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单词 lavender
释义  Related topics: Plants, Colourslav·en·der /ˈlævəndə $ -ər/ noun  1. [countable, uncountable]HBP a plant that has grey-green leaves and purple flowers with a strong pleasant smell 薰衣草2. [uncountable]CC a pale purple colour 浅紫色Examples from the Corpuslavender• In most cases, the perfumes that insects find attractive, such as lavender, roses, and honeysuckle, please us as well.• Bring a little lavender in, if you got any.• All the doors were locked and bolted so I climbed out through the kitchen window and dropped into a bed of lavender.• For example: try two drops of bergamot, one drop of lavender and one drop of sandalwood.• Boiled lard in a pan of water, cooled, strained and mixed with oil of lavender was used.• Lemon or bergamot blends well with sesame as a base oil; lavender and/or rosemary is good with olive oil.• The room was airless and putrid and stifling hot, the window lavender with either twilight or dawn.Origin lavender (1300-1400) Anglo-French lavendre, from Medieval Latin lavandula, perhaps from Latin lividus “bluish” or lavare “to wash”lav·en·der nounChineseSyllable  plant Corpus leaves grey-green a flowers and has purple with that




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