stop for a drink.
38 If anyone rings for me,(http:///rings.html) please tell them I'll be back in the office at 4 o'clock.
39 The rings that were stolen were of great sentimental value .
40 The children are not allowed in until the school bell rings, whatever the weather.
41 Almost as a reflex action, I grab my pen as the phone rings.
42 Mentally, he can still run rings round men half his age!
43 I can't remember her name but her face rings a bell.
44 He handed round a plate of tiny sandwiches, daintily arranged in rings.
45 The spacecraft will fly through the innermost rings of Saturn.
46 The thief was caught on video as he pocketed watches and rings.
47 As an artist, she can run rings around her brother.
48 Nobody rings up a doctor in the middle of the night for no reason.
49 The street plan of the city has evolved as a series of concentric rings.
50 She had dark rings around her eyes from lack of sleep.
51 There were only two rings of rope spooled on the drum.
52 The precious gold rings and necklets were encased in box to preserve them.
53 You don't have to go running upstairs every time she rings.
54 His cellular telephone rings in the Bull's car.
55 Season with salt and serve with onion rings.
56 The golden, oversized onion rings are beauties.
57 Slice onions / 4-inch thick and separate into rings.
58 A lavish fete rings in the historic day.
59 At five past nine the bell rings for registration.
60 The earlier the phone rings, the worse the news.
61 They gave her dolls, rings, shawls, baskets and necklaces.
62 These rings are ten a penny.
63 Case B: The phone rings at dinner time.
64 On her fingers are three rings bearing large stones.
65 Tom slipped off his rings and pocketed them.
65 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
66 Her rings dug painfully into my fingers.
67 How did these rings fit into a spherical universe?
68 He sat in a corner blowing smoke rings.
69 If Jamie rings, tell him I'll call him back.
70 He blew smoke rings across the table.
71 Total silence between the ticks and the rings.
72 They make great onion rings there.
73 Kersey blew smoke rings and watched them with approval.
74 The Lord of the Rings has become a classic.
75 For barreling into homeroom just as the bell rings.
76 Hang from bar, hang from rings. Do somersault.
77 Garnish with chicory leaves cut into rings.
78 But the name Woodall rings a bell.
79 Saturn is the planet with rings around it.
80 Wedding rings symbolize a couple's commitment to each other.
81 There is no false modesty here, no subtle, indirect swaggering; the author's honesty rings true.
82 Under these conditions, however, ethylene forms short chains or rings, rather than the long chains of the solid polymer.
83 Is he the kind of man to lend you the rings for luck for a short time?
84 You will not be allowed to wear a sweatband or jewellery such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets or rings.
85 Consider these two situations: Case A: The phone rings at dinner time.
86 He Rings the lighted pipe into the sea, and continues pacing the planks.
87 Fisher found a superb clip of Bernard running rings round pious Esther Rantzen in 1977.
88 Interestingly, the use of key rings is confined solely to the Roman period.
89 The sentimental value of her lockets, chains, rings, heirlooms was not appreciated by the insurance company.
90 Mah Rana will design your wedding or engagement rings especially for you from around £95.
91 The tokens are swapped for Guinness T shirts, key rings, vouchers and customised prizes.
92 Floats should be inspected for good finish, secure rings and concentric shape.
93 The bell rings and as I approach the front door I can see Mrs Marsh through the frosted glass.
94 I took off my rings and jewellery and put them in my handbag then lowered myself over the cliff edge.
95 Newman lit a cigarette, blew smoke rings, watched them float up, collapse against a heavy wooden beam.
96 It seldom rings here, but sometimes the circulating nurse has to answer it and relay a quick question.
97 Spaced evenly from the bottom up, concentric rings of black crow feathers rise to the top of the cairn.
98 Rings of tetrahedra are formed by bonding of two oxygens of each tetrahedron to adjacent tetrahedra in closed rings.
99 Workers frequently discover untended fires built on uncleared ground without protective rock rings.
100 The analogy with a mechanical process no longer rings true and it is unlikely that this case will be followed.
101 Rings are attached along these tapes to form horizontal rows of rings.
102 As it is drawn up, swags appear between the rows of rings, forming a scalloped hemline.
103 They grabbed trays of rings and brooches before escaping in a stolen car.
104 The water forms the shape of the five Olympic rings in the air.
105 Each time the Congress met, which was roughly every six months, Boris Yeltsin ran rings around it.
106 We watched in amazement as the magician made all the rings disappear.
107 The hostage's wrists had red rings on them where the ropes had been pulled tight.
108 The name rings a bell, but I can't place it at the moment.
109 If your phone rings at 2.15 a.m. you'd better hope that too.
110 The attendants were a uniform dun and grey, steel rings of keys at their waists.
111 They are best used raw or cooked only briefly, and they make great onion rings.
112 Horizontal sections of enormous redwoods were frequently displayed with single rings identified on the polished surface.
113 The phone at home rings one night with a collect call from Texas.
114 Charles's animated eyes widen to reveal familiar dramatic rings of white around the blue as we exchange a silent look.
115 The flat, oblong tin was full of chunky rings, as dull as lead but interestingly shaped and bevelled.
116 Many of the larger craters in both the highlands and mare basins display clusters or rings of steep mountains at their centers.
117 Concussion rings sprang away from the muzzles in the high humidity.
118 When he phones you naturally listen sympathetically, offer advice and ask pertinent questions until, grateful, he rings off.
119 Next time the phone rings or there is a knock on the door, just pause for a moment instead of reacting immediately.
120 She does her work over the telephone, which rings constantly.
121 These are usually made up of a central pit or cup, surrounded by one ring or concentric rings or spiral turns.
122 Woolworth's engagement rings, each a lump of glass as big as the Ritz.
123 If you buy your engagement ring from them you will get a 10 percent discount on your wedding ring or rings.
124 It was customary to wear heavy iron or brass rings around their fingers, these being made by the mine smiths.
125 Rings and gems adorned the fingers of both her hands.
126 Most days, Debon accompanies her and is waiting outside the gate when the final bell rings.
127 Finally, the bell rings and kids burst joyfully out the door.
128 The local stone was made into key rings and other tourist kitsch.
129 No polish on her nails, no rings on her fingers.
130 And hands off ... workers anger at factory ban on rings.
131 If the rings do not align symmetrically, look for a mark on either bridle.
132 These in turn merge gradually into dark circles and bright outer rings with no evidence of impact cratering.
133 She still looked attractive, even with black rings round her eyes, he decided.
134 The phone rings, though, so it looks as if somebody pays the phone bills.
135 When they are successful a bell rings and a mechanical buddha lights up and makes a creaky obeisance.
136 Like the rings on a tree that mark the years, some measures remain, resulting in a gradual buildup of security.
137 The suffocation of social pressure, the idea of self-worth as defined by men, it all rings true.
138 His fondness for rings had already earned him the nickname Ringo.
139 Before him was a bowl of clear liquid, in which lay a complicated puzzle of interlocking rings.
140 Having to prepare our food on a couple of electric rings was a challenge I enjoyed.
141 Extending the ban to wedding rings, in the interests of safety, say the company, has upset some workers.
142 Nestled nearby each platform were rings filled with small stones.
143 She ran rings round him, but he loved her all the same.
144 The items range from huge Roman mosaic floors to delicate Anglo-Saxon gold rings and glass work.
145 The steel piston is fitted with brass piston rings which, says Hytek, makes for longer life.
146 The muffled bellows were the only sounds he could make as his face was pushed closer and closer to the glowing rings.
147 But only the sandwich rings my bell.-Walt Whitebread Mashed potatoes, chicken soup, macaroni and cheese.
148 The phone rings at work one afternoon, and a man asks how I spell my name, so I spell it.
149 Dendrochronologists measure and plot these rings and produce a diagram indicating the thickness of successive rings in an individual tree.
150 Enroute to the Blood Kit, the chip shop even sold pineapple rings.
151 For sheer cleverness she could run rings around them all.
152 Suddenly the phone rings: a suspect car bomb in the city centre.
153 Necklaces, pendants, bracelets, rings; silver and turquoise glittered in the white light.
154 The other is a piece of reef shaped like a fungal bracket of concentric rings, or perhaps like a footprint cast.
155 It may be difficult to age wild animals, but not so temperate trees,(Sentence dictionary) because annually they produce growth rings.
156 She was making deep eye contact with me and a couple of her rings were digging into my fingers rather painfully.
157 He comes out, shuffles some papers, and starts to his seat at the counter when the phone rings.
158 If the phone rings you know your dialer and modem are talking to each other properly.
159 The place looked like a sort of jail With bars and bolts and horrid things Like manacles and iron rings.
160 There were dark rings under her eyes and her skin was paler than usual.
161 The dealers wear silver and gold medallions, rings, earrings, fashionable shorts and trainers.
162 As he blew smoke rings, his eyes grew more thoughtful, worried, filmed over with sadness.
163 Here two plain banded rings have been attached at right angles to the bit of a key.
164 On special occasions, she might add her best pieces of jewellery - rings set with gems and bracelets.
165 Oh, for a breather every few minutes, when the bell rings.
166 One theory suggests that personality can be viewed as a series of concentric rings.
167 Chatsworth-based Ora won for its VibraRing line of rechargeable cellular phone batteries that can replace jarring rings with vibrations.
168 In Shakespeare's day, didn't he tell about people wearing skull rings and brooches to remind them of death.
169 We eat, work and play with our hands and status can be determined by the rings we wear on them.
170 He had all these rings and bracelets made out of gaskets or whatever.
171 Once formed, rings soon cease to exchange with the biosphere.
172 Serve garnished with the retained onion rings and the drained lemon rind.
173 She had lots of rings, on both hands, and she always wore overalls.
174 High boots were the in-thing - sleek and shiny with chunky zips fastened with huge decorative rings or tabs.
175 The largest craters show, in addition to their rim walls and central peak structures, outer concentric rings of mountains.
176 Both players have spent the week in the Valley, working a couple of the central rings in the media circus.
177 By day, silver laughter rings through the forest as the Elves make sport.
178 The immense system of rings now spanned the sky, and already the ship was passing over its outermost edge.
179 The signet rings were probably the prerogative of the rich, as they were often made of gold or silver.
180 He looked round; at the large woman with the flashy rings, the bald man, the other bidders.
181 As Discovery curved still closer toward Saturn, the Sun slowly descended toward the multiple arches of the rings.
182 It has olive-green skin with black spots or rings and lives near water or rivers.
183 Drug rings operate in most large cities of the world.
184 His heavy gold rings and his bomber jacket and his wide-foot stance had added up to a man of experience in my eyes.
185 Form a ball with remaining dough,(http:///rings.html) roll it out and continue forming circles and rings until all dough is used.
186 But its claim to have performed better than the Communist party did in 1950 rings hollow.
187 The tiny tracheae, which are strengthened with rings in their walls, do not flatten but shorten and expand like concertinas.
188 It is built of large blocks of travertine stone and the arch has two concentric rings of radiating voussoirs.
189 The copious benzene rings and potential carboxylic acid groups in coal suggest that these transformations might not be too difficult.
190 As we hadn't bought our wedding rings, we had to make do with cheap imitations from the hospital gift shop.
191 Above shone the stars and the rings; below lay a dimly visible sea of clouds.
192 The clean smell of pine tar rose in the air, and Sam began counting rings.
193 Cut the onion into rings and fry in a little oil.
194 Then the Sun sank below the rings, so that they framed it with their arches, and the celestial fireworks ceased.
195 Its grip consisted of brass knuckles, was a chain of rings through which Weary slipped his stubby fingers.
196 Miss Regina starts to answer, shakes her head defiantly, then bends her head to study her rings.
197 The natives are the ones manning the stalls selling papal T-shirts, key rings and statues.
198 Simply to imagine it is to defy credibility: A phone rings in a boarding house in Mobile, Alabama.
199 The novelty was in the clean and smiling way he said them, blowing out gray smoke rings at the same time.
200 Laying his cloak on the ground, he threw on it gold rings and pearls and precious stones.
201 Matthew had been very quiet all Christmas Day, and he had dark rings under his eyes.
202 If the Dole jibe rings true now, Dole himself must share the blame.
203 The phone rings and you have to pick it up by the fourth ring or it rolls over to the message service.
204 These days they can cost hundreds rather than thousands of pounds, and drug rings are known to be using them.
205 The jurors who will decide which version rings more true could begin deliberating as early as next week.
206 From rings she went on to study and catalogue collections of cameos and other jewels from antiquity to the present.
207 Such craftsmen were considered more than mere artisans, and their products, especially set in seal rings, were highly esteemed.
208 Whenever the phone rings - about once every ten minutes - they bicker over who must answer it.
209 At last astronomers have solved the mystery of the rings encircling the planet Saturn.
210 You have to throw the wooden rings so that they land around the bottles.
211 Another example of an imported good with a widespread distribution is ivory, which normally occurs as rings.
212 The radio suddenly chatters into life; the phone rings ....
213 Connelly didn't know how long the rings of the electric cooker had been on but one of them was almost white-hot.
214 The following weekend, Clare sold all her jewellery except her engagement and wedding rings.
215 These were painted with white numbers and made simple bathing rings for the visitors.
216 Don't open the packet with your teeth and be careful not to snag the rubber with rings or finger-nails.
217 He folded his arms,(http:///rings.html) admiring the two glittering rings on his right hand.
218 Ash rings are characteristic of submarine eruptions, but they are by no means confined to marine environments.
219 The happy hour food menu includes hot wings, chicken quesadillas, onion rings and crab cakes, among others.
220 Rings of mist were forming as the temperature dropped around the peaks.
221 It contains five plain gold rings, interlinked to form a circle.
222 There was blood all over the floor and rings scattered around.
223 Regular visits will be made to capture a variety of birds for tagging with special identification rings.
224 He dialled and after a few rings a female voice answered.
225 Pictures of the gold, diamond rings and expensive watches the two accumulated were shown in public anti-corruption exhibitions.
226 She looked carefully at the picture, studying the rings on the index fingers of the two shadowy figures.
227 The Lords of the Rings will narrow the field to four, then pick one next year.
228 They were carpeted with a faded red and blue runner held in place with brass stair rods and rings.
229 He poured himself another inch of whiskey, the gold rings on his fingers tapping the glass, restless percussion.
230 The face may be pale and sickly with dark rings round the eyes and may be covered in cold sweat.
231 After all, when the phone rings at 2.15 in the morning it's unlikely to be heralding something pleasant.
232 The depression of 1884 was marked by a large increase in the number of wedding rings pawned.
233 Tie a length of cord to each of the lowest rings, placing the shortest length nearest the operational side.
234 It may pass muster as television commentary but on the page its studied neutrality rings false.
235 Traditional Aboriginal art is also found on items from scarves to dishes to boomerangs to key rings.
236 They stamp out graffiti, quash drug deals, bust carjacking rings, rescue drug overdose victims, even prevent suicides.
237 Michele secured the motor-boat to one of the mooring rings and handed her out.
238 The phone rings and he retires to the office to attend to it.
239 Let batter stand for 1 hour before using. Slice onions / 4-inch thick and separate into rings.
240 When he sees the ride begin to fill with customers, Brown rings a warning bell.
241 Lichens, unlike trees, have no rings or other manifestations of annual growth.
242 Also in the line of the rings was the bright star of Titan, and the fainter sparks of the other moons.
243 He was a Gemini, complex and clever, a dual personality who could run rings round her with contemptuous ease.
244 It was full of jewelry rings, necklaces.
245 May I show you gold rings or platinum ones?
245 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
246 Hungary: The couple exchange betrothal rings.
247 The popular song rings far and near.
248 The two storage rings overlap closely.
249 Seat rings – made of solid Monel 400.
250 The rings resonate at more than one frequency each.
251 Some pistons have seating rings of metal or leather.
252 The compounded material is then injection molded into vaginal rings.
253 All pipes protective rings were partly dent on the edge.
254 Are products are: water polo foot O ring gasket seals sucker Washers silicone chip nail head gasket sets of plastic earplugs dust jacket sets of rings, such as sealing ring.
255 The theory of envelopes and covers takes an important part in theory of rings and modules, homological algebra, representation theory of algebras and so on.
256 Its rings were discovered by telescope from Earth, but space probes later found that spectacular rings surround some other planets.
257 In this note, a characterization of the graded nilpotent radical of general group graded rings was established.
258 I didn't envy her then, for I felt that millions of carnelian rings wouldn't have made me happy after that.
259 There are three rings, shaped spacers that keep the rings above the base with the clock face, and a hardwood dowel rod.
260 The ovarian structure is complex in most of the adults. 23% of specimens have some convolute rings of uterus before the ventral sucker.
261 The lady, he said, was high up in sociable and diplomatic rings and circles.
262 Top with the olive rings, tuna, feta and onion rings.
263 The oil is thrown upward as droplets or fine mist and provides adequate lubrication to valve mechanisms, piston pins, cylinder walls, and piston rings.
264 What happens to the rings next is up to the individual. Dungy , like Manning, said he would probably stow his away soon.
265 If the excitation current is too great, adopting DC machine excitation would require more collecting rings.
266 Griff's cloak was made from the hide and head of a red wolf of the Rhoyne. Under the pelt he wore brown leather stiffened with iron rings.
267 The transforms of disks and rings and the like will obviously be circularly symmetric.
268 Results provide the basis for steady production of piston rings and thin-wall castings with nodular iron.
269 Carbon sealing rings prepared by adding infiltrators , considered as the essential and damageable parts, are widely applied in medium speed coal mills in thermal power plants.
270 Accordingly, a whole series of concentric bright and dark rings will surround the central spot.
271 Ah Beng in a bar and his cellular phone rings.
272 The 2 A 14 aluminium alloy large forged rings need thermo mechanical treatment.
273 The Van Allen belts are two doughnut-shaped rings of charged particles—one nestled inside the other—that encircle our planet.
274 When the bell rings, more than 1,000 children spill from classrooms.
275 An instrument that measures the outer profile parameters of piston rings such as conical rings, tubbish rings by scanning is introduced.
275 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
276 Another prevention method was through elaborate locking rings which made meters non - removable, except with special keys.
277 Up to then she had guessed that everyone in my family held onto their drinks, so as not to make water rings on the end tables.
278 LABYRINTH WEAR RINGS - Minimize recirculation losses of cryogenic liquids.
279 Metal mark rings are respectively sheathed on the inner tube in the inner cavity of the elastic saccule and the upper and the lower ends of the elastic saccule.
280 Even if you don't believe that jewelry can be cursed, I've heard an old wives' tale that claims engagement rings are supposed to carry the energy of the marriage from whence they came.
281 In this paper we analyze the relation of some special domains and its monadic polynomial rings.
282 Slap - up and ultra transparency toys, adult things, cupula material, sport equipment and seal rings etc.
283 A pair of capacitative rings attached to the respective pole piece is used to detect movement of the coil.
284 The gaudy years carved the tree rings, abreaction time delineate entwine palmprint.
285 The 23 rd World Gymnastics Championships - Gold , rings - Three silver, pommel horse, floor exercise and team.
286 Bearing rings and washers cylindrical surface to the radial guide cage.
287 Mr. Pound rings through to say that John Edwards has been appointed Product Manager for CP 21.
288 We present trial wavefunctions in few - electron quantum rings to describe the spin - dependent rotating Wigner molecule states.
289 A telephone inside the execution chamber rings and the red light on faceplate blinks furiously.
290 "Cassini will be able to measure the mass of the rings to a few percent," added NASA planetary scientist Jeff Cuzzi, with the Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif.




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