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单词 Http
1. Info: http: / / www. monorail. com Comments?
2. To get it, just download it from http: / / www. macromedia. com /.
3. Mac users can download the software free at http: / / www. microsoft. com / ie /.
4. For further developments, http: / / politicsUSA is where to look.
5. Session data grids store HTTP session management data.
6. Cookie is HTTP state management mechanism.
7. COMET uses the persistent connection feature in HTTP/1.1.
8. URN's not internally supported, use an HTTP proxy server.
9. Write an HTTP data stream through that socket.
10. This service provides HTTP tunneling support for clustered environments.
11. HTTP is a kind of stateless protocol.
12. The JSF framework parses the HTTP request header.
13. Different SOAP toolkits treat this HTTP header field differently.
14. Traditional embedded HTTP server is application-oriented and not general.
15. HTTP, FTP, and SMTP are types of transport tModels.
16. Represents the HTTP response line status. Read - only.
17. Yaws is a high-performance HTTP/1.1 server written in Erlang.
18. Listing 1 shows how an http:request element is constructed and optionally can contain other elements, such as http:header elements and http:body (or, if multipart, http:multipart).
19. However, with an HTTP client, the server must do most or all of the data formatting/presentation as well.
20. Next, create a VirtualHost entry to let the HTTP Server service encrypted HTTPS requests on TCP/IP port 443.
21. Sends an HTTP request to the server and receives a response.
22. The URL for the Lonely Planet travel centre is
23. One of the biggest is that Hotmail is accessible from anywhere at http: / / www. hotmail. com.
24. You can find the Abele Owners' Network on the Internet at http: / / www. owners. com.
25. For the latest information visit the German National Tourist Office website at
26. So skip on over to the Alta Vista search engine at http: / / www. altavista. digital. com.
27. Listings 7 and 8 show a sample CIM-XML message exchange -- request and response -- with the CIMOM (over HTTP) in the push-down method through the CIM Adapter.
28. The quote below provides a snippet of Section 13.1.3 of the HTTP 1.1 protocol specification (see Resources).
29. We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE,(http://) EMBASE and the web site.
30. Every Web server on the internet conforms to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol ( HTTP ).
31. This eliminates the need for the batch program to include an HTTP or Web services stack in its implementation to achieve this.
32. The customer profile data from the HTTP request is passed as a parameter to the update statement; no modifications are needed.
33. At a moderate scale (10000 users, 50 contacts each, 1/5 off-site, 2 posts per day), you're looking at 2.3 remote HTTP requests per second, which isn't nothing.
34. Traffic analysis will be performed on specified ports. For HTTP, POP3, SMTP, IMAP or NNTP protocol traffic detection, it will be redirected to the appropriate component.
35. In fact, it calls that method every time the HTTP ready state changes.
36. The container receives the HTTP request and creates a request object that wraps information contained in the HTTP request.
37. A structured approach for automatically cleaning the HTTP session when objects are no longer useful guards against potential use of expired objects.
38. Sends a blank line, indicating the end of the HTTP headers in the response.
39. Web services typically sit on top of an HTTP protocol layer, and the HTTP layer receives a message call as a request and transfers the request to the underlying Web-services layer.
40. The data packet is removed from the frame and sent to HTTP in the application layer.
41. You can download and deploy the files for the application in an HTTP server from the Download table below.
42. You can now navigate to the admin tool at http://localhost:8000/admin and log in using the superuser account you created before.
43. WebSphere Portal writes out all response properties that you specify on a resource response as HTTP headers, so you can control language, content type, and other information for the provided content.
44. Even if we ignore this objection, for those attempting to build distributed applications over HTTP RESTfully, the fundamental question remains.
45. Serve the document as well formed XML, with HTML elements in the xhtml namespace ( and the MathML elements in the MathML namespace (
46. In this case below, a rule would be constructed to examine the HTTP request header for "13j9n75hm".
47. Front And the power of the data to lead production machine HTTP protocol conversion into the TCP/IP protocol data transmission to lead the bank.
48. Since the static files are typically stored outside the portal system on HTTP servers or proxy caches, we will concentrate here on the "real" HTML markup size.
49. Of course, a remote WebSphere eXtreme Scale grid can also be used for HTTP session management, if desired.
50. The Performance Capabilities Reference is available in PDF format on the IBM Performance Managemetn Resource Library at
51. Andy Carvin is former director of the Digital Divide Network [] and writes a blog called for the Public Broadcasting Service [].
52. You should download this JavaScript library from and add it to the /chart.maker/public directory.
53. Whenever you make a request to an HTTP server, part of the HTTP message response indicates the server from which the content is served.
54. The http:request element can contain an http:body element, as in Listing 2.
55. Be aware also that the default port for OSE in V3.x is different from the default port for HTTP communication in V4.
56. In addition to the ready state then, you also need to check the HTTP status.
57. These messages all behave synchronously and are required to be exposed via HTTP - POST only.
58. These reports, available online at, formed the basis of the scientific guidance requested by the FWS.
59. Business Events technology connectors are internal system components that provide codeless connection to and from touchpoints by a variety of protocols, including SMTP, HTTP, and FTP.
60. RESTChess provides a URL rewriter implemented as a HTTP module within IIS 7.
61. Upload data use the standard HTTP format, support batch file upload.
62. A standard HTTP server will also provide a level of load balancing, because it will alternate between nodes in the cluster.
63. As with all REST-based services, things get rolling with an HTTP request to a designated resource.
64. Since its introduction, SOAP over HTTP has become nearly the de facto standard for application-to-application communication over the Internet.
65. As a REST-compliant API, the Google Buzz API supports the use of regular HTTP verbs to indicate the type of action required.
66. It supports both put and get, and gives your code complete access to the HTTP request header, including the UserAgent field.
67. Re-registration is also required when modifiedService() is called -- when the HTTP is modified, in other words.
68. We don't need to use PUT for every state change in HTTP.
69. A more secure protocol is HTTPS (HTTP over SSL), which uses SSL to encrypt HTTP messages.
70. You can use HFS ( Http File Server ) to send and receive files.
71. org.apache.* Represents a number of packages that provide fine control and functions for HTTP communications.
72. To take a face memory test used in Laura Germine's new study, go to and click on "Face Recognition, Emotion Perception, and Personality."
73. This can be done by simply sending an HTTP request to the server, or by using the command line interface.
74. Be aware that WLM even distribution DOES NOT really balance the HTTP requests without session affinity equally across the servant regions in a simple round-robin way.
75. The endpoint URL for the example Web service discussed earlier is http://localhost:3000/hello_message/api, as specified in the service element of the WSDL document.
76. The HTTP servlet handles inbound Web service requests, but it has no direct access to the associated state machine.
77. The Web container thread pool - the microflow is started using an HTTP request.
78. Indeed, HTTP cache control is part of the HTTP V1.1 protocol specification (see Resources).
79. Though HTTP provides basic authentication services to support legal access of users, its function is weak.
80. Simplified the HTTP protocol, the Embedded Web Server is implemented.
81. Listing 9 issues an HTTP GET against this view (which I've given a design document name of dates and a view name of by_date).
82. The Eclipse ECESIS project pages at offer a great video tutorial on how to use Eclipse and write plug-ins.
83. One request from the HTTP client can carry only one command.
84. Unfortunately, HTTP is the defacto standard protocol for client-server communication, and it is a stateless and, in a sense, unidirectional protocol.
85. Because the request will modify state on the server, I'll use an HTTP POST to do the deed.
86. The HTTP server task (the Domino Web server) must be running on the server where the mail file resides.
87. It runs HTTP load tests, which are useful for capacity planning, benchmarking, analysis,(http://) and system tuning.
88. If the request has a basic access header (that is: HTTP:Authorization), it forwards the request to the basic access enabled WebSEAL.
89. A simple HTTP server, SOCKET achieved through static pages to read.
90. When an HTTP response header is important, it will be noted in the text.
91. Each request to an HTTP server resource is meant to be idempotent, which is to say the same request should return the same result at each invocation.
92. HTTP clients may pass over the preferred data formats and languages along with the target URI in the request header, and the content provider should serve these settings.
93. Open Web Analytics -- provides a generic set of PHP and HTTP APIs that application developers can use to integrate web analytics into any application.
94. Represents the HTTP status code returned by a request. Read - only.
95. OCCI and CDMI leverage the design considerations in the HTTP protocol suite with respect security.
96. What's more, the protocol that allows us to follow these links (HTTP) is a non-discriminatory protocol. It allows us to follow any link at all, regardless of content or ownership.
97. It allows you to get raw synset XML from URLs based on WordNet pointers, for example http://localhost:8080/raw/pointer/noun/5955443.
98. Now you can view and modify the contents of your database at a URL like http://rails.server/contact/ (in my test case, it's http://gnosis-powerbook.local:3000/contact/).
99. Using HTTP or WebDAV, the same URIs allow access to the data, which makes connectivity a non-issue.
100. If there were multiple parameters, they would be separated using an ampersand to create a nicely formed HTTP GET.
101. The DOI foundation provides policies, registration services, and HTTP redirection services similar to PURL providers like OCLC.
102. The update site that you create can be copied to another machine that runs an HTTP server.
103. For instance, most corporations already employ a "DMZ" firewall policy that allows a set of protected servers to receive incoming traffic on HTTP or HTTPs but over no other protocols.
104. This central repository can be located on a local hard drive, a shared directory, FTP server, or HTTP server on the intranet.
105. One peculiarity is that HTTP connection data is not accumulated for services in loopback mode.
106. The Official IANA Registry of URI Schemes (see Resources) includes familiar schemes like http, https, and mailto, plus many others that you may or may not be familiar with.
107. Again using an expression, the symbol field in Card A is modified to use as its input the stock symbol sent as a query parameter in the HTTP request, as shown in Figure 11.
108. Give the Joie de vivre Hotels a chance and sign up for their Joy of Life Club (
109. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol ( HTTP ) is an application level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems.
110. Accessing protected objects from an unauthenticated client or an account with lower privileges than required will return a login prompt or "HTTP 401" error, respectively.
111. More recent protocols include DNS ( Domain Name System ) and HTTP ( Hypertext Transfer Protocol ).
112. However, for this code to work, the CherryPy server needs to be set up to associate a session cookie with each HTTP response.
113. In fact, bindings to multiple transports are defined by the specifications to HTTP, the Wireless Session Protocol (a kind of souped-up HTTP), and Object Exchange (OBEX).
114. Cisco has added an HTTP server to its operating system for Cisco routers.
115. Good riddance to the droves of hypesters, amplifiers and marketing managers that couldn't stop themselves from slapping a $OA label on anything or one that recognized http or used an angle bracket.
116. The requestScope.body global variable, bound to the rich text control, is of type
117. The status attribute indicates the HTTP RESPONSE STATUS code (for example, 200) sent back from the server.sentencedict .com
118. Consider a server that spawns many tasks to parallelize incoming connections (a typical architecture for HTTP servers).
119. Instead, you're going to manually "fake out" the HTTP request that the form submittal would have generated so that you can redirect the target of the form to your ThickBox window.
120. Because multiple concurrent XML HTTP requests can be scheduled in parallel, our application essentially becomes a concurrent program -- and concurrency is hard.
121. For my domain I run BSD/OS on its server (HTTP, anonymous FTP, email, DNS, etc.).
122. This includes the files found within the original directory, such as, and all the sub-directories, to the new location.
123. It is used when the charset attribute is not explicitly specified in the HTTP request and the input code set cannot be determined by examining the
124. The put and get methods support file: and http:/https: URLs, while the others support http:/https: and mailto: URLs.
125. To use this attribute, you first need to declare the namespace on the description element.
126. If you are using a firewall between the reverse proxy server and the content HTTP server, you can configure the firewall to allow only HTTP requests from the reverse proxy server.
127. ARP 、 IP 、 TCP and HTTP have been implement.
128. To use FAI for deployment you need DHCP, NFS, HTTP and TFTP servers and of course the FAI software itself.
129. SP and SMG support two types of communication load modes: the general HTTP load mode and the general SGIP load mode.
130. Its String constant is and, as I mentioned earlier, it is usually turned off by default in parsers.
131. Every unqualified name such as schema and element belongs to default namespace
132. Baker: Yes, through the main Commerce Web site, which is, and follow the link to the Foreign Commercial Service.
133. The identification of the end user must be passed to the TAI in a header called iv-user, which is inserted by WebSEAL into the HTTP request header sent from WebSEAL to the Application Server.
134. How does the HTTP server know to which computers it can route the requests?
135. Even if the script is cacheable, extra HTTP requests occur when the user reloads the page.
136. The curl command lets you retrieve data from a server using the HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, Gopher, DICT, TELNET, LDAP, or FILE protocols.
137. Because WEB server is using HTTP protocol communication and therefore also known as HTTP server.
138. See for example The Standish Group's annual Chaos Report available from
139. The rest of this HTTP will be used for message transport.
140. How to break in: Meet valuable contacts by getting involved with the Linguistics Society of America ( and the Association of Computational Linguistics (
141. To this end we recommend that a protocol layer be added to HTTP that we call HTTPR and similarly to HTTPS that we call HTTPSR.
142. Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries.
143. The reverse proxy server takes all requests, and sends the requests to the content HTTP server.
144. You're better off helping your server process less HTTP requests, off-loading media to Amazon S3, et cetera.
145. A significant weakness of HTTP in my view is its dependence on the MIME standard for media type identification and on the related iana registry.
146. The values for the image ID, key name, and security group are passed to the manage_instance.php page via HTTP POST.
147. In case the service binding uses SOAP over HTTP, this means that the http request should block until the response can be send over the same TPC/IP connection.
148. Everything else is just assisting you in composing the http:request element.
149. Wireless Gateways translate the wireless protocol request to the standard HTTP protocol.
150. HTTP Referrer Report - This displays the link that the order came from.
151. Wide industry adoption (OSGi -- see -- Espial, Echelon).
152. All requests for the content HTTP server go through the reverse proxy server.
153. The Resources in this article contain links to more detail on behind-the-scenes HTTP content negotiation.
154. I set this parameter to a node set that gives an XML structure in the namespace, which outlines how to construct the output table.
155. For instance, if you need to change the Tomcat HTTP listener port, change the value of the port attribute of the TomcatWebConnector GBean, as shown in Listing 1.
156. To retrieve the service document, send a HTTP GET request to the service document URI.
157. You don't need a college degree to become a doula, but to be competitive in the field you should be certified by Doulas of North America (
158. You could get here by typing, but few people are likely willing to commit the dotted decimal IP address of this Web site to memory.
159. The Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA), the core standard for sorting all text, is also being updated at the same time (see
160. Whenever Wicket encounters the tag, it reads the value of the key from the locale-specific properties based on the locale set on the HTTP request object.
161. The weakness of packet filtering and proxy technology in firewall are analyzed, The security problems of HTTP pro-tocol's valid usr-identity are pointed.
162. In addition to annoying users, placing unresolvable HTTP URLs in a document tends to fill up server error logs with 404s for the URLs you thought no one would try to find.
163. The base URI of the document (or to be precise, of the document element, and therefore of the typed node element itself) is given as using an xml:base attribute.
164. admin-port-ssl (o) bool If set to true, an SSL-enabled administration HTTP server is used instead of the default nonsecure plain HTTP server.
165. First, because HTTP and Web browsers act in a certain way, you need a way of allowing people to re-edit and re-execute their code.
166. A minimal set of HTTP headers would be used, reducing the overall size of requests.
167. The next 3 figures show how to add the security constraint (Figure 8), how to set the right URL and HTTP methods (Figure 9) and how to allow the role "DADXUser" for that constraint (Figure 10).
168. This servlet serves as the primary entry point of all the HTTP Web service requests and delegates the request and response object instances to the request processor for further processing.
169. More information about project Schliemann is available in NetBeans wiki:
170. This could be on an HTTP server or a shared drive for convenience.
171. Attaching policy to "Message Policy Subject",, from the WebGUI is not supported.
172. The value for this key is a string representing the HTTP server.
173. An Internet version of Greening Industry will be available free of charge at the "New Ideas in Pollution Regulation" website. (
174. The facade component queries the HTTP request's Accept header field to determine the desired response format for the client and then serve the resource in the desired format.
175. Similarly, if your HTTP Server is independent in production, but is included on an app server node in test, then your performance results will not be quite indicative of production either.
176. Alternatively, the plug-in can also be installed via the update manager by creating a new remote site pointing to
177. Since the search feed is public, you can also query it using any unauthenticated HTTP client.
177. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
178. BEEP is a peer-to-peer protocol, which means that it has no notion of client or server, unlike HTTP.
179. Upon successful validation, the HTTP access service builds a token and sends it to the remote application using the HTTP Set-Cookie operational model.
180. The following sections describe how to secure a Data Web Service application at the HTTP transport protocol layer and how to hook it into WebSphere's security framework.
181. From the standpoint of the intended use of the protocol method then, and from the standpoint of HTTP/1.1-compliant Web servers, using GET in this way is inconsistent.
182. While this simplifies development for developers who are not familiar with XML parsing and HTTP protocol details, the Zend Framework Google data API classes are not without their drawbacks.
183. Use of the link element requires maintenance of multiple URLs and requires multiple HTTP requests to get at machine-readable data.
184. This allows for a reduction, in some cases, of the amount of data transferred, because unwanted detail data is never sent over HTTP to the end device.
185. Servlets that support HTTP GET requests and can quickly determine their last modification time should override this method.
186. And once you solve all of the above, then you are into the world of application protocols (ex: HTTP), which require additional framing, buffering and processing logic.
187. The internet is based upon a networking protocol called IPv4, which is the underlying basis for both TCP (used by HTTP and chat applications) and UDP (used for video and audio applications).
188. The keywords specified here are sought within the HTTP user agent request header on incoming requests.
189. The HTTP Response message received from the contacted server could not be understood or was otherwise malformed . Please contact the site operator.
190. This data could consist of e-mail messages using the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) or Web pages rendered through the Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP).
191. However, by hosting remote objects in ASP.NET and by using the HTTP channel for communication, remote objects can benefit from the underlying security services provided by IIS and ASP.NET.
192. Configuration methods by bootstrap via serial port, UDP protocol, HTTP protocol and DHCP protocol are also discussed.
193. For our w3 site, however, there are times when users would not receive the information they expected if sessions did not retain objects across HTTP requests.
194. We calculated adjusted information by finding out the time during the week each HTTP server was active, and analyzed the information from each of these different perspectives.
195. In Table 1, the cell associated with the key (000002, contact:http, t4) is empty.
196. The type value provides the assembly and class name of the HTTP module, whereas the name value provides a friendly name by which the HTTP module can be referred to in the Global.asax file.
197. Or, if you must provide anonymous FTP (or downloads over HTTP), be sure to use firewall hardware and software to isolate all publicly accessible computers from sensitive internal servers.
198. Hand-written JavaScript was added to access the RPC service from an http address and display the JSON result in Dojo components on the Web page.
199. A SOAP request is sent as an HTTP POST with the content type set to text/xml and a field called SOAPAction set to either an empty string or the name of the SOAP method.
200. Experience with networking application protocols development including SMTP and HTTP.
201. For an interesting example of using XSLT as a code compiler, take a look at the DOM Test Suite now being developed,
202. HTTP authentication means that the HTTP request has to have an HTTP header field with the userid and password.
203. The videoclips that were featured on the IBM Content Manager Web page were originally being served through port 80, the standard port for HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP).
204. For example, if the full URL to the JSP is, the value here would be /products/catalogList.JSP.
205. It is very easy to inject HTTP headers to a request and hence just anybody could add a REMOTE_USER header with any desired value to the request.
206. Provides AOP support for field - level HTTP session replication.
207. An incoming event is normally in the form of an HTTP request,(http:///http.html) which the servlet Container turns into an HttpServletRequest.
208. AJAX uses asynchronous data transfer (HTTP requests) between the browser and the web server, allowing web pages to request small bits of information from the server instead of whole pages.
209. However, even HTTP users can see the growing need for this type of function, since portlets began essentially forking HTTP requests.
210. The word captures the key benefit of Yahoo!'s RPC-style services — getting XML results back by making a simple HTTP GET request — without misusing Fielding's original definition.
211. When designing and developing an agent that executes on a large scale production system, review the processing involved when a request initiates an agent that executes on an HTTP server.
212. There are also no mechanisms in REST/HTTP for message routing outside the basic HTTP proxy mechanisms.
213. Also, note that the applicatoin server in both the HTTP requests acted simply as a go-between for the client and the database -- no data was manipulated in the interchange.
214. Verify that HTTP is set to Automatic, and click Next.
215. Latency impact - many commercial WAF appliances can be deployed out-of-line in a sniffing mode which provides access and visibility to HTTP transactions without impacting the latency by being inline.
216. Once it has its grips on the system, it proceeds to create an HTTP server and download malware onto the computer from hacker web sites.
217. For example, http://localhost:8081/ returns whatever index file you provide there.
218. While some sites use SNMP or HTTP for these operations, it's far more common to use a console or in-band telnet session to obtain this information.
219. The Hypertext Transfer tocol (HTTP) is an application-level tocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems.
220. The HTTP load mode supports the 1.0 Version of HTTP Protocol.
221. You'll probably be able to find at least a few possibilities in English-language directories, such as the Radio Locator at
222. One is hypertext transfer protocol, or HTTP, which establishes specifications for linking documents.
223. Next, you install a dev version from the fresh-start repository at to get the development version of Pinax version 0.9a2.dev1017.
224. Everything you store in the HTTP session must implement the interface, as the example does with the TwitterStatus class.
225. Every resource can be obtained and manipulated through the HTTP uniform interface, and the system allows for simple layering and caching through the traditional methods that are used by the WWW.
226. The wire format of the event has two parts: an HTTP request header and the event payload (which is the event connector packet).
227. The Call Forwarding sample has both HTTP and SIP servlets, which is what makes it a converged application.
228. The best approach for message numbering for the architecture proposed is to combine the HTTP session-identifier with the timestamp of the point in time the message was submitted.
229. JSON reduces the HTTP traffic by introducing a new format for interchanging data between server and client applications.
230. A request arrives at the server in some manner, which might be through a network protocol (such as HTTP, FTP, or POP), through a JMS queue, or perhaps by polling a database.
231. In response to a request, it sends a standard HTTP response header, collects readings from the relevant pins, and sends the data package in text format.
232. The proxy server port in a run an HTTP proxy.
233. It takes the form of a stand-alone computer program connected to a back-end monitoring service, and can be downloaded at
234. You can use SOAP in combination with the HTTP request method POST. In order to send a SOAP HTTP request, you need to supply a SOAPAction header field in HTTP.
235. To verify the HTTP installation, start the HTTP server service and navigate to the http:/// test page.
236. You can start message flow development much more easily, especially for SOAP/HTTP processing.
237. WSDL 2.0 is an XML language with the core namespace
237. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
238. "HTTP/" plus the fully qualified domain name for the hostname.
239. Results for HTTP put and delete actions now appear in the Test tab of the Package Assembly Tool.
240. In the HTTP Proxy address field, enter the host name or IP address of a reverse proxy or application server to forward authenticated traffic.
241. WebSocket is a draft protocol intending to define a bi-directional full-duplex communication protocol to allow web browsers and web servers to communicate without the HTTP protocol overhead.
242. In this paper, HTTP protocol widely use on the internet is described.
243. HTTP is a text - based protocol for a Web browser to access Web pages.
244. One additional note and warning: The book uses the XInclude namespace that was current at the time it was written -- -- but this is no longer current.
245. If you answer yes to any of these, HTTP - Tunnel is the answer.
245. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
246. Data Push in GDS (named Gravity) is implemented as a Comet-like service with AMF3 messages sent over HTTP (no RTMP, no specific internet port), and is freely based on the Bayeux protocol.
247. For example, in the sample case used to build this scenario, the URL would be:
248. A more powerful, although less convenient approach is to spoof an HTTP request.
249. Furthermore, HTTP employs TCP/IP as the network communications protocol for its request/response messages.
250. Now that you've seen how GCF supports various types of connections and we've developed our first networking MIDlet, it's time to take a closer look at HTTP support in MIDP.




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