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单词 Ground water
1. Rain permeates through the ground to add to ground water levels.
2. By leaking, like cesspits, they contaminated ground water.
3. Objectors say ground water supplies could be contaminated if bodies are buried in the site that's been chosen.
4. An interim ground water removal system has been in operation for several years, removing 7 millions gallons of contaminated water.
5. Lack of rain is one reason for low ground water levels.
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6. Underground engineering is frequently threatened by ground water irruption.
7. Ground water is usually removed by man through wells.
8. In Changxing Basin, there are abundant ground water resources, such as pore water of Quaternary system, fracture water of sandstone, fracture water and cavern water of carbonatite.
9. It is found that the points of abnormal ground water changes migrated toward the epicentral area of the Haicheng Earthquake from the surroundings before January 31, 1975 with a definite velocity.
10. Ground water in Sanshandao mine field consists of sea water, Quaternary water, fissure water in base rock, underground hot water and fresh water.
11. Presently, most of the ground water in China gradually tend to be malodorous black river due to the deteriorating pollution.
12. The basic problem of water rights in ground water management is that water tights are property.
13. The pollution of ground water causes the blockage of deep well pumps.
14. Abstract: The method to lowering ground water level is introduced which combines shallow-water well with deep-water well in well point. The paper also provides practical experience for future work.
15. The buoyance of underground structure in a high ground water level area is a problem needing solution,() so the anti-pullout mechanism of underground structure has become an important research topic.
16. Its route will pass mainly through soft rock and above deep-lying, brackish ground water.
17. Only two other downtown buildings have water quality board approval to regularly pump ground water.
18. Ruptures would cut the eastern states off from their supply of oil and contaminate ground water.
19. It can also deteriorate cement, brick and wood and eventually contaminate ground water.
20. Afterward, the city and the port would split the cost of disposing the ground water.
21. Because of the SP formula, a inverse technique in wavenumber domain can be used for inversion of the SP anomaly so as to calculate the location of ground water and the depth to ground water.
22. In general, we often take anti-lift pile foundation to counteract the adverse effect of ground water floatage to building in sub-ground engineering.
23. Bioremediation is a promising technology to remedy and control ground water organic pollution.
24. Bang'lazhang is designated as the "Earthquake Observation Point of Dynamic Conditions of Ground Water" by Yunnan Seismological Bureau.
25. Strength, volumetric strain and permeability coefficient, and even moisture-distribution above ground water surface can be determined by the soil-water characteristic curve.
26. Around the pumping wells and within the limit of a funnel-shaped ground water surface, not only vertical movement, but also horizontal compression and dilatation can be observed.
27. The hydro-geology in the Xinqiao pyrite mine field is complicated, and ground water flow is big and of burst nature.
28. Surface subsidence ( ground depression ) caused by the overuse of ground water.
29. Such infiltration, which includes seepage from streams and lakes, contributes to the ground water supply.
30. Previously, MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether) was the oxygenate of choice, but fell out of favour in 2004 when it was found to contaminate ground water.
31. Based on the continuity equation of ground water and the variation principle, the seepage differential equation can be acquired.
32. The method to lowering ground water level is introduced which combines shallow-water well with deep-water well in well point. The paper also provides practical experience for future work.
33. The resistance to float relates to the attributes and conditions of the ground water, the pressure and floatage of water, the change of water level and the sudden supplement of water.
34. The optimal models of surface and ground water system were set up based on the theory and method of water resource systems.
35. The deformation of slope caused by change of ground water level was investigated by adopting a fully coupled procedure and the state-dependent dilatant sand model.
36. Data from the evaporation of ground water was processed using nonlinear correlation depicting the relation between evaporative intensity of ground water and the buried depth of groundwater.
37. The author simulated the ground water flow in Daba area,(http:///ground water.html) Guiyang by using GEO- SLOPE software and drew a satisfied conclusion through the calibration.
38. Selecting a scientific evaluation method to valuate the effect of natural petroleum gas field development on ground water environment will lead to a correct evaluation.
39. Rainstorm design return period of one year, the ground water catchment time for 10 minutes.
40. With the determination of the ground water level and standard gauge height difference between the two methods.
41. Slow degradation of ground water quality may result from repeated use.
42. Interlayer oxidized zone and argillite-sisandstone-argillite sequence occur in red clastic rock formation with ideal artesian and circulating system of ground water.
43. Rain can leach out these chemicals and contaminate ground water beyond the landfill boundaries.
44. The diversion tunnel section excavated by tunneller is buried deeply, the under ground water level is high, the activities of underground water is lively, and Karst topography is quite developed.
45. Evapotranspiration may deplete the soil moisture and rob supplies of ground water.
46. At the same time, the existence of ground water advection can intensify heat transfer effect of U-tube, but it is unfavorable to the energy storage using U-tube.
47. Seepage from land fills can pollute ground water or surface.
48. However, the ground water table tends to descend, accounting for 62 % of the cities and regions.
49. Ground water is lowered by the drainage which can be caused by any deep excavation.
50. The ground water injection systems are of the characters of low efficiency, high electricity expense in China oil fields.
51. This dissertation investigates the artificial ground water recharge mode in Shandong province under different water sources, hydrological conditions and engineering types.
52. Thermal ground water and potable natural water resources are rich and widely distributed in Shanxi province.
53. I stand on their balcony, quietly watching the rain fall down, gently dripping on the floor, and the ground water confluence, and make no reply to flow downhill.
54. Subsidence may be the critical factor in managing a ground water reservoir.
55. The regularity of distribution of ground water level is primarily understood.
56. The forecast of unsaturated water flow has the important significance in atmosphere science, pedology, agricultural engineering, environment engineering and ground water dynamics, etc.
57. The Romans did not trust ground water since it was usually contaminated.
58. The Middle Silurian stratabound uranium deposits in Western Qinling were formed due to hydrothermal modification of ground water and reconcentration of uranium from the sedimentary source rocks.
59. The calculating results show that the precipitable water is well related with the ground water vapor pressure.
60. Guo: It seems that refilling the open-cast mining site with ground water seepage and making them a new lake system is one of the popular strategies here.
61. This solution describes a spreading of a ground water mound.
62. But how can we create such lake system with much lower ground water table?
63. Wherever underground coalmine is exploited, the ground water discharge is accompanied.
64. Free floating fuel is heavily contaminating much of the ground water in the project areas.
65. That part of stream discharge from ground water seeping into the stream.
66. Simulation analyses for steep slope indicate the shape of subsurface flow slides downward decreasingly and the ground water level declines slowly after the stop of rainfall.
67. After the Three Gorges Reservoir impounded, due to the rise of ground water, the flabbiness layers in landslides will become soft and collapse when they meet water.
68. Engaging in the problem of the shallow ground water in the structural design of Jinyuan Commercial Building, anti-floatage piles are partially used to resist the big buoyant force.
69. Effects of manure application amount on soil nitrate accumulation in soil profile, yield and quality of cabbage grown in summer seasons under conditions of shallow ground water table were studied.
70. So we should try to improve the usage rate of water by saving water, control the overdevelop of underground water, make full use of ground water, fa-ther and reuse waste and polluted water.
71. According to the variation of the components in the ground water of Streamflow within a year, the nonpoint pollutant load in a basin can be computed.
72. Methods An inclined tube well collecting percolating ground water with powerful pump in the water-bearing stratum in the depth of 30 meters below the riverbed of Huanghe River was built.
73. Another problem is that chemicals from lowland farms are polluting ground water.
74. Unsaturated soils water is the connection of surface water and ground water, it is the source that the field crop living depends on.
75. Another important expression in calculations for ground water and dams is " drawdown ".




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