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单词 Self-interest
1 The company's donation was surely motivated by self-interest, as it attracted a lot of media attention.
2 Their current protests are motivated purely by self-interest.
3 It's just self-interest parading as concern for your welfare.
4 Self-interest governs all his actions.
5 He helped us out of charity, not self-interest.
6 His offer was motivated solely by self-interest.
7 His judgement was warped by self-interest.
8 Faction and self-interest appear to be the norm.
9 She was motivated solely by self-interest.
10 Not all of them were acting out of self-interest.
11 His supposed generosity is merely a form of self-interest.
12 He is motivated entirely by self-interest.
13 All his decisions have been entirely governed by self-interest.
14 His election campaign appeals more to enlightened self-interest than to self-sacrifice.
15 I was torn between altruism and self-interest.
16 But such self-interest might prove misguided.
17 As always(), political calculation based on self-interest.
18 Not all people are motivated by self-interest.
19 Certain information is desired for enlightened national self-interest.
20 Because that self-interest has continued, we have maintained our membership,[] even though we continue to run an imbalance on our trade.
21 People participate in the club for reasons of self-interest rather than altruism.
22 The universally-shared human motive of rational self-interest makes human action predictable, generalisable and controllable.
23 Self-interest now propels both Clinton and Republican leaders in Congress to reach accommodation on issues that long have divided them.
24 He complained that there was a tendency to equate right-wing politics with self-interest.
25 Directors may be tempted to act in their own self-interest.
26 I think it would be a gross distortion of reality to say that they were motivated by self-interest.
27 Licensed dealers offered a personal service, but this was marred by their self-interest.
28 Advertising is most effective when it appeals directly to people's self-interest.
29 Even the pope recently reproached local politicians on a visit to Naples for their self-interest and neglect of their constituents.
30 Takla Haymanot of Gojjam, another of John's powerful and ambitious subjects, was also motivated solely by self-interest.
1 He complained that there was a tendency to equate right-wing politics with self-interest.
2 Directors may be tempted to act in their own self-interest.
3 The company's donation was surely motivated by self-interest, as it attracted a lot of media attention.
4 I think it would be a gross distortion of reality to say that they were motivated by self-interest.
31 Blasting through the grey language that usually cloaks such matters he accuses the Fund of corruption, self-interest and deceit.
32 Moreover, it is not sustainable by the self-interest of the firms.
33 The old ties of obligation were replaced by pursuit of self-interest and the pursuit of capital accumulation.
34 Rose Tsai and Julie Lee and their like-minded neighbors on the west side are pushing issues that smack of conservative economic self-interest.
35 This paper has provided an example of how the self-interest of solicitors is a more helpful way of viewing this group.
36 A whole range of behaviour is subsumed under the umbrella of bureaucratic self-interest.
37 We will only succeed if we start to develop a doctrine of international community based on the principle of enlightened self-interest.
38 The apparent reproductive suicide of a female worker is, as a result, a matter of biological self-interest.
39 Self-interest was the worst sin and slaveholding was the worst form of self-interest.
40 The existence of a future in which to apply punishment allows current collusion to be sustained by the self-interest of the firms.
41 In practice, however, motives for intervention are rarely entirely pure, and an element of self-interest usually obtrudes.
42 Answer: They both show how supposedly smart nations can act against their self-interest.
43 They also wondered if Morris's strategic thinking was unhinged from financial self-interest.
44 Nevertheless the pursuit of policies based on national self-interest led to competitive depreciation and the introduction of tariffs and other trade restrictions.
45 The institutional power managers place the good of the company over self-interest.
46 They can be manipulated by minorities, taken over by extremists, motivated by the self-interest of organised millions.
47 Critics point to the disservice to the public of allowing the self-interest of organizations to determine welfare outcomes.
48 If conscience can not turn the tide, perhaps it is the panic of self-interest which will finally do the job.
48 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
49 The Gingrich case ought not be decided purely in terms of Republican Party self-interest, either.
50 Presumably the interplay of political and economic self-interest of government in industry will bring us to their goal.
51 These scholars contend that organization structure is the product of self-interest, and is formed through negotiation and compromise.
52 Humankind, in this view, is deeply flawed-driven by self-interest, pride, ambition, anger and other passions.
53 One, deriving from Hobbes and Locke, regards the consent given as an expression of rational enlightened self-interest.
54 For most people, paying tax was a kind of enlightened self-interest.
55 Its defining relationship is exchange motivated by individual self-interest, with prices crucial in signalling information, to which participants respond.
56 At least we can still count on self-interest as a predictable factor ... I suppose it's the last to go.
57 It does not necessarily call for an ethical content, so facts are often distorted or falsified for self-interest.
58 In the name of humanity and self-interest, we ought to be working to change their status to legal.
59 The superintendent, through politeness and self-interest, had phoned the local collator at Matlock to check out Hebden's address.
60 Since the Community's inception under the treaty of Rome in 1957, mutual self-interest has been the driving force behind it.
61 It should arise from concern and interest in the counsellee, not from a prurient self-interest or inquisitiveness on the part of the counsellor.
62 The self-interest behind such measures and the harmful effects in Third World countries are plain for all to see.
63 Genuine peaceful change depends on building trust, forgiveness and sacrificing self-interest.
64 Perhaps sensibly, Mr Bush's campaign appeals more to enlightened self-interest than to self-sacrifice.
65 But the motive behind her achievement was not self-interest alone, nor the desire to carry aloft the banner of feminism.
66 Because they measure performance, they touch upon people's sensitivities and self-interest.
67 An alternative view, however, suggests that enlightened self-interest is more likely than regulatory compulsion to bring about truly sustainable activities.
68 Our country's role in the world must be determined by economic self-interest.
69 Too many leaders, motivated by self-interest, had failed to rise to the occasion.
70 Or should we politicize the principle of altruism on the grounds that it is no more than enlightened self-interest?
71 The aristocracy of this period has been castigated for its naked self-interest and expediency.
72 The place was governed by the simple understanding that the unbridled pursuit of perceived self-interest was healthy.
73 Knowing that self-interest lay at the bottom of his proposal did not prevent my being grateful.
74 This new vision of life is in marked contrast to the blindness and insensitivity of self-interest and pride.
75 Enlightened self-interest is, for those of us who are not saints, the necessary condition of social behaviour.
76 But there were other considerations, too, of which self-interest was only one.
77 Political self-interest and holy war combined to demolish for good the huge structure of empire.
78 Informed irreverence carries certain risks into the heartland of self-interest.
78 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
79 Self-interest is just too powerful, and the only thing that can contain it is competition.
80 There was no denying that his motivation was touched by self-interest.
81 Each group has its insular concerns and each is locked within the tunnel vision of its own experience and tangible self-interest.
82 The conservative is led by disposition, not unmixed with pecuniary self-interest, to adhere to the familiar and the established.
83 Lonrho itself is authority for the view that pursuit of naked self-interest by criminal means can never amount to conspiracy.
84 Will his ideology make him close the border, or will economic self-interest keep it open, at least for a time?
85 Men think and act for self-interest, and are inclined to lie, cheat and swindle when doing so brings them benefits. Dr T.P.Chia 
86 His secular, rationalist sensibilities created an ideal of liberalism based on the individual pursuit of self-interest.
87 Family support may be the twenty-first-century form of enlightened self-interest.
88 The fundamental characteristics are self-interest, voluntariness, fair and competitive.
89 Many of them placed self-interest before the common good.
90 The causes of policy executive power weakening include self-interest, defects in executive mechanism, personnel quality and weakness of policy surveillance and so on.
91 Its current experiment in Africa mixes a hard-nosed but clear-eyed self-interest with the lessons of China's own successful development and of decades of its failed aid projects in Africa.
92 He hoped his work at the university would give him insight into how questions of morality could be applied to places where self-interest flourished.
93 If nothing else, Kim should ratchet down the rhetoric out of his own family's self-interest.
94 Here the rewards of his industry follow-- with equal steps the progress of his labour; his labour is founded on the basis of nature,[] self-interest; can it want a stronger allurement?
95 In this paper, we analyze the impact of managerial self-interest and the board on capital structure based on three-party agency theory.
96 Greed, recklessness and self-interest rides in the saddle of today's capitalism. -Jone I. Bogle.
97 But on any one issue, a person may be in the minority, so simple self-interest dictates that there be special protection for minorities.
98 While Rand was hardly the first philosopher to advocate an ethos of individualism, reason, and self-interest, no one formulated it as accessibly or persuasively as she did--or as passionately.
99 However, this lending would have to be enforced by government diktat because the self-interest of the banks would lead them to focus on preserving and rebuilding their own equity.
100 People usually from think high at up, but neglect wild move vegetative importance, thus end lost self-interest, bring not resumable result.
101 Avid self-interest is likely to pile up wealth withremarkable speed, though it is likely to amass spectacu- lar poverty at thesame time.
102 I think as we are being envious, we should work even harder. We create our future, it doesn't come from luckiness, or speculate and manipulate for self-interest.
103 It was his pride, his fears, his 'face', his self-indulgence and self-interest that allowed John to be murdered.
104 Self-interest demand of state actor makes it form foreign policy tropism of isolation and nonalignment under the special culture ideas.
105 Now what's driving it is the institutional self-interest factor, where bigger pools mean you're more popular, you're better.
106 Immanuel Kant says that in so far as our actions have moral worth, what confers moral worth is precisely our capacity to rise above self-interest and inclination and to act out of duty.
107 The addiction to a failed policy has long been fueled by the self-interest of a relatively small prohibitionist community—and enabled by the distraction of the American public.
108 The low opinions on nature of political man admit the animal nature and self-interest belonging to man, and the advanced opinions cheer for the self-fulfillment and perfection of man.




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