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单词 Never again
1. Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another.
2. Never again would he return to Naples.
3. They never again tortured a prisoner in his presence.
4. He drove me back home last night. Never again!
5. Never again would she listen to the promptings of her heart.
6. He said that American military power should never again be vitiated by political concerns.
7. He will never again be allowed inside a British boxing ring.
8. This incident in his childhood is never again referred to.
9. And Rebekah will never again see her favourite son.
10. Habash never again saw his boyhood home.
11. It never again recovered its former glory.
12. "Never again" is the refrain associated with the Holocaust.
13. Johnson never again saw his brothers.
14. It was a sudden, absolute truth, never again to be questioned.
15. Never again did he balloon to dangerous proportions, but his battle with unwanted poundage proved to be a lifelong struggle.
16. His successors never again ran the town, as he did, but they always had a piece of the action.
17. At the time he said never again, but a few years have gone by and he has a different perception.
18. Never again would classrooms and indeed whole schools in the West Riding be the bleak, barren places of my boyhood.
19. She promised herself never again to disturb the peace of this man's life.
20. Never again would anyone offer her an iron bed in a dark poky little room.
21. The Oxenfords knew they might never again see what they left behind.
22. Never again would the Galway mail arrive there in its midnight glory.
23. The Keithite ferment quieted, but Pennsylvania was never again pure.
24. And about geriatrics never again being isolated from general medicine and surgery.
25. Now that you've sown doubts in my mind, I'll never again be sure I can trust him.
26. After their quarrel, Jim and Mary found that their relationship had gone off the boil, and they were never again as loving as they had been.
27. But his debut on television after 20 years in books has been so successful that nerds may never again be uncool.
28. He usually lost his fights, but after he understood his nose, he never again bled to the vomit point.
29. Only a year ago the pundits were shaking their heads and gloomily prophesying that the Democrats would never again provide a President.
30. Whatever the cause, the reformation of our family, with Dad at the head, never again came to be.
31. I will never again destroy every living creature as I have done.
32. Certainly he was never again to be as actively interested in the company as he was in the late 1940s.
33. Perhaps she would never again be able to function normally.
34. They had never again given Jeanne custody of her chil-dren.
35. The story went that after the tragedy Godolphin had retired to his country estate, and never again ventured beyond its perimeters.
36. Even so, it was never again to be so easy.
37. The prince proclaimed that the charming new princess would never again touch a spinning wheel.
38. He ordered him out of his sight and never again to appear before him.
39. At the very least, the outlets which sold the tickets before the official date should never again be involved in distribution.
40. Herrera, who weighed only 137, was wobbled a few more times in the fight but never again left his feet.
41. So I had it all cut off, it was about 2 inches all over - never again!
42. It was the commonly held belief then that never again would this communal beast be allowed to rear its head.
43. For the conspiracy-minded, two plus two need never again add up to four.
44. The Whigs splintered over slavery in the pre-Civil War era and never again got their act together.
45. She would leave at the first opportunity, and never again would she listen to the reckless promptings of her heart.
46. For ladies in your way are apt to extend what they call their privileges and the husband never again recovers the ascendant.
47. Alexander's disappointment was indescribable; he now thought that he would never again be able to have more than temporary relief.
48. His head would never again be turned by a pretty woman.
49. When morning dawned he knew he would never again follow the old man up to that room.
50. Weir promised himself he would never again socialize with other ranks.
51. Never again will the United States dominate the world economy as it did in the early Cold War.
52. Then they sank back into armchairs, thanking the Lord that never again in their lives would they move house.
53. Never again would a signalman give the signal that all was clear.
54. I pledged to never again go home with some one on the spur of the moment.
55. And Jeffries then proceeded to make a fool of Marshak by never again producing a single scholarly work.
56. A letter from his wife gave the feeling that she was in a different world,[http:///never again.html] which he would never again inhabit.
57. He never again aspired to disobey her.
58. The barons made war upon him, and never again did he see a peaceful day.
59. As a result , he never again trusted any vehicle with less than four wheels.
60. They said I was irresponsible, and from that day on they never again let me have a pet, not even an ordinary garden spider.
61. Set the bird's wings with gold and it will never again soar in the sky.
62. Small crocodile-like animals nibble the edges of the boat. I vow never again to complain about being on a bus.
63. Scientists never again regarded the world as they had before.
64. He would never again see Natalie, nor even once lay eyes on the baby he had fathered.
65. They all resolved that never again would they fight one another.
66. Nothing ever happened to us again, and we never again[sentence dictionary], played with another Ouija board again. At least she didn't.
67. " There will never again be men like them,'said Carreen softly.
68. And we must never again turn a blind a government anywhere engages in gross inhumanity.
69. And yet he withstood the urge of self-annihilation never again contemplating suicide.
70. Never again did he intend her to have a recurrence of fear of the dark.
71. God's free pardon makes us anxious never again to grieve Him by disobedience.
72. There would never again be an afternoon as long as this one.
73. Well, never again will I let a darky on this place marry off it.
74. Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst.
75. God free pardon makes us anxious never again to grieve Him by disobedience.
76. If you realize that life is a one-way street, you will never again passing the same scenery, then you should go to enjoy life wholeheartedly, and that is the essence of happiness.
77. No, she would never again be afraid of anything except poverty.
78. You will never again distrust the word of God and his helpers.
79. Never again were Mathew and Morveren seen by the people of Zennor. They had gone to live in the land of Llyr, in golden sand castles built far below the waters in a blue-green world.
80. It would never again be possible for them to lead normal lives.
81. The challenge is to bind these powers into a progressive security council.Take Libya.Britain, America and France should never again elide the responsibility to protect populations with regime change.
82. The scourge of racial tyranny should never again be allowed to raise its ugly head.
83. She wants never again tohave to knock on a door and call out: "Hello?
84. Never again pull a stunt like riding a bicycle no hands.
85. Utnapishtim leaves the boat and makes a sacrifice to the gods, who promise that there will never again be a flood.
86. The faery was never again seen. He drew his bleeding arm into the earth, thinking, as it is recorded, he had lost his hand through the treachery of the child.
87. But there's also no shortage of nations that haven't medaled in decades and may never again.
88. Never again would she start in fear at the sound of hooves.




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