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单词 Assisted
(1) I assisted him in writing his paper.
(2) We have been greatly assisted by individuals and organizations.
(3) He assisted me in the preparation of this book.
(4) The nurse assisted with the preparation of the medicine.
(5) The young nurse was very nervous when she assisted at her first operation.
(6) She assisted with preparing tools.
(7) Yasmin assisted in the preparation of this article.
(8) We all assisted in mending the roof.
(9) Foreign Office officials assisted with transport and finance problems.
(10) She assisted him with his English.
(11) We were ably assisted by a team of volunteers.
(12) Dr Amid was assisted by a young Asian nurse.
(13) The congregation assisted at divine service.
(14) She had to be assisted off the plane.
(15) She was ably assisted by her team of researchers.
(16) The boy assisted his father in sweeping the floor.
(17) He assisted me with good counsel and encouragement.
(18) Local villagers assisted the doctors with the people wounded in the bus crash.
(19) He was ably assisted by a number of other members.
(20) Underdeveloped countries should be assisted by allowing them access to modern technology.
(21) The play was directed by Mike Johnson[/assisted.html], assisted by Sharon Gale.
(22) Michigan had no law against assisted suicide.
(23) Gordon Greenidge, very ably assisted by Gomes.
(24) Doctors are divided over the issue of assisted suicide.
(25) Rowland had assisted in peace negotiations from 1984.
(26) At first they assisted with the mobile dispensaries.
(27) Some of the guests assisted with the preparation of the food.
(28) Now unscrupulous logging companies assisted by corrupt officials are destroying forests at the rate of 50 million acres a year.
(29) I want to assist to / at / your school next July. We assisted at the concert last Saturday means 'We helped to organize the concert.' Use:We went to the concert last Saturday.
(30) Distillery boss Billy Hamilton fears the worst after Heath was assisted off in the second-half with a torn calf muscle.
(1) I assisted him in writing his paper.
(2) We have been greatly assisted by individuals and organizations.
(3) He assisted me in the preparation of this book.
(4) The nurse assisted with the preparation of the medicine.
(5) The young nurse was very nervous when she assisted at her first operation.
(6) The boy assisted his father in sweeping the floor.
(7) He assisted me with good counsel and encouragement.
(31) This evidence assisted, I understand, in achieving a seven-figure settlement offer.
(32) Ann did most of the cooking, assisted occasionally, by the young ladies and teachers.
(33) Ken was ably assisted by seconder Royal Robbins, who has probably drilled more bolts than anyone else.
(34) The chief internal auditor must be assisted by sufficient staff of the right quality and quantity.
(35) With enormous skill she manipulated friends and assisted long-time royal watcher Andrew Morton to secure her ticket to freedom.
(36) The government's international rehabilitation was greatly assisted by the Gulf war.
(37) Any such tribunal does however possess the discretion to allow the individual to be assisted by such an adviser. 4.
(38) Having assisted an old woman at a zebra crossing, I was granted three wishes.
(39) On Aug. 11-12, however, the Commission heard from seven witnesses who testified that the police assisted in the massacre.
(40) David Quarmby helped her in choosing these topics and assisted her with some of her coursework.
(41) Assisted by Norcott and Smith, Woolwich shipwrights, he carried out a tremendous feat of engineering.
(42) Their resettlement was to be assisted by a US$47,000,000 aid package approved by the United States Congress.
(43) This scheme does not always divert costs away from the assisted litigant to the Legal Aid Fund - far from it.
(44) Well, there is the stage that I assisted the great film industry through.
(45) The full financial obligations of an assisted party will, inevitably, depend upon the outcome of the case.
(46) Wood assisted Stephenson in the development of his safety lamp, which was first tested in 1815.
(46) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(47) The Carina Xi retains central locking and power assisted steering..
(48) The officers should be led by a chief executive assisted by a principal chief officers management team consisting of about six members.
(49) The site manager himself, assisted by a worker, was pulling the rope and enjoying the spectacle thoroughly.
(50) In this task he was ably assisted by Mrs. Muriel Ellis, who had been the Headmaster's secretary since 1973.
(51) This computer assisted process of summarising and coding made a large amount of semi-structured material amenable to qualitative analysis.
(52) The costs incurred by the Fund on behalf of a successful assisted party are defrayed from costs awarded against the loser.
(53) In the United States, Oregon has a law permitting some assisted suicides.
(54) The porter gave chase, assisted by two Bulldogs who happened to be in the lodge at the time.
(55) In addition, there is no guarantee that the assisted emigrants will not return to their communities after a short period.
(56) Vegh was the whole staff, assisted by his answering machine and his MacIntosh computer in his University Heights studio apartment.
(57) The Clio 16V and RSi are also fitted with power assisted steering as standard.
(58) Even so, she said, many of the people who come to the hospice ask about assisted suicide.
(59) The two girls, it transpired, did not work in a cabaret but assisted at a gambling salon.
(60) The leap forward of the last 20 years was assisted by free movements of capital.
(61) He is assisted in his priestly functions by his sons, Hophni and Phinehas.
(62) In 1979, the assisted areas covered almost half the country by working population.
(63) The neighborhood service centers assisted commissioners in assessing conditions and priorities in their respective subareas and in formulating appropriate proposals.
(64) Pressure jetting followed by natural drainage, squeegee assisted, or by wet vacuum. 5.
(65) The internal divisions which seemingly threatened, but actually assisted, the political survival of General Franco continued into 1942.
(66) Nowadays record companies use impeccable accounting techniques, assisted by computers, to calculate the royalties for composers.
(67) She said she had assisted in midwifery, accident and surgical cases.
(68) He was assisted by Rudi Fara, who drew up detailed plans.
(69) In this he was undoubtedly assisted by problems within both mass parties.
(70) It is assisted by conscious intention on our part to recover balance and vibrant health.
(71) Encouraging local councils, assisted by a special budget we have set aside[], to introduce pedestrian priority areas and cycle lanes.
(72) In May 1893, he conducted a special service of sacred music here at Halling, assisted by his wife.
(73) The author imagined assisted suicide to be a heavily regulated practice, to prevent abuse.
(74) Charles Nagy was the opposite, seemingly ready to be assisted out of Camden Yards a half-dozen times.
(75) In more peaceful times he had assisted many of the ladies of the cantonment in childbirth.
(76) It is difficult to target economic development activities so that the most distressed urban areas or disadvantaged social groups are assisted.
(76) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(77) These mule spinners, assisted by women and children, were an elite group in the early textile mills.
(78) I assisted in leading him to a sofa in his cabin....
(79) Stratford, Muldoon and Chandler, ably assisted by newcomer Napier, held command in midfield.
(80) I thank all who have assisted the Bill's passage through the House.
(81) In this, she was ably assisted by Robert Armour, the deaf missioner for Liverpool.
(82) The trust thank all clubs who assisted by selling tickets.
(83) The alignment of polymer chains at specific distances from one another to form crystalline nuclei will be assisted when intermolecular forces are strong.
(84) All this can make assisted suicide seem a reasonable escape from inevitable agony.
(85) He left the turret and went below, and Stimers, who had assisted him, continued to do the work.
(86) The researchers studied levels of cotinine - a product of nicotine - in women undergoing assisted conception.
(87) Acting as midwife to the enterprise has been Alvar Gonzalez-Palacios who was assisted by Roberto Valeriani.
(88) Assisted by aides from surrounding neighborhoods, teachers at Jackson work valiantly with the diverse student body.
(89) Students also assisted school nurses with vision screening at a local elementary school and blood-pressure screening at the high school.
(90) All of these have assisted me in compiling this book.
(91) He was always ready to help anybody and in this he was greatly assisted by Rosemary.
(92) Franco was assisted in the orchestration of this propaganda exercise by a convenient coincidence of the calendar.
(93) Power assisted steering is standard on all models equipped with automatic gearboxes.
(94) By contrast, the United States had assisted traitors and reactionaries and had violated the Moscow agreement of December 1945.
(95) Again and again, people have found that the body-mind, if assisted instead of assaulted, demonstrates remarkable capabilities of self-healing.
(96) Minton, assisted by students from various London art schools, supervised the decorations.
(97) The President appoints the Cabinet, and is assisted by two Vice-Presidents.
(98) Most lived within or near Camden or some lived as far away as Kiburn.all lived in Socially assisted accommodation.
(99) Most of the county superintendents assisted at the state meet.
(100) Everyone at was involved in setting up the procedures under the guidance of technical manager assisted by.
(101) Strategic decisions are kept separate, and are decided by the chief executive assisted by a small general office staff.
(102) Llandudno had merely assisted with funding his flight to this country and helped to get him a job in the locality.
(103) Also, should some one come across me, they would remember how the De Belving coffers have assisted Salamanca in its affliction.
(104) Then McClure turned in another sparking display, assisted by solid leading from Ronnie Oliver to lift the pairs title.
(105) He is assisted by two or more technical assessors also appointed by the Lord Chancellor.
(106) If the assisted party is successful, costs may be payable by the opponent in the normal way.
(107) Subsequent economic development in these newly independent nations was assisted by the overall growth of world trade and investment.
(108) In other words, the same people who would have emigrated on their own will be assisted by government programmes.
(109) They have assisted many hon. Members, including myself, in fathoming the difficult procedure.
(110) He argued for changes to the tax system so that it assisted people who undertook training.
(111) The younger generation is used to Computer Assisted Learning and other modern technology which is an adjunct to learning.
(112) The interior certainly does look light, though it is assisted in this respect by the Cathedral eastern Gothic rose.
(113) The stores department is headed by the provision master who is assisted by a team of storekeepers.
(114) They were assisted by other emergency teams who might be called upon in the case of a real emergency.
(115) These courses were organized by the author and the maths and computing adviser, whose staff assisted on the courses.
(116) In 1981 the Conservative government introduced the Assisted Places Scheme which provides help with tuition fees and certain other incidental expenses.
(117) The sheep are ably assisted by guinea fowl.
(118) What is a computer - assisted instruction system?
(119) The boy assisted in loading some small articles.
(120) Hydraulic brakes and servo assisted brake system.
(121) Several nurses and an anesthesiologist assisted the surgeon during the operation.
(122) IS assisted us in establishing a project committee, formalizing our requirements through a Request for Proposal, and interviewing each vendor.
(123) The materials, gas channel design and mould design of Gas - Assisted Injection Molding were primarily introduced.
(124) Last week, the House of Lords voted against an attempt by the former Lord chancellor Lord Falconer to relax the law on assisted suicide.
(125) Consolidated List of Commodities Subject to Import Restriction and Commodities Assisted by Customs for Import Examination ...
(126) All over the world, computer - assisted dating has become a very good business.
(127) In order to assist the membra deformity people in using computer, we develop an computer assisted system based on motion capture system in three-dimensional.
(128) Objective: Domestic robot CRAS? BH 1 ( computer and robot assisted surgery, type BH 1 ) was used in assistance of stereotactic operations.
(129) Euthanasia is sometimes called mercy killing, doctor - assisted suicide or painless death.
(130) We have the honor to inform you that we have this day accorded Power of Procuration to Mr.R.G., who has faithfully assisted us for the last two years.
(131) Interviewing methods such as telephone screening include interactive voice response, as in Davis'case, and computer assisted candidate screening.
(132) What's more, if assisted by such relative systems as non-prosecution hearing system and people's monitor system, victims' legitimate rights and interests would be fully guaranteed.
(133) Capsaicin is extracted from the powder of capsicum with microwave assisted, and acid the extraction solvent.
(134) Most often , though, census takers are politely received and assisted.
(135) In many cases, these complementary firms have been accompanied by government - assisted agencies.
(136) I can rattle off lists of names of otherAtkineers that assisted me in getting to goal.http://
(137) Without ultrasonic - assisted pretreatment the hydrolysis rate of beet, sweet sorghum straw and sugarcane were 24.
(138) The principle of ion assisted deposition technology in the vacuum deposition process is discussed.
(139) The subsequent rapport between the two principals assisted the transition process.
(140) BACKGROUND:Continuous passive motion assisted with diathermia will promote the restoration of joint movement of the extremities.
(141) Assisted the cashier ( with cash administration ) and acquired the preliminary skill of tellership.
(142) Just before dawn he was assisted in waking by the abnormal reverberation of familiar music.
(143) Objective: To study the reliability of the new enucleation method for mouse oocyte: zona pellucida dilating (ZPD) assisted enucleation method.
(144) Imbeger and financially assisted by a University of Western Australia postgraduate Studentship.
(145) An international operation assisted the Lebanese army in search efforts.
(146) The microwave - assisted extraction ( MAE ) of betulin from Betula platyphylla Suk.
(147) Nowadays computer assisted instruction is popularly applied in China's secondary schools.
(148) Two of his men assisted the midwife and the baby was born.
(149) The picture shows Sierra Leone National Stadium assisted by China.
(150) Little Alice was heartbroken when her pet canary (1) died, and to soften the blow, her father gave her a cigar box for a coffin and assisted in burying the canary in the back yard.
(151) He is assisted by the Executive Council in policy - making.
(152) Objective : To evaluate laparoscopy assisted radical gastrectomy for early gastric cancer.
(153) The developed system, assisted by the zero-crossing detection circuit and a power board, can successfully operate the motor under sensored and sensorless control modes.
(154) You can go online to find a professional league of hospitality Mary Kay beauty consultant in direct contact Oh! They will be assisted you!
(155) Ultrasonic vibration assisted EDM was proposed and its principle was introduced in this paper.
(156) The total flavonoids golden - pomelo peels was extracted by microwave - assisted extraction using ethanol as solvent.
(157) By applying the SRAP marker, assisted selection for the early molecules of Chinese cabbage nucleoplasm interactive male sterility trait can be carried out, so as to speed up breeding progress.
(158) Objective To investigate the related factors which influence the effect of assisted ventilation on neonatal Hyaline Membrane Disease (HMD).
(159) CFAS is the premier professional organization that speaks on behalf of all interested parties in the field of assisted reproductive technologies and research in reproductive sciences.
(159) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(160) It was The Vengeance who , amidst the warm commendations of the audience, thus assisted the proceedings.
(161) Herold assisted John Wilkes Booth to the home of Dr. Samuel Mudd, where Booth's broken leg (sustained after jumping from the balcony of Ford's Theatre) was set.
(162) Objective:To evaluate video assisted minithoracotomy(VAMT) in the treatment of the subacute pyothorax and the treatment principles.
(163) Methods Nursing co-operation in ventriculoperitoneal shunt assisted with ventriculoscope for 33 patients with hydrocephalus from Dec 2003 to Dec 2005 were retrospectively analyzed.
(164) This article introduces the clinical technique of chronic lumbodorsal pain treatment assisted by this navigation system.
(165) ObjectiveTo optimize the extraction process of polysaccharide from D. fimbriatum Hook. var. oculatum Hook by ultrasonic hot reflux assisted.
(166) Consolidated List of Commodities Subject to Import Restriction and Commodities Assisted by Customs for Import ...
(167) A case is offered in support of the moral and legal permissibility of specified instances of medically assisted death, along with responses to the main objections that have been levelled against it.
(168) The paper reviews the diagnosis and treatment of ejaculatory disorder, in particular, application of assisted reproductive techniques in ejaculatory disorder.
(169) ARMER is a reliable multicast algorithm that active router carry out error recovery with replier assisted.
(170) According to the requirement of vehicle auto testing, assisted by current advanced computer technology, a double closed-loop controlled clutch cover unit assembly testing system has been designed.
(171) Endometrial receptivity is an important factor in deciding the successful nidation of embryon, of which the successful evaluation is the key link of assisted reproductive technology(ART).




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