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单词 In principle
1. Her idea is sound in principle.
2. In principle I agree with the idea, but in practice it's not always possible.
3. They have approved the changes in principle.
4. They are agreed in principle but not in detail.
5. They have accepted the idea in principle.
6. The government has agreed in principle to a referendum.
7. The Treasury was opposed in principle to the proposals.
8. They agree to the plan in principle.
9. Their ideas sound fine in principle but they haven't worked out the economics behind the policies.
10. I agree with you in principle, but we'll need to discuss the details.
11. In principle there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be able to do one day.
12. The financing for the deal has been approved in principle.
13. Taxation is not popular in principle, merely acceptable in context.
14. The decision had been agreed in principle before today's meeting, but some controversy surrounded it.
15. Even assuming this to be in principle possible, it will not be achieved soon.
16. I agree with it in principle but I doubt if it will happen in practice.
17. In principle, the new software should make the accounting system a lot simpler.
18. The government accepts whaling in principle as long as it is carefully regulated.
19. They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms.
20. A tidal current turbine is similar in principle to a windmill.
21. I had to agree with him in principle.
22. The cessation of hostilities was agreed in principle.
23. The Committee agreed in principle to your initial proposals.
24. In principle, there is nothing new about this.
25. In principle, well-being is a contestable good.
26. In principle, the idea of network computers is sound enough.
27. I think Mr. Lloyd accepted, in principle, that that would be so.
28. Setting aside the question of cost, what do you think of the idea in principle?
29. Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice. Thomas Paine 
30. Through informal contacts in 1971 and 1972 and formally in 1972 agreement was reached in principle to amalgamate.
1. Her idea is sound in principle.
2. In principle I agree with the idea, but in practice it's not always possible.
3. The Treasury was opposed in principle to the proposals.
31. They abandoned the principle for the council tax, so no argument in principle remains.
32. In principle this does not need to be done by an accountant.
33. The second is put down by a another sacked minister, Mr George Walden, who opposes the bill in principle.
34. The nature of the meetings is illustrated in principle in Figure 1.1, in terms of the interactions between functions.
35. In that case also, the state in principle sets management an objective and imposes constraints soas to achieve the result.
36. Even conventions that are well established in principle such as those relating to cabinet collective responsibility may be vague in their application.
37. Even those who oppose choice in principle are fast disappearing.
38. Thus I am not in principle against the idea of research into embryos.
39. While unlikely, this is not in principle altogether implausible,(/in principle.html) and so the wrong answer would be reached.
40. The one equation should in principle be convertible into the other, but this is not always possible.
41. In principle, correspondence- and interpretation-computations together can distinguish between the three types of perception in question.
42. The agreement in principle was expected to be signed at the Washington summit.
43. A dispute over what they do mean is, in principle, like a legal dispute over the meaning of a statute.
44. Adjustment to full employment could in principle occur without any tendency towards inflation.
45. That episcopal ordination made one a member of the episcopal college was accepted in principle by the second session.
46. In principle, because stem cells are self-renewing, they are, unlike the cells they generate, immortal.
47. Many people who support the First Amendment in principle want to restrict free speech in certain situations.
48. In principle this format has much to recommend it, but in this case the practice has not been successful.
49. Council also approved in principle the text for a booklet Guidance on professional conduct incorporating a code of professional practice.
50. The uttering of simple and obvious tautologies should, in principle, have absolutely no communicative import.
51. In principle, after 1834, those who were physically capable of work were left no option but to support themselves.
52. In principle, for a complete representation of the turbulence, this process has to be continued to all orders.
53. Councillors yesterday accepted the idea in principle after a presentation by Homesmith.
54. In principle these constellations are knowable, and criminal behaviour fully predictable.
55. In principle, the question involves knowing what happens after an infinite number of terms of the sequence!
56. Stevens International Inc. said it agreed in principle to settle a class-action shareholder lawsuit against it.
57. Like Viagra, Ixense will in principle target men, and will be available only on prescription.
58. In principle, perhaps, such an analysis could be integrated within those outlined above.
59. Are there any absolute limitations to what an algorithm could in principle achieve?
60. In principle, there was nothing that could not be absorbed into this radically Christianized world.
61. My country has adopted individual rights in principle, but as far as it goes, it means men, not women.
62. In principle, now that operational information is largely electronic, it could be preserved in electronic form in its totality.
63. The importance of communication to and from employees is readily accepted, in principle.
64. In principle the value of voluntary labour can be approached in much the same way as valuing leisure time.
65. He acknowledges that if he finds against Mrs. McLoughlin the law of emotional injury will then be incoherent in principle.
66. The papal letter which they brought was uncompromising in principle, though noticeably vague in its terms.
67. In principle it also applies to members of our own species, which makes the proposition seem ridiculous.
68. It is true that the Sun emits helium-3 in the solar wind, and that in principle we could intercept it.
69. The same argument applies in principle to studies of metabolic activity.
69. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
70. It was announced on Feb. 25 that a ceasefire had been agreed in principle as a prelude to full peace negotiations.
71. These pilot projects represent in principle a transition phase between research station and the real world.
72. In principle, this made profitable the speculative holding of stocks of goods whose price rose only at the average rate.
73. Future possibilities will in principle be limited only by human imagination.
74. Council members also voted in principle to pay themselves or their firms for the time they spent working on Council affairs.
75. Ramsey-optimal prices are not concerned with alternative means of supply: hence they are in principle susceptible to competitive entry.
76. Thus in principle there exist mechanisms for ex post settling up.
77. In principle, this is very similar to the position of a computer hacker.
78. However we do not want to limit the size of the calculations that our device will perform in principle.
79. Each part is in principle divisible into smaller disjunct parts, and successive repetition of this process produces a branching hierarchy.
80. Arguments such as this are in principle more respectable than the argument based on sheer, naked incredulity.
81. Saur has agreed in principle to buy out its partner to produce closer ties with its other operation, Cambrian Environmental Services.
82. The list of avoidable killings not legally construed as murder even in principle could go on and on.
83. In principle, platform numbers should be kept to an absolute minimum.
84. Feeding sewage to animals actually has an ancient lineage, and is in principle very natural.
85. The pilot scheme bid backed in principle by the committee yesterday is proposed for Darlington and Durham.
86. The journal Radiocarbon publishes the most up-to-date curves which in principle permit the conversion of radiocarbon dates to calibrated dates.
87. Leave aside, for the moment, the question of whether it was justified in principle.
88. As noted earlier, oxygen can in principle be recycled efficiently within a lunar base.
89. If appraisal now reveals that it has some validity in principle, the next stage is application.
90. Might it then be that the preserving of two viable copies is what is impossible in principle?
91. Best execution will also apply in principle to agency and other fiduciary transactions for non-private customers.
92. However, it would be difficult to argue that single parents are rebelling against the conventional family form in principle.
93. It would differ very greatly in degree from the simple algorithm of the thermostat, but need not differ in principle.
94. But, in principle, an enterprise might be so inefficient that its revenues fail to cover even the cost of materials.
95. Burnett, a nine-year veteran, recently agreed to a free-agent deal in principle with the Carolina Cobras.
96. Many new and innovative subject areas are included. 37 centres have submitted requests for permission in principle to run Pilot Schemes.
97. The Supreme Soviet approved the proposals in principle on Nov. 17.
98. They accept that, in principle, it is possible for private and public companies to suffer severe financial hardship.
99. However, this theoretical approach would argue, such inequalities are in principle temporary.
99. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
100. Misha F is against pets in principle, but admitted to having three cats and mooted a Chekhov sequel, Three Cats.
101. Although open to misinterpretation, this at least in principle shows the extent to which employers were hunting for workers.
102. General Mladic had also agreed in principle to open a corridor to Cerska.
103. In principle, this question could be answered by careful scientific research.
104. In principle, a planning authority can only grant what is actually applied for or a part of it.
105. Although a hot-wire anemometer is simple in principle, its actual use is a matter of some complexity.
106. Yesterday councillors agreed in principle to the options but gave a preference for the church activities because of traffic problems from the nursery.
107. There is, in principle, no limit to the size of the numbers on which that algorithm can act.
108. In principle, of course, correlations involving the pressure fluctuations as well as the velocity fluctuations may be formulated.
109. In principle, they can fix their financial risks and get on with the job of dealing with the commercial ones.
110. Since then the device has remained essentially unchanged in principle.
111. In principle, in some natural monopoly industries outside controls are superfluous.
112. The government has agreed in principle to hold elections next year.
113. In principle, the play should be more sinister and much funnier in its jet-black way than this version allows.
114. He has accepted it in principle, which does him great credit.
115. In principle, direct investment brings with it better management, improved technology, and marketing expertise.
116. He rejects, it is true, the very idea of consistency in principle as important for its own sake.
117. The shrinkage of cordage and textiles is much the same in principle as that of wood.
118. Does not the hon. Gentleman think it wrong in principle that elected councillors should be paid such salaries on these corporation bodies?
119. This could in principle create an environment that was completely indistinguishable from reality.
120. In principle, the National Bank has the function of implementing these policies.
121. It has therefore drafted a Second General Directive, similar in principle, but much wider in scope than the First.
122. Although Atkinson was a modernist in principle, he was also capable of building in the true Arts and Crafts tradition.
123. On July 30 the Defence Ministry announced a decision in principle to purchase anti-aircraft missile systems for the first time.
124. In principle therefore payment of an Affiliation Fee would be an overt recognition of this vital link and mutual benefit. 5.
125. In principle the choices may be between people, objects, events, processes or structures.
126. The pilot scheme backed in principle by the committee yesterday is proposed for Darlington and Durham.
127. Other analysts criticized him for being both too political and unscientific - science being assumed to be apolitical in principle.
128. The Fundamental Rule could in principle allow any component to interact with any other component.
129. Consequently, it appears that in principle at least, both corporations and their officials could be deterred(), unlike their conventional counterparts.
130. In principle, the techniques were now established by which other antibacterial substances could be nailed down.
131. De Gaulle was quite correct in principle, but about three years ahead of his time.
132. They shared Chamberlain's passion for efficiency but, unlike him, were in principle opposed to private ownership of the economy.
133. Within a week they had agreed, in principle, to be partners.
134. In principle of first-in-first-out, expand the whole queue.
135. These hypotheses, I contend, must be refutable in principle.
136. ultra-violet recorders consist in principle of geophones.
137. Mod ern countries all prohibit it in principle.
138. Profitability as a collaborator in principle, to cooperate.
139. A single base might in principle suffice for computation.
140. Ultra - violet recorders consist in principle of geophones.
141. In principle, the higher the steam pressure,() the higher the water could be pumped.
142. In the reactor, some of the uranium 238 absorbs a neutron and becomes plutonium 239, which is also chain-reacting and can in principle be partially "burned" if it is extracted and properly prepared.
143. At the same time the natural scientist, the physicist, insists on a closed system, on there being physical causes, physical explanations in principle, for the physical events.
144. In principle in accordance with the expertise to conduct a comprehensive examination of the form.
145. The dynamic spectroscopy method is able to eliminate the interference of individual discrepancy and measuring condition in principle.
146. Although in principle a good quality of tea extract is obtained by the combination of treating tea extract with tannase followed by an UF treatment.
147. These Laws and regulations on recovery of loss by administrative means Show that our country have made stipulations on the system of recovery of loss by administrative means in principle .
148. Compiler parser in principle, have to with documentation of the code analysis.
149. In principle, the height of the toe of the raised foreleg should be level with the middle of the cannon bone of the other foreleg.
150. Seeing from foreign lawmaking examples, the tax special priority should be prior to the tax general priority in principle.
151. In principle this standard is a self developed automatic balance bridge, in which its resistance arms can be changed automatically, and is used for the calibration of the RF voltage.
152. Price support in principle belongs to price to operate behavior.
153. With this method the concentration of DE in zinc plating bath of zincate can be satisfactorily determined. This method, in principle, is applicable tod...
154. A low - cost housing project in principle by the lending bank to host.
155. Two-wheeled self-balancing robot, composed of main body and two independently driven wheels, is a simple structure of the wheeled mobile robot similar to the inverted pendulum in principle.
156. Although asynchronous messaging is, in principle, a one-way communication, you can make it invoke some functionality in the receiving application.
157. The present world crisis should in principle be analysed from different temporal perspectives.
158. And the animistic interpretations of the religions of nature are in principle not annulled by monopolisation.
159. Methods The filtration unit and ventilation unit were united in principle of manipulability and repairability by modularization method.
160. In principle, there are two topologically disconnected outer gaps in the magnetosphere of a pulsar. Both incoming and outgoing particle flows are allowed.
161. In principle, the height of the toe of the raised forefoot should be level with the middle of the cannon bone of the other supporting foreleg.
162. So it ought to be possible, at least in principle, to start from a purely microscopic approach to nature.
163. In principle, one might assume that the consequences of eating GM food would be similar in California, Caracas and Calcutta, at least if all these populations are equally healthy and well-nourished.
164. Zhejiang has also announced that it would preempt the pilot micro-credit, in principle, allow each county (city and district) set up a small loan company.
165. Gastritis diet should be light in principle, based on the gastric mucosa to stimulate small, but not bland diet can ease the patient's symptoms.
166. The gate is similar in principle to the diaphragm and ring gates in that it provides for a large flow area and results in a quick fill time.
167. In order to decrease the asymmetry of current and voltage of the power system, the high voltage transmission lines should be transposed in principle.
168. In principle we willingly admit the Russians'right to a share in the Italian Fleet.
169. In principle all ugly gold should maintain clean, dry if touch water to should be wiped in time, become water mark in case or by rustily .
170. In principle, government entities at all levels shall procure renewable resource products and environmental label products.
171. In this paper, a new mathematical model, BDF discrete circuit model, has been developed, which can be used to simulate any forms of HVDC systems in principle.
172. Palestine and Israel have already signed a declaration in principle of Palestine self-rule in Washington in 1993.
173. He said, however, that his foundation would have no problem in principle paying such legal expenses.
174. Traditional logic is utterly different from mathematic logic in principle.
175. Under the guidance of this principle, Palestine and Israel have already signed a declaration in principle of Palestine self-rule in Washington in 1993.
176. Better still, whereas the findings of historians and scientists are always revisable in principle, it's plausible that the truths conceptual analysis reveals are necessary.
177. Professor: All right, let's hear from defenders of libertarianism. Why would it be wrong in principle to tax the rich to help the poor? Go ahead.
178. It's already been agreed in principle to apportion the value of the patents.
179. Hence slackening is not a concession in principle but is called for by the circumstances.
180. In principle, it is agreed that the Inspirer can take away from man the power of refusal.
181. The rehearing of procedure of second instance in our code of criminal procedure is too brief in principle, which leads to the casualty of several aspects of the judicial justice.
182. From the identity, in principle, of the aims of the party and of the class, the functionary deduces his right to lay down the law to the class.
183. To consider the color of eyebrow pencil and hair color to match, in principle, than the hair is not deep.
184. In principle, mumbership in these three groups is not hereditary.
185. The stipulation of visitation right in Chinese law is in principle and probable , so, there are lots of problems appear in our legal practices.
186. They've reached a deal in principle on a $15 billion dollar loan to struggling US automakers.
187. In principle, the experimental results correspond to that of the cooperant research between University of Tennessee and NASA Langley Research Center.
188. In principle, the results can retain the as conventional numerical integration.
189. At last(), the spring rack of the suppress wheal is analyzed in principle. The theory and parameter of designing the spring rack of the suppress wheal.
190. On that level, it is possible in principle that I could be persuaded by cool features and a winning cost-benefit ratio.
191. The relation in order to repel each other in principle between the usufruct right of pledge.
192. Quantum cryptograph can in principle provide a safest communication system that is unassailable and not wiretapped.
193. Of course nobody is all stoppable or unstoppable in principle.
194. Similar in principle to the enclosing of parenthetic expressions between commas is the setting off by commas of phrases or dependent clauses preceding or following the main clause of a sentence.
195. A loan contractis in principle only concluded between the two clubs. The player is, however, often asked to co-sign it so as to give his consent to the transfer on a loanbasis49.
196. Some animals and plants that reproduce asexually "can in principle achieve essentially eternal life," according to a University of Gothenburg press release.
197. First edition video frequency encoder design books, extremely easy to understand, but speaks the video frequency code in principle and the design method is very thorough.
198. In principle, the title of emperor was transmitted from father to son via primogeniture, as endorsed by Confucianism.
199. F In principle, the prelate of the First Order is without authority over the nuns.
200. In principle, export zone enterprise shall entrust outside processing enterprises.
201. For other developing countries, there is in principle a wider range of choice in exchange rate regimes, provided these are backed by the appropriate macroeconomic and structural policies.
202. Indeed, Marx recognised it as a fact and, as an internationalist, welcomed it, in principle.
203. The generality is high. In principle, it can be used to combine with the quadrupole mass spectrometer made at home and abroad, and as general microcomputer itself.
204. Article 5 The projects applying for discount interest funds are limited to loan project for fixed assets in principle, and has a certain scale.
205. According to most cosmological models there is a cosmic horizon outside which galaxies recede from us with velocities larger than that of light, and which are therefore unobservable even in principle.
206. In principle, standby credits can be used in any contract where the performance of one party is executory.
207. In principle, cases of severe non-obstructive GP should not undergo early operation.
208. The technical stability is described in principle and technique, field test indicates that the technique is effective.
209. Evidence - based medical practice and practice steps to be followed in principle.
210. All forms of classical orthodoxy either explicitly reject or reject in principle kenotic theology.
211. United have agreed terms in principle to sign FC Porto's exciting Brazilian starlet Anderson.
212. The financial company can't set the branches in principle, but it shall be handled separately if the corporate body is changed into branches as the result of reorganization of the enterprise group.
213. In principle, term of service is two years and one member can have two terms at most.
214. In principle a modest dose of controlled inflation might work wonders.
215. In principle, one can trace that history back in cosmic time by observing a so-called standard candle, a class of astronomical object whose intrinsic luminosity is uniform.
216. Circular economic is an ecocycle economic essentially, and it takes hylic closed loop as its character, takes decrement, reuse, cycle as economic activity method in principle.
217. We are agreed in principle so let's now discuss the nitty gritty.
218. Alcohol name should be identical with both its registered trademark and manufacture name in principle, except its other name (must be legally registered name).
219. In principle, turning given latitude and longitude coordinates into a point location is simple, but taking care of some of the practical contingencies makes it more complex than you might expect.
220. On February 23, the Kosovar Albanians, including Thaci, accepted the agreement in principle, returned home to sell it to their people, and in mid-March traveled to Paris to sign the finished document.
221. The method is characterized by its clearness in principle and simple in measuring operation.
222. The accounting profession technology qualifications test, is held once every year in principle.
223. We adopted the seniority system in our company in principle, but we evaluate capable young people and assure them of higher positions and better salaries.
223. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
224. Thefirst is theoretical: it is based on the belief that human intentioncannot, in principle, be captured (or, less metaphysically, thatcomputer users don't know what people want).
225. Wait rely on "accidental" discoveries and inventions in principle to the "Project" has been understanding and knowledge of people, the production technology will be at a standstill.
226. In addition, breaks in the horizontal plane occur between the trough section, in principle, also during the shifting of the scraper chain conveyor.
227. This article has analysed the active filterable electric circuit in principle and shown you another one consisted of compound transistor with better effect of filtration.
228. In principle, you can run winbindd on a computer that doesn't run a Samba server or even function as an SMB/CIFS client, except to the extend that winbindd is an SMB/CIFS client.
229. I'm not opposed to a core curriculum in principle, but I think requiring a foreign language is unrealistic.
230. In principle, they give themselves away by lining up in long streams, like a conga line on a crowded dance floor.
231. Horizontal dist, circulation tube and target-type jet mills are described in principle, characteristics and technological parameters and ultrafine grinding examples of various materials cited.
232. If physicalism is true, then it should be possible, in principle, to give what is, in some sense, a total description of the world in the vocabulary of a completed physics.




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