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单词 Lowered
1. They lowered the coffin into the grave.
2. Two hours later he lowered his colours.
3. He lowered his gun slowly.
4. Christina blushed and hastily lowered her eyes.
5. The maid lowered her chin and simpered.
6. To his delight a familiar, tall, languid figure lowered itself down the steps of a club.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. She raised/lowered her veil.
8. She glanced shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
9. Ellen smiled uncomfortably and lowered her gaze.
10. He leaned forward and spoke in a lowered voice.
11. Every evening at sunset the flag was lowered.
12. She lowered her eyelids, then sprang them open.
13. The coffin was lowered into the grave.
14. She lowered her lashes in sudden embarrassment.
15. A cold had lowered her resistance.
16. Sokolowski lowered himself into the black leather chair.
17. Bannol lowered his bulk carefully into the chair.
18. She'd lowered her voice until it was barely audible.
19. He carefully lowered the sleeping child onto the bed.
20. Stocks generally lowered in value.
21. She lowered her bucket into the well.
22. They lowered him down the cliff on a rope.
23. Greg watched as the coffin was lowered.
24. She lowered her voice so Alex couldn't hear.
25. Christina blushed and lowered her eyes.
26. He lowered his voice to a whisper.
27. Huge clouds lowered over the bay.
28. His arrogance lowered him in her estimation.
29. The water table has been lowered by drought.
30. The stocks lowered in value.
1. They lowered the coffin into the grave.
2. Two hours later he lowered his colours.
3. Christina blushed and hastily lowered her eyes.
4. The maid lowered her chin and simpered.
5. To his delight a familiar, tall, languid figure lowered itself down the steps of a club.
6. She lowered her eyelids, then sprang them open.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. His arrogance lowered him in her estimation.
31. She lowered her voice to a whisper.
32. Helen lowered her voice as they approached.
33. Inch by inch, he lowered himself from the roof.
34. She lowered her newspaper and looked around.
35. He lowered his voice so Doris couldn't hear.
36. When fashion changes hemlines are raised or lowered./lowered.html
37. The bull lowered its horns and charged.
38. There is lowered pain tolerance, lowered resistance to infection.
39. The flags were lowered to half-mast.
40. She glanced at him occasionally from beneath lowered lids.
41. The motor - cyclist raised / lowered his visor.
42. She lowered her eyes with a deep blush.
43. Interest rates have been lowered again.
44. She lowered the glass with calculated slowness.
45. She lowered herself into the driver's seat.
46. She lowered herself down to the floor.
47. Her voice lowered as she spoke.
48. Her father lowered his paper and peered over his glasses at her.
49. They lowered him gradually into the cockpit. Somehow they squeezed him in the tight space, and strapped him in.
50. She gave him a quick, upward look, then lowered her eyes.
51. He folded his arms and lowered down his head as usual before he was in deep thought .
52. Very gently, he lowered the dog onto the rug by the fire.
53. One of the major banks has lowered its interest rates and the other banks are expected to follow suit.
54. I took my bags inside, lowered myself onto the bed and switched on the TV.
55. So in effect the government have lowered taxes for the rich and raised them for the poor.
56. The voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 years.
57. When he finally found out it was bad for him, he lowered his colours.
58. "No movies of me getting out of the pool, boys." They dutifully lowered their cameras.
59. They lowered him down to the bottom of the deep shaft.
60. She lowered the handkerchief which she had kept dabbing at her eyes.
61. He lowered himself carefully down from the top of the wall.
62. She saw James walk in and hastily lowered her lids.
63. The Chinese anthem was played after the Union Jack was lowered in Hong Kong for the last time.
64. The other driver lowered at us as we passed him.
65. Another man in a harness was being lowered from the helicopter.
66. The flags were lowered out of deference to the bereaved family.
67. The pilot lowered the flaps as the aircraft came into land.
68. She lowered her head and brushed past photographers as she went back inside.
69. He lowered his legs until he felt he had a solid foothold on the rockface beneath him.
70. She lowered her gaze to the hands in her lap.
71. A sudden run on the dollar has lowered its value.
72. The driver of the car lowered his offside front window.
73. Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea.
74. After failing to get into university[http:///lowered.html], he lowered his sights and got a job in a shop.
75. Profit margins suffered when the company lowered prices to remain competitive.
76. When they sound the last post, the flag is lowered.
77. I lowered myself to the water's edge, getting my feet wet.
78. The Central Bank has lowered interest rates by 2 percent.
79. They lowered their voices right down to the floor.
80. She lowered her voice reverentially .
81. Puny blushed, and lowered her eyes.
82. She lowered her eyes to avoid the priest's glance.
83. She lowered her voice, leaning closer.
84. She lowered her chin and looked up at him.
85. Interest rates were lowered to kick-start the economy.
86. Corrigan took them and lowered himself.
87. He lowered his head to her hair instinctively.
88. Kathleen Lavender lowered her head, in tears of distress.
89. The old man lowered himself wearily into his chair.
90. Tam drank, lowered the bottle, and examined the contents.
91. She had lowered her eyes again.
92. Waller'd shot the bolt and lowered his eyes.
93. Houses have lowered in value recently.
94. The coffin was lowered slowly into the ground.
95. Later a microphone was lowered to him.
96. The butter was lowered down on ropes into the cool depths to keep until next market day.
96. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
97. The back gate was raised, the canvas flaps lowered, and we were on our way.
98. Hindered by scolding women and jeering men, the soldiers lowered themselves into the cramped crawl spaces.
99. Having been lowered to the ledge, I first introduced myself to the eaglets.
100. He stepped back from the microphone and lowered his gaze, lost in painful emotion.
101. They lowered Virgil into his grave and shoveled in the dirt and made a nice mound over him.
102. She took the hands of those on either side of her, lowered her head and gave a constipated grunt.
103. He lowered the volume inside his right ear and made the few careful steps from his room into the hall.
104. He lowered his fork and stopped eating, astonished at the idea that had flitted through his mind.
105. Farini carried a wash tub, lowered a pail into the river, and rinsed out a dozen pocket handkerchiefs.
106. The recent shift towards indirect taxation would have lowered even further the position of this country in the comparative scene.
107. Its body is hunched up in a strange way, with its wings drooped, its feathers ruffled and its head lowered.
108. The hood framed her expressive face, emphasising the grimace of determination before she lowered herself into the starting blocks.
109. Gritting her teeth, she lowered her head, and barged through them, swinging the cable-cutters with wild abandon.
110. She stared confusedly at him for several seconds, then lowered her head, gazing into the glass she was holding.
111. He lowered his head on to the table; the marble felt fresh in contact with his flushed skin.
112. I took off my rings and jewellery and put them in my handbag then lowered myself over the cliff edge.
113. As they climbed into the hills, the sky lowered over the car.
114. In the effort to bolster ratings at all costs, journalistic standards have been lowered.
115. Wilcox lowered the bonnet and pushed it shut with the palm of his hand.
116. But some last-minute impulse lowered her aim so that the blow caught him, hard but not painfully, on his chest.
117. When the end of the column was over the steel baseplate, the crane operator lowered it slowly into position.
118. While Violette entertained them with stories of increasing complexity, Katherine from beneath lowered lids stole occasional glances at Carlo.
119. That diet lowered their blood pressure as much as a typical blood-pressure-lowering medication would.
120. Crews lowered boom barriers several feet high around the nearby ponds.
121. The polyester products maker attributed the forecast to weak world-wide demand that has lowered production volumes and increased manufacturing costs.
122. She lowered her head and took the tip of the throbbing rod between her lips.
123. The critical stage would be when he lowered his undercarriage.
124. She lowered her gaze hastily and found her irrepressible sense of humour surfacing.
125. Plummer lowered the weapon, easing the hammer forward and slipping on the safety catch.
126. The Fed recently lowered the funds rate to 5. 50 % from 5. 75 %.
126. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
127. Sons, lowered their ratings on the stock because of slower-than-expected growth at new stores.
128. We watched in silence as Tam lowered himself down until he was suspended from the ledge by his hands.
129. Tariffs will be lowered across the board, but some industries will be protected for another 15 years.
130. The study found that the garlic extract consistently lowered total blood cholesterol by 5 percent to 8 percent.
131. The black arms stabbed in at the lowered red head and bull neck, chipped blood off the brow and the cheek.
132. The height may be reduced and the other buildings will be lowered and not much else will show in profile Voice over.
133. Its wooden centre section can be raised and lowered to form a defensive barrier.
134. Davis concludes from an analysis of traffic accidents that the speed limit should be lowered.
135. Sir James hailed the ship, telling the crew they were coming aboard and a large gangplank was lowered.
136. Throwing back its bearskin cover, he lowered her carefully to the mattress and stood looking down at her.
137. In my opinion(), the relative rigidity and compartmentalization of the program made for lowered technical efficiency and morale.
138. At their services they sat quietly, eyes lowered and hands folded, waiting for the Spirit to prompt some one to speak.
139. A four-year drought in East Anglia and extra demands for water from a burgeoning local population have lowered the water table.
140. She recognised his need, and lowered her body so that his anxious pego infiltrated deeper and deeper into her heavenly playground.
141. Robbie observed him through lowered lashes as he made hearty inroads on the food.
142. They were more physically fit, had lost a little body fat and lowered their triglycerides compared to the control group.
143. A lone man was walking by and Ezra lowered his window and leaned out and asked the way to the cemetery.
144. But his tenure of the prime minister's press office lowered its reputation and damaged Mrs Thatcher's image.
145. Then, very gently, he lowered the calf on to the rug by the fireside.
146. The old man just lowered at us as we walked by.
147. Is the compensation for extra risk lowered by the availability of life insurance?
148. The mainsail was still swinging back and forth, sweeping the cabin top, so it was lowered and tied down.
149. First we learned that soy foods lowered cholesterol by 20 percent in men and women with totals above 335 milligrams per deciliter.
150. This is a long way from supposing that the barrier will soon fall or be substantially lowered.
151. On Thursday, the central bank lowered both its floor and ceiling rates by a quarter point.
152. We had our kitchen cabinets lowered to be more accessible.
153. Their already world-class development and production costs were lowered more.
154. Gaily followed them at a discreet distance and watched as they lowered Miss Faith Lavender into her last resting place.
155. Her head was lowered in obedience, but there was a faint smile on her cherry lips.
156. I slid my leg between the cyclic and the front of the seat and lowered myself on to the nylon mesh.
157. When Ryan read the charge of homicide of Menendez,[http:///lowered.html] Franco lowered his gaze from the bench and stared at his feet.
158. Panting and cursing with pain and rage he came back, head lowered.
159. She lowered herself further down into the gully, and urinated on the ground.
160. He held it under her chin and lowered his mouth to hers.
161. I gave Becky to them and lowered myself into the water.
162. Masklin lowered himself carefully to the floor and crept forward.
163. Light switches were lowered, and lights were hung overhead to avoid cords from traditional lamps that would get in the way.
164. When Ray finished, he passed the microphone and lowered his head.
165. Balancing awkwardly on one leg, he lowered himself into his wheelchair.
166. Microsoft lowered its earnings forecast by 5-6 % after a wave of disappointing results from the computer industry.
167. Before leaving, we lowered one of our motorboats to circle the area.
168. The threshold is lowered to $ 50, 000 in contributions starting July 1, 2000.
169. His eyes searching hers from very close quarters, he chuckled when she hastily lowered her lashes.
170. She lowered herself to the beam, one leg down, the other forward.
171. The precursors of lowered self-esteem and poor coping will also be examined.
172. I wept when they lowered her coffin into the ground.
173. The bell was now lowered very gradually, as she would be from here to the sea bed.
174. The rib transfer carriage is lowered on to the needlebed to the right of the knitting.
175. Larsen then passed the window pane down to Grant, and lowered himself through in turn.
176. It made a small noise in its nostrils, then lowered its head slightly, as if bowing to her.
177. From time to time the poor beasts lowered their heads to the thick grass verges, and the men let them graze.
178. The lowered mood itself increases access to negative memories, serving to maintain the depression.
179. Conflicts that hurt others can have a boomerang effect if management senses productivity has been lowered. 2.
180. He began to feel out of his depth, as if the chair beneath him were being lowered into a pool of boiling off.
181. They last lowered the benchmark federal funds target for loans between banks on Dec. 19.
182. She lowered the sleeves, down, down, until they reached her wrists.
183. But the unfamiliar, the militant, will mistake his lowered voice and nervousness for weakness.
184. Vignola lowered her 1996 earnings estimates to $ 2. 35 from $ 2. 39.
185. The gold standard was abandoned, the pound was devalued, and interest rates were lowered.
186. Henry pulled the plastic bags out of the boot of the Passat,[http:///lowered.html] and lowered his eyes.
187. They raised and lowered their muskets, fixed 18-inch-long bayonets to their weapons and demonstrated various marching maneuvers.
188. Repeated failure had lowered the club's reputation in the eyes of opponents and had gnawed away at membership numbers.
189. Meg's coffin was lowered into a shallow grave packed in the dry, hard ground.
190. Her eyes lowered suspiciously to the case and to the swimming trunks and sun cream already placed inside.
191. Some wondered if it had been lowered by the garrison.
192. Some of them wept as the preacher opened up his prayer book and the coffin was gently lowered into the grave.
193. Dorcas lowered himself gingerly on to the brink and sat with his legs dangling over the drop.
194. Gao Yang lowered his head, sending drops of cooled sweat sliding Jown the tree to the ground.
195. He also announced that the voting age would be lowered from 21 to 18 years.
196. Sharp cuts in its prices in the autumn doubled its market share, but lowered profits.
197. The Fed lowered the key federal funds rate on overnight bank loans twice last year, in July and December.
198. He lowered himself into an old leather chair and continued chewing while he waited.
199. After his election in 1984, Leon Febres Cordero lowered import barriers and subsidies, and ran a tight fiscal policy.
200. The omnipresent cul-de-sac, for example, lowered speeds but not enough for child safety, especially on the long straight legs.
201. She helped Sethe to a rocker and lowered her feet into a bucket of salt water and juniper.
202. The central bank last lowered interest rates on Dec. 14.
203. But nobody was thinking about the installment plan Friday when they lowered the tiny casket into the ground.
204. Their classmates and the parents of those classmates are alarmed to see the quality of academia lowered.
205. As it came near he quickly lowered the camera and directed a wide-eyed stare, straight at the big cat.
206. Bobo touched her crooked finger to her lips and then lowered her hand, palm upwards.
207. Ralph lowered his legs; the jump seat popped right back vertical as though it had already forgotten him.
208. Steve had to fix a belay around a boulder while the porters lowered barrels, bags and sacks down the rock face.
209. My heart began to flutter as I lowered the heavy pyx into my pouch.
210. The boats were lowered but the harpooner on the boat nearest him was devoured by the Great White Whale.
211. Then all coherent thought fled as fitzAlan's hand lowered further.
212. Exercise promotes beneficial changes in the body. Heart rate and blood pressure are lowered at rest and at exercise.
213. He sneaked a glance at her from beneath his brows, his head still lowered.
214. I feel their lOsses pile up like dirt thrown on a box after it has been lowered into the earth.
215. She lowered her voice to a vehement whisper.
216. At this defiant heresy, Mammy's brow lowered with indignation.
216. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
217. When the car had pulled level with him, he had spoken into the lowered passenger window.
218. Out of deference to him, I lowered my head as he prayed.
219. In certain people the level of aspiration may be permanently deadened or lowered.
220. She watched his face, as the coffin was lowered into the ground. As soon as it was decent, he plunged through the crowd towards the cars.
221. Airline deregulation, for example, initially fostered increased competition that lowered the cost of flying.




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