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单词 Fastened
1. She fastened the belt loosely around her waist.
2. The President fastened on the idea at once.
3. He fastened up his coat and hurried out.
4. The jacket was fastened with a complicated buttoned flap.
5. The children fastened their eyes on the toys.
6. We fastened all the windows securely.
7. She fastened her belt tightly around her waist.
8. The tabloid newspapers have fastened on popular psychology.
9. The box was fastened with a rusty wire.
10. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened.
11. All eyes in the room fastened on me.
12. The stranger fastened on my arm.
13. The lid of this box has been fastened down.
14. She fastened her coat.
15. The car beeped at us until we fastened our seatbelts.
16. She got quickly into her Mini and fastened the seat-belt.
17. She fastened the safety harness tightly round her waist before starting the descent.
18. I object to being fastened on in that way.http:///fastened.html
19. The dog seemed lost and fastened onto us.
20. His gaze fastened on the jewels.
21. I shut the door and fastened the bolt.
22. The door was securely fastened.
23. Have you fastened all the doors and windows?
24. She fastened her eye on the child.
25. They have fastened up all the parcels.
26. See that the windows and doors are fastened.
27. Sickness has fastened on him.
28. My mother fastened on the word "unsafe".
29. His hand fastened on her arm.
30. The lid won't come off accidentally , it's been fastened on.
1. She fastened the belt loosely around her waist.
2. The President fastened on the idea at once.
3. He fastened up his coat and hurried out.
4. The jacket was fastened with a complicated buttoned flap.
5. The children fastened their eyes on the toys.
6. We fastened all the windows securely.
7. She fastened her belt tightly around her waist.
8. The tabloid newspapers have fastened on popular psychology.
9. The box was fastened with a rusty wire.
10. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened.
11. All eyes in the room fastened on me.
12. The stranger fastened on my arm.
13. The lid of this box has been fastened down.
14. She fastened her coat.
15. The car beeped at us until we fastened our seatbelts.
16. She got quickly into her Mini and fastened the seat-belt.
17. She fastened the safety harness tightly round her waist before starting the descent.
18. The lid won't come off accidentally , it's been fastened on.
19. I shut the door and fastened the bolt.
20. His eyes were fastened on the boiling, tumbling waves.
21. She fastened the papers together with a paper clip.
22. He fastened the calendar to a wall.
23. Five hundred pairs of eyes were fastened upon him eagerly.
31. A strong hand fastened round her wrist.
32. Make sure the ropes are securely fastened.
33. His eyes were fastened on the boiling, tumbling waves.
34. He fastened back the shutters.
35. She fastened the papers together with a paper clip.
36. She fastened her gaze on him.
37. Those naughty boys fastened on her.
38. Please ensure that your seat belts are fastened securely.
39. The boy's eyes fastened on the stranger.
40. That rope was fastened to the tree.
41. She fastened the rope to a tree.
42. He fastened the calendar to a wall.
43. He fastened his eyes on me.
44. The blame hasn't been fastened on anybody yet.
45. She fastened off the thread.
46. The president fastened on the idea at once.
47. They fastened the rope to a tree.
48. I fastened the sticker to the windscreen.
49. The cheetah's jaw fastened on the gazelle's throat.
50. You've fastened your buttons up the wrong way.
51. The dog fastened its teeth in his leg.
52. She fastened her arms around his neck.
53. Our bookshelf is fastened to the wall.
54. Are the children safely fastened into their car seats?
55. Why do you fastened such a nickname on me?
56. He fastened the papers together with a paper clip.
57. We fastened the dyes into the cloth.
58. The tent flaps should be tightly fastened.
59. The wires were fastened together with a plastic clip.
60. The leader's influence was so strong that many people fastened onto him and became his followers.
61. The knot was fastened in such a way that it was impossible to undo.
62. Make sure all the windows are securely fastened before you leave.
63. Five hundred pairs of eyes were fastened upon him eagerly.
64. We have fastened on a perfect place for our holiday.
65. My mind fastened on his admission that he was an agent.
66. He was working quietly, all his attention fastened on the task.
67. He fastened himself upon me for the rest of evening.
68. It looks as if the blame has been fastened on an innocent person.
69. As he fastened his eyes on the food, he couldn't help feeling hungry.
70. The children have fastened onto the idea of camping in the mountains.
71. Her long fair hair was fastened at the nape of her neck by an elastic band.
72. Viewers can see the stadium from the air, courtesy of a camera fastened to the plane.
73. Everyone's eyes fastened on the little girl in the middle of the stage.
74. For your safety, we recommend you keep your seat belt loosely fastened during the flight.
75. He was looking for someone to blame and fastened on me.
76. The shelves were insecurely fastened and fell to the floor.
77. He fastened the dog to the post with a thong.
78. The jacket was fastened by a zip at the front.
78. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
79. The boy fastened onto my arm and wouldn't let go.
80. He rose, his eyes still fastened on the piece of paper.
81. Ella fastened her blouse with shaking fingers.
82. He fastened the bracelet for her.
83. The chains were fastened with steel locks.
84. My grandmother's tin peacocks were fastened to the door.
85. She fastened her broad hat beneath her chin.
86. Abstractedly he fastened buttons and tucked in his shirt.
87. Then he fastened on the particular problem of coffee.
88. Christine fastened the brooch to her dress.
89. Enormous chains were fastened to our ankles.
90. Seat-belts must remain fastened until after takeoff.
91. Then, very slowly, Mr Evans fastened his belt round his trousers ... He prayed for Nick that night.
92. Slipping the garment over her naked shoulders, she pulled it around herself and fastened the belt.
93. It was fastened tightly on to the right horn, so it dangled down over the cheek and eye.
94. In general this is a well designed and well made sweater with a stud fastened neck closure and medium height collar.
95. He picked up my white cloth hat and fastened it to my hair with a hatpin.
96. The mantle was fastened by a series of wooden and bone pins.
97. Forward seat belts each comprised a two-piece lap strap, fastened by a buckle, and an inertial reel diagonal shoulder strap.
98. She was wearing a navy scarf with a little gilt pin fastened to one side.
99. Davide saw how they fastened their hopes on his powers of persuasion in the courts where identity and responsibility are conferred.
100. In the seventeenth century much of the critical output fastened on topical issues arising out of current publications.
101. Then he turned from her abruptly, fastened his seatbelt, and switched on the ignition key.
102. Newman boarded the aircraft for Brussels at London Airport, fastened his seat belt.
103. Satan took the bait and fastened his teeth reflexively on the blocking forearm.
104. She had a high, curved prow, with a pair of antlers fastened to it.
105. Passengers should keep their seat belts fastened until the warning light is extinguished.
106. This belt, however, did not hold his trousers up but merely fastened the two sides of his upper garment.
107. Holly had filled the plastic bag with oil and twisted the neck tight and fastened it with a snip of wire.
108. You will find two little serpents of gold fastened to the cloak.
109. Seth and his followers quickly grasped their opportunity and immediately closed the lid and fastened it securely.
110. I managed to steal some clothes from a butcher fastened in the stocks.
111. Bea heard the cast iron bell fastened to the front door and went to see who it was.
112. Gaiters are normally fastened by a zip at the back[sentence dictionary], but there are some with a front zip.
113. He fastened it together with wooden pegs and made the four wheels out of short pieces of a big tree-trunk.
114. More and more he pauses to observe a doubloon made of pure gold, fastened into the main mast.
115. Mr Corcoran had stared stonily at him through the pince-nez fastened on to his thin beak of a nose.
116. With the strap fastened, you should not be able to get the bike helmet off.
117. As she fastened the door and her seat belt he sat immobile, then when she was ready he started the engine.
118. These will be fastened on and above them a platform.
119. And giant superstores, fastened to the bypass, and built in the style of the farmer's bothy.
120. Corbett noticed how each of these precious manuscripts was fastened to the wall by silver chains.
121. Finally one end of the hawser was fastened to the bank, and the makeshift life raft was dispatched.
122. A protesting crowd of sixty thousand assembled; hundreds were handcuffed or their arms fastened with ropes and led off to jail.
123. Her fingers trembling with excitement, she fastened it around her neck.
124. He fastened the beads round his neck, arranging the knife so that it rested hidden between his shoulder blades.
125. The gate was made out of three or four sheets of corrugated iron fastened on to a wooden trellis.
126. He had snapped his helmet on but not yet fastened it, and was leaning forward, listening intently.
127. It fastened on Mala like a grasping hand and snatched her into the air.
128. Most cabinets have reinforced frames at top and bottom where they can be fastened through the drywall to the framing underneath.
129. Pulsing flesh, exposed cartilage and bone fastened to mattresses shoved against hospital walls.
130. But by the spring of 1978 the war was over, and Snyder had fastened on a new cause: the homeless.
131. He fastened the dress with clumsy fingers, for a moment hating himself.
132. We passed a gaunt-looking man with splitting boots and a battered overcoat fastened with a string.
133. This is fastened to a top and bottom line which is 100 yards long.
134. She pulled out a bunch of newspaper cuttings fastened together with a paperclip and riffled through them, scanning the sense very quickly.
135. When I did return, I locked myself in and heaved the great oak table against the door and fastened the windows.
136. Sarella found her eyes fastened helplessly to his muscular physique, outlined so precisely by his tight-fitting riding kit.
137. Most replacement doors are fastened to the framing by nailing through a flange at the top and sides with 2-inch roofing nails.
138. Spin the wheel of the bicycle to make sure that it is fastened correctly.
138. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
139. The words rang flat when she fastened back the shutters.
140. He can work comfortably and easily despite the weight and restriction of the line fastened to his collar.
141. Her robe firmly fastened around her, she emerged into the galley.
142. Make sure the wires are properly fastened to the unit.
143. Then, before she realised what was happening, he fastened her in the double stirrups, binding her hands and feet.
144. High boots were the in-thing - sleek and shiny with chunky zips fastened with huge decorative rings or tabs.
145. She wept through the funeral, and when the lid was fastened on to the coffin, she screamed.
146. I sat, dozed, slurped from the wineskin, said a few prayers and kept my eyes fastened on the Lady Chapel.
147. A silver dish like a holy water font was fastened to the seat in front of me.
148. Curtains of closely woven cotton lace were stretched across the windows, fastened so tightly they kept out both air and sun.
149. Before she could say any more, he settled the helmet down over his head and fastened the strap.
150. They hung bags of candies from its branches, fastened candles to it, and nestled presents beneath it.
151. The rest of them kept their eyes fastened on the duke, waiting to see what lay behind his summons.
152. They'd have to be drilled and fastened with coach-bolts to keep them secure.
153. Once joint prospects arc more securely fastened, even more preferential trading terms can be secured.
154. Originally these bands were made of silk or cotton worked over cord, leather or vellum and fastened inside the spine.
155. A little ink bottle and two pens were fastened to its floor by gold brackets.
156. It's popper fastened too, so it will keep everything safe.
157. She leant over to him as he fastened it around her throat.
158. She could still feel the points in her throat where the Nina Thing's fingers had fastened.
159. We made sure that our bags were securely fastened to the roof of the car.
160. With his long blue cloak fastened across his shoulders, his injury was hidden and his height emphasised.
161. Maggie fastened her eyes on him and tried to get control of her temper and her very stupidly lingering disappointment.
162. On state occasions Charles dressed in a tunic and cloak embroidered with gold wire, fastened with gold buckles.
163. Hands fastened round her neck and threw her sprawling across the floor.
164. The huge black doors of the boat-house had been fastened back to allow free access.
165. As quick as a striking adder, the soldier's fingers fastened around her arm.
166. She rose and picked up her coat and fastened the buttons with a feeling of determination.
167. The knot under his chin was still firmly fastened and he had extensive burns on his head and face.
168. Abandoning her shoulder-bag impatiently, she used both hands,[] pulling the rope which fastened the heavy oil-cloth.
169. Three which weren't securely fastened include the stunning limited edition Ovation 1992 electro-acoustic with its great sound and gorgeous top.
170. Snowflake ornaments and tiny red ribbons were fastened to the Christmas tree.
171. Bowman caught hold of the short lever fastened to the valve and with his last strength pulled it down.
172. She felt the weight of something fastened on her head, circling her brow.
173. He slid the companionway hatch cover forward and fastened the doors, shutting off the interior of the yacht.
174. Here were his leather boots, highest in the front and fastened with a strap that would be tied to the knee.
175. The prisoner was fastened by a shackle.
176. Mamma fastened the picture on the wall.
177. She fastened the badge on.
178. I fastened the pages together with a paperclip.
179. He fastened on the safety belt.
180. They would be fastened to his webbed belt.
181. The bookshelf is fastened to the wall.
182. The nameplate was fastened on the gatepost.
183. Conviction of sin fastened upon him; he saw himself, without an intercessor, in the presence of a holy and just Judge .
184. Even then, with the Velcro firmly fastened, there's still a little vestigial dangling fabric like the long pinky on an ill-fitting glove.
185. To others, he is a barnacle that has fastened itself to the underside of our patent system so tenaciously that the most powerful corporations in the world cannot pry it off.
186. Disc is fastened securely to disc hanger with a lock nut and cotter pin.
187. I made a hook a wire coat hanger and carefully fastened it to a weighted line.
188. A folded piece of absorbent material, such as paper or cloth, that is placed between a baby's legs and fastened at the waist to contain excretions .
189. Well, they fastened a thirty-six pound ball to his feet, and threw him into the sea.
190. When interview end leaves examination room, want to bow to be fastened to teacher path, express the strong desire that reads into school of enter a school again, can increase impressional cent.
191. When turning suddenly, he caught my gaze fastened on his physiognomy.
192. A man stooped down and fastened the chain around the tenter of a steel beam, stepped back and blew the whistle once more.
193. Beyond the hedge he pulled on his trunks and fastened them.
194. The central meaning shared by these adjectives is . not tautly bound, held, or fastened.
195. To add rigidity, braces are sometimes fastened from the overarm to the knee.
196. Custom-engineered metal implants -- called intraosseous transcutaneous amputation prosthetics (ITAPs) -- are fastened directly to Oscar's little ankle bones, inside his fuzzy little legs.
197. The king's heart pendulous hair because of this the Liu fastened.
198. It may possibly recur to your memory that when I examined the paper upon which the printed words were fastened I made a close inspection for the water-mark.
199. Too stupefied to be curious myself,[http:///fastened.html] I fastened the door and glanced round for the bed.
200. The boy had no choice but to force a smile to his lips, fastened as if by thumbtacks at the corners of his mouth, and pretended to be glad to pick up the restaurant tab for these bulimic girls.
201. A strong shutter or plate fastened over a ship's porthole cabin window in stormy weather.
202. The smile, too, seemed fastened there, detachable with the slightest tug.
203. The naked person was firmly fastened within a back-to-back pair of narrow rowing boats (or a hollowed-out tree trunk), with the head, hands, and feet protruding.
204. Help to create more saliva and digestive juice, so as a result, bowels are fastened and digestion system is strengthened.
205. Pilate and fastened to the cross . It read : JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS.
206. Hack's fastened on to me, and it's all been terribly charming.
207. In fact, very simple, with a cotton bag pepper 50 grams (1 kg sub-10), fastened with a rope, add water to boil, the use of feet to the water.
208. If fastened with gold, the little bird could no longer fly up to the azure sky.
209. Hearn fastened the vine about his belt, and stepped out into the rapids.
210. It had a rigid framework of wooden poles, like the one the woman was carrying , covered with heavy cloth, and fastened with rope made with some kind of loose plant fibre.
211. She fastened her long flowing hair round her head, so that the polypi might not seize hold of it.
212. The Privy Seal is a seal fastened on all royal documents.
213. When the kid found out we were going to leave him at home he started up a howl like a calliope and fastened himself as tight as a leech to Bill's leg.
214. The man, unlike those around him, wears a brown robe, fastened round with a whipcord belt, and holds a staff of wood.
215. The car beeped at me until I fastened my seatbelt.
216. The discovery has fastened public attention on the possibilities of DNA analysis for resolving mysteries.
217. The safety belt should be fastened when working on the derrick.
218. All with their eyes intently fastened on the iron - clamped oaken door.
219. Along the shore are ~ ed thousands of logs, fastened together in rafts.
220. And now Timmy and Goody Tiptoes keep their nut store fastened up with a little padlock.
221. Handwheels have finger grips cast on bottom of rim and are fastened with a cap screw and lock washer . Worm-type gearing is completely enclosed in a housing.
222. A good-sized screw eye is fastened in the cross piece of the frame, and to this tie the ball.
223. Along the shore are moored thousands of logs, fastened together in rafts.
224. The standard pipe rack configuration for this drill consists of a long pipe cradle that is fastened to a pair of parallelogram- type swing arms.
225. A bolt is fastened through the bush to thereby fix the rocker shaft on a cylinder head.
226. The swing arms are fastened to the inside structure of the mast, and permit the pipe rack to be low-ered from the stored position to the centerline of the drill string.
227. Then they fastened a blue cord itattach it to the turban, as the LORD commanded Moses.
228. When they reached a long bridge fastened with rattan strips, everyone got out and walked.
228. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
229. Here the beetle was put into an old broken wooden shoe, in which a little stick had been fastened upright for a mast, and to this mast the beetle was bound with a piece of worsted.
230. All deck fittings, windows, hatches and doors had been fastened.
231. Cummings fastened a large set - piecea stake in the ground by way of a grand finale.
232. He entreats a bowstring to be fastened on the arm, must not fasten on the neck.
233. They must not be transported in open wagons on railways and, if by ship, no top loading is allowed; if by truck, they must be securely fastened up and safely protected.
234. And in order to give this science plausibility, its promulgators have always fastened upon it morality.
235. Holly's cloak was fastened with a silver clasp, and Frenya had a girdle of hempen rope wound about her middle from her hips to breasts.
236. Over the shorts, tracksuit pants, fastened with old cord at the waist.
237. The main finger ring (1) is fastened in the petaloid ring plane (22) to form a combined finger ring.
238. Handwheels have finger grips cast on bottom of rim and are fastened with a cap screw and lock washer.
239. Please tied the air jacket well and fastened the motorcycle safety helmet before drifting, and don't loosen or unship them in the way.
240. Made by alloy, fastened on the outsole. The sole will be anti - abrasion.
241. They fastened exclusively on the dynamo of the latest design.
242. Under the conditions of Renminbi free exchange, the reform on Chinese foreign exchange policy has been fastened.
243. The transducer can be fastened to the thumb, and the signal of the thumb movement in response to ulnar nerve stimulation is measured and registered in the computing unit.
244. Before I could answer her eyes fastened with an awed expression on her little finger.
245. Jack pushed Arete into a seat near a window, then strapped his prisoner down. After his own belt was fastened, he gazed out the window.
246. He kept his tobacco in a leather pouch fastened to the belt.
247. She fastened mercilessly on the one weak point in her opponent's argument.
248. You seat belt is fastened, adjusted and unfastened like this.
249. Ask: Is easy autograph of mammary internal injury and mammary gland disease fastened?




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