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单词 Mate with
1 Cats do not mate with dogs.
2 The queen bee is likely to mate with two or three drones.
3 A donkey mate with a mare.
4 They want the males to mate with wild females.
5 Do foxes ever mate with dogs?
6 It's quite common for male birds to mate with several females.
7 It is adaptive for animals not to mate with members of other species.
8 During that time he may mate with other females, and add the eggs to his collection.
9 Do females prefer to mate with males of longer tail-length?
10 The male was silent, watching his mate with an almost curious indifference.
11 Any male who chose not to mate with certain kinds of females would mate less than his non-discriminatory competitors.
12 The males of many species mate with several females, but females that mate with several males are rare.
13 If they win, the females will mate with the senior brother.
14 Female roseate terns sometimes mate with each other for life, allowing themselves to be fertilised by males, but making nests and bringing up their young together.
15 The female knot-tying weaverbird will refuse to mate with a male who has built a shoddy nest.
16 The implication is clear: young females do better if they mate with a new male.
17 If he meets a small kitten at this stage he may try to mount it and mate with it.
18 As a consequence they typically occur in very small groups and males therefore mate with fewer females each year.
19 At the same time they try to make sure that no other males get the opportunity to mate with their own female.
20 There is not normally any corresponding selection on males to be choosy about who they mate with.
21 To father a daughter, the man must fertilize his mate with an X carrier.
22 They had noticed that females of both types generally prefer to mate with a quadrimaculata male, if given a choice.
23 A male gorilla or sage grouse does not refuse to mate with a female because of her appearance.
24 Overlapping the largely contiguous female territories are those of males which mate with the females in their area.
25 Natural selection favours the habit in stickleback males because female sticklebacks will only mate with territorial males.
26 If the quail have been reared with siblings, both sexes prefer to mate with first cousins.
27 There have been many investigations of the factors animals use to ensure that they mate with members of the same species.
28 A male toad has to be persuasive to get a female to mate with him - in fact, he has to squeeze the eggs right out of her before he can fertilise them.
29 A male bee, especially a honeybee, that is characteristically stingless , performs no work, and produces no honey. Its only function is to mate with the queen bee.
30 They are hermaphrodites who produce both eggs and sperm but while they are able to reproduce asexually, they do usually mate with other giant snails.
1 Cats do not mate with dogs.
2 The queen bee is likely to mate with two or three drones.
31 At thirty, he signed on as first mate with a cargo ship.
32 Then, on the day itself, she'll often mate with however many squirrels line up at their drey, be it one or 14.
33 In the example of the pill bug, Thierry Rigaud and his collaborators at the University of Poitiers in France have shown that males prefer not to mate with feminized males.
34 Furthermore , if males do mate with transsexual individuals, they deliver relatively few sperm to them.
35 And it’s certainly not reserved just for people we want to mate with; married people flirt with no adulterous intentions and platonic flirting happens all the time.
36 When the wrecked underwater vehicle is in the condition that the sea state is terrible and the angle of trim and heel is bigger, it is very difficult to mate with rescue vehicle.
37 If they continue to mate with bowhead whales, goodbye North Pacific rights.




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