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单词 Letter bomb
1. Letter bomb: Revenge attack on farmer jailed for cruelty.
2. Two letter bombs, in 1961 and 1980, cost Brunner the use of an eye and the fingers of one hand.
3. At least two people were injured by the letter bombs.
4. The letter bombs were described as more sophisticated and more powerful than the ones mailed from Istanbul.
5. Morrow was convicted in 1998 of sending four letter bombs to government officials.
6. It emerged yesterday that all three letter bombs were contained in Jiffy bags and were of similar construction.
7. He says the letter bombs could have injured any of the people who handled them on their way to their targets.
8. Earlier Monday morning, a letter bomb exploded in the London offices of Al-Hayat, injuring two mail clerks.
9. Another letter bomb in Great Britain.
10. In 1990,(Sentence dictionary) a letter bomb addressed to the televangelist exploded in the mailroom of his Christian Broadcasting Network.
11. Hunt alert: Huntsmen in Northern Ireland have been alerted by police after letter bombs were sent to two hunt members.
12. Federal authorities said Thursday night they were concerned that more letter bombs could be circulating in the postal system.
13. In a search of the offices, police found a second letter bomb among the unopened mail.
14. Iraqi terrorist , Khay Rahnajet , didn't pay enough postage on a letter bomb.
15. A Iraqi terrorist, Khay Rahnajet , didn't pay enough postage on letter bomb.
16. Iraqi terrorist , Khay Rahnajet , didn 't pay enough postage on a letter bomb returnon it.
17. Iraqi terrorist , Khay Rahnajet , didn't pay full postage on a letter bomb.




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