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单词 watershed
释义  Related topics: Geographywa·ter·shed /ˈwɔːtəʃed $ ˈwɒːtər-, ˈwɑː-/ noun [singular]  1  CHANGE/BECOME DIFFERENTan event or time when important changes happen in history or in your life 〔历史或人生的〕转折点,重要关头 SYN turning pointwatershed in The 1932 election represented a watershed in American politics. 1932年的选举是美国政治的分水岭。watershed decision/case etc a watershed case on pension rights 标志着退休金权利转折性变化的案例2. the (9 o'clock) watershed British EnglishAMT the time in the evening after which television programmes that are not considered suitable for children may be shown in Britain (9点钟)分水线〔英国晚间允许成人电视节目播放的起始时间〕3. SG technical the high land separating two river systems 分水岭,分水线Examples from the Corpuswatershed• It is very convenient, for the presentation of historical accounts, when a specific date can be identified as a watershed.• The local council elections in May appeared to be a watershed in the party's and, therefore Mrs Thatcher's fortunes.• That wedding between Liz and Owen had proved to be a watershed in all their lives.• Nizan was convinced that February 1934 was a watershed not only in terms of cultural politics, but also in terms of cultural production.• This can be thought of as a cultural watershed.• And there are neighbouring glens on the east side of the watershed, also lovely and deserving of special mention.• The plan was for another military road over the watershed between Dee and Spey.watershed decision/case etc• Male speaker It's a watershed decision.Origin watershed (1800-1900) water + shed “line of high ground” ((16-21 centuries)) (from Old English scead “separation”); suggested by German wasserscheidewa·ter·shed nounChineseSyllable  time important changes an or when event Corpus




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